I am so Accurate

Chapter 282: What can you do!

   Sun Hao didn't know what Xiao Culi was thinking at this time. If he knew, he would... deduct a few more!

   If someone "digs a grave" in later generations and knows that Lavin Jinzhou appeared because of his influence, he would definitely be more infatuated with him.

   After all, that is a historical deduction.


   The game on the field continues.

   Nash went to the basket against Bell's strict defense, and shot back with a sharp stop.

   The ball crosses Bell's defense.


   Hollow into the net!

   Although the physical fitness of the old man is average, his waist is really good.

   It's good to be single for a long time!

   The only regret is that Nash hasn't grown long hair yet, and his mid-length hair lacks a little soul.

   Sun Hao holds the ball in the front court, and then rushes to Nash!

  Steve, I can’t really blame me this time, it was old Nelson who made me do this!

   Nash mobilized all the muscles in his body, but he just couldn't hold Sun Hao's strong penetration.

  The key is that no one on the Warriors helps him defend!

   Sun Hao broke into the inside and saw Murphy assisting in the defense. After a dodge in the air... a small drawbar hit!

   He is young now and his waist is not bad!

   The ball was exchanged. Nash organized a wave of no chance. He jumped to the basket and watched to go outside. He suddenly killed a carbine and circled Dampier's close-range hook.



   The fans on the scene looked a little hilarious.

   Sun Hao and Nash, the two former Mavericks players, soared on the court to score!

  True, love and kill each other!

   Sun Hao, then play Nash, the Warriors finally adjusted their defense at this time and began to double-team Sun Hao.

   Sun Hao delivered the ball in time, Finley scored a sudden wave, Nowitzki licked the basket after receiving the ball.

  As far as the Warriors' defensive ability, double-teaming is equivalent to sending points.

   Turning around, Nash hit Bell again, this time he was guarded.

   You enter one, I enter one.

   If you don't enter, neither will I.

   This is a tacit understanding.

   But on the side of the Warriors, D'Antoni looked at Bell.

   If you want to talk about the lack, Nash lacks this kind of thing that can help wipe his butt.

  Bell 3D is too suitable.

   Sun Hao continued to hold the ball in the frontcourt, the Warriors continued to double-team, and Sun Hao continued to divide the ball. This time, Nowitzki showed off the ball and threw the ball into the cut Finley, who took advantage of the situation and made a dunk.

   The Warriors double-teamed almost collapsed their defense.

   But look at the reaction of the two coaches on the sidelines.

   Well, what is defense?

   Warriors on the field quickly responded to them. Richardson accepted Shi's ball and made a 3-pointer against Finley's defense!

   Do it and it's over!

   7 to 10!

   The Warriors continued the hot state of the first two games, and they are still inseparable from the Mavericks.

   And when Sun Hao held the ball to the frontcourt, the Warriors were ready to double-team again.

   This is wrong!

   When this goes on, Sun Hao feels that he is not scoring 50 points, but he wants to score 10+ assists!

   No, no, the system is messed up, he can't mess up!

   Now that I have decided to do the hidden mission of the [Five Shooting Guards], it cannot be too reasonable.

   He didn't wait for the double-teaming to complete formation, so he took a three-pointer and shot.


   His hand feel has not been found yet.

   However, Dampier reproduced his rebounding ability and took off another frontcourt.

   And when he turned around and instinctively looked for Sun Hao, he saw that Sun Hao had already burst into the inside with lightning after finishing the shot.

   He took the opportunity to give the ball, and Sun Hao jumped into the air again after receiving the ball.


   Sun Hao slammed the ball into the basket with both hands.

   The Mavericks' bench is boiling.

   The fans at the scene were even more dumbfounded.

  This...Are you sure Sun Hao is playing on the court? Is he not worn by the soul?

   It took less than five minutes to deduct two!

   Dallas Carter?

   In the stands, Curry was completely excited.

   What kind of basket do you shoot? Doesn't it smell good to dunk!

   Nash continued to show off his personal offense, went inside with Bell's defense, jumped up and leaned on Bell's turn and shot backwards before entering.

   He is like a maple leaf, looking at the weak wind, but he can always dance with the wind.

   Looking back, Sun Hao went to the frontcourt to force Nash!

   The three-point miss in front has made him aware of the touch, and he can't find it for a while.

   Then don't think of anything at all, cover up and do it.

   pierced into the inner line before the double-team formation, the double-team naturally broke.

   And to consume Nash's physical strength, he has to fight more, this is more breakthrough!

   Murphy continued to throw out, and Sun Hao made a head-on throw as he marched.

   On the 18 postures of throwing!


   was another one who aimed at the board, then bounced back and then fell into the net bag!

  Tim Duncan Upright!

   When you feel that your hand feels bad, keep playing the board!

   Don't talk about the Warriors' bench at this time, the Oakland fans on the scene were all dumbfounded.

   Sun Hao made 0 of 3 shots from beyond the three-point line after the opening, his hand was cold as if he had just taken it out of the freezer of the refrigerator.

   But he has scored 10 points since the opening game!

   2 dunks, 3 throws...

   Sun Hao, it’s really not Sun Hao two years ago!

   After adding a variety of offensive methods, his scoring limit has been significantly improved.

   Murphy showed his space ability and received a three-pointer from Nash's pass.

   12 to 14.

   As far as the state of this Warriors team is, the king of Lao Tzu will be able to reach five to five.


   Sun Hao broke into the inside and turned around after double-teaming, and there is still a left-handed punch!

   It seems that he hasn't improved much in the past two years, but he has already moved towards the offensive kaleidoscope!

   It is much more difficult than before to prevent him!

  You don’t really think that Sun Hao won the shot because of his relationship with Nowitzki!

   When I look back, Nash's pass... made a mistake!

   Lao Na, he's lei!

   This is also something to be expected. If someone presses down to output, you have to actively output. This will make you tired if you are resistant!

   After Nash got tired, the Warriors' overall offensive efficiency plummeted.

   When the engine of your car has a problem, the car naturally has a problem!

   The Mavericks took advantage of the situation to hit a wave of climax.

   After the first quarter, the Mavericks turned away and led the Warriors by 11 points 32-21.

   This is also the first time since the two teams met in the playoffs, the Mavericks have achieved such a big lead in the first quarter.

   Old Nelson’s consumption tactics worked!

  Sun Hao really changed his posture to output Nash in this quarter. Although he didn't open the three-pointer, he was shocked to score 16 points on Nash.

   In contrast, Nash, although he has 8 points and 4 assists, his physical fitness dropped in the second half and his performance dropped significantly.

   Mavericks, already mastered...not yet!

   At the beginning of the second quarter, the Warriors began to chase points frantically under the leadership of Arenas and Wang Zhizhi.

   In addition to the Mavericks and the Warriors, Wang Zhizhi has little playing time on other teams.

   Even if his confrontation has improved, he belongs to the typical mascot that is not enough to fight five and not enough to fight four.

   But his career is really in these two teams.

   And the Warriors also paired him with a defensive insider big man Adona Foyel partner.

   This allows him to completely let go of his hands and feet on the offensive end.

  The pick-and-roll between him and Arenas, a "Little Sun Hao", a "Chinese Nowitzki", it is the poor version of the Sun Hao Nowitzki pick-and-roll!

   Driven by them, the Warriors quickly reduced the point difference to single digits!

   This team, it is amazing!

   But when he was playing on the court, many people didn't notice that Sun Hao disappeared from the bench for a while.

   "Don, I need to go to the bathroom."

   These are the original words of Sun Hao.

   In fact, a question that many people are curious about is the toilet problem of NBA players.

   Not talking about the whole game, it is halftime. The game is 24 minutes, plus the timeout, it may take more than an hour at halftime.

   People have three urgency, and NBA players are also human.

   In order to solve this problem, the players also make frequent moves.

   For example, many people do not drink water within an hour before the game, or go to the toilet crazily before the game.

   Even the most classic is little Thomas, who directly puts a sweat-wiping towel into his pants and urinates on it.

   Well, this is a smelly towel.

   But in fact, there is another way to go directly to the locker room to solve the problem during the game.

   It’s just that this method has more disadvantages. After all, if the coach wants you to play but you are not there, that’s a big problem.

   So Sun Hao deliberately greeted old Nelson before leaving.

   This request of his lover, old Nelson naturally agreed.

   But when Sun Hao returned to the locker room, he didn't go to the toilet, but...washed his hands.

   Wipe the hand sanitizer, evenly wipe every skin on the hands, and then wash the hands carefully, earnestly, and religiously.

  Xuan doesn't save the wrong, Krypton doesn't change his life, washing hands is king.

   Since understanding Yao Ming and Nowitzki's poisonous milk, Sun Hao has been a member of Ou and Metaphysics.

  I can't find the hand feeling, so wash your hands!

  Sun Hao returned to the court, and Nelson replaced him immediately.

   The Warriors have narrowed the point difference to less than 5 points!

   At this time, the two sides also replaced the main players again.

   came up after the Mavericks offensive round.

   "Defend! Defend!"

