"What's wrong?" Quan

Yu saw Feng Tian with a shocked face

, and hurriedly asked! Feng Tian came back to his senses and said, "Brother Yu, we can't eat now, Yang Lin asked me to dispose of a corpse!" "Let's


Quan Yu was also verbose, and immediately said!

"Okay, Xu Huan, bring someone!"

Feng Tian immediately arranged it!

Yang Lin stood in front of the warehouse, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Ruan Shaochen's phone according to the number provided by Feng Tian.

"Ruan Shaochen, I have a corpse, where will I send it?" Yang

Lin asked straight to the point.

"What corpse?" Ruan

Shaochen's face changed suddenly, his fists clenched, and his voice trembled

! "Ruan Shaochen, you asked people to kill me, and you even asked me what corpse, are you sent by the monkeys to be funny

?" Yang Lin glanced back at Yu Lao and hung up

the phone! Ruan Shaochen's hand holding the phone couldn't control the shaking, how

could it be? How could Yu Lao die?

"Ruan Shao, what's wrong?"

Xia Zhi had never seen Ruan Shaochen look like this, and asked nervously.

Ruan Shaochen didn't answer, and after a while, he slowly raised his head and said, "Yu Lao is dead!" "Impossible

! Xia Zhi's first reaction

!" "Ruan Shao, could it be a mistake!" "

Yu Lao is like a god in their eyes

! Ruan Shaochen picked up his mobile phone and dialed Yang Lin's phone! Yang Lin

looked at the caller ID on his mobile phone, didn't answer, and hung up!

Ruan Shaochen called a few, but Yang Lin didn't answer, he was very panicked

!"Xia Zhi, hurry up and check, who is going out with

Yu Lao today!" "Yes!" Xia Zhi was just about to leave, and the phone rang!

"Director Xia, Yu Lao is dead!"

"Are you sure?"


Zhi immediately turned on the amplification and asked.

"I...... I'm sure

!" Ruan Shaochen took the mobile phone, and after the shock at the beginning, he is slowly calming down

!"Tell me about

the situation at

that time!" The driver explained the situation in detail

! Until now, he still has palpitations

! "You said that Yang Lin would be beaten to death by punching the old man!"

Ruan Shaochen was shocked again, his eyes widened!

Yang Lin punched Yu Lao to death, how strong should he be?


! Ruan Shaochen couldn't believe it anyway! "You didn't lie to me!" Ruan Shaochen asked seriously again! "Ruan Shao, I don't dare to lie to you, what I said is true, I saw Yu Lao die, and drove away!"

The phone slid down Ruan Shaochen's ear

! What kind of monster is Yang Lin



Yang Lin has been standing aside, the wind is blowing, and the heavy rain is coming

! "Boom ......

" Several cars drove up, and the sudden brake stopped next to

Yang Lin! "Yang Lin!" Feng Tian ran over and looked at Yang Lin carefully, he had been worried that Yang Lin was injured! Seeing that Yang Lin was fine, Feng Tian

was also relieved!

Quan Yu also ran over, staring at Yang Lin, very excited in his heart, and tried very hard to restrain

himself! Yang Lin found that he had been being stared at, and his eyes met with

Quan Yu! Seeing this, Quan Yu immediately closed his eyes! Feng Tian understood Quan Yu's feelings, but now was not the time to recognize each other

! "Yang Lin, where is the person?"

Yang Lin pointed to the back! Because he was too nervous, Feng Tian didn't pay attention to Yang Lin's back


"Xu Huan, carry the person into the car

!" "This person is arranged by the Ruan family, you find Ruan Shaochen's location and send the person over

!" "Okay, I'll arrange it!" "The Ruan family has become a thorn in Feng Tian's side

!" "Thank you, I'll leave first if it's okay

!" Yang Lin has other things to do, he needs to leave!

" Yang Lin, you don't

need to say thank you to me, if you need help with anything, call me!"

Yang Lin took a step and retracted

it!"Feng Tian, do we know each other?"

This is the second time

Yang Lin asked! Feng Tian didn't say anything, he didn't know how to answer

!"Forget it, tell me when you want to talk

!" Yang Lin didn't ask again, he knew that Feng Tian had no ill will towards him!

"Let's go!"

Yang Lin waved his hand and left!

Feng Tian watched Yang Lin leave and patted Quan Yu on the shoulder!"It won't be too long!" "Yes, it won't be too long!" Quan

Yu said to himself

! Yu Lao's body passed by them

, and Quan Yu carefully examined it!"The chest is sunken, this is caused by external forces!"

His face was full of shock, and he turned his head to look at the back of Yang Lin's car

! Quan Yu

thought that he could do it, but it would not be easy!

"Feng Tian, Yang Lin's martial arts value is stronger than mine

!" "Are you sure

?" He knew Quanyu's combat power, it was very powerful, he didn't expect Quanyu to give such a high evaluation

!"Sure!" Quanyu

suddenly became very excited, and they were closer to the target

!"Brother Tian, the person has already moved into the car, what should I do?"

Xu Huan walked over and asked immediately!

Where is Ruan Shaochen?

" "Yiding Villa!" "Then send it to Yiding Villa!" "


Xu Huan immediately took people and drove towards Yiding Villa!

Ruan Shaochen still couldn't believe it, and sat in one position!

"Jingle bell ......"

A bell broke the calm ......

Ruan Shaochen looked at the three words Fang Mingxi displayed on his mobile phone, and his anger rose spontaneously! If

it weren't for him, he wouldn't have provoked Yang Lin, and Yu Lao wouldn't have died!"

"Ruan Shao, is it a good thing to disturb you!" Fang

Mingxi said with a grin, completely unaware of Ruan Shaochen's abnormality!


Ruan Shao, my dad just called me, the Liu family has collapsed, the shipping port matter can be put on the agenda of the two of us, and we can't let

Jiangcheng shipping take the lead!" Fang Mingxi's main task this time is to take down the Liu family's port shipping and expand the company's business scope

! "Yes!" Ruan

Shaochen hung up the phone after speaking

! He didn't have any mind to pay attention to Fang Mingxi's affairs now, according to his investigation, Jiangcheng shipping is also Yang Lin's industry!


Shaochen didn't remind Fang Mingxi! Yu Lao died, Fang Mingxi didn't want to stay out of the matter

!"Made, what are you pretending!" Fang

Mingxi looked at the phone that was hung up, very unhappy, Ruan Shaochen didn't raise it, he was so angry!"Ruan Shaochen

, what should I do now?"

Xia Jie stood aside respectfully, at a loss

!"Go home!".

Ruan Shaochen thought about it, but he couldn't hide this matter, so he could only go back and make it clear first

! "Okay

!" As soon as they were about to leave, they heard

the door knocking! Ruan Shaochen and Xia Jie looked at each other, and then said, "Go, see what's going on!"

Xia Jie hurriedly ran to open the door, only to see that there was no one outside

the door! But Yu Lao's body was lying at the door!

"Ruan Shao, Yu ......

Yu Lao's corpse!" Ruan Shaochen immediately ran out, his face gloomy

! Only then did he think of Yang Lin's words, and really sent the corpse over! "Yang Lin, I want you to die!" Ruan

Shaochen's last trace of reason, after seeing

Yu Lao's corpse, disappeared! "Take Yu Lao's corpse and go home!"

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