The bright rays of light burst, like a blazing sun bursting out heaven-shaking heat.

Under terrifying extreme energy blast, the originally densely packed gravel area is reduced by at least one-tenth.

Vegeta put away his protruding palms, browsed tightly frowns, bit his lip, his facial expressions trembled slightly, as if he was trying his best to endure it.

"This damn, how big is this area, why do I feel that I have been doing useless work lately."

He let out a deep growl.

In order to clarify the information brought back by his subordinates, he has been exploring the gravel area.

To this day, he has finally exhausted his patience, who has gained nothing, and outputs full strength, wanting to completely empty this area.

But the weird thing is that every time Vegeta clears an area, new gravel is sent from the depths of the gravel to fill the area again.

He didn't care at first and planned to continue cleaning up. With his current strength, bombing this area is not difficult.

What's strange is that after the bombing was nearly a day in Earth time, he didn't even clear the outer area, and the meteorite seemed to be endless, constantly being vomited out from the deepest part.

Extremely stubborn.

Vegeta slightly gasping for breath, after a few minutes, I finally managed to adjust my emotions.

"If the order is passed down, order the army not to worry about the influence of other influences, turn on full strength bombing, and put me in a vacuum."

Coldly snorted turned around and decisively walked into the battleship. , Come to his throne and sit down. I closed my eyes, a violent explosion followed, and the external bombardment had already begun.

In the outer cabin, the meteorite was turned into ashes under the blazing flame, layer after layer, with different shades, like fire clouds superimposed on the extreme sky.

It stretches endlessly.

Continuously spread inward.

Although the temperature in the universe is extremely low, at this moment the outside temperature is like facing the scorching sun. Even at such a long distance, the temperature can even reach hundreds of degrees Celsius.

battleship turns on defense mode.

Push forward in front of the explosion.


"It's as crazy as his father!"

In the depths of the gravel area, doctor Kaiqi is passing The display screen broadcasts the bombing from the outside world.

"The same annoying."

"Obviously, it can take Saiyan to a more powerful era. It is necessary to strike a stone with an egg to challenge Frieza and eventually lead to extinction."

"Extremely stupid!"

Kaiqi doctor, who was once in charge of Saiyan's infant training, is also Broly and Bruce's little aunt.

"But now is not the time to expose, the spiritual fruit tree plan has not been completely perfected, and now exposure is undoubtedly targeted by the rest of the universe, especially the Frost Demon Race that is completely dead."


"Kaiqi doctor, the defense area, and the creatures in the experiment are all ready. May I drop them on the enemy?"

The ice-cold and unfeeling machine sounded, Kai Qi frowning.

"Put all the seeds out, and prepare all the seeds for me, we will leave quietly from other places."

"doctor, where are we going?"

There was a long silence. Kaiqi called up the interstellar map, then pointed to the upper bone head and decided to say: "The pirate area, it's time to meet Broly, Bruce on Earth also needs A gift."


"It’s my shit, it’s not what I want to do anyway, you are indifferent if you come or not. "

Earth, West City, Bruce in a black suit is communicating with Broly.

The engagement ceremony is held normally.

But it seems that Bulma's communication last night had some effect, or Broly has been guarding. After Bulma sent the communication, he immediately responded, saying that it would take the initiative to contact on the 2nd day.

Then the engagement ceremony has just begun, and Broly's video communication has been called from the distant universe.

"Bruce, why can't you hold the wedding earlier, you have to wait until we leave to decide."

I will hold it after you leave.

"Let me ask Towa to see if I can send me there."

Broly thought for a while and felt that it was necessary for me to go back to Earth. Wrong easily.

"Can you actively follow Towa?"

Bruce is slightly surprised, isn't Broly all unilaterally passive?

"Of course, you can just squeeze her necklace for me."

Broly showed a sense of righteousness.

Bruce changed his mind and thought about it. Worthíly is Towa, he won't give up Broly so easily. By the way, Broly's age seems to be quite good, shouldn't he find a chance to kick him into the marriage hall, after all, Towa's soft rice is very fragrant.

"Then keep it up, and the ceremony has already started. You'd better be able to show up one hour later in Earth time."

"pa ta."

There was a crisp sound in the video, and Broly squeezed the necklace.

About 30 seconds of silence, the space behind Broly began to twist, two hands protruding from the inside, hugged Broly from behind, and then directly dragged him into the vortex channel.

I'll go... so awesome?

Bruce can see dumbstruck, Towa is too powerful, and why didn’t it work in Planet Namek Broly?

Call out Towa directly and beat Frieza violently. Don’t they fragrant?

"I said you guys are too fast."

Bruce turned his head and noticed that two unusual ki appeared behind him. Bruce was a little helpless.

Originally, there was no space distortion. Tall Broly walked out of it slowly, and on his shoulders was Loli-shaped Towa.

"old woman, pretending to be young again."

Although I wanted to say this, Bruce chose to change his words in order to live.

"Towa Young Lady is as cute as ever, welcome."

Towa looked at Bruce with a little doubt, and said with suspicion: "What you said is true?"

Bruce expression is serious, "True gold is real."

