"Really don't need to wait any longer."

Looking at the spaceship depicting familiar characters in front of him, Supreme Kai Shin still feels a little imaginary.

Son Goku didn't watch Supreme Kai, and didn't move towards spaceship immediately, but waited quietly in midair.

"Don't you go in?" Lapis questioned.

No need to go in? Son Goku glanced at Lapis and continued to wait patiently.

Earth day Kami and Piccolo did not make a sound.

Since Earth Kami and Piccolo completed the fusion, now the body has recovered to its original strength, and he did not continue to watch.

Instead, choose to follow and attack.


Son Goku's eyes calmly stared at the location of the spaceship hatch, his posture was very stable, and his body exuded a kind of convincing. The ki.

"Come?" Shin wondered.

"The hatch is open." Lapis gave the answer.

At the front, I saw that the hatch of the spaceship was slowly below, and a few silhouettes were soon exposed.


Shin exclaimed heavily, but after seeing another figure, the color suddenly changed: "Majin Buu!"

He was breathing quickly , The body shivered as if in the ice-cold winter.

The moment he saw Majin Buu, Shin subconscious wanted to escape, but he couldn't move a bit.

As if both feet were poured into heavy mud, they became one body with the earth, no matter how hard he tried, they were still there after all.

"Lord Supreme Kai." Kibito looked worried. He noticed the change in Shin expression. He understood how shocked Shin had been before. After he really saw Majin Buu, the fear that lurked in the depths of his heart It will explode indefinitely.

Supreme Kai Shin ........

At this moment, temporarily lose battle power.

"Are you Majin Buu?" Son Goku ignored Dabura and followed Shin's gaze to see the chubby Majin Buu behind him.

It’s hard to imagine that this harmless look would make Supreme Kai lose self-control like this.

Since they get along with Whis, Son Goku has subconsciously believed that the strength of the highest level Gods must not be underestimated.

I thought that this law didn't work here for Shin.

"I am Buu, just a little bit!"

At this extremely depressing moment, Majin Buu on the opposite side made faces and even laughed at Son Goku and others.

This look is like an ígnorant child.

"Does he really have such terrifying?" Seeing this, Son Goku couldn't help but turn his head to ask Shin, Majin Buu's appearance was so strange that he couldn't figure it out for a while.

Although he is gradually becoming stable now, he still hasn't abandoned the simplicity of the past.

There is still an idea in my heart, which may become a friend.

"Yes.....Yes.....Even if he turns to ashes...I recognize him..." Shin replied tremblingly, there is nothing like the Supreme Kai of the past. The slightest majesty.

He was really scared.

"Let me retreat first, let me test Majin Buu first."

In consideration of Kai God Form, Son Goku took the initiative to meet Majin Buu.

As for Dabura, he did not do anything surprisingly, but stood on the side of the hatch with his hands in his arms.

"I'm still thinking about looking for you, didn't expect you to deliver the door yourself." Wizard Babidi walked out of the hatch under the protection of Dabura, he fiercely looked towards Shin and Cell, "damn Supreme Kais, today is your death date!"

"Buu, Dabura, take them out of me!"

When the enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

Babidi decisively gave instructions to Majin Buu and Dabura. There was no warm-up or strategy.

Direct attack.

In Babidi's view, as long as Majin Buu is present, they are undefeated.

Any trick will be turned into gray in the face of absolute strength.

"Yes, Lord Babidi."

Dabura responded, the rays of light flashed on his forehead, his body floated like a butterfly, and moved towards Shin flashed past.

"Your opponent is me!"

It's a pity that Son Goku is faster, midway turned into a shining star to intercept Dabura, and the two sides broke out in fierce battle.

"I don't want to listen to you, I'm going to find Satan to play, he will make me eat."

Majin Buu pressed his eyelid down with his index finger and turned his head back to face Babidi made a grimace: "Slightly!"




The people present had different thoughts, and Supreme Kai Shin took action decisively, and quickly pointed at Babidi with a low growl.

At this moment, Babidi in the distance suddenly felt countless gravitational squeezing around his body.

"Kibito, Cell, take this opportunity!" Shin yelled back.


Cell and Kibito reacted at the same time, and their palms swiftly aimed at Babidi, and each shot an energy piercing ray.

Directly pierce the air.

The violent sound is pervasive, and one side of the ground is close to the ground cracking mud to both sides.

"Majin Buu, save me, or I will seal you immediately."

Babidi, who perceives the life and death crisis from the rays, wailes frantically and asks Majin Buu for help, even threat.

"I just..."

Majin Buu just said two words, and immediately felt a strange change in his body, which seemed to become gas again. .



He rushed to the front of the ray to block Babidi with his body, but the ray But directly penetrated his body, even with Babidi behind him.

The latter was coughing up blood, and the rays pierced through his chest and pierced his belly. Blood holes were exposed in both places, and blood was flowing out in tears.


"Why, is he not dead like this!"

Shin turn pale with fright, didn't expect Babidi to breathe.

"The aim is wrong, his heart is not penetrated by the rays." Cell immediately saw the key to the situation.

"Let's continue." Kibito said.

"cough cough...he broke free of my control, Majin Buu blocked me...I can't do it."

Shin was heavily limp and gulped. Exhale.

There is no problem in controlling Babidi, but now Majin Buu is blocking Babidi. He can't do anything about it to control Majin Buu.

He must face to face with Babidi, and there can be no third party in the middle to be able to control. For example, ropes, originally meant to tie Babidi, are now destroyed by Majin Buu inserted by midway and changed the target to Up him.

"...you...look!" Piccolo was shocked, and pointed to shiver coldly, "Majin Buu's hole pierced by rays turned out to be... its wound It's actually recovering automatically!"

Piccolo's words, when he is about to pull everyone's thoughts back from the turmoil and consternation.

They were stunned to see that Majin Buu's two mouth-sized wounds were wriggling muscles. The naked eye visibly shrank the holes until they were filled and submerged, and finally they made a "Boom" sound.... ..

Return to the original state completely.

"Strange...monster........." Piccolo was shocked. He was still a normal child of Planet Namek. He was completely conceived and not like the former King Piccolo. Generally grow up in three years.

Seeing this kind of scene of being beaten through the chest and automatically recovering, I naturally feel scared.

Even the King Piccolo Bruce in Piccolo's heart, after being hit by such a heavy injury, I am afraid that he will go into a weak state.

However, Majin Buu was full of energy. After his body recovered, he held up his hands and screamed "Oooh..." on the spot.

Obviously, there is no tendency for weakness at all.

"Majin Buu...Majin Buu really..." Seeing this scene, Shin became even more frightened, staggering backwards.

It's not that he can move his body over fear, but that he can retreat under the fear of the trend and nervous conflict.

Supreme Kai's face is almost ashamed.

"What should I do now, Lord Supreme Kai." Kibito was also horrified, and didn't know what to do for a while.

"First...First...Goku!" Lapis hesitated, and finally he could only raise his head to face Son Goku who was in the sky fiercely fighting with Dabura, calling for help .

It's not that they are too weak, and the pressure brought by opponent is too strong.

Even if they join together, I'm afraid it won't cause fatal damage.

Lapis still has a clear memory. When all the Z-Fighters were on board together, they didn't even penetrate Majin Buu's body like they do today, and even approaching was the initiative of the other party.

But the proximity of Majin Buu means...

They are dead!

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