I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 195


Chapter 195 The Eastern Capital Guard Battle! !

In the entire military camp, countless martial artists of Tianshui Kingdom who were restless felt a little suffocated when they heard Lin Yuan's words.

Not a joke at all.

Yang Zhengrong nodded lightly and said sternly:

"Understand." p>

"The military law is ruthless, and the military orders are like mountains."

"Soldiers take obedience to orders as their natural duty."

"This fighting intent means the survival of several countries, but any If you violate military discipline on the battlefield, kill without mercy!"

As soon as these words came out, the restless military camp was completely quiet.

Since they want to join the army, you have to do what the boss wants you to do. There is no excuse or reason!

The current manpower is indeed insufficient, and even the gendarmerie troops, which are mainly responsible for the supervision of the war and the administrative deployment after the war, have already entered the battlefield.

At this time, the soldiers on the battlefield were all crawling out of blood, and they were supervising the battle without retreating.

Logistics, one of the most labor-intensive tasks involved in transporting the seriously wounded on the battlefield.

For example, there are ten people in a team, and two people are seriously injured. In the battle, it is always impossible to send squad members to transport the two seriously injured people back to the rear for treatment. At this time, the logistