I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 198


Chapter 198 Mechanical Sniper Squad!

The battle strength of the new Black Ting warrior on the battlefield of the Sixteen Nations Alliance is not necessarily that strong.

The nearly 800 members of the Dawning Corps were strangled almost simultaneously!

Because this battle is a long bloody battle, Lin Yuan must be impossible to turn on the overload mode to attack at first.

Don't talk about bloody battles for a few days, I'm afraid I can't even hold it for half an hour!

At this stage, Lin Yuan's battle method still uses thermomechanical output.

The constant switching of Gatling and sniper rifle kills the enemy warrior one after another.

It is also wishful thinking for the enemy to stick Lin Yuan's body at this time and use melee combat to kill Lin Yuan.

In the case where the enemy Level 6 Martial Artists are all entangled by the Dawning Corps Level 6 Martial Artists.

Two Level 5 new black court warriors want to kill Lin Yuan and limit Lin Yuan's tyrannical output!

Unfortunately, he couldn't get close to Lin Yuan at all.

On the way to the attack, he was intercepted by two old warriors of the Dawn Corps.

Lin Yuan turned around, and the cold shot directly penetrated the head of a new black court warrior!


Want to get close to Lin Yuan?

Not to mention Lin Yuan himself has a very strong melee ability, if there is no level 6 level, it is difficult to kill.

On the current status of Lin Yuan in the entire Dawn Corps.

Once the enemy has an intention to approach him, the warriors of the surrounding Dawn Corps will immediately bite up!

Dare to touch Lin Yuan?

In this team, anyone can sacrifice, Lin Yuan absolutely cannot!


Lin Yuan took a deep breath.

Even though he only came to the Dawning Corps not long ago, both the Captains and the team members gave Lin Yuan absolute trust!

All Lin Yuan can do is give back that trust.





Three psionic battleships from It fell from the sky and smashed into the Eastern Capital, raising a piece of dust.

The interior of the new Black Ting warrior is also dead and wounded.

Such a sudden wave of fire is obviously beyond the expectations of the Sunset Empire troops!

And after the fall of three psionic battleships in a row, the imposing manner of the entire Sunset Empire's enemy troops has also decreased a lot.

But soon the entire Sunset Empire team started to counterattack under the leadership of the First Army head, Level 7 Martial Artist Gu Zhenxiong!

Under the frantic impact, several formation eyes of the big formation were quickly broken.

At the same time, the only one psionic battleship driven by Cangsong Academician also moved towards the crazy bombing of the enemy troops!

The battlefield suddenly turned into a big melee!

In such a war situation, a large number of warriors died inexplicably under the shock wave of unknown spiritual power, both enemy and friendly.

Blood splattered the battlefield. Under the stimulation of the blood, neither side could retreat, and a bloody battle of spear and shield began!

The blood is flowing, and there are thousands of corpses!

All coalition warriors know that there is no way to retreat, and they are constantly blocking the advance of the enemy!



"Cover retreat!"

Bombing three psionic battleships according to a strategic plan After that, the Dawning Corps was naturally surrounded by layers of enemy troops when it landed!

All the Warriors of the Dawning Corps did not panic, and they had predicted this would happen before the war began.

At the periphery of the battlefield, the special sniper squad led by Shou Shui kept bursting with its own firepower, covering the retreat of the Dawn Corps!


"Psionic weapons?"

"Not psionic weapons! Psionic weapons are so powerful?"

At the very beginning, the enemy simply did not realize the strength of this special sniper squad.

Thought it was just an ordinary psionic weapon unit.

However, as one Level 5 Martial Artist after another was shot and killed, there were also waves in their hearts.

Ordinary psionic bullets have a lethality around Level 4 realm.

But these snipers in the dark, even Level 5 Martial Artist can kill with one shot!




Lin Yuan ordered the warrior of the Dawning Corps to move towards The north is attacking!

Why Lin Yuan insisted on making such a sniper squad before the war.

It is because the deterrent of such a sniper squad on the battlefield is absolutely unimaginable, and there is a huge gap between the effect of the legal system Martial Artist.

The French Martial Artist specializes in mass destruction.

The Melee Martial Artist specializes in close combat.

However, in terms of ability and deterrence in chaos, they are not as good as snipers!

When the Dawning Corps broke through, the players felt the difference from the previous battlefield.

Because of the flank cover of the special sniper squad, the enemy who is blocking the frontal battlefield should always pay attention to the sniping from the flank.

It is impossible to focus on the frontal combat, and all the warriors of the Dawning Corps have nothing to fear!

They know and trust the mechanical sniper squad made by Lin Yuan.

Under the fighting mentality of the two sides, even if the original strength is the same, the Warriors of the Dawning Corps will occupy an absolute advantage.

According to the pre-war deployment, several corps on the front were shouted:


"Besiege Hei Yuan giant beast! Limit the spirit Can battleship output!"


Formation did not hold the Sunset Empire troops for too long.

Under the continuous impact of the enemy army, the large formation arranged in advance finally shattered.

