Bruce has a tingling nerve.

That feeling stimulated his nerves again. He knew very well that they were locked by a sniper rifle.

Although the nerves are also tingling, it is more intense than the first time.

He turned his head and turned around, and instantly saw the wound that flashed out the flame in his vision.

The opponent has fired.




He screamed in his heart, thinking quickly, but the crisis subsided instantly.

He stared at the rose in front of him blankly, and instantly understood.

The target of the opponent's sniper is not him.

It's a rose!

"Call an older sister, I will consider it."

The memory of the past is suddenly emerging, which seems to be cynical, but contains infinite warm words.

It's too late!

This is completely different from the previous gun speed.

Can't hide!

Can't hide!

"Forget it, that's it." He thought.

"Sister Rose-----!"

Bruce tried his best to spin the rose, ignoring the latter's dumb expression, and completed the position with her in 0.0001 seconds. Switch.


Listen to the muffled sound, and the intense pain that constantly floods into the brain nerves.

Bruce smiled.

He swears that he has never been brave like he is now.

He didn’t look down at the chest that had been pierced through, nor did he look at the bloody blossoms, and there was no helplessness and fear on his face. He just quietly looked at the rose in front of him. The only woman in the dark who gave herself hope.

His left chest was exploded by a bullet, and the shot blood dyed the nearby Caohai red. The boy who had always spared his life to protect himself finally proved himself at this moment.

"How could this happen?"

Rose's brain suffocated, staring blankly at the boy who blocked this spear in front of him, and the satisfied smile on his face.




Why are you smiling at this time, why are you smiling, why are you smiling!

"older sister!"

The helpless and immature call rang in her ears.

"Who is it?" she exclaimed sharply.

The Android 3 that completed the sniper re-locked to Rose's position through the scope, and in the rear sight, there was Bullas with his back facing him and the entire left chest bursting.

She was stunned.

It failed. The strongest sniper talent in Android failed.

She accidentally shot Dr. Gero's "treasure" to death, and she personally ended this mission.

She threw away AWM entirely, jumped off the ruins, and galloped desperately towards Bruce.

There is still a rescue. If you take him to the laboratory before the first breath, maybe Dr. Gero can rescue him.

It must be possible, it must be possible!

She comforts herself in her heart.

"Why, why do you want to do this?" Rose cheeks streaming with tears, completely didn't expect this ending, "Bruce!"

"For... Why?" Bruce slammed his knees on the grass, Rose rushed to him, opened his hands and hugged him in his arms, "cough cough..."

"You will be fine. Yes, you will be fine. I will take you back. Dr. Gero won't just watch you die like that." Rose said incoherently, "Even if you lose your memory, it is better than death."

" need..." Bruce paled, the strength in his body was gradually being emptied, and his hands no longer had the strength to lift. He knew it was because of lifeforce. Gradually passing from his body.

"Can you...Ask you a question." He asked weakly.

"un un, Bruce, you can ask anything you want, I will answer you everything." Rose was heavily nodded, her nose and tears mixed.

Bruce was weak and laughed, feeling the warmth of Rose's shoulders, and asked softly, " want me to call you older sister?"

Rose eyes It widened in an instant.


In North Pole more than ten years ago, Rose had just been assigned to Dr. Gero's position and became the highest Commander of the strongest Android force at the time, responsible for protection Dr. Gero's security and cooperation with Dr. Gero to launch Android experiments. This was her promotion to General Legion, and it was also the simplest one.

At that time, she could not only get along with her friends in the past, but also get close-range access to the second in command of the Red Ribbon Army.

The future is bright.

However, while searching for a building fortress, she found a circular spaceship in the cold glacier.

She stood above the glacier, and through the window of the spaceship hatch, she saw a baby with a tail inside the spaceship that was frozen in ice.


This incident was quickly reported to Dr. Gero, and after discovering Bruce, Dr. Gero decisively chose to build a fortress in this area.

She personally broke Bruce into the ice and sent it to Dr. Gero.

I also personally sent it to the more ice-cold incubator.

She originally thought that she would not have any interaction with Bruce, who would become an important experiment for Dr. Gero.

But the strange thing is that whenever she goes to the laboratory to see Saori Sally, the child's call rang in her mind inexplicably.

"older sister."

At first, she didn't care, thinking that she was the only one who lacked mental rest.

But seven years later, the explosion happened. After the child floated in front of her and called out "older sister" personally, Rose knew that he was the master of the voice.

Only at that moment, she made the boldest decision in her life.


The rose hugged Bruce tightly, as if it could prevent Death God from taking him away.

Until she gradually noticed the ice-cold coming from Bruce's hands and feet.

"Because...I am your older sister..." She whimpered and cried, "I brought you out of the ice, and I gave you to Dr. Gero, I left you alone in West City, and I threatened those shops to send you to me......."

"The fault of all this is me. ...."

This spear should have been taken by me, it should have been taken by me.

Why save me, why save me, obviously I am the one who brought you the greatest misfortune.

Bruce listened quietly, seeming to understand, but there was still a smile on his face.

"But, you didn't give up on me..."

How about the process, he already doesn't care, anyway, he will leave this world, who treats whom It was all indifferent to him.

I don't know if I go to Hell, then King Yemma old man will give himself Heaven.

At this moment, Bruce is like a child whose last words are dead, although there are regrets, but more of satisfaction.


Suddenly, Bruce seemed to hear the voice of Genius Girl Bulma and the dense spiral rotation.

A purple helicopter appeared out of thin air in the sky. Bulma stood in the hatch and shouted at him, but soon her face was covered in panic.

She saw Bruce's tragedy.

"roar roar roar!"

At the same time, there was a sudden and heavy roar from the sky, followed by a tremor on the ground, and one face looks sinister, carrying the mighty and powerful Great Ape fell from the sky.

All this has nothing to do with Bruce. He is so weak that he can't hear these sounds. The buzzing in his ears is getting more and more rapid. Gradually, gradually, he can no longer hear the roses. Weeping, even daring not to receive the other party's body, as if she was placed in a void at this moment.

Is it final?

But why, my ass...itches...

He looked up towards the night sky, the bright moon with the only remaining strength.

"The moon tonight is so beautiful!" he thought.

“dong! ”

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