After entering the door of the Green Building, whether it was Nightblade Dance, Otto or Helen, they were all attracted by the scene of the Green Building.

Because there are two large mansions with a combination of split-level stone buildings abound in Assyrian City, but there are really no buildings like Green Buildings that use a lot of green plants to make up.

Take this front yard as an example, the stone path, the fountain, the wall, the front of the corridor, the stone steps around the left, all are lush green plants, the varieties are complex, the size is different, the high foot is ten cubits, the short one is less than one cubit, it is placed in such a patchwork manner, in the meantime the strange stones loom, even the roof is also green dense, it looks particularly chic.

The surprised expressions of the three of them made Woolley very satisfied, and he wanted such an effect. In fact, from the moment he was preparing to come to Assyria, Woolley had already given full consideration to the development of his foothold in Assyria, but what he didn't expect was that the progress would be so fast.

But when it comes to buying a green building, Woolley's starting point is not just to gain a foothold and develop.

He also took Helen into account.

Why should you consider Helen? My Fair Lady, what a gentleman.

Food, sex, sex, and sex are also, Wu Lai is not a saint, since he has met someone he likes, how can there be a reason not to make a move? Of course, in the past two days, he will still think of Tina from time to time, and even feel a little guilty, but this will not cause him too much trouble.

"Please come in, your rooms are arranged, and like mine, they are in the back building. Woolley smiled and led the way, while Klee followed behind the three of them, courteously.

After listening to Woolley's assigned room, Otto was nothing, and both Helen and Nightblade couldn't help but glance at Woolley.

Because, although Woolley arranged Helen and Nightblade Dance in two adjacent bedrooms on the third floor, the doors of these two bedrooms were directly opposite Woolley's bedroom, and Otto was arranged on the first floor, not close to his three "little friends".

Helen didn't say anything, but Nightblade Dance smiled and said, "Oh, no, Woolley, it seems a little wrong for you to arrange it like this

?" "There's nothing wrong with that, you and Helen are girls, the first floor is not suitable for the two of you, and the room on the second floor is for transcription, do I still let you live in the front building

?" "This explanation seems far-fetched, Woolly Green, you must have had some wrong thoughts about Helen, right?" Nightblade smiled and asked.

"Nightblade Dance, it's very rude for you to question me like that. Wu Lai said calmly, but he snorted in his heart, Nightblade Dance, I want you to be nosy, but it's okay, you talk more, Helen can also increase her impression and psychological preparation.

Although the Night Blade Dance is also charming and lovely, Wu Lai has never been interested in self-acquainted girls, and at the moment, his eyes moved and fell on Helen's beautiful face: "Helen, what do you think?"

"It's a good arrangement." Helen nodded, "It's just that I didn't see any slave girls just now, so it seems to be a little inconvenient for me and Nightblade Dance."

"Don't worry, I've thought about it early in the morning. Woolley replied with a smile, "The slave girl and the cook will be here in a moment, and now you two can go to your room and rest first, or, take a walk around the front and back yards, and I think we will all have to stay here for the next few months."

"Does it really take that long?" Helen frowned slightly.

"Yes, I'm sure. Woolley nodded, "I still have some things to do, and after lunch, I'll tell everyone what I think, and then you'll understand."

Helen was stunned, but Nightblade Dance jumped to Woolley's side with a smile: "Woolley, take me with you on errands, I'll take a stroll by the way."

Wu Lai laughed and shook his head decisively: "Since they have all come out of the academy, it is not difficult to go shopping, and you should not follow what I am going to do today."

Nightblade pouted, but Woolley had already stepped away, and Helen had a thoughtful expression on her face as she watched his back disappear around the corner of the stairs.

"Helen, this Woolley seems to be very proud, and actually rejected me. Nightblade said with a pout.

"He rejects you, naturally, for his reasons. Helen said.

When Woolley went out alone, El came back with three cooks and six slave girls, all of whom were civilians from Assyria, not that Woolley deliberately did this, but in a hurry, he really couldn't find a slave girl whose cooking skills could guarantee the standard.

Klee gave a lecture to the three cooks and the six slave girls, and he was now the chief butler of the Green Mansion, and he was involved in everything inside and out.

“...... So, you have to make sure that the young master and his guests have a delicious meal, and besides, the young master is very fond of fruits, and all fruits must be cleaned before they are plated...... "Klee said to the cooks.

For the slave girl, Klee's tone was a little harsher: "...... It is your honor to be able to come to the Green Mansion, all you need to do is to serve the young master and his distinguished guests well, in addition, you need to always remember your identity, slaves, you have to be like slaves, don't try to seduce the young master, our young master Woolley is not an ordinary nobleman, he is noble, noble, he is a god, and he is also the wisest person in the Seneca city-state, no matter how stupid your behavior is, you will face the fate of caning and expulsion from the Green Building, remember what I said today......

