
The Bulma pretty face in the spaceship turned pale instantly, and he staggered while holding Buno in his arms.

She quickly moved towards the console, and pressed her right hand in the space left in the center. With a beep of "Pa", the console raised a small control keyboard.

This is a device that can enter the spaceship main system.

That is the only way to quickly rewrite the spaceship running program.

"As long as you rewrite the program and release all resources of spaceship within ten minutes, you will be able to get rid of them."

Bulma Sifu, quickly rewrite Spaceship runs the source code quickly and smoothly, because all the required equations have been listed in her mind.

This is genius. Ordinary persons often need many thoughts before they can be written, but Bulma only needs to have one goal, and the brain will automatically generate information about that part.

Then quickly compile and get the process answer.

Speed ​​is comparable with ultra-horsepower computer.

Bno, who is lying on Bulma's chest, is very honest, ignorant and innocent, and doesn't seem to know what difficulties his parents are facing.

I was dumbfounded, watching Bulma typing on the keyboard, and never thought of reaching out.

As the inheritance of Legendary Super Saiyan physique, it is simply Saiyan's unusual work.


Standing in front of Spaceship, Bruce's eyes flashed quietly with bitterness.

The person who didn't expect to stop him was unexpectedly so unexpected.

At this moment, among the three silhouettes in front of Bruce, apart from one of them with full ice blue skin and double western dragon bat wings behind him, the other two are not unfamiliar to him.

Or he is totally unfamiliar with does not raise.

"Seeing your dress, the doubts surrounding me are solved."

Looking ahead at the crowd in the middle, he wears a red Dragon Mark robe without wind, his face is not weak and alluring, his eyes are lofty and arrogant, like an empress-like silhouette...

Bruce slightly sarcastically said. : "Dragon God, Zalama."

"Stupid Saiyan Monkey, dare to call Dragon God directly."

Dragon God, after all, is also an influential figure of some teams now, unlike before. Better than.

Holding bat wings, a three-star dragon in ice blue scolds and takes action.

The bat wings were incited, and when they were instantly forced to Bruce, the sharp dragon claw had already pinched the latter's throat.

"This speed?"

Bruce's eyes didn't change much, he was calm.

It seems that it is not me who is pinched by the throat, but the Samsung dragon-like.

In other words, he is simply not afraid.

ka ka ka .......

However, it was also at this time that the crisp noises between the limbs buckled each other to form a rapid performance of the movement.

Samsung Dragon suddenly noticed the roughness in his palm, and when he looked forward, his eyes widened.

"Are you surprised?"

Bruce of Half-Dragon Transformation raised the corners of his mouth, and an invisible ki sense spread immediately.

Samsung Dragon immediately felt that a mountain fiercely hit his face, and immediately made him stagger back, exiting for ten meters before he could stop.

The five-star dragon shook back with its boldness alone.

"pā pā pā ....."

There was a round of applause, and Zalama clapped with Android 3.

"I said why I couldn't find it, so she was here with you." Zalama said, "At first I thought she was still sleeping, so I didn't care much. I dare to love this girl with you a long time ago. It’s the same line."

Zalama's eyes narrowed, narrowing into a dangerous arc: "Even... even dare to share the strength of Dragon!"

For For Zalama, sharing the strength of Dragon is not impossible.

But the problem is that the people who inherit the strength of Dragon are on that side of the camp.

Strength of Dragon is not the power of a bad street. It is at the same level as Angel. Even in ancient times, the professor of Strength of Dragon Zalama has been selected very carefully.


As one of his best subordinates, the Six-Star Dragon, unexpectedly...

The Six-Star Dragon is I really don’t know, or have rebelled...

"Six-star dragon, should you come out and say something."

Zalama didn’t do it right away, but right Asked in the direction of Bruce.

"Six-star dragon?" The five-star dragon was shocked.

"so that's how it is, no wonder this human can use the strength of dragon, it turned out to be a six-star dragon." He later realized.

"Samsung dragon, you shut up first." Zalama glanced at the five-star dragon faintly, scared the latter to say "Yes" quickly, and back to Zalama's side again.

At this moment, the strength of the Samsung Dragon is not in peak, but it has just gained some strength from the body.

Otherwise, he would not have been shocked by Bruce manifestation's courage just now.

"Answer my question, Six Star Dragon." Zalama asked again, still calm.

In Bruce's view, this is definitely the rare tranquility before rainstorm.

But Zalama now looks awkward in Bruce's eyes.

I couldn't help but want to break.

That old son of a bitch, but with the body of Lyme, Lyme voice say with Lyme do not meet people for the words, there should be more awkward and more awkward.

"I don't have anything to say, Lord Zalama."

tone barely fell, the 6-Star Dragon Ball slowly emerged from Bruce’s arms, resting on the latter’s shoulders Location.

"Why, don't you even have a confidence to meet me, Six Star Dragon." Zalama sneered, "Don't tell me, now you can't even realize it."

Zalama each minding their own business said: "If I am not mistaken, the power of the Earth Black Star Six Planet should have been swallowed by you, right? There is also a four-star dragon, that guy has generally lost contact with you. Now it seems that the four-star dragon might have rebelled with you."

"Lord Zalama, the four-star dragon shouldn’t be the case."

The three-star dragon speaks urgently. He seems to have some relationship with the four-star dragon, and he understands that the character of the four-star dragon will not betray.

"Yes, the four-star dragon has not only rebelled, but is even like me, and taught the strength of Dragon to Son Goku, who is also Saiyan."

However, the six-star dragon But fiercely gave Samsung Dragon a slap in the face.

"Four-star dragon, that bastard." The three-star dragon is like being tailed, flustered and exasperated.

"You are too noisy, Samsung Dragon." Zalama said again.

"Sorry, Lord Zalama."

Retracting his gaze from the Samsung dragon body, Zalama said: "Since you have chosen this path, don't regret it."

"Go ahead and bury them here!" He turned around and gave orders to Samsung Dragon and Android 3.

With Samsung Dragon and Android No. 3, it is no problem to win Bruce.

Even if he has obtained the Strength of Dragon, Bruce is still not an opponent.

It’s strange to say that Android 3 has been silent since it appeared, and she seems to be a bystander.

Following Zalama's command, Samsung Dragon and Android No. 3 take action at the same time, which is a warm-up with several shots.

Bruce naturally didn't dare to underestimate, Long Huajia Chuan Super Saiyan 2 form immediately opened, hand chop forcibly hit flying to both sides of the gun to the far side.

He can only do this, because behind him is spaceship.

Spaceship is the most important person in his life.


In spaceship, Bulma is expressing anxiously and quickly typing on the keyboard.

The code on the screen in front of me flew line by line, and she was still writing it.

Even genius, it is impossible to write the entire running process in a few minutes.

But...the other screen next to her is flashing the message "message sent successfully", and the recipient's name below is...

【Towa 】

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