this remark immediately changed Bruce's face. Not only did Cooler not die in the explosion of Planet Namek, he even incorporated Tree of Might seeds.

The news contained in this passage is really explosive.

Frieza, who initially followed the Son Goku great battle, did not die in the Planet Namek explosion, and now even Cooler has not died.

Is this the trajectory of fate?

Could it be said that the two of them really have to wait for Tenanx to slice them in the future?

In the future, will Tenanx still appear as usual?

The series of questions raised by this passage flooded into his brain, and Bruce became more and more ugly.

If Tenanx does appear in the future, does it mean that there will be a new crisis in the future?

But the man-made Cell has obviously been destroyed by itself, and it is simply impossible to have a chance to come back.

Perhaps I think more, Cooler following Frieza is just luckier.

A series of problems will not arise in the future.

"Then you have to be careful. Since Cooler has successfully integrated the Tree of Might seeds and plans to take revenge on us, we must rely on it." Bruce paused slightly, and then asked, "Is Towa still with you? "

"Still, Towa is by our side." Broly responded.

"That's good."

Bruce hearing this Don't worry, Towa can open the channel to Demon Realm.

"With Towa, your safety is guaranteed. Although it hurts your self-esteem to say that, Broly has to admit that Towa's strength is indeed superior to you."

"You think too much, Bruce." Broly's voice was calm, "What self-esteem do I need in front of Towa, she is my self-esteem, as long as she is happy."

Follow Unlike Vegeta, who values ​​self-esteem more than anything else, Broly and the brothers are not that kind of hard-hearted.

Whether to recognize counseling or counseling, this point is conducive to enhancing family relationships.

Just like our Son Goku.

Otherwise, if he had Vegeta's temperament, he would have parted ways with Chi-Chi a long time ago. Where could he be born of Son Gohan and Son Goten.

"Broly, your enlightenment is too high."

On the other side of the communicator, Towa's voice was so soft that Bruce almost got goose bumps.

There were even some unknown skin contact sounds, which scared Bruce to change the subject quickly:

"In short, I will pay attention to the Cooler thing, and I will go to The Lookout the day after tomorrow to tell. Kami, with his ability, he must be able to find them before Cooler and the others approached Earth."

"Why the day after tomorrow?" Broly questioned.

"Because Bruce will be with me tomorrow, naturally there is no time."

Bulma smiled and answered at the communicator.

That hand was not to be outdone to hold Bruce's arm, and Bruce quickly felt a little moist on his face.

"Fuck, Bruce, are you trying to fight back?"

Listening to Towa's questioning, Bruce couldn't help covering his face with his hands. What are these two girls trying to make? .

This is just and honourable.

Can't you go back to the room quietly?

"Broly, is Kiki little aunt where you are, I have something to tell her now."

Bruce used Towa's question as an excuse to look for Kiki. .

"Yes, I will give her the communicator."

After a slight pause for more than ten seconds, the communicator from Broly heard the voice again.

It is a female voice different from Towa. It is not gentle, and even faintly reveals the ki pressure that some upper-level people have.

"Bruce, I'm so glad you took the initiative to find me. I am your little aunt, Kiki."

"Although it is a pity that I cannot talk face to face in person, I am also very happy. Happy to be able to talk with you." Bruce's tone was very sincere, and he used "you" instead of you.

Compared with facing Paragus, there is not much difference.

Even Kaiqi on the other side of the communicator was very surprised, didn't expect Bruce to be so friendly to him.

Especially when she saw her other nephew's astonishment, Kaiqi could obviously guess that it must be inconsistent with Bruce's personality.

Kaiqi's mouth turned up when she read this.

It seems that the well-intentioned guidance of unnoticeable influence in the laboratory was still useful, and I risked being ruled out by King Vegeta by changing the planet with low battle power for Bruce.

"You don't need to be so polite, just call me little aunt." Kaiqi's tone is very brisk, she somewhat likes this nephew who has never seen each other since she has long hair.

"That Kiki little aunt, I actually have some problems and I want to ask you for help." Actually, Bruce is also a little depressed, although there is a memory of Kiki in his mind, but in his heart But subconscious people regard her as the closest ones.

