I am so Accurate

Chapter 292: [Shooting talent] get!

After the celebration was over, Scarlett went to Sun Hao and kissed him directly in public.

Although the final lore was made by Curry, Sun Hao's performance tonight was exceptionally brave.

He scored 30 points in the audience, including the top five goals of O'Neal.

"My parents said they would like to see you in the summer."

After getting tired, Scarlett said with a slightly complicated expression.

"Well, I want to see you."

Sun Hao nodded.

Seeing that his parents were in his plan, he had been waiting for Scarlett.

However, it was specially arranged in the summer, and her parents should know that he is going to play games now.

It looks pretty good in this way.

Sun Hao has a lot of affection towards his mother-in-law and old husband.

After the game, the home and away teams held a press conference.

"I will bring the game back to Los Angeles."

Kobe made up his mind in front of reporters.

"We are in a bad situation now, but we will not give up, we all know that the series is not over yet."

Phil Jackson also worked hard to calm down.

The Mavericks are very strong this year, and the Lakers' loss is not an upset, but if he loses the game within five games, the public opinion pressure he will encounter will be very high.

So, what he thinks now is how to delay the series.

The atmosphere of the Lakers conference was dull, but then the atmosphere of the Mavericks became very relaxed.

"The only regret is that Dell's two sons were not present."

When talking about the lore of Old Curry, Sun Hao said with a smile.

Curry had watched him enthusiastically before in Oakland, but the brightest moment of his father's career was missed.

To be honest, Curry will come to Dallas because of Curry.

"You can rest assured, I believe that Dell will definitely take the game video back to his sons, and I believe I will watch it many times."

Old Nelson took the microphone and said.

This time not only the reporters in the audience, even Sun Hao was amused.

Although this is true, it can be felt from these words that the old Nelson is in a really good mood now.

"I think it's time to give Dirk and Sun a nickname. They have already made a strong mark in the history of the NBA."

Old Nelson continued.

"How about Brother Splash?"

As soon as the old Nelson finished speaking here, the reporter will speak.

Sun Hao froze for a while after listening. When he looked over and found that he was a Chinese reporter, he couldn't help it.

You are also crossing it!

"Their shooting is very accurate, and they throw a lot of hollow balls, the sound is like splashes."

The reporter then explained.

"I like this!"

Old Nelson nodded excitedly after listening.

O'Neal and Kobe call OK combination, but Sun Hao and Nowitzki, it's not a problem for you to call SN or NS.

In contrast, the name Splash Brothers is very appropriate.

The other reporters also nodded one after another. They all thought this Chinese reporter was too smart.

Sun Hao: "..."

This, his eldest nephew Kuri, and a certain Buddha who is still in junior high school, must feel a deep malice!

However, it is not impossible.

Because this thing can actually be said.

Take the little emperor as an example. If James really can't beat him, he can come to a second generation of little emperor.

Brother Splash was called. If Curry can still be in a team with Thompson in the future, he can be called...the new Splash brother!

This kind of operation is still very common, such as the Legend of the Condor Heroes, the New Legend of the Condor Heroes, Jin Yong, New Jin Yong...

At the end of the fourth game with the Lakers, the Mavericks returned to Dallas with a 3-1 score, and they were in a good mood.

The first match point is at home, which is their best chance to advance.

They have the opportunity to end the series within five games, as Johnson said.

After two days of rest, the two sides are about to usher in the fifth contest.

But before the Mavericks have a chance to end the series, the Eastern Conference, the Wizards and Celtics series has ended early.

The Wizards eliminated the Celtics 4-1.

Facing the opponents who eliminated their own last season, the Wizards basically gave no chance.

After this round of the series, the biggest emotion of the fans is that if Jordan was not injured last year, it would be the seventh time that Jordan has reached the NBA Finals.

But with emotion, Jordan still has such an opportunity.

And after a season of running-in, such opportunities are no smaller than last season.

Later, the fifth game of the Lakers and Mavericks opened at the National Airline Center Arena.

This game attracted a lot of fans' attention.

Not only live, but also on TV, the game was broadcast live in the United States.

After the two teams played the last game of the century, the attention of this game reached an unprecedented height.

After the game started, the performance of the two teams did not disappoint the fans.

Kobe changed his style of play in the past few games and began a fierce personal offense at the beginning.

Bell quickly got his second foul in a single quarter.

Expansion is expansion, but Kobe's personal strength this season is also outrageous.

And Bell's foul crisis brought a chain reaction.

Because apart from Bell, no one else on the Mavericks has the ability to limit Kobe.

Kobe started his brutal solo performance tonight.

After saying after the last game that he would bring the game back to Los Angeles, he was using his personal performance to verify what he said.

However, the Mavericks played very well at home.

Although Kobe is unstoppable, the Lakers can't stop the Mavericks offense.

And it turns out that if the Lakers want to win this Mavericks team, it really depends on the whole team to play, just like they did in the third and fourth games.

After playing like this tonight, after Kobe's physical fitness declined in the second half, the Lakers' offense began to fail to keep up.

O'Neill didn't have a mobile phone meeting in front of him, and his state in the back was relatively ordinary.

In the end, in the increasing decibels of Dallas fans, the Mavericks defeated the Lakers at home!

Kobe scored 50 points in mid-air, and O'Neal only shot the board.

For the Mavericks, 6 people scored in double figures. Nowitzki was in excellent form and scored 35 points. Sun Hao also had 25 points and 7 assists.

It is worth mentioning that the two combined to score 7 three-pointers, earning the fans the nickname "Splash Brothers" after the last game.

Of course, the most important thing is that after winning this game, the Mavericks eliminated the Lakers 4-1!

They ended the Lakers dynasty!

