The collapse of space is not over, but continues to spread rapidly all around.

The sky is densely packed with cobweb-like cracks, all over the world.

"Why hasn't it been restored? The key character has not been solved, and the six planets have also been recovered?"

Ye Gang Zhenghua who is sitting on the ground like a puppet The light spot dissipates, and the surrounding things dissipate along with it.


Earth, The Lookout.

"You said Bruce and Son Goku disappeared out of thin air for three days?"

The Lookout steps, looking at Kami with a puzzled expression, Bulma face somewhat gloomy.

“To be precise, Bruce’s disappearance was on the night of Son Goku’s wedding, and Son Goku’s disappearance was the morning of the 2nd day.”

“Yes, Goku also ate Breakfast, but the next moment was taken away by the white light, I..."

Waves his hand at Chi-Chi, Bulma motions her to don't be impatient, and she will explain everything. .

"In short, after they disappeared, we looked for other places in Earth, but we didn't find any news about them."

"So you came to my heart for help?"


Kami understood for a while that Bulma and the others were right. It was easier to find someone on Earth to use Gods' identity.

"Yes." Bulma heavily nodded.

Representing the expansion of the power of Earth Gods, Kami began to search on Earth.

Since it was Bulma's request, Kami was naturally impossible to ignore.

And what they said also reminded Kami that there seems to be a special power on Earth that can take away Bruce and Son Goku, who are stronger than him in Power Level.

This matter must be taken seriously, otherwise they will lose the advantage of Earth at home.

"Kami, Kami........"

The god servant Mr. Popo ran out of The Lookout holding the square glass decoration table.

"What's wrong, Mr. Popo........"

Just halfway through the words, Kami's eyes widened instantly.

In the square glass decoration table, lying is Shenron who has lost his life force. Kami is very clear about what this scene represents.

Someone killed Shenron.

Moreover, it is still top secret, and he did it without even noticing it.

"Kami, what should I do?"

Kami slightly frowned, after thinking about it, he said: "I can only give Shenron a new life again, and then gather seven dragon balls summoned. , Ask it what happened."

Mr. Popo solemnly nodded and put the square glass table on which Shenron's body was placed on the ground.

"Please step back, everyone."

Bulma hearing this, pulled Chi-Chi back a few steps.

Kami looked at the people around her eyes, her index and middle fingers were brought together to glow with rays of light, and then turned into lightning and pierced into Shenron's body in the glass table.

Shenron does not all split up and in pieces, so it only needs Kami to re-animate it to be able to resurrect, and it does not need Mr. Popo to solidify its body with viscose.

Getting a new life, Shenron in the glass table did not re-enter the real world as usual, but twisted his body and sprinted straight forward.

In front of it, there was an invisible space door open, and Shenron's naked eye was gradually engulfed by it.

ka ka ka ......


At the same time, a familiar call suddenly came from the sky above The Lookout Voice.

One silhouette fell from the air.

Everyone was unfathomable mystery, but Bulma was full of joy, because she recognized the person who fell, and it was Bruce who had disappeared.

"My heavens, what is this."

Bruce who fell from midair seemed to react, Dancing Sky Art unfolded, his body stabilized on midair, and slowly landed towards the ground.

As he landed, he scanned the surroundings to determine his environment.

A smile appeared on his face when he saw the familiar characters of The Lookout.

"I'm finally back!" he thought to himself.

After the space world collapsed completely, Bruce held Liu Jie and fell continuously, like a bottomless pit, no matter how fast he fell, there was no end.

About a few hours after the fall, Bruce noticed that rays of light shot out from the bottom, and then appeared in the sky above The Lookout.

It's just that the Liu Jie he was holding is gone, and there is a six planet lying quietly in his hand.

"Bruce, where did you go?"

As soon as he landed, Bulma rushed over and hugged him.

Hurry up to catch her, Bruce's expression is a little depressed and confused, "I'm actually a little confused, anyway, you wait for me to stroke."

"en." Bulma answered happily. .

"Bruce, have you been with Goku, he is also missing."

Just after getting Bulma here, Bruce immediately heard Chi-Chi's question again.

He was slightly puzzled, and after a while he understood what Chi-Chi was talking about.

It is not myself who dare to disappear, but Son Goku is with him.

It's just...

Our classmate Kakarot, didn't he disappear on the wedding night, right?

That seems to be...somewhat unfriendly to our Chi-Chi classmates.

But since he is missing, then Son Goku must have been in the virtual dragon world just like himself.