This is strange and unusual.

Even if it is a bloodline connection, but facing Paragus Bruce is not so enthusiastic, and even able to treat him as a stranger.

"Why the hell?" In the heart tangled, Bruce suddenly remembered that he seemed to be the same when facing Broly.

It is obviously only in memory for Broly. Even if he has this relationship with the cheap brother, he shouldn't leave Earth without sufficient preparation and go to Planet Namek to help him.

This kind of friendly inexplicable frightened Bruce.

And the most terrifying thing is that after meeting Broly, they spend a lot of money, and it can even be said that they can immediately deliver behind each other, with 100% trust.

This is simply unimaginable.

"Help, is it the gene cell you accidentally mentioned just now?" The communicator sounded again.

"How do you know?" Bruce startled, Kai Qi guessed what she was thinking.

Is this another high-intelligence character following Bulma comparable with?

"I guess, just now you mentioned important things when talking with Broly, and you suddenly came to me, I will probably be able to guess your purpose after a little deliberation."

"Nothing wrong." Bruce admitted broadly.

Although I don’t understand why I trust Kaiqi so much, talking to smart people saves time and effort.

He doesn't hate it.

"So, Bruce, do you want to recreate a Saiyan Legion?" Kaiqi asked solemnly.

"Saiyan Legion?" Bruce was a little confused, he didn't plan to do that.

"Isn't it?" Kaiqi said, "Although I don't have many Saiyan Gene cells, the masters of these cells used to be excellent warriors. Among them are desperate and courageous. Bardock against Frieza."

"Bardock!" Bruce was lost and shocked.

He didn't expect Kaiqi to even have this, but that is the real Super Saiyan.

Traveled to ancient times and became the first Super Saiyan, and even the legend of Super Saiyan was passed down from him.

And it is very likely that because Bardock can become Super Saiyan, Son Goku, who inherited his bloodline, can constantly surpass himself and awaken the super Saiyan Gene in his bloodline.

This is the hero, the hero of Saiyan Race.

To be honest, if he had a choice, Bruce would rather be his father, Bardock, not Paragus.

"Yes." Kaiqi did not realize the shock in Bruce's tone, and actively explained, "Although Bardock is also a Low-Class Warrior, I found that his strength has risen very quickly, with several changes. After coming down, we are now at the forefront of our Saiyan clan, so I only collected some of his cells."

"Kechi little do I suddenly think about you Have the potential to be a mad scientist?" Bruce smiled wryly, how is this somewhat similar to Dr. Gero.

"Crazy scientist?" Kaiqi was startled, and then slightly happy, "This is a good name, then I will be the mad scientist Kaiqi from now on."

"Isn't it... .I just said casually, you really take it seriously." Bruce wanted to cry without tears. Although he was a relative, he really didn't want to see another Dr. Gero.

"I think it's a good name."

Kaiqi has made a decision in her heart and does not intend to continue this topic.

"Then Bruce, return to our previous topic. If you need a Saiyan Legion, I can help. And compared to trusting other aliens, I think our Saiyans are more trustworthy. "

"You don't want to create a clone of Legion, right."

At this moment, Bruce thought of the Diamond Cooler, that cluster of diamonds Cooler.

Not only is it powerful, but it can also learn Son Goku's Instant Transmission.

If it weren’t for Son Goku’s protagonist aura, maybe relying on them would really be able to rule the universe without God of Destruction being born.

"Clone, Bruce, you really underestimate me."

Kaiqi's tone became a little awkward, and she paused for a few seconds to reorganize the language.

"I’m not a clone, but a real creation of new life. Although you may not understand, my body splitting technology can not only clone and replicate perfectly, but also follow normal Saiyan’s. You can give birth to a newborn baby."

"If you are interested, Bruce, you can give me your cells. I will fuse with the female Saiyan cells in the inventory. In one year, you will be like Paragus. Father."

"don't, don't, don't, I believe you." Bruce was anxious and glanced at Bulma with a guilty conscience. "This kind of perfect and glorious task is still Broly, I don't need it here."

"Bruce what did you say, why do we need it here?"