At the same time, the continuously Jinshui allied forces rushed into the battle group and started a real hand-to-hand battle with the enemy!

The killing efficiency of the mechanical sniper squad led by Shou Shui is terrifying.

Originally, the overwhelming majority warriors on both sides of the enemy and allies are Level 4 Martial Artists, and they simply have no capital to resist in front of the mechanical sniper squad!

One shot takes away an enemy!

In a short period of time, more than a thousand enemies have been killed by the sniper rifle of this Squad.

And the sniper squad led by the guards is extremely agile and constantly shuttles across the battlefield.

The most important thing is that their range is quite terrifying, and the enemy simply has no way to target them.

Even the coalition headquarters did not expect that this sudden sniper squad would become a trump card for the coalition forces!

Thirty-six people fired terrifying firepower!


Three psionic battleships were destroyed, and the advance attack in the Eastern Capital was suppressed!

A steady stream of battlefield news reaches the headquarters of the Sunset Empire.

Sajan gloomy face.

The difficulty of the war was something they had foreseen in advance.

"There is only one card left."

Although this Eastern Capital battle only lasted for a few hours.

But Sa really knows that now is the best time for Sunset Empire to break through the Eastern Capital in one fell swoop.

Once they are dragged into the bloody battle of the endgame, the will of war on both sides is definitely not of the same level.

Sazhen took a deep breath and walked out of the tent:

"The Guards! Assemble!"




Peng Wuji and Lin morning sun, the two marshals stated the biggest advantage of the coalition forces at the previous strategic meeting!

Whether it is psionic battleship or black yuan giant beast, it is the advantage of the Sunset Empire.

But apart from this, they still have one last card.

That's the top powerhouse!

In this high-martial world, the direction of the battlefield is very likely to be reversed by one or two top powerhouses!

According to the news, a real Level 7 powerhouse is supported in the new Black Ting army, in the main battleship.

Plus Sajan and the Level 7 powerhouse of the Empire of the Sunset.

In addition to Mo Wenhan's accidental serious injury during the mission!

It can be said that the Sunset Empire has an absolute advantage in the number of powerhouses.

"So once the enemy Marshal Sazhen appears on the battlefield, it is time for the opponent to fight for his life!"

The game on the battlefield never stops!


After the three psionic battleships were destroyed by the coalition forces, the remaining battleships of the enemy were forced to retreat some distance.

In this way, even if the coalition forces want to complete the focus again, they have to pass through the blocking of the army of the Sunset Empire.

However, in this way, the power of the psionic battleship is also greatly reduced, and the strategic purpose of the coalition has been achieved.

"Would you like to take action! Head!"

Above the psionic battleship, the New Black Ting troops were a little hesitant, wondering if they should join the battle group at this time.

They originally thought that with the support of technical troops and a large number of devil beast troops, the support of mechanical troops could crush dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and they could also get a lot of benefits from the war.

It's a pity that the battle situation is not that simple, and they can really help the Sunset Empire by taking action now.

But even if the New Black Empire and the Sunset Empire are on the same front, the warriors of the New Black Empire still believe that their lives are far more noble than those of the Sunset Empire.

Now entering the battlefield, they will definitely become the target of public criticism!

"Wait a minute."

The only Level 7 Martial Artist of the New Black Ting unit, head Kurosuke said solemnly.

The victory of this war, they must help the Sunset Empire to win, otherwise they can't explain it when they go back.


In the chaotic Chapter, the Dawning Corps has a very clear goal.

Mechanical Corps, Hei Yuan giant beast.

clang! clang!

The Level 5 ice pulp bullets blazing from a distance hit the robots on the battlefield one after another, blazing a burst of sparks.

Although the impact was extremely strong, it did not break the defenses of these robots.

Lin Yuan knew all about these robots, and made an analysis and arrangement in the Dawn Corps before the war.

Because he himself has dismantled this robot countless times.

A lot of unknown rare metals have been obtained from it.

The defensive ability of these bizarre metals is so strong that even Level 5 Ice Essence bullets can't break through the sturdy defenses of these robots.

But it's not entirely without weaknesses.

The defenses at the mechanical joints of the joints are relatively weak!

Like the robots made by Lin Yuan, they are equally capable of analyzing data.

The long-range sniping of the mechanical sniper squad can be completely predicted and judged by these robots, and cannot cause fatal damage.

On the contrary, under the close combat, the warrior of the Dawning Corps has the ability to hit the murderous intention robot.

Even if the enemy can predict in advance, when the strength breaks the critical point, predicting it will have no effect!

At this time, Lin Yuan directly condensed the freezing gun when the firepower of the Machine Department could not be erupted on a large scale!

This mechanical weapon, Lin Yuan, has not been used many times before, but it can slow down and assist teammates in their main attack!

puci ——

Lin Yuan pulled the trigger decisively, and a very long and white beam of cold spewed out from the muzzle of the freezing gun, lasing on a robot !

Also at night.


After watching Ti last night, I can’t calm down for a long time……


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(end of this chapter)

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