I Am Sasuke

Chapter 32

“They are all good.” Xilan nodded in satisfaction, and took a sip of wine by the way.

“Then I can follow along.” After hearing Xi Lan’s words, Fang Zhou immediately got rid of the slight feeling of loss in his heart, and cried out to Xi Lan with some excitement.

This competition is not only a test of how Ark’s strength has progressed over the past few years, but also the question of whether Ark can go to Belmar Duchy with Xilan, Nou and Askar. .

Before the competition started, Xi Lan said that if his improvement in strength is recognized by him, he can follow along.

Belmar Duchy, although I have seen it countless times in the game, this is reality. The reason why Ark is excited is not only because I can see the reality version of many familiar NPCs, but also Belmar is the capital of magic, and there is a huge magic Academy there. Its director is the familiar Shalan. Of course, for Ark, the familiar is only the name.

The Delos Empire has the Royal Academy, the imaginary ancestor has the Fighting Academy, and Belmar is the Magic Academy.

This time Aska went to Belmar, on the one hand, it was to communicate, and on the other hand, to learn. It may take several years for Ark to see Aska again.

The royal family of Xuzu has regulations. Its members need to be around ten years old to travel on the mainland. It is also a trial. It is usually three or four years later to learn about local customs and countries’ systems. Return to the Xuantu again.

Of course, this is facing the royal family heir. If someone publicly abandons the throne heir, then there is no need to conduct trials.

Then choose the most outstanding from many trialists, and become the next king of Xuanzang.

The Xuzu can last for more than two thousand years, and this heir system is actually inseparable.

Even after hearing this trial for the first time, Ark paid tribute to a certain Xuzu king who established this system.

About ten years old, people’s thinking ability has not been completely finalized. After understanding the sufferings of the people, it is easy to feel sympathy.

Xuzu’s national life is the best compared to other countries. The main reason is that when the king was young, he personally experienced for oneself to live a lower life.

Askar is the fourth heir of Xuzu. There are two big brothers and one elder sister on it. Askar is the smallest one in this generation of Xuzu royal family.

After obtaining Xilan’s approval, Ark immediately prepared happily. This time team is divided into two routes. One way is Xilan and Ark. Take the Magado to the capital of Belmar Duchy. Huttonmar.

The other road is Nuoyu and Askar, and of course there are many ninja guards, walking all the way from the red forest to Huttonmar.

From the time I left the ancestor, the trial started. Of course I can’t ride the Magadha, but after all, it’s the younger generation of the royal family. It’s young, as it should be by rights. Protect it.

These guards are one for protection, and the other is for supervision. Otherwise, after you leave the ancestor, you can find a country and live in a country for so many years without moving a place. Wouldn’t it be regarded as completing the trial mission?

On this road, Askar needs to pass through the red forest, the Birmack Mountains, and the Gran Forest to reach Huttonmar, the capital of Duchy of Belmar.

Don’t look at the entire Arad continent with only three countries and one tribe. You think that this continent is very small, but in fact this continent is very large.

It’s just that most of it is occupied by natural environments such as mountains, forests, and rivers.

Monsters are rampant in these places, and human tentacles are temporarily unable to reach these places.

Magata this time flew directly toward Belmar Duchy from the sea, and looking at the Ark from the Magada to the distance, he discovered that the area of ​​this World Sea Territory was larger than he thought. Even bigger.

“wa, is this the Belmar Duchy, the country of white.” The establishment of Belmar Duchy can be seen from the data even in Xuzu.

The place where Belmar Duchy is now, was once a barren desert, and then the great magician Mar appeared, using his magical power to directly create a piece of this barren desert The city is now Huttonmar.

At the same time, he also used magical power to change the entire desert area, from a barren desert to a land full of vitality and extremely fertile land.

Then the great magician Mar disappeared. The first group of residents who came to Hutton Marl established Bel Mar duchy here. Judging from the name of Duchy, it is known to commemorate Mar’s contribution.

At the same time, the entire Duchy newly established area is the same as Hutton Mar. Most of the buildings use white. It is rumored that this is the color that the Magician Marr likes, so the entire Hutton Marr’s architecture is only All are white.

But this is just a rumor, because no one has really seen Great Demon Farmar. If it hadn’t been for the white city of Hetonmar that appeared out of thin air, no one would believe it. Magician Mar is real.

But the record of this World is only end here. Regarding the great magician Mar’s rising from the seabed on a continent, which is now the continent of Arad, this matter is not mentioned even in legends.

Ark only learned about this in the game. He didn’t care about it at the time, but when he really came to the Arad continent, thinking of this plot, suddenly became curious about the magician Mar.

Building a continent from seabed out of thin air, turning the original sea into a sea of ​​sky, this power seems even more powerful than the apostle.

Second sister Herder is doing such a mess in the Arad continent, is she not afraid of the magician Mar.

“What a big dragon.” After Magadha reached the sky above Huttonmar, the Ark first saw a huge White Dragon statue near the port.

The entire Huttonmar appears white as a whole, with golden-yellow rays of light in between. In addition to the huge White Dragon statue that is more than ten meters high in the port, Huttonmar has two other places for The Ark was deeply impressed.

After asking Xilan, I found out that one of the two places is the palace of Belmar Duchy, a huge white palace covering a very wide area.

The other is Remibia Cathedral, the headquarters of the priesthood, its area is only slightly smaller than the palace.

Soon under the guidance of Belmar Duchy’s guards, Magadha stopped at the designated location. After Xiran sent the envoy of Queen Skadi, Xiran brought the Ark to Hutton. Mar’s backstreet.

“Moonlight Tavern.” Looking at the four characters on the door that looked unremarkable, Ark’s heart suddenly flocked to infinite curiosity.

This is the real Moonlight Pub.

Although it looks unremarkable on the outside, the decoration inside is exceptionally luxurious. As soon as I walked in with Xilan, I heard loud noises.

Heads are surging, this is the first impression of Ark entering Moonlight Pub.

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