Those who can enter the Assyrian Civic College to study, the strength of the family will not be bad, and the most inferior ones are stronger than Wu Lai's family background when he first entered the college, and they have all seen the world, compared to them, Wu Lei was a dirt bun when he first entered the academy - at least in the eyes of others.

Before Khufu didn't send him to the door to slap Woolley in the face, everyone's opinion of Woolley hadn't changed much.

Even after the Khufu incident, most people thought that it was Woolley's luck, and after only one year in Assyria City, he fell in love with Lev, who was extremely powerful and potential in the new generation of Assyria, and Wright, who had average potential but absolutely amazing strength - this is basically everyone's consensus, because only a small group of people like Eddie who know Lev very well can guess that Lev's coming is entirely for the sake of the face of the Kochi family.

But now it was clear that it was time to correct everyone's opinion -

under the escort of the sixty-four honor guards of the Fourth Legion, Yi Jiang rode into the academy ...... with a smile

After a while, when the carriage queue stopped, it occupied almost half of the racecourse, and then, more than 100 chariot soldiers jumped out of the carriage and respectfully invited everyone into the car.

After Yi Jiang gave an order, sixty-four honor guards took the lead in opening the way, and the brigade of carriages and horses walked out of the academy.

Because Lini was there, Yijiang went to ride with the horse, and Wu Lai naturally had to accompany Lini, so he couldn't just ask him out in vain and hang him aside.

"I'm afraid you're not enough, so I arranged forty more cars. After Yi Jiang asked Lini about it, he said to Wu Lai with a smile.

"You've thought it too far. Woolley smiled and said, "It's good that you're here, otherwise, I would have been laughed at today."

When Lini heard him say this, he smiled and said nothing, but Yi Jiang shook his head with a smile and asked, "You still can't solve this matter?"

"It's just a trip, Yijiang is actually coming from so far away, I can't understand it. Add sighed and said to Quake and Boti, who were riding together.

"Is Woolley trying to tell everyone that he has the backing of the Fourth Legion?" Quake frowned, a little unsure.

"I think nine out of ten means that. Boti shrugged his shoulders, "Yijiang is stationed in the city-state of Menes, not close to the city of Assyria, what can it mean to come here with such fanfare, except for supporting Woolley

?" "Could it be that General Anubis has some ideas?" Quake suddenly asked.

Eddie was stunned, frowned and thought for a moment, and shook his head hesitantly: "General Anubis has been silent for several years, even if he wants to make something, he will not bring out an outsider like Woolleglindor."

"But Yi Jiang came with an honor guard armor. Quake couldn't help but say, the honor guard armor soldier definitely stays by the main general's side on weekdays, and where Yi Jiang wants to take it, Anubis, as a father, naturally won't know.

"Yes, the Fourth Legion is with ......," Boti said halfway through his words, and then he thought about where he could remind himself of these things, so he simply shut his mouth.

At the same time, Helen and Nightblade Dance were talking quietly.

"Helen, it's strange for Woolley Green to do this. Nightblade Dance said.

"I don't think so. Helen smiled and shook her head.

"It's not surprising, it's just a trip, can you afford to make such a big fuss?" asked Nightblade Dance.

"This is no ordinary outing. "You're out of the way, so you don't know."

"Then tell me about it. Nightblade smiled and grabbed Helen's arm.

"You, you still want me to know what you can know with your brain. Helen nodded Nightblade Dance's forehead.

"Tell me, who made you my sister. Nightblade Dance simply sprinkled her coquettishness.

"Well, Woolley provoked Khufu for the sake of the two of us, and then involved Lev and Wright. Helen said, "Wright is okay to say, because he doesn't have too many requirements for Woolley, and he can be regarded as an equal fellowship, but this Lev is different, Lev is ambitious, and the family power is unmatched in Assyria, he intends to include Woolley under his command, but Woolley is unwilling."

"Why would he be unwilling?" asked Nightblade Dance.

"Because Woolley said, to be like the hero in my mind, brave, wise, forgiving, rich, noble, and admired by all men. Helen smiled happily.

"Follow Lev, he can do the same, maybe sooner. Nightblade frowned, "I see what he means, one of Lev's hole cards is the First Legion, and there is no subordinate order between the Assyrian Legions, so Woolley lifted the Fourth Legion out as a shield, and the idea of breaking Lev is good, right?" "That's

pretty much it, I just said, you can understand everything with your brain." Helen said with a smile, and added, "Woolley has done this with one stone, and he said that there are many people who are eyeing him now, and there are also many people who are making trouble for him behind his back, and if he doesn't do this, some things will not be carried out." "

Is this one of those outings?" asked Nightblade Dance, grinning.

"Of course, every move of those people was expected by Woolley. Helen suddenly sighed, and couldn't help but praise, "Woolley is really a genius, not very old, but he knows everything, I have learned more from him than I have learned in the previous ten years combined, he is so knowledgeable that I am amazed, if he can control a legion in the future, I really can't imagine how much he will have to achieve." "

Can he still sweep across the continent?" Nightblade asked casually, stunned.

