I Am Sasuke

Chapter 314

“Sasuke, nothing will happen.” Outside, seeing quite a long time Naruto, there was no response, Kakashi’s expression became a little worried.

“Kakashi Teacher, what are you rushing, Naruto, they finally meet as a family. Is it excuse to talk for a long time.” This is not the original work where Naruto and Deva Path Pain are fighting. At the time of Nine-Tails, Fourth Hokage could only make a long story short.

Now, of course, their family will stay as long as possible to make up for the debt to Naruto.

I have to say that Minato is indeed very powerful. After using the Dead Demon Consuming Seal, it can still retain part of the consciousness of herself and Kushina.

If you want to say that the entire Ninja World has a god, Shinigami is one. Although Otsutsuki Clan calls himself a god, in Sasuke’s eyes, it is just the life of a powerful Kekkei Mōra.

But Shinigami is not so much a god as it is the rules of this world.

Speaking of gods, Qin Shiming has always had related legends. For example, the Yellow Emperor’s Royal Daughter Soars for Three Thousands, and there are other related legends, true or false, Sasuke is not very clear, Xiang Jun and Xiang The lady might know some things, but unfortunately the two of them have disappeared.

Of course, Sasuke also knows another god-related thing, that is Xiaoli turned into the tears of Nine Heavens Profound Lady, and Roran, but although Sasuke secretly makes people pay attention to Roran’s news, it is limited to history. There is not much information about Roran, such as environment, traffic environment, disputes in countries and so on.

Although Sasuke is a little worried about this, he can only check it slowly. As for what to do after finding it, I can only say when the time comes.

In addition to the world of Qin Shiming, there is also the continent of Arad, the Twelve Apostles, Carlosso, and various Ghost Gods, none of which is easy to provoke.

Don’t look at the apostles being killed a lot by adventurers, but in fact they were all killed by the second sister. If these apostles can really exert their strength, none of the adventurers can kill them.

Black Zetsu, the secret mastermind that has been scourge in Ninja World for thousands of years, has been very difficult to deal with, but compared with the second sister, both strength and strategy are far away.

Because Black Zetsu will only use conspiracy behind the scenes, and the second sister uses open plot, so the second sister Azero, who is also from the same background as the second sister, did not specifically target her. Killed by his own subordinate.

From beginning to end, the second sister herself never made any moves. Even if someone suspected her intentions, she had to step into her plan and become her chess piece.

Not to mention that the second sister herself is the second apostle. This kind of absolute strength gap makes Sasuke have no idea about the second sister for the time being.


Just when Tsunade, Kakashi and the others were worried, suddenly a powerful Chakra emerged from the place where Naruto was in front. This Chakra was so powerful that it came out of Sasuke. Besides, Tsunade, Kakashi and the others all stepped back nearly ten meters without freedom to act independently before stabilizing the figure.

Look at Naruto again. At this time, he can no longer see his silhouette. It is completely a huge red Nine-Tails, reaching nearly twenty meters, with nine huge tails waving randomly behind him.

Every time I waved, a huge hurricane hung on the ground, and the surrounding woods and rocks were all blown away.

“Did you fail.” Tsunade behind Sasuke, Kakashi called worriedly.

“I don’t know.” Sasuke replied, his hands are already printed, if it really fails, he can only control Nine-Tails with Wood-Style first.

With his current strength, with the addition of Naruto’s within-the-body only half of Nine-Tails, it shouldn’t be a problem to subdue Nine-Tails. In other words, Naruto, who has only half the strength of Nine-Tails, After you can fully control the power of Nine-Tails, its strength is also very terrifying.

Naruto in Nine-Tails mode, but relying on a Shadow Clone to subdue the Third Raikage of Impure World Reincarnation.

“Let’s do it.” Looking Sasuke was still waiting, Tsunade immediately started to talk and cried out. After everyone thought about what to do after failure, Sasuke said his plan, so this time Not even Yamato called.