The communicator immediately sounded Towa's fierce question.

"I tell you, don't involve Broly with this kind of LJ idea in the future, or I will go to Earth and beat you up in front of everyone and ruin your face."

"I'm just kidding..." Bruce twitched his lips in a low voice.

"No jokes!" Towa growled, "Who are you looking down upon?!"

"Well, Towa, don't be angry, Bruce is not this natural, he Just make a hypothesis."

"Assumptions do not work either."

Listening to the voices of Broly and Towa from the other side of the communicator, Bruce looked at Bulma with a guilty conscience.

However, Bulma rolled his eyes.

As if saying, this is what you asked for.

But soon, Broly's voice on the communicator became smaller and smaller.

Bruce guessed that Towa was taken away by Broly, or that Kaiqi took the initiative to leave and found a quieter place.

"Bruce, now you can talk about your thoughts."

It seems that Kaiqi took the initiative to stay away from them.

Bruce glanced back at Rebecca, who was looking at herself expectantly.

"Kaiqi little aunt, it’s like this. I have a friend here who wants to use his own genes and our Saiyan Gene to nurture a new child. Since you are the doctor responsible for nurturing babies, I’m thinking Do you have a sample in your hand."

Here, Bruce did not drag the boarder 123 out. Although this may be a trivial matter, who knows if Kaiqi will give boarder 123 to the board because he cannot keep it confidential. Humane destruction.

The communicator didn't answer right away, but he muttered for ten seconds before the voice came out again.

"Well, isn’t it better to use Bruce for your gene cells? I heard Towa say that you and Broly are both Legendary Super Saiyan. If you use your genes, the potential of the offspring that must be conceived must be talented. It's amazing."

"cough cough ......." Bruce was helpless.

Rebecca suddenly looked towards Bruce, looking thoughtful.

Pay attention to these Bulma brows tightly knit.

"Here I am following Towa's idea is the same, so let's get rid of this idea."

Neither for myself nor Bulma can be so unclear. .

"Kiki little aunt, you just said that you have Bardock gene cells in your hands."

"Yes." Kaiqi's tone is a little pity, "but I still hope It can use the genetic cells of you and Broly."

"Forget it." Bruce smiled wryly.

Why are you still struggling with this question, although from the perspective of the researcher, this is indeed the most perfect match.

But now it's not an experiment, it needs to be humanized.

"Just Bardock's gene cells. It just so happens that Kakarot and Raditz are still alive. I think it would be nice to give them two younger brothers inexplicably."

Son Gohan is very likely to be born now, when the time comes, this child who inherited Bardock bloodline and Rebecca bloodline was born together.

Uncle and nephew are the same age, and I feel exciting when I think about it.

"Bardock ah..."

Kaiqi's elongated tone, the voice changes from high to low, as if thinking about it.

"It's okay, anyway, I keep these cells for research on individual division techniques, and it's useless if I keep them."

"It’s just that they’re stored for a long time. But this may be better. After all, there is a gap between Earthling's cells and our Saiyan's cells. It is very likely that there will be fusion failure and reverse devouring. Cells in a weak state are easier to control."

"I remember Bruce, your fiancee is a gifted scientist."

When Kiki suddenly mentioned Bulma, Bruce quickly replied: "Yes."

"Then it will be easy, I Someone will be asked to attach the operation steps when transporting the cells, so that your fiancee intelligence should be able to operate independently, but if you have any problems, you can also communicate with me, and you can build a video-capable instrument during this period of time."

"That was really thoughtful."

Bruce noticed that the expression on Bulma's face was still calm. With the latter's genius idea, even without Kaiqi's operation process, Bulma must be able to Perfect success.

"Let’s do this first, Broly is arguing with Towa, I’ll go to prepare, let Paragus find someone to send it to me, after all, I don’t have much prestige yet."

"Kiki little aunt, don't worry, who would dare not listen to you and tell me over there, I will kill them and let them teach them." Bruce promised.

He is not cracking a joke, but intends to do it.

If this can give Kaiqi authority in Legion, Broly's pirate army, he doesn't mind to set off immediately.

After all, Kaiqi is not Paragus.