Helen sighed and nodded: "I think that as long as he is willing, maybe he can really do it." "


The mighty convoy naturally attracted a lot of curious eyes, and what made people even more curious was that every short stretch of road, there would be new vehicles merging into the car, judging from the insignia on the body, they were from different families, of course, some big and some small.

When he saw this scene, Riney didn't show any surprise, he was used to it now, anyway, it seemed that as long as he got involved with this kid Woolley, he was destined to be extraordinary.

"Tell me, what's going on?" asked Riney slowly.

"Teacher, that's right, some new friends, I heard that I had set up a barbecue camp outside the city, and I wanted to follow along, but I couldn't stop it. Woolley replied with a grin.

"Woolley, you have a lot of new friends, it's only been a long time, and there are already more than a dozen cars added in. Yi Jiang laughed and said.

"These are all the teachings of the teacher. Woolley nodded, and looked at Riney.

Lini smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said in his heart that this kid is a scoundrel at home, and he actually used me as a shield again, obviously it was your own idea, what do you want to pull on my head?

Yi Jiang immediately "understood".

"Your Excellency the General is really sorry for Woolley. Yi Jiang said to Lini with some emotion.

Lini smiled bitterly in his heart, but he could only speak to Wu Lai, who made him his valued student? Besides, Yi Jiang was not wrong, he really didn't put much effort into this kid, and even made a special trip to Seneca to relieve this kid a few days ago.

"I have a good relationship with your father, but I'm old and have bad legs, so I don't bother to go to him. Lini looked at Yi Jiang with a smile, "After I go back today, tell your father that I got some good wine here a few days ago, so that he can come and taste it when he is free." Riney said.

Yi Jiang nodded hurriedly, and suddenly rejoiced in his heart, saying that this trip was too worthwhile, Lini, the god of war, has been highly respected in the Assyrian territory for so many years, but he has rarely taken the initiative to invite anyone, especially the legion, who has always come to the door by himself, and today he actually opened his mouth to invite, and the meaning of this is really worth pondering.

The three of them talked and laughed, but Eddie's brows became tighter and tighter, and every time a carriage took the initiative to merge in, her face would involuntarily become ugly, and the emblems on the outer compartment of these carriages represented the families, many of which were related to her Human family, which seemed to mean that Wu Lai's limelight had faintly overshadowed the Hughman family? Eddie

, Quake, and Boti were naturally not happy to do this, but could the current situation still follow their minds? The answer was obvious.

However, after only a moment, the unhappiness of Eddie and the others turned into complete surprise - when they were about to leave the city, twelve honor guards of the Second Legion entered everyone's sight, the same armor was distinct, each riding a tall horse, behind the armor soldiers, followed by two carriages engraved with the family crest of the Hughman family, in the first one, sat Eddie's aunt Inr Human.

Inshuman is the only female general of the Second Legion, a lieutenant who has actually led troops and killed the enemy, and is currently the only female general in the Assyrian territory.

Eddie has always regarded Inor as her role model, so she learns martial arts and martial arts.

Yin Er's appearance made Yi Jiang's face change, and when he subconsciously looked at Wu Lai, he found that Wu Lai was contemplating and thinking, and his heart moved, and asked: "Wu Lai, don't you know this woman?"

Wu Lai shook his head, he really didn't know it, the names of these cars and horses gathered on the road were invited by him in a post, but the person who did the charge d'affaires was Wright, as for who to invite and who not to invite, he handed it over to Wright.

Although he did not know Inn, Woolley knew the flag of the Second Legion and the insignia of the Human family. Speaking of which, there are two Human families in the Assyrian territory, one controls the Second Legion and the other controls the Third Legion, but the two Humans are actually one big family, and they chose to divide into two in order to achieve the greatest power in Assyria more than a hundred years ago, and they are actually close to each other.

Whether it was the Second Legion or the Third Legion, Human had actually dealt with Woolley. At the time when the "God-given Harness" was first introduced, the Second Legion preemptively formed a light cavalry ahead of the Fourth Legion, and also sold a favor to Woolley, and the Third Legion's Dayi Xiuman had some personal grudges with Woolley, but now that Rini suppressed it, there was no movement.

Both legions are controlled by the House of Human, which is why no one dares to underestimate the House of Lord, who control half of the military power of Assyria.

"Insheman, the only female commander in the Assyrian realm, was fierce and ruthless. Lini smiled slightly, "Although she is strong in combat, she is a person who likes to fight with her mind, and she is thoughtful, and I am surprised that she can come."

"I'm a little apprehensive. Woolley shrugged, "I don't have much to do with the Second Legion.

Wu Lai's words somewhat reassured Yi Jiang, if there was anything wrong with what Anubis had told him to do before he came, it would be difficult to explain it when he went back.

"It's all here, you might as well deal with it, only if you handle it well, it's not a bad thing after all. After a pause, Lini added, "Insheiman is not difficult to deal with.

Yi Jiang didn't want Lini to talk to Wu Lai much at this time, so he saw the gap and interjected: "Wu Lai, you haven't said what the barbecue camp is about.

"That's the case, some time ago, I went out of the city, saw that there is a fast place with a good scenery, a few days ago I made an appointment with two friends to buy it together, thinking that if the construction will definitely destroy the beautiful scenery, I simply decorated it according to a certain dream, and it can be regarded as a place to go." "

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