I Am Sasuke

Chapter 323

Deidara’s c4 Garuda is a nano-level clay spider that spreads naked eye invisible in the air. It can be sucked into the within-the-body through review, and then exploded from within-the-body.

Xuanyuanzhong鈥檚 ability is similar. Spread the invisible insect egg in the air, and then absorb the within-the-body Chakra and start to grow. Once it reaches a certain level, it will self-destruct. .

Tsunade was telling Sasuke about the abilities of those people in Xuanyuan, while constantly ordering Sasuke to cooperate with her to perform operations on Fourth Raikage. Because they had seen such Ninjutsu before, the two quickly The insect of Fourth Raikage within-the-body is taken out.

I have to say that the physical fitness of Fourth Raikage is really strong. Soon after the operation, I can barely walk on the ground.

As everyone also heard from Fourth Raikage and Darui, what happened to the understood.

As the subordinate informs other Four-Great Ninja Village’s shadows and prepares to hold the Five Kages meeting, Fourth Raikage is also trying its best to find the trail of Killer B.

In Cloud Ninja Village, if anyone knows Killer B best, that is undoubtedly Fourth Raikage, who grew up with Killer B. After all, the two of them have Combination Ninjutsu, which is absolutely amazing. Yes, this is a Ninjutsu that must cooperate with both parties to achieve great tacit understanding in order to exert powerful formidable power.

Whether from the perspective of strength or character, Killer B is so easily captured, Fourth Raikage is very skeptical.

So Fourth Raikage asked to go to the snowy field to find Killer B. Sure enough, he found the Teacher who was with him there. Kim Teacher was struggling with a certain line of lyrics.

This discovery made Fourth Raikage very angry and beat Killer B severely. After all, the Cloud Ninja village over there was about to fall out for him, but he himself wrote something here. Lyrics, don’t beat him.

Then Fourth Raikage brought Killer B back to the village, where he took care of him personally, just like when Killer B just became Jinchuriki and Fourth Raikage hadn鈥檛 become Fourth Raikage. Live, live together for many years.

The reason why Third Raikage asked the current Fourth Raikage to do this was first to stabilize Killer B’s mood and prevent Tailed Beast from rioting, and second to cultivate tacit understanding training.

Killer B was unhappy, but Fourth Raikage insisted on doing so. It was useless if he wanted to oppose it.

Just after Fourth Raikage Ai arranged things in the Cloud Ninja village, especially the monitoring of Killer B, when he was about to go to Land-of-Iron to participate in the Five Kages meeting, an accident happened.

The masked man claiming to be Uchiha Madara, with a large number of ninjas, attacked Cloud Ninja Village and asked Cloud Ninja Village to hand over the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki. Of course, Fourth Raikage was impossible to hand over Killer B.

So the war started. As one of the Five-Great Ninja Villages, the strength of Cloud Ninja Village is undoubtedly very strong. The first three Shinobi World Wars, although the fight was very tragic, but for Five- For Great Ninja Villages, it is basically impossible to send all the battle strengths to fight. After all, the local area also needs to be guarded. This time is different. The enemy has hit the mainland of Cloud Ninja Village.

If this happens then, Cloud Ninja Village can mobilize many experts to fight.

However, although the strength of Cloud Ninja Village is strong, it claims to be the strength brought by Uchiha Madara, which is even stronger than Cloud Ninja Village that came out of the village.

Jinchuriki of the six major Impure World Reincarnations, many of the experts of Impure World Reincarnation, many of them were sacrificed during the past three Shinobi World Wars, and many of them have the tripod Daimyo in Cloud Ninja Village. People, such as the golden horn silver horn who assassinated Second-Kage Raikage and Second Hokage, and other Four-Great Ninja Village famous characters in the war, Hidden Sand Village鈥檚 Scorch-Style user Pakura, Hidden Leaf Village鈥檚 Hyuga Hizashi, Sui wait.

Adding a large number of dark ninjas, among them there are a lot of Genin groups like Xuanyuanzhong. The strength of these ninjas is much lower than the ninjas of Five-Great Ninja Villages. But its ability is very strange.

Finally, even in terms of the number of ninjas, Cloud Ninja Village has an absolute advantage, but as a result of this battle, Cloud Ninja Village鈥檚 losses almost exceeded the sum of the previous three Shinobi World Wars.

In the end, Killer B, who was hidden behind him, couldn’t help but rushed out. After being caught, these talents retreated, but even so, Fourth Raikage was still plotted against.