"haha..." Kaiqi laughed heartily and was very happy. "Then I will remember what you said. If you don't listen to me, you have to help me out."

"Of course, it’s not me who can play, Paragus’ pirate Legion can be played by everyone." Bruce paused, "Of course, Broly doesn’t count, it’s too abnormal."

"puff ......."


Amidst Kaiqi's contented laughter, Bruce cut off the communication.

Walking up to Rebecca, Bruce said, "Rebecca teacher, you still have time to regret it now."

"Rebecca?" Rebecca shook her head, "I am now Very sober, but Bardock..."

"That is the hero of our Saiyan clan and the father of Son Goku."

Bruce saw that Rebecca felt He hesitated and took the initiative to explain.

"And here I can give a guarantee that the child bred with Bardock cells must not be weak on the talent."

Bardock itself is very strong, and then superimposed on hybrid Status, talent is very likely to approach or even surpass Son Gohan, who is also a hybrid.

But Son Goten may have some gaps, after all, Son Goten was born after Son Goku became Super Saiyan.

No..... not right!

The current Son Goku is Super Saiyan, so I mean, the Son Gohan talent born now will be stronger than the original work.

It is even possible to follow Son Goten and break through the limits of Saiyan at an early age and become Super Saiyan.

Then he thinks of a way to fool Chi-Chi, the strongest single warrior of late stage Son Gohan will surely deserve its name.

“Also, Bardock is one of the few gentlemen in Saiyan. The child conceived with his cells is likely to be like Son Goku, with a simple personality and friendly to others.”

"Is that so... Then I can rest assured." Rebecca hearing this sighed in relief.

She is most afraid of being warlike in Saiyan, cold blooded and emotionless.

Hearing Bruce's explanation, she let go of her worry that the child might be rebellious in the future.

"However, I suggest that the Rebecca teacher continue to take these drinks as Bulma said to strengthen your body as much as possible." Bruce picked up the potion used to strengthen the ordinary person.

"How do you know?" Rebecca startled.

They are some distance away from Bruce, Bruce shouldn't have heard their conversation.

"Rebecca teacher, reaching Bruce's current strength, this distance is simply not a big deal in front of him." Bulma explained.

"so that's how it is." Rebecca suddenly realizes. Then it suddenly occurred to him that his child could follow Bruce in the future.

Inexplicably surging in my heart.

"Then Rebecca teacher, you can follow Bulma to get some potions later. Kaiqi and the others are not short from here. It will take some time to arrive. I need to go to The Lookout now."

"Didn't you mean the day after tomorrow?" Bulma was surprised.

“It’s still too late now, and I’m worried that Cooler is likely to arrive soon. I need to be prepared.”

Although I don’t know how strong the Cooler is, Bruce It's right to do early stage work well.

The people at Frost Demon Race are frantic. If they don’t speak martial arts, they just blow up the planet. No matter how good they are, he can only watch.

So it is best to do a little prevention.

Thinking of this, Bruce did not continue to waste time entangled with Bulma.

Use the established channel to go to The Lookout, spend another hour to explain to Kami, and then beat Piccolo again.

Bruce then left.

After 2nd day, I took Bulma to the amusement park on time and went on a date like a normal lover, all day crazy.

After the cinema ends at ten o’clock in the evening, simply wander the food street outside for two hours to end the day’s itinerary.

In the distant universe, the team carrying the Bardock gene cells also set off.

The transport personnel are five cadres of the pirate Legion, and the battle power strongest reaches the level of 100,000.

The quality is even better than Frieza's Ginyu Force, thanks to Broly's method of gravity training.

This will allow the pirate Legion’s battle power to increase.

Although the effect is very slow compared to Saiyan, it can at least improve the battle power.

Only, on a desolate planet about two days away from the pirate headquarters.

Two bread-shaped spaceships moored quietly on the rock surface.

In the all around of spaceship, there are aliens wearing battle suits.

Densely packed, there are at least four to five thousand people.

They are now forming a huge ellipse, the diameter is about several hundred meters.

In the center of this circle, there are two silhouettes, Cooler and Frieza in the third form.

They are fighting.

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