Although the course of the game is actually very intense, if you look at the big score, they won easily!

At the moment the final whistle sounded, the entire National Airline Center Arena was boiled.

Cuban on the sidelines flushed even more.

His team will be recorded in history tonight!

The members of the Mavericks are also embracing each other emotionally on the court.

They successfully avenged the Lakers!

The trauma caused by the collapse of the halberd in the past two years has all been healed at this moment!

Their current goal is only the last one, the championship!

Of course, Sun Hao is the most excited!

At the end of the game, a system reminder sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission [Ending the Lakers Dynasty] and getting the reward [Shooting Talent]. The host's shooting talent has been effectively improved, and the combined ability of dribbling and shooting has been effectively improved!"

If it's not on the court, he now wants to try how much this "effective improvement" has on him.

He entered the system interface and first intuitively looked at his property panel.

The attribute values ​​of other aspects are not obvious, but his three-pointer has become 95!

This is very abnormal.

Originally, his three-pointer was accurate enough. Adding this, plus the badges he has, his three-pointer ability is infinitely close to the peak Curry!

Sure enough, the more difficult the hidden task, the more generous the rewards will be!

If history does not change, after more than a year, the hand-hek rule will be cancelled, and Sun Hao feels that his great power will burst out.

And let's not say, the Lakers met them in the semifinals ahead of time, which also gave Sun Hao this [shooting talent].

This also means that Sun Hao's shooting has improved in the Western Conference Finals!

In other words, the Mavericks have a better chance of qualifying for the finals or even winning the championship!

Well, as expected, handsome people will be full of European spirit.

After the game, the two teams held a handshake after the game.

Kobe, after a quick handshake, he returned to the locker room.

Although he tried his best, he still failed to bring the game back to Los Angeles.

His paranoia helped him to succeed many times, but not tonight.

O'Neill, the mood is not too high.

Not only did the Lakers lose this series, but his average shots per game also hit a career low.

In other words, even during the Magic period, he did not have this experience in the playoffs.

His concessions have greatly reduced his data, but he still failed to bring victory to the team.

This result is easy for him to be questioned by management and fans.

"Shaq is old and the peak is no longer" is easy to say.

This summer, it won't be too good for him.

But when shaking hands with Sun Hao, he still tried to squeeze a smile.


When Sun Hao heard this, he couldn't help but move.

O'Neill is really too easy for people to have a good impression.

Beat him last year and encourage him; lose to him this year, congratulations.

Just say where to find a second such superstar!

Coupled with the fit of the two players, if it weren't for the existence of the old Nelson and Nowitzki, he really wanted to go and play together without hesitation.

Sun Hao...Of course he didn't touch O'Neill's head.

He remembered Nate Robinson jokingly riding a buckle on the shark's head in the old age and being chased all over the field.

Although O'Neill has a good temper, he is a big shark after all.

But he also said some words of encouragement.

If history does not change, the Lakers F4 that theoretically brought the NBA to a finale will appear next season.

For O'Neill and Kobe, who are already at the same level, it may be the last straw in their relationship.

Of course it is also possible that history has changed.

Like this year’s draft, maybe only time will give the answer at the end.

At the press conference after the game, the old Nelson was full of red.

"The Lakers are a great team, and I am proud of my players. They beat a great team."

It must be blown, and it is a waste if the End Dynasty team does not blow.

Of course, more important than blowing is... well, his old opponent Popovich.

When the reporter asked the opponent that the opponent expected in the next round.

"I hope it's the Spurs. When we beat them last year, the guy Greg said I was just lucky. I hope I can tell him that I'm lucky this year."

Old Nelson made it out of nothing, and he squeezed it out.

The score of the Spurs and Kings series has reached 3-2.

The Kings were defeated in the last game, but Peja was injured during the match against Bowen and was reimbursed for the season.

Not surprisingly, the Spurs should advance to the Western Conference Finals soon.

Meeting the Spurs in the playoffs for the third consecutive year, will they feel nothing new?

of course not!

This is like chasing a goddess, failing the first time, finally succeeding the second time, and then having a good time.

So you are cool once, don't you want to be cool a second time?

At least this has to be seven in and seven out!

What's more, the goddess will dress up!

Although the Spurs' lineup has not changed much this year, the rotation is still different.

Parker, Ginobili, Stephen Jackson have all been reused.

Regardless of paper strength or playoff performance, the Spurs are no worse than the Mavericks.

It can even be assumed that if the semifinals and the Lakers are not the Mavericks but the Spurs, then the Spurs have a high chance of winning.

But no matter how the Spurs change, the old Nelson is still the same for Popovich.

Sun Hao, in fact, thinks the same as old Nelson.

Because he knows that the Spurs will be the final championship this year in history.

If they can beat the championship, it means that their strength is really enough.

After passing the Spurs, the opponents of the Finals, whether it is the Wizards or the Nets, will obviously have a great chance of winning.

Well, in addition to the Wizards in the East, the Nets also showed super strength ~www.ltnovel.com~ defeated the Pacers by 1 and came close to the Eastern Conference Finals.

A day later, Game 6 of the Western Conference semifinals started in Sacramento.

The Kings played very hard, but the absence of Peja had a huge impact on their offense.

Coupled with the Spurs' balanced offensive and defensive performance, they eventually lost the battle.

In this campaign, Duncan cut off the board's large double-double data, the performance is quite eye-catching.

The Spurs eventually advanced, which also gave Duncan a chance to win the MVP tour.

You know, there are very few superstars in NBA history that can do this.

Russell, Chamberlain, Bird, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Jordan... each of them has a reputation.

Although Duncan has always been considered one of the greatest power forwards in history, players always need honor to support.

With such attention, the attribution of the season's MVP will soon be announced.

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