With his skill, the safety issue does not need to be considered, that is, can Son Goku be decisive and find the central hub of that piece of the world.

It seems that I left because of the collapse of space, so the way to escape is likely to blow up that piece of world, and then that piece of world that needs to be reorganized will exclude things that do not belong to them. This achieved the purpose of leaving.

I knew this a long time ago. He was directly attacking the underground core of that piece of world with an energy blast, which saves time and effort.

Where is the dill-dallying waste of time.

His thoughts turned, and Bruce found a place to explain his situation the past few days.

Everyone was stunned, especially Kami, whose slightly younger eyebrows were almost twisted into twine.

"I really didn't expect that within Dragon Ball, there is still a world."

Bruce looked at him, twitched his lips and said: "Now you don't understand it. So should you, a creator, learn from my Bulma, be full of scientific exploration spirit, just close the barrier for a few years, and find out your Dragon Ball."

"I will consider it."

Kami rarely refuted, which surprised Bruce a little.

“Also, the way to leave that piece of world seems to be to destroy the world over there, and then be expelled by the reorganized world as a foreign body.”

Bruce looked towards Chi-Chi , Preemptively seal her question with answers.

"So whether Son Goku can come out depends on whether he can cruelly ruin the world."

Bulma was surprised: " are such a wolf." Destroy."

"It’s not our world, and the Legendary Super Saiyan Form took out a big explosion, just bounce him a few times and it won’t be done?"

Bulma twitched his lips, No comment.

Although I have a taste of Bruce's character in my heart, if we don't do this, whether Bruce can get out of that world is still two different things.

So she has no say in this regard.

In other words, the method of destruction is correct.

Chi-Chi hesitated, but Bruce saw him hesitating to speak.

Bruce understands that Chi-Chi is worried about Son Goku, but this can't do anything about it, the ghost knows which Dragon Ball Son Goku entered, and even if he knows he has no way to enter.

Now it's really powerless.

I can only pray that Son Goku can quickly understand the true meaning of Saiyan, destruction is rebirth.

"Or...not a dead end..." Bruce looked towards Kami.

Kami looked at him suspiciously, and followed her to look at each other.

"Kami, how about you seclusion now and try to see if you can communicate with Dragon Ball, then find Son Goku's location as a Creator, and then pull him out of it."

Bruce chuckled, point out a beacon to Chi-Chi.

Kami sighed slightly, got up and said, "I will take care of this. I will try to find a way now, Bruce, give me the six planet in your hand."

"En?" Bruce was surprised, "How do you know I have six planets in my hand?"

Kami rolled his eyes to Bruce, "Dragon Ball was created by me. I can naturally sense where they are. "

"And even if I want to seclusion, I must have a medium item around me. These six planets are the best medium."

"It makes sense, I will give it to you. "

Bruce handed the six planets to Kami, and the latter took the walking stick and returned to The Lookout. Bruce followed Bulma to explain the situation carefully, and then left through the space channel.

From Bulma, I know that the rest of the people are busy looking for him and Son Goku in Earth, and he needs to go back and follow them to explain.

But this matter is also simple, Bruce took it as a trip to another place.

Although I didn't bring back any specialties.

Speaking of specialty products, Bruce asked Bulma to explain to the others on his behalf, and then left again by himself.

When I came back in the evening, I carried a few giant diamonds on my shoulders.

That body shape, less to say, has a beginning of 1.5 m.

Especially the color, crystal clear and bright, it can be called assassin Supreme Treasure for women.

One of the diamonds was naturally given to Bulma. I ate and drank for so long. Although I will get married in the future, I can’t live for nothing like Son Goku and don’t make money for the family.

Although Bulma's soft rice is good.

The rest is for Rose, this special soldier character woman is willing to engage in business in order to become a qualified older sister.

Bruce feels that he is most guilty of Rose. If possible, Bruce really wants to make Rose a King.

It also made him pay.

Unfortunately, our Rose Miss does not have this thought.


When Bruce was lying in the 155 10x gravity room, feeling the gravity squeezed from all sides in his whole body heart, he suddenly noticed that there was something more in his pocket.

In this hundred and five 10x gravity gains, his trouser pockets were almost torn.

Fortunately, the quality of these trousers is good, and I am lying down now, without the influence of vertical gravity, the trouser pockets are fine for a while.

He quickly reached out and took out.

Then... Bruce was dumbfounded.

He is not unfamiliar with that thing, or he can't forget it even if he wants to.

Dragon Ball ----Six planet!

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