Yang Lin accompanied Qin Luoxi, and the morning passed quickly

! After lunch, Qin Qingfeng's phone called again

! "Wife, you have a good rest, remember to miss me

!" "The ghost misses you!"

Qin Luoxi was a little disappointed, although she knew that Yang Lin couldn't accompany her all the time! Two o'clock

in the afternoon.

"Yang Lin

, you're finally here!" Qin Qingfeng hurriedly walked over

!"Sorry, I'm late!" "How is Luo Xi?"

Qin Qingfeng asked as he walked!

"It's okay

!" "I've heard Qingwan mention it, your medical skills are very good

!" "It's okay, you know a little

bit of fur!" "Don't be modest!"

Qin Qingfeng was about to say something, and saw a man in a white shirt and gray trousers

!"Professor Wu, hello!" "Hmm

!" Wu Haiwen nodded expressionlessly, with an arrogant face!

"Xiao Qin, when will the conference start, my schedule is very full, I can't delay

!" "Professor Wu

, everyone is here, we can start on time at two o'clock!"

Qin Qingfeng put away his smile and replied businesslikely

! Wu Haiwen turned around without looking back and walked into the office

! Qin Qingfeng suppressed his anger, turned his head to look at Yang Lin and said apologetically: "This person has a strange temper, if there is a special situation, leave it to me to deal with!"

Wu Haiwen has a strange personality, but his status in the chip industry is very high

! This seminar led by the Jiangcheng government, I invited it a few times, and Wu Haiwen relented and agreed to come!

Yang Lin nodded, this time he also came to help, trying not to cause trouble to Qin Qingfeng!

The conference room was full of people.

Yang Lin sat down and looked around, Dean Feng sat next to Wu Haiwen, saw Yang Lin, nodded and smiled!

Wu Xiaoqian, director of the office, said with a smile: "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in this chip seminar, everyone is an expert in chips, and there are a few questions to discuss together!"

"Director Wu, these polite words, needless to say, everyone's time is very precious, let's start!"

Wu Xiaoqian smiled awkwardly and said, "What Professor Wu said makes sense, I won't delay everyone's time, let's start!" "

Dean Feng, you called me two days ago, and you can take out the problems you mentioned!"

Wu Haiwen looked at Dean Feng arrogantly.

"Professor Wu, no need, we have solved this

problem!" "You have solved it, how is it possible?" Wu

Haiwen didn't believe it, he had read the information provided by Dean Feng, and he was not sure about solving it, how could Dean Feng do it!

"Yes, it has been

solved!" "The person who solved the problem was Yang Lin who was sitting opposite me!"

Dean Feng smiled and gestured with his hand!

Everyone in the meeting looked at Yang Lin.

Yang Lin nodded and sat calmly

!"Dean Feng, you can eat indiscriminately, you can't talk nonsense, the problem you raised, even I haven't thought of a solution to it now, Yang Lin is young, how is it possible?"

Wu Haiwen's face darkened, and his voice raised several degrees!

"Dean Feng, what Professor Wu said makes sense, the problem you said, we have also seen it, it is indeed difficult!"

Ma Tian skimmed Yang Lin.

Dean Feng must have an ulterior secret with

Yang Lin! Otherwise, why impose honor on

Yang Lin!"Dean Feng, you said that the problem, Yang Lin has solved it, what is the evidence!" Cao

Fang didn't believe it either, but she had worked with Dean Feng and knew Dean Feng very well, so he wouldn't talk nonsense, especially on the chip issue!

Qin Qingfeng looked at Yang Lin suspiciously, his eyes seemed to say: " Yang Lin, you are really doing big things in a muffled voice!

" Yang Lin was a little embarrassed by Qin Qingfeng, and touched his nose!

"I know you don't believe it, this is the solution, Yang Lin helped us make it at the research institute yesterday!"

Dean Feng handed the plan to Wu Xiaoqian.

"To be honest, if I hadn't been on the scene, I wouldn't have believed that a young man in his twenties would be able to solve a problem that none of us could solve

, and I'm really ashamed to say it!" "But when I think about it, I'm also very happy, my country's chip industry has a successor!"

Dean Feng smiled and

looked at Yang Lin kindly! Wu Haiwen looked at the result plan carefully!

"Yang Lin, is this plan really made by you?" No

matter what Dean Feng said, Wu Haiwen didn't believe it, it was completely beyond his cognition!

" Yes!"

Yang Lin looked at Wu Haiwen squarely.

"Young man, speaking has to go through the brain, how old are you, tell me, who is the person

behind it?" Wu Haven firmly believes that someone must be pointing at Yang Lin behind his

back!" "What Professor Wu said makes sense, at your age, someone is pointing behind your back, and it's also amazing, don't feel embarrassed!"

Ma Tian glanced at him weirdly, and echoed!

"Do you believe it or not!"

Yang Lin was very speechless, he only agreed to Qin Qingfeng when he came, and he didn't need to explain too much to the people present

!"What is your attitude

?" Ma Tian slapped the table!

"Ma Tian, are you suspecting me of lying?"

Dean Feng was not happy and asked.

"Dean Feng, we're just looking for verification, but look at Yang Lin's attitude

!" "What is the verification, is it for me to bring the surveillance video of the research room to you to see? Some people don't contribute anything, they only know how to make random accusations

!" "Dean Feng, what do you mean?"


Dean Feng was very angry and glared angrily!"

Everyone, if there is a problem, we can solve it calmly, don't hurt the peace, after all, this meeting is led by the government!"

Wu Xiaoqian saw that the atmosphere was not right, and immediately said

Ma Tian's face turned red.

"Yang Lin, can you explain this plan to us!"

As long as Yang Lin is asked to talk about it, you will know whether this plan is made by Yang Lin.

Yang Lin didn't say anything for a while, he didn't want to explain in his heart, if he didn't explain, the people present would definitely question Dean Feng, and even Qin Qingfeng would be attacked

!"Yang Lin, if you don't keep quiet, is it that the people behind you haven't taught me to understand, and I don't know how to explain!" Looking

at Yang Lin's reaction, Wu Haiwen felt very comfortable!

A young man wanted to climb on his head, but he didn't know what to

do! Wu Haven made up his mind to use his connections in the chip industry to block

Yang Lin!" Wu Haven, call you a professor, you are still gasping

! Yang Lin said sarcastically without hesitation

!"What did you say?"

Wu Haiwen's face fused, when had he ever been insulted like this!

"You are deaf, I can say it again!"

Presumptuous, Wu Xiaoqian, drive him out immediately, otherwise, I won't participate in this meeting!" Wu Xiaoqian

was also very embarrassed, and looked at Qin Qingfeng for help! Yang Lin was brought by Qin Qingfeng, and this problem can only be solved by him! Qin

Qingfeng was already dissatisfied with Wu Haiwen's attitude, and said unceremoniously: "Professor Wu, if you are busy, you can leave!"

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