That is, the strength of Fourth Raikage itself is enough to stick to Land-of-Iron. Others in Cloud Ninja Village, like Fourth Raikage, have won the self-destruct insect of Xuanyuanzhong, the other people of Ninjutsu. , Most of them died.

Cloud Ninja Village is not a medical-nin, but the operation of removing an insect egg from within-the-body cannot be done by an average person, because a person who is not paying attention may detonate the insect. Shizune, who has learned that many years around Tsunade, did it all by relying on Tsunade, who suffers from blood phobia, to give pointers. Even more how are medical-nin from Cloud Ninja Village.

“That is, Eight-Tails was taken away, and there is only one Nine-Tails left.” After listening to Fourth Raikage’s words, Gaara said solemnly.

“What is the purpose of the Akatsuki people in capturing these Tailed Beasts? Do you want to rely on the power of the Tailed Beast to unify the Ninja World?” Terumi Mei frowned sitting on another side.

Mist Ninja Village, as the former hometown of blood mist and a victim of violence, Terumi Mei deeply knows that violence is not the best way to rule.

The more violent the rule, the more intense the resistance. Even if you know that strength is not as good as the other side, this resistance will not stop. The blood mist village of Mist Ninja village is the best proof.

Sasuke didn鈥檛 use violence to rule Qin Shiming Moon World and Kill Sister World. This is the main reason. Look at Smash Sister鈥檚 world. The empire once had all the imperial tools, but because of the violent rule, In the end it was not overthrown.

The experience of Otsutsuki Kaguya back then is also a proof. In fact, the rule of Otsutsuki Kaguya, in addition to the routine sacrifice of life to the Divine Tree, is very good in other aspects. I have not seen her as her Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura鈥檚 sons, Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, didn鈥檛 have any privileges, but in the end they were defeated by her son.

Human beings yearn for peace and a better life. Speaking of Uchiha Madara and Obito, their purpose is actually this, but the two sides have different ideas.

“Now you can tell them all the information.” As soon as Terumi Mei’s words fell, Gaara’s said to Tsunade.

“Say it.” Tsunade nodded and said.

“According to the information obtained by Konoha, Akatsuki’s purpose is to collect Nine Great Tailed Beast, summoned Ten-Tails.” Gaara start to talk said.

“Wait a minute, what did you say, Ten-Tails, what is this.” Qing behind Terumi Mei interrupted Gaara’s words immediately.

Not only Qing, Terumi Mei, Fourth Raikage, and the people behind them, Mifune and the others, the leader of Land-of-Iron, also showed shocked expressions.

Many people in Ninja World know the existence of Nine Great Tailed Beast, but no one has ever mentioned this Ten-Tails.

“Wait for me to finish.” Gaara didn’t explain anything specifically about this, but kept to conventional ways and said all the information he heard from Tsunade.

“Infinite Tsukuyomi, let all people live in dreams, Uchiha Madara, is he crazy?” Fourth Raikage stood up regardless of his injuries.

“He may indeed be crazy.” Tsunade start to talk said.

“Konoha, you guys know that many information, and they didn’t say it until now. What do you mean.” The next moment Fourth Raikage called to Tsunade.

“We obtained these information only when we were undercover in Itachi, and we had recently fought against Akatsuki. I was planning to speak out at this Five Kages meeting.” Tsunade looked calm. Start to talk said, “Besides, even if we got the information early in the morning and told you, would you believe it.”

As soon as Tsunade said this, Fourth Raikage immediately dumbstruck and unable to reply Based on the relationship between Five-Great Ninja Villages, it is true that even if Tsunade directly announces the information, it is difficult for people to directly believe it.

It can even be said that if Akatsuki hadn’t shot Killer B, Cloud Ninja Village would be sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight.

“Isn鈥檛 it the time to talk about this, but now there is only one Nine-Tails, and he must be protected, otherwise we will not be able to resist until Akatsuki gets the Nine-Tails, according to the information provided by Konoha. There is no power, so I suggest that at all costs, we must also ensure that Nine-Tails Jinchuriki does not fall into the hands of the Akatsuki.” Gaara said firmly.

Whether it is in public or in private, Gaara will not let Naruto go wrong.

“Indeed, this is the best way at the moment. First protect Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and then think of a way to rescue other Tailed Beasts and solve Akatsuki.” Terumi Mei nodded and said.

“I have no opinion.” Tsunade nodded and said.

“It is too early to say this. The old fellow of Stone Ninja still doesn’t know what he thinks.” Fourth Raikage start to talk said.

“I think no one will agree with Infinite Tsukuyomi except lunatics.” Gaara start to talk said.