   Warriors fans at the scene began to cheer for the home team in unison.

   This wave of counterattack climax, the Warriors have a chance to overtake the score.

   If they win this game again, they will lead 2-1, and the next game will be the home of the Warriors.

   Another win is 3-1. If you get the match point and win another game, it will be black!

   It's exciting to think about it!

   Sun Hao advanced to the frontcourt with the ball and looked up at the score.

   33 to 37.

   During his absence, the Warriors chased this point hard enough.

   He advanced to the front court, glanced at Nash, was more than half a metre away from the three-point line, and threw his hand directly.

   The choice was unexpected, including Nash.

   Sun Hao didn't feel good tonight, and the first quarter was basically abrupt.

   After a few minutes of rest during the inter-season, then you cast again?

  If you rest, your hands should be colder.

   However, this may be just Sun Hao's attempt.

   Nash's defense didn't keep up too much, and he didn't even pounce. He turned to look at the basket.

   The ball was spinning in the air across a parabola.


   Then, hollow into the net!

   There was a stir at the scene.

   Over the Mavericks bench, old Nelson clenched his fist unconsciously.

   Sun Hao's feel is back!

   This is great news for the team!

   Sun Hao looked up at his hand after scoring a goal.


   But from a scientific point of view, this is actually more of a psychological hint.

   His shooting is already the best in the league, especially the 3 times the training time in the system, which has already formed his muscle memory.

   was not allowed to shoot the ball in the first half. For the most part, he was affected by the task, unconsciously a little impatient.

   But wash your hands, relax your nerves, and regain your hand feeling will become a high probability event.

   Arenas' response from the frontcourt missed a three-pointer.

  Nash is right. Players sitting on the bench for a while will get cold hands.

   Nowitzki protects the defensive long rebound.

   Sun Hao advances to the frontcourt with the ball, and after a fake move to watch the frame, he accelerates by one step, and then pulls back one step later.

  Nash is gone.

   Sun Hao made a landmark 3-pointer withdraw.

   The hearts of the fans on the scene hung up.

   Because the ball in front of Sun Hao has shown that he has found his hand.

  This ball...


I'm coming!

  Sun is online!

   He made 0 of 4 shots from outside the three-point line in the first quarter, and he made two shots after coming up in this quarter.

   Nash's expression is a bit helpless.

   Sun Hao is abrupt in the first quarter, and the second quarter is changed to 唰唰唰!

   bulge in for a while, shoot out for a while, how can he stand it!

   The Warriors head coach just stood up at this time and signaled Arenas and Nash to switch defenses.

   A wave of offense by the Warriors, Nash's three-pointer after the pick-and-roll... also scored!

   Defensive is not good, just attack to make up.

   36 to 43!

   There was a burst of cheers at the scene.

   Although Sun Hao's two three-point handicap came to double figures again, the game did not end so quickly!

   Sun Hao went to the front court and saw his defender turned into Arenas.

   The Warriors' defensive reaction speed is indeed a bit slow.

   But instead of storming Arenas, he stretched out his hand for Bell to come over and pick and roll himself.


   This is, it's hard to get by!

   But Nash's golf dealer was there after all, he didn't choose to change defense after seeing it.

   Instead, they released Bell at the moment of the pick and roll, and went directly to double-team Sun Hao with Arenas!

   The choice of this ball is very decisive. Bell is a 3D player and his ability to cut inside is not very strong.

   And Murphy is also at the basket at the moment, even if Bell receives the ball, it is difficult to form a scoring opportunity in the first place.


   What Nash didn't expect was that ~www.ltnovel.com~ Sun Hao didn't mean to pass the ball.

   is going to split, and the feel is found again, why pass the ball!

   When Sun Hao saw that both of them were double-teamed, he immediately pulled back on the spot.

   This step was a big retreat. While pulling the distance between them, it also made him more than one meter away from the three-point line.

   Then, raise his hand and throw it away.

   Nash and Arenas tried to save, but they still didn't interfere with Sun Hao's shot.

   And because they were too aggressive, they also threw Sun Hao down after he took the shot.

   Three people fell into a ball.

   The referee's whistle followed.

   This is a standard cylinder violation foul.


   There was a sharp, crisp sound after the whistle.

   Sun Hao's three-pointer, after being fouled, it still scored!

   Nash was lying on the ground, and when he saw the goal, there was only a wry smile on his face.

   Just say... what can he do!

  Ps: Special thanks to Shuai Niu for the reward! ! Thank you brothers for your monthly pass too! It’s the last day. Let’s take a look at the ticket holders. If you have any, continue to support the squash party!

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