Yang Lin drove the car, planning to go back to the company, and now is a critical juncture, and he needs to sit in the company

! Today is a complete bond with the Ruan family, and the organization mentioned by Yu Lao is worth noting, where is the organization

? At home or abroad

? Has the Ruan family participated in it?

These questions are hovering in his mind!

Yang Lin shook his head, he has encountered a lot of troubles, and if there are any problems, solve them one by one!


the shipping problem, he dialed Su Pengfei's phone!

"Yang Dong!" "The matter of the Liu family's shipping, you operate step by step, if the

Ruan family is looking for trouble, call me!" "Yang Dong

, I got the news that the Ruan family has withdrawn and is no longer competing for the shipping project, and Fang Mingxi is looking for other partners everywhere!"

Su Pengfei also just received a call from a friend, and Fang Mingxi inquired in the rich second-generation circle

in Jiangcheng about which one was interested in shipping! This incident made Yang Lin feel very surprised!

Is the Ruan family showing weakness?

"The Ruan family withdrew, in Jiangcheng, can Fang Mingxi still find other people to cooperate?" "According to Fang Mingxi's

meaning, he will find the Wu family and the Tian family to cooperate, but the specific one has not yet been determined!"

The Wu family, Yang Lin understands well, and he also knows his energy, it depends on whether Wu Bojun will go against him

! What is the origin of the Tian family, which can make Fang Mingxi pay attention

to it! Yang Lin was puzzled for a while

! "What is the origin of

the Tian family?" "The Tian family mainly has a relationship

with the army!" Su Pengfei frowned, the relationship between the troops is more difficult to deal with than the Ruan family's involvement in the underworld!

"You will send me a copy of the detailed information of the Tian family!"

Yang Lin didn't jump to conclusions, first figure out the situation, and then make the next step!

"Okay, Yang Dong!"

Su Pengfei immediately agreed, Yang Lin intervened in this matter, and his pressure would be drastically reduced!

Wu Group.

"Mr. Wu, hello!"

Fang Mingxi walked in with a smile! "Sit!"

Wu Bojun originally didn't plan to meet

Fang Mingxi, and he wasn't interested in the matter of port shipping! As far as he knew, Yang Lin's Jiangcheng shipping was also competing for the Liu family's shipping industry, so there was no need for him to stand on the opposite side of Yang Lin at this time!

The marriage contract between Fang Mingxi and the Duan family had already been passed out in the circle!

Wu Bojun saw Fang Mingxi, mainly to give the Duan family's face! Otherwise, the son of a foreign enterprise

is not qualified to let Wu Bojun receive him!"Mr. Wu, I came to see you today......

" Wu Bojun raised his hand and stopped Fang Mingxi!

"I know very well the purpose of your search for me today, but I'm sorry, our company is not interested in shipping!"

"This ......

". Fang Mingxi's face changed instantly, Wu Bojun directly decided that he didn't expect

it!"If you don't have anything else to do, I'm still very busy!"

Wu Bojun directly ordered the eviction of customers

, and looked down at the documents! Fang Mingxi paused for a while, turned around and strode out

! "Wu Bojun, I remember, one day I will let you kneel in front of me and beg me!"

Fang Mingxi stood at the door of the company, looked at Wu's signboard, and said viciously!

Wu Bojun put down the documents in his hand and sent a message to Yang Lin!"Fang Mingxi asked me to cooperate, but I refused

!" Yang Lin just got into the elevator, saw Wu Bojun's message, and understood what he meant

!"Thank you

!" Wu Bojun saw Yang Lin's reply and put down his mobile phone

!"It's to make up for not agreeing to your request last time!"

"Ruan family!

." After Ruan Shaochen left, Ruan Chengfeng stayed alone in the study and sat quietly for more than an hour

! His family history is inseparable from the support

of the organization behind him, and he has done a lot of things for the organization over the years! Ruan Chengfeng has never let Ruan Shaochen contact the forces behind him, and he does not want

Ruan Shaochen to be involved! But with Yu Lao's death, the organization behind him will definitely not let go of this opportunity to pull Ruan Shaochen into the game and help him do things!

What should I do?

The ashtray in front of him was full, and the study was full of smoke, and Ruan Chengfeng hadn't come up with a way yet

! Did he really want Ruan Shaochen to live like his life

! Forever subject to others

! Today is the day when Yu Lao contacts the organization, and there are no special circumstances, they will contact each other at a fixed time every week

! There are still two hours before the time to make contact!

Ruan Chengfeng sighed

! Storms are always coming

! He took out his mobile phone from the small box at the innermost part of his desk and dialed the number he never wanted to dial

! "It's not the prescribed contact time!" A

mechanical voice came from the other end of the phone! "A special situation has happened, Yu Lao is dead!" Ruan

Chengfeng is very nervous, and he doesn't dare to breathe

! The atmosphere is very depressing, and for a minute, there is no speech on the other end of the phone!

Ruan Chengfeng's sweat was flowing more and more, and he felt that the time was so long! "What's the


Ruan Chengfeng tried his best to restrain himself and told what had happened!

There was silence again.

"What are you going to do?"

"Yang Lin belongs to the son-in-law of the Qin family, he still has a lot of personal property, I plan to talk to him first, if it can be used by us, it is better, if not, find someone to get rid of him!"

Ruan Chengfeng adopted delaying tactics, and learned from

Ruan Shaochen that Yang Lin could not be subdued! As for how the organization would deal with Yang Lin in the end, it was not his business, as long as it didn't involve Ruan Shaochen

!" Wait for my news! "


There was a beeping sound on the phone, which made Ruan Chengfeng breathe a sigh of relief.

Safe for the time being!

Yun Bailin has been waiting for Hu Eryu, his eyes fixed on the direction

of the gate! He has become more and more uneasy, half an hour has passed the scheduled time, and he has made several phone calls to Hu Eryu, but no one answers

! This is the first task given to him by Liu Yuntao, and if it is not completed, with Liu Yuntao's character, he will not have good fruits to eat!

Although they are all saying that the Liu family has fallen and the Liu family is not having a good time, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse!

Yun Bailin fidgeted, he had never done anything like this before!

He realized that something was wrong, and was about to get up and leave!

The door of the café was pushed open, and three uniformed people

walked in and looked around! They walked in front of

Yun Bailin! "Are you Yun Bailin?" "Yes, you are?" "This is our ID, you are involved in stealing state secrets, come with us!"

"No, are you mistaken!"

Yun Bailin looked at their ID, a little confused!

"Hu Eryu has already confessed, go back with us to be investigated!" The

three of them stood in front of Yun Bailin and said solemnly!

"No, no...... How could this be?"

Yun Bailin still couldn't accept it, and shook his head vigorously

! The three of them didn't say anything more, and walked out of the café directly

! Let Yun Bailin keep struggling!

"You let go of me, I'm going

to call!" Yun Bailin wanted to call Liu Yuntao, but no matter how he moved, he couldn't struggle!

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