“Let’s take a look first.” Because the huge Nine-Tails ahead is not at all, Sasuke didn’t do anything. If Naruto’s consciousness is not controlled by Nine-Tails, surely not. It would be so honest. Besides, Sasuke didn’t believe that having Minato and Kushina together would put Naruto into this kind of crisis.

Sure enough, that huge Nine-Tails body began to change and began to shrink, and finally appeared in front of everyone is a whole body Naruto surrounded by bizarre golden Chakra, with this Naruto eyes opened, the strange pupils, let Sasuke understand that Naruto succeeded.

“It seems to be a success.” Sasuke said underfoot, and Body Flicker Jutsu started. The person instantly appeared behind Naruto’s right side and blasted Naruto with a punch.


Seeing that Naruto didn’t turn his head back, his right hand blocked Sasuke this fist by one block.

“Sasuke.” Then Naruto turned his head to Sasuke and laughed.

“Let’s contest it.”


As the words fell, the two of them retreated at the same time, but at the next moment, they both at the same time Rushing towards the other side, the golden silhouette and white silhouette, flashing everywhere in front of the training cave at the speed that Tsunade, Kakashi and the others are all shocking.

I have to say that Naruto, who completed the Nine-Tails mode, was so fast and powerful that it exceeded Sasuke’s expectations, forcing Sasuke to use Lightning-Style armor Kinoe to accelerate and defend.

Naruto’s Nine-Tails mode is Attack and Defense in One. The golden Chakra spreading over the whole body is not just good-looking. It can be said that Naruto now can defend against only the golden Chakra on the body. Live in Amaterasu.

“This is equal to me.” At this time, Sasuke was really upset. His power was obtained from sufferer untold hardships training, but Naruto caught up with just a Nine-Tails mode. .

Although Sasuke is much better than Naruto under normal circumstances, within-the-body has Naruto with Nine-Tails, and the Nine-Tails mode can be opened at will.

Although Sasuke has many styles that are not used at the moment, including Susanoo, Naruto is also the same, even if he only knows Rasengan, but in the Nine-Tails mode, Rasengan has been played by Naruto.

bang bang bang.

Even if the two are only fighting at speed, each collision will bring a powerful shock wave around. This is a style where neither of them uses large formidable power. If they use large formidable power The style of the training cave today may have been destroyed by two people.

“Enough, do you want to ruin this place.” The two who wanted to continue hand to hand combat had to stop at the same time after hearing the huge roar of Tsunade on one side.

The shock wave brought up by the speed collision between the two just now has created huge pits around this area.

“Mother-in-law Tsunade, I saw my father and mother.” Naruto, who put away the Nine-Tails mode, said with a smile after seeing Tsunade.

“Okay, very good.” Tsunade looked at Naruto with satisfaction.

Jiraiya and Kakashi on one side became silent at the same time. Minato and Kushina are very important to both.

“Let’s go back.”

“Okay, eh.” Naruto was nodded, ready to go back with everyone, but then his eyes immediately turned to the sky above the east.

“What’s the matter with Naruto.” Naruto’s situation caused Tsunade, Sasuke and the others to immediately look towards the sky above the east, but they didn’t see anything.

“There is a powerful evil intent, and it quickly approaches Konoha.” Naruto start to talk said.

“What?” Tsunade cried out in surprise.

“It’s very fast, it’s almost approaching.” Following Naruto’s words, Tsunade, Sasuke and the others also discovered the situation over the east, with many black spots, flying towards Konoha .

“sense evil intent.” Sasuke immediately understood why Naruto discovered that Naruto’s sense evil intent was able to be sensed to the entire Ninja World during the Fourth Shinobi World War. Now although Naruto did not Using the Nine-Tails mode, but firstly he just released the Nine-Tails mode, and the enemy is not far away.

“By the way, the blogger said that Naruto’s sense evil intent was eaten.”

“Go back.” Although I don’t know what those black spots are, it’s definitely absolute The harbored evil intents, the entire group quickly returned to the village and issued an alert.

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