". When Klee said this, the six slave girls all trembled.

Before lunch, Woolley hurried back with a package in his hand, and after listening to Klee's report and instructions, he waved his hand: "You can arrange these things, you don't have to ask me for everything, and besides, warn the slaves not to enter and leave the back room without permission, especially not to disturb Miss Helen." "

Okay, young master, Klee will immediately discipline the slave girls as you instruct. Klee nodded.

"Go ahead. With that, Woolley went to the back stairs with a gust of wind.

After a few moments, Woolley knocked softly on Helen's door.

"Please wait. Helen's voice came from the door, and then the door opened.

"Woolley, is there something wrong?" Helen seemed a little surprised when she saw Woolley outside the door.

Woolley handed the package in his hand to Helen and said calmly: " Nothing else, when I went out to run errands just now, I happened to pass by the best fabric shop in Assyria, thinking that you would have to stay in the Green House for a long time, and the package you left the academy didn't seem to bring much clothes, so I asked the shopkeeper to pick out a few new items that had just arrived, and I thought it was quite suitable for you, so I bought it on my own initiative, and I didn't ask you if you liked it or not, and by the way, there was a good tailor shop in this seventh lane.

"No, Woolley, I can't ask for it. Helen shook her head slightly, "I have a lot of clothes in the academy, but I didn't know I needed to stay here for so long, so I didn't bring them." "

Helen, aside from the fact that we are a group, you are the most honored guest of my Green Mansion, and according to the custom of the nobility, you should also accept my kindness at least once, otherwise, I will feel ashamed and uneasy. Woolley said very seriously, he was not talking nonsense, there was indeed such a tradition in the Assyrian territory, first, to respect the guests, and secondly, to show the generosity and hospitality of the host, from this point of view, Woolley sent a few good pieces of cloth to Helen, it was not abrupt.

Helen hesitated for a moment, nodded and took the package: "Thank you for your kindness, Woolley."

"Don't say that, your appearance makes the green building shine, and I am even more flattered that you can accept this little gift, so I won't bother, I'll see you in the restaurant later." After Smiling and finishing, Woolley took his leave and left, much to the surprise of Helen, who had thought he would find an excuse to talk a little longer.

After lunch, the four of them walked into a room in the back building, which had been arranged for a meeting by Woolly early in the morning, so it was not overly decorated except for some simple furnishings.

"Everyone. After the three of them were seated, Wu Lai didn't sit down and said, "From today, even if the matter of clay transcription begins, although it will have to wait another day or two for the official launch, there are some things I want to tell you now." "

Clay copying, according to Vice President Rini, has been carried out for several years, but it has been slow progress, and the effect is relatively poor, of course, there is a lot of work here, the reason for the high difficulty, think about it, more than 70,000 clay tablets, the content covers the ancient Assyrian religious inscriptions, literary works, scientific documents, historical books, Decree documents, it not only includes words, but also patterns, and many of the words in the clay tablets are not small differences with the words used now, the probability of transcription errors is very high, in addition, the weight of each clay tablet is not small, not to mention anything else, just to carry, it is already very physically demanding.

"But Vice President Rini also said that the matter of copying clay tablets can only be done by citizens, because they are the inheritance of Assyrian civilization, and only Assyrian citizens are qualified to copy them, if only that's it, we can find some more helpers from the academy, but it is more likely to make mistakes in doing so, and it may cause irreparable damage to these clay tablets, and it is precisely with this in mind that the academy has not carried out large-scale transcription, and there will be the scene where the four of us gather here today。

"Since I accepted the job, I had to do it well, but from my personal point of view, it was not only necessary to complete it well, but also to complete it quickly, and if it took too long, what I should have learned from the academy would have to be postponed, and what I should have gained may have been missed."

"So, in the last few days, I have come up with a workable way to increase efficiency, to ensure that errors are minimized, and that it does not contradict the principle that it can only be touched and transcribed by citizens, except that it requires you to go through a simple study first, but I promise, it is really simple......"

"...... That's all I want to share with you, and I would like to say that I am very grateful to the deity who is looking down on all beings in the sky, and I believe that this experience is definitely the most beautiful and unforgettable journey of my life.

As he finished speaking, Woolley's gaze met Helen's, and then he noticed that Helen's cheeks were slightly red.

On the side, Otto nodded: "Woolley, do whatever you say, to be honest, I don't want to toss about this matter for too long."

"And me. Nightblade Dance glanced at Woolly with some dissatisfaction, "But why do I think you're a little favoritistic?"

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