Although Towa does not appear in the normal plot, it is also a fierce person in the late stage who can kill Z-Fighter. .

Before the current strength has improved, Bruce thinks it is better to admit counsel.

"That's it..." Towa thought for a while, shook his two short white unfathomable legs, said with a smile: "For Broly's sake, I will temporarily I can barely believe in you."

"Then please follow me, I will take you to the venue for the banquet."

Bruce leads Broly. In fact, she is very envious of Towa's possession. Kind of spatial mobility.

But perhaps because Demon Realm is under her control, she can freely open the channel of Demon Realm in the human world, and come and go at will.

Broly has always been very quiet. Generally, he always keeps quiet when Towa is there, because he is not good at expressing all this to Towa.

Moreover, there is a new necklace on Broly's neck, which is exactly the same as before.

As soon as I saw it, Towa, the beloved madman, was giving Broly cheat again.


"Why do you appear here?"

As you get closer to the venue, more and more When acquaintances saw Broly, they spoke in surprise and thought it was a little unfathomable.

Bruce’s engagement with Bulma was a temporary decision. Remember that Broly should have left Earth long ago.

No matter how fast it is, it is impossible to come back overnight.

This is really unfathomable.

And looking at the situation in front of him, it seems that only Broly is following the girl on his shoulder, Paragus has not returned.

Broly smiled at everyone, but did not introduce Towa to others.

Towa's identity is a bit cryptic, and the necessary concealment is still necessary.

"Towa, didn't expect even you are here, I know Broly must have a way!"

Under the steps, Bulma wears a white dress, her long eyelashes tremble slightly, and her eyes The crystal in the eyes reflects Towa's immature face, sincere and surprised, with the already delicate face and golden ratio figure, the whole gleams with a kind of thrilling beauty.

There is no doubt that she is the most shining protagonist.

Even Bruce, who is visually fatigued, is slightly sluggish under Bulma's prosperous beauty.

"I was shocked just now. I thought that a major event of life and death happened because of you two."

Towa expression Naturally, remain unmoved, what's the value of the face? Yes, she was worthy of anyone.

She is the Goddess of everyone in Demon Realm.

"major event?"

Bulma rolled his eyes, and took the initiative to take Bruce's arm.

"These are not important. The important thing is that Broly asks me to bring him to Earth, and also asks me to join him in the participation."

Towa's eyes fell on Bruce's body, with his arms folded. Live on Broly's neck.

"It seems that Bruce, your position in Broly's heart is a bit heavy, and it's a bit heavy even for me."

"Towa." Broly is a bit sorry.

"This is cracking a joke. Anyway, you will definitely be mine in the end."

Speaking of Towa, I was in front of everyone and [mua] kissed Broly. .

"And Bruce is not the opposite sex, I will allow you."

"Fuck, spread dog food openly."

Bruce's mouth twitched. "It's so immoral. I don't know that you are today's protagonist."

"Actually, we can too."

Bulma was a little interested and actively looked towards Bruce. But the latter glanced around, and under their almost murderous gaze, Bruce decided to be honest for the time being.

There are many guests at the moment.

In fact, thanks to Son Goku, because of him, Z-Fighter almost all, including Yamcha, Tien Shinhan Chiaotzu, Bruce is also very surprised, did not expect to stagger the King Piccolo plot, Son Goku can still Hook up with Tien Shinhan.

I have to say that the fate of the two of them is really wonderful.

"Broly, really didn't expect to be able to meet you here again."

Rebecca appeared suddenly and walked in front of Broly, both eyes shine.

Like a big bad wolf staring at the sheep.

"Eh, is this your younger sister with Bruce, she looks so cute." She suddenly looked towards Towa, this crystal clear and near-transparent look really made her like.

"younger sister?" Broly shook her head, replied: "Towa is not my younger sister, Bruce he said Towa is my child bride."

Rebecca: "!!! !"

Everyone: "!!!"

Towa glanced at everyone present, rubbed Broly's cheek with his face, proudly: "Yes, I am Broly's My child bride, Broly is also my child husband."

This answer makes the uninformed even more bewildered. It is simply too messy to be a child husband and daughter-in-law.

And looking at the difference in their size, the child bride's statement is more true.

"Little younger sister really loves cracking a joke." Rebecca had an awkward but polite smile on her face.

"I didn't crack a joke."

Towa was a little unhappy, and she suddenly felt that the woman in front of her had harboring malicious intentions, and she didn't like her inexplicably.

This is probably a woman's instinct.

Rebecca stopped smiling and Bruce suddenly appeared among them two people.

"Don't worry about this, now let's continue the ceremony."

Everyone hearing this, they all chose to shut up temporarily.

After all, today’s home game is Bruce, no matter what the problem is, I want to wait until today.

In this way, the track returned to normal.

Originally, Rose was present with Bruce's parents, but now they appear a Broly. They are sitting in the same position as the parents, and on the other side are Mr. and Mrs. Brief.

In general, engagement is also a formality.

It can be over simply, and if it is not Bruce's request, Bulma actually wants to skip the marriage directly.

Unfortunately, Bruce's attitude is very clear.

