
Not only is Bruce unable to contact Galactic Patrol, Frieza and the others are also unable to contact their Legion.

Now everyone is in a stand-alone state.

Frieza and their advantages appear to be even greater than Bruce.

Now Bruce, they almost all overlord offend, get rid of Frieza himself, as well as the previous Enmity Cooler.

Even if they were lucky enough to get rid of Frieza, the Cooler who might be chasing from behind would also be difficult to solve.

It can be said that they are over.

But the situation is different now. Bruce has figured it out and no longer wastes time on this planet.

They want to retreat.

Bruce didn't mind Lyme's answer, he opened his throat and looked towards in midair's Broly angry shouted:

"Broly, retreat!"

Broly hearing this did not immediately stop the hand, both sides have now played True Fire, it takes some time to buffer.

Lapis took out the earrings and looked at Bruce hesitatingly said: "Or we can let Lepis come out, only he can quickly clear the scene."

Lyme pupils tightened and watched The earrings in Lapis's hands were a little confused.

"What is this?"

Bruce doesn't doubt that he has him, nor is it counted as hiding from Lyme, and quickly replied: "This is a kind of earrings that can be fused, after fusion Power Level can be increased exponentially."

First give Lyme a vaccination, to that extent, let her not be surprised by the fusion of Lepis.

Android No.3 surprisedly said: "Convergence?"

Bruce didn't even look at Android No.3, his gaze shifted down to guard Frieza.

Frieza is getting closer now.

The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for them.

"You guys are hiding behind me, he is here to block Frieza, Lapis, you put the earrings on first, if I can't beat Frieza, I will find the opportunity to put on the earrings."

Bruce stepped forward Blocking Lyme behind him, facing Frieza, began to adjust the disorder ki in the body.

Lapis obediently wears earrings behind him, and Frieza has cut the rain curtain.

But he stayed in place.

Because a dazzling white light illuminates the entire rain screen, it shoots past his face, causing a giant "Pai Star" thousands of meters behind him, hot and dazzling.

This is shot from the direction Bruce is.

His cheeks, which are as high as tens of millions of battle power, are slightly hot, and they can even be scorched in the heavy rain.

But Frieza didn't care, and even ignored the explosive wind that swept from behind, but instead looked at the front with eyes open wide.

The location where the energy ray is projected.

Lapis eyes opened wide, Broly who was fighting in midair also stopped abruptly, and Slug seized the opportunity to take a punch.

I crashed into the mud a hundred meters away.

Android 3 covers his mouth, and the beautiful eyes are full of excitement and fanaticism.

Unlike her, Nappa is dumbstruck.

"cough cough...really...why...why do you want to do this?"

Bruce coughed up blood, that bright red The liquid rushed out of his mouth as if it were no money.

Three points of disbelief appeared on his face, two points of horror, two points of despair and three points of reluctance.

Lyme face tranquil and calm, lift up the bangs on the face wet by the heavy rain:

"Why is this? Actually, I also want to ask you Bruce, why Bruce Would you ask such a naive question?"

She showed a contemptuous and slightly compassionate face, clasped the palm of her full strength energy blast, and scanned the expression on Bruce's face.

Gradually moved down, and finally fell to the size of the mouth of the latter's left chest, and even the blood hole in the opposite scenery can be seen through it.

"I'm Dr. Gero's Android, do I need any reason to kill you?"

Lyme blinked and asked in a mischievous voice like an elf : "Could it be that....... Do you really naively think that I will not kill you?"

"That's acting..."

"After the hope and confidence have been raised in your heart, you will be mercilessly pushed into the bottomless abyss..."

"How wonderful is that. ......."

Lyme has an intoxicated expression on his face, and even more arrogantly raises his head to the sky and even opens his arms. The corners of his eyes are left with liquid that does not know whether it is tears or rain. .

Everyone was dumbfounded by this scene.

Include Slug, including Frieza who stopped.

It also includes a few silhouettes that are gradually approaching one kilometer away.

"It turned out to be acting. On the 21st, you really are the perfect Android that inherits Dr. Gero will, You're quite something!"

