Mansions and villas.

"Xu Huan, what happened in a hurry?"

Feng Tian immediately stood up, Xu Huan has been protecting Yang Lin, could it be that

Yang Lin has an accident!"Brother Tian, the dog head is looking for trouble with Yang Lin, we haven't shown up yet, Yang Lin beat the dog head and took all the people!"

Xu Huan carefully explained the situation at the scene!

Feng Tian sat down slowly.

"Little master, how many surprises do you want to give me

!" "Brother Tian, Yang Lin has already discovered us

!" Xu Huan lowered his head, waiting for Feng Tian's punishment

!" "Okay, find out

, continue to send people to protect Yang Lin!" "Even if Yang Lin can protect himself, he must continue to protect himself, this is his responsibility

!" "Okay, I'll arrange it!"

Jiuding Group.

"Bai Tezhu, how many executives can the company fully trust?" Bai

Tianming thought, he didn't know very well

!"Mr. Yang, this matter, Lin Tezhu knows better!" Yang

Lin understands, Lin Feng follows Qin Changsheng and knows more about the company's affairs

!"Let Lin Feng come to me!"


It won't be long before the Liu family continues to stumble, and now it needs to make arrangements and carve up the Liu family's industry as much as possible!

"Wang Meng, are you busy now?"

"Yang Dong, don't be busy, what do you command

!" "I'm in Jiuding, you can take a trip!" "Okay, I'll

go over immediately!"

Wang Meng didn't dare to delay for a moment, and said directly to the executives present: "Break the meeting!" He put down his things and went straight to Jiuding Building!

"Dong Yang, you look for me

!" Lin Feng stood in front of the table, his hands crossed and crossed!

"You know how many of the company's executives can be completely trusted

!" Lin Feng didn't reply immediately, and after a while, he said, "It's almost certain!"

Okay, you contact, let's have a meeting

!" "Okay!"

Qin Changsheng is now hospitalized, and he has already obtained his approval, Yang Lin has anything to do, fully cooperate!

Ten minutes later.

There were six people sitting in Yang

Lin's office!"You must have questions, why did you let you come alone!"

Yang Lin sat among them, observing everyone's expressions.

"Lin Feng told me that you are people who can be completely trusted, right?"

"Mr. Yang, I follow Qin Dong 100%, and Qin Dong's requirement is to be loyal to you, you can completely trust me!"

Ke Xiaoling, director of the finance department, said with a smile.

Yang Lin laughed and looked at the other five.

"Mr. Yang, we have the same idea as Director Ke!" Several

people began to express their positions!

"Since this is the case, I will also be open and honest!" "

I got the news that the Liu family will be suppressed in the near future, this is our opportunity, I need the people trusted by your organization to make a detailed plan for the Liu family's industry, is there a problem?"

This news was so shocking that everyone was stunned, and then looked at each other without speaking.

Ling Zhitian, director of the marketing department, broke the silence and said: "Mr. Yang, do you

confirm it?" "You don't have to doubt this news!" After

a period of digestion, several people said: "Okay, let's arrange it!" "

The time is very urgent, each department only has two days, I need a detailed plan, no problem!"

"No problem!".

They used to work overtime for the project!

"Okay, after this thing is done, everyone's bonus will be doubled

!" "Thank you, Mr.

Yang!" "Their bonus is not low, if it is doubled, it will be even worse!

Yang Lin understands that if you want the horse to run, you must give enough material

!" "There are no other problems, go to work!"

When they left, Yang Lin said to Lin Feng: " In the past few days, you have paid close attention to the company's movements, and if you have any news, contact me in time

!" "Understood!"

Lin Feng admired Yang Lin's methods, where did Yang Lin look like a student who had just left college.

"Knock knock knock......"

Bai Ming knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Wang of China Construction Petroleum is looking

for you!" "Let him come in, you go out first!"


Wang Meng walked into the office and stood respectfully in front of

Yang Lin! He has been worried about whether he took it upon himself to reveal the news to Liu Yuntao last time, which caused Yang Lin's dissatisfaction

! But it shouldn't be, this matter has been nodded by Yang Lin

! "Yang Dong, you look for me!".

"Don't be nervous, I have something to tell you, sit down

!" "Okay

!" Wang Meng looked at Yang Lin's attitude, and his hanging heart slowly let go!

"The Liu family's energy industry is very powerful

!" "Yes, the Liu family occupies a very heavy proportion in the energy field of Jiangcheng

!" Wang Meng replied truthfully!"

The Liu family will be suppressed recently, you arrange for trusted people to start researching the energy industry

of the Liu family, and when the Liu family goes bankrupt, you will receive all your ideas!"This news is too exciting, the

Liu family is bankrupt? Wang Meng didn't react for a while

!"Wang Meng

!" Yang Lin shouted again!

"Mr. Yang, I'm sorry, I'm so shocked!"

"Will the Liu family really go bankrupt?"

Wang Meng confirmed again

!"You don't have to doubt, let people

prepare!" Yang Lin won't say the reason in the middle, Zhao Yucai and Qin Changming have said it, there will definitely be no mistake

!"Okay, I'll arrange it immediately!" Wang Meng also realized that this was a good opportunity!

"Okay, you go back and prepare first, contact me if you have any questions!" "Okay

, Mr. Yang, I'll go first!"

Wang Meng set up the chair and left the office

!"Is the Liu family very big, why is everyone suspicious!"

Yang Lin shook his head, a little Versailles!

"Brother Kun, you're looking for me!" The

ape had just finished a boxing match and rushed over!

" "Just finished the fight, Ying!" Kun

Sha asked with a smile.

"Yes, those people are too vegetable!" said

the ape, nonchalant.

"Ape, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky!" Kun

Sha smoked his cigar, thinking about Yang Lin's skills described by the dog head.

"Brother Kun, let's wait for someone to appear!" The

ape obviously still didn't take Kun Sha's words to heart!

, "I came to you to let you catch someone!" Kun

Sha glanced at Beard, who handed Yang Lin's information to the ape.

The ape picked up the information and looked at it, and asked, "This is an ordinary person, do you need me to take action?"

He was very puzzled, thinking that it was a master who others couldn't figure out, so he let him make a move.

"Ordinary people, I originally thought he was an ordinary person, the dog head took more than 20 people to arrest him, and now they are all in the hospital, the dog head has one hand and one foot is gone

!" Kun Sha Geyou slumped on the sofa, spitting smoke in his mouth

! The ape knows the strength of the dog head, although it is not as good as him, but it is not bad

! "Brother Kun, don't worry, I am bringing people back to you!" "

Well, bring more people!".

Kunsha needs this mission to be 100% successful, and explains!

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