Then, under the witness of everyone, Bruce followed Bulma to complete the ceremony, and then began the whole night carnival.

Cars of ingredients were pulled into the special kitchen.

In order to cope with today's banquet, the kitchen division team has a total of three, which are replaced by turns.

And in order to be grand, this banquet will open for three days and two nights.

"Why did Broly suddenly appear in Earth? Shouldn't he follow Paragus in the universe?"

Nan Ru, who was taken care of by Lazuli, looked shocked.

The gaze looked towards Broly as if she had seen a ghost. Obviously she had not long ago received news that Broly followed Paragus in the universe.

Why suddenly appeared in Earth, and why is his father Paragus not?

"Broly?" Lazuli slightly frowned, "You should be the alien who dominates Nanru's body, I advise you to let your body out quickly, or wait until Dr. Brief has worked out the instrument to get you out. You are afraid that there is really no way back."

Since she took Nanru away last night, she has been asking Dr. Brief.

I want to see if we can get rid of the aliens from Nanru's body through inspection.

It's just a pity that this kind of parasitic seems to be a little cryptic, and Dr. Brief in one night couldn't find a way.

"Actually...I am not malicious towards you, I just collect some of your information, and according to the attitude of Kiki doctor, it seems that I am close to Broly and Bruce."


"Get close?"

Bruce led Bulma to sit in front of Nanru, and he just passed by here with his keen hearing.

"I have no malice against you." Nan Ru said.

Bruce laughed, "Of course I know, but I want to ask you a question. Is the Kaiqi doctor in your mouth Saiyan?"

"Saiyan? "Nan Ru slightly dumbfounded, and replied after a while of silence, "I can't confirm this. I only know that Kaiqi doctor is excellent and she is conducting a great experiment."

Great fart.

"Then let me put it another way, do you have a tail like me behind your Kiki doctor?"

Speaking, Bruce shook the tail around his waist and took the initiative to release it to the south. In front of Ru, I am not afraid that this is Saiyan's weakness.

He has already overcome.

"tail?" Nan Ru showed a thoughtful expression again, hesitating.

She seems to be struggling, or weighing whether to communicate with Bruce.

"Are you hesitating?"

Noting Nan Ru's hesitant expression, Bruce decided to throw out a more important piece of information.

"Actually, the Kaiqi doctor you mentioned is probably the same person as the Kaiqi doctor in my memory."

"What nonsense are you talking about." Nan Ru Obviously not calm.

"The Kiki doctor I mentioned is the person-in-charge responsible for nurturing Saiyan, and also the little aunt for Broly and me."

paused, Bruce continued "If as you said, your Kiki doctor is kind to me and Broly, and it happens that their names are so similar, then...they are probably the same person."

"I can't accept it. Kaki doctor did not reveal any information about her identity."

"In fact, this is very simple, as long as you take the initiative to contact her, and then let me communicate with her. Everything is naturally As the water recedes, the rocks appear, and we are very likely to be in the same camp."

Speaking of this, Bruce glanced at Nanru and noticed the hesitant expression on the latter’s face , Said: "Of course, no matter what the final result of the conversation, I will let you go to make sure you can leave Earth safely, what do you think?"

"Are you serious?" Nan Ru was a little moved .

"Of course, who doesn't know me here. Bruce always said Nine Cauldrons." Bruce looked towards Bulma beside him, "You are right, wife."

" Huh?"

Apparently he didn't react to the name Bulma, and was shocked.

"Yes, that's right."

Lazuli's eyes tightened slightly, silently looking away. Lapis just twitched his lips and didn't say anything.

"I..." After tangling about two minutes, Nan Ru said: "I believe in you."

"Very good."

Bruce smiled satisfied. In fact, he can tell Towa to extract all the information, but this may affect Nanru, and the Kaiqi doctor in her mouth is likely to be a friendly army, and she didn't figure out the chaos...

It's really not sensible.

Of course, if the latter refuses to cooperate in the end, Bruce will still ask Towa for help.

After all, it was Demon Realm who carried the handle, and there must be a way to pull the boarder out, and then it was brainwashing something.

Properly get everything to the bottom.

Ten minutes later, Nan Ru looked depressed.

"Sorry, the doctor's line has been busy, I can't do anything about it to contact her."

She showed a helpless expression at Bruce.

"Busy?" Bruce said, "Are there any other lines?"

"No, to ensure safety, the doctor’s lines are unique and unmatched. Once found Disconnecting and re-creating a new line is the doctor contacting us unilaterally."

"This will be difficult to do."

No contact Go on, then you can't do anything about it. It seems that you only have the way to Towa.

"Broly, come here, I have something to find you." Bruce yelled to Broly in the distance, who seemed to be following someone with a spy.

It must be Paragus.

In the distance, Broly, who heard Bruce's call, walked over and talked, while Towa on his shoulder had been eating snacks, and new snacks floated over the table before he finished eating.

As Broly got closer, Bruce could barely hear what he was saying.

And the content inside makes Bruce and Nanru eyes opened wide.

"un un, Kiki little aunt, don't worry, I won't let that kind of boarder die, I'll follow Bruce to say..."

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