“By the way, let me ask, do those people from Impure World Reincarnation have historical movies.” At this moment, Sasuke, who woke up from contemplation, asked Fourth Raikage start to talk .

The things Fourth Raikage said before made Sasuke so shocked that he didn’t know what to say at the time, and he didn’t expect that things would turn out like this.

It was not supposed to be the Five-Great Ninja Villages united, and they fought a Fourth Shinobi World War with Obito and decided the ownership of Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails. Now Fourth Shinobi World War has not started yet, Cloud Ninja The village is disabled.

Although Fourth Raikage did not specify the number of casualties in Cloud Ninja Village, based on the lineup said by Fourth Raikage, Cloud Ninja Village鈥檚 losses will never be lighter.

After all, this was originally a loss shared by Five-Great Ninja Villages, but now Cloud Ninja Village is responsible for it.

“No.” Fourth Raikage shaking one’s head, and said, but then Fourth Raikage, Gaara, Terumi Mei, including Tsunade’s face all changed.

Now the shadows of all villages have arrived at Fourth-Kage Fifth-Kage, even Hidden Stone Village is also Third-Kage. If the shadows of the past are resurrected, the trouble will be really big.

Especially among these shadows, there are many existences of one person against one country.

Among them, Tsunade鈥檚 face is the most ugly, because she remembered how Third Hokage died. Once First-Kage and Second Hokage appear in the lineup of Konoha鈥檚 enemies, then Konoha鈥檚 morale is good. Think about it.

The other three figures also thought of this.

“Orochimaru.” Tsunade said the name coldly, Impure World Reincarnation, only he could.

“You Konoha.” Fourth Raikage set the target on Tsunade again.

“Well, now is not the time to talk about this. We have to consider how to deal with this situation. I hope Tsuchikage will arrive as soon as possible so that we can discuss a way out.” Gaara immediately interrupted Fourth Raikage Discourse.

“There are no historical movies, which means that Obito didn’t use all his power when attacking Cloud Ninja Village. Damned, how could there be such a big deviation.”

Sasuke couldn’t help but feel anxious. He thought everything was planned, but the enemy didn’t follow the routine at all.

“Not good.” At this time, Shikamaru’s face suddenly changed. This was the first time Shikamaru’s face was so ugly.

“What’s the matter?” Shikamaru’s words gathered the eyes of the people present. Shikamaru has introduced himself before. Although Shikamaru is still very young, because he is from Nara Clan, he still It attracted the attention of Cloud Ninja Village and Mist Ninja Village.

“They have caught the Eight-Tails, and now they are very likely to raid Konoha. With their strength displayed in Cloud Ninja Village, plus the possible filthy Tsuchikage, Naruto is dangerous.” Shikamaru said his speculation quickly and immediately.

“It is indeed possible that we must rush to Konoha as soon as possible. Once Naruto is caught, everything will be too late.” Gaara said and stood up.

“It’s so lively here, why don’t you wait for me, I just started talking.” At this moment, a strange voice appeared at the door, and everyone turned his head to see that three different heights People walked in from outside the door, it was Third-Tsuchikage and Akatsuchi, Kurotschi in Hidden Stone Village.

“There is no time to explain, I must go to Konoha as soon as possible.” Gaara ignored the Third-Tsuchikage and said to Tsunade three people.

“Yes, I must rush to Konoha now.” Mifune on one side suddenly started to talk and said.

Although Land-of-Iron does not interfere with Five-Great Ninja Villages, this time it鈥檚 obviously not Five-Great Ninja Villages, but the entire planet鈥檚 affairs. Land-of-Iron is basically impossible to ignore.

As the leader of Land-of-Iron, Mifune is a very determined person.

“What happened?” Third-Tsuchikage realized that no one paid any attention to him, but he was rich experience. The room including Land-of-Iron’s leader Mifune was grave expression. He knew that a major event must have happened.

“Temari, Kankuro, let’s go.” Gaara was the most active. Before the Tsunade three people could reply, she was ready to take Temari and Kankuro directly to Konoha.

“No, I have a way to go directly to Konoha.” After seeing Shikamaru’s solemn nodded, Sasuke also understood that now is not the time to hide.

“What way.” The owner of the room looked at Sasuke unexpectedly.

“Space-Time Ninjutsu.” As Sasuke said, his eyes became Rinnegan’s appearance.

“Everyone connects their arms to me, and I will take everyone directly to Konoha.” Although everyone was shocked by Sasuke’s Rinnegan, he didn’t say much, and immediately started doing what Sasuke said.

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