Android No. 3 shows enthusiasm, laughing out loud.

"I just said how could you join Bruce's queue, it turned out to be such a meaning, help Bruce ignite the hope in his heart, and finally destroy it in fiercely......"

"What a superb method of revenge to let Bruce die in despair, I took it on the 21st!"

"bastard!" Lapis furious, punched out. Destroy Lyme.

Lyme dodged sideways, kicked Lapis back in the chest, then backed up and exchanged kicks, kicked Lapis back into the air and kicked him away quickly.

pā ​​pā pā!

Lapis crashed into the muddy ground until he was kicked into the air.

Lyme is even better than him. Was it hiding his strength before?

"Really...really...Is that so..."

Blood is constantly overflowing from the left chest hole, After being washed away by heavy rain, bloody mud began to appear on the ground over and over again.


The body that was bearing the heavy rain finally couldn't hold it, kneeling on the ground, fiercely hit the ground, splashing mud and water.

"It turns out...It turns out....It's just my fantasy.....Fantasy..."

" I have already..... have already planned to take you back...back to Earth...and then..."


Bruce did not continue, the rays of light in his eyes...

The double blow of blood loss and spirit made him weaker and weaker. Even if the body is flowing with perpetual energy, he cannot be saved at this moment.

"ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhh!"

Suddenly, there was Broly's crazy roar, the terrifying and tyrannical figure hit the rain and flashed in front of Lyme.

Angrily punches out.

Lyme put his hands diagonally over his chest to resist.

"ka ka ka!"

The sound of fracture and fragmentation sounded, and Lyme fluttered out like a broken kite, hitting the ground and retreating, ploughing out a long invisible line The bottom of the ravine.

"Twenty-first!" Android number three exclaimed.

She hurriedly chased out, and Broly, who was in a rage, naturally missed Lyme, and attacked again after a successful blow.

But it is also at this time.

One silhouette stood in front of him.

Frieza gentleman etiquette, gentle and unruly, said: "Oh, the 21st Young Lady, but I have helped me, I can't just let you pass..."


The only response to Frieza was a fist that died and was furious with Broly. In his opinion, everything that stops him is an enemy.

He can't take care of a lot now, he only wants to crush the person who seriously injured Bruce.

"Good coming!"

Frieza's body swelled rapidly. After a long time of rest, his take action was Full Power, and he greeted the furious Broly outrageously.

dong dong dong ......

The fierce battle started instantly, and the bodies of their two people were quickly enveloped by the fist pressure, and the area that opened the great battle was directly vacuumed.

All the rainwater evaporates and turns into white gas.

There are pits on the ground constantly bursting, and stones bursting along the way.

Nappa froze in place, not knowing what to do.

Lapis struggled to get up from the mud, but couldn't stand up. He staggered and fell up again. Lyme's attack was very heavy, and her Power Level was definitely 10x better than he did.

It is fortunate not to be killed.

Bruce knelt in the mud dumbfounded.

There was a self-deprecating smile on his face, a smile of hopelessness, until he saw a spaceship flying into the sky in the distance.


Coughing out a mouthful of blood again.

The hairstyle on his head was drooping because of heavy rain, half covering his eyes, and the rain was formed from the sharp horn in several strands and left along his face.

Dozens of seconds have passed.

A silhouette from far to near appeared in the heavy rain and stopped at a distance of about ten meters.


He got the seeds of fine divine fruit, but finally he chose to catch up.

Bruce noticed that, raising his head, with the bridge of his nose facing the sky, as if to take the initiative to withstand the whipping punishment of the heavy rain.

It's like a sinner who wants to wash away his sins, or wants to borrow heavy rain to complete the last journey and forget everything.

Whether it is sadness or pain.

Quietly bear the heavy rain, crying rain this day.

Cooler didn't speak, but looked at Bruce silently. He saw and heard everything just now.

At this moment, the pupils in Bruce's eyes began to move downwards, and then he stopped until he could see Cooler ten meters away.


"Are you... also here to kill me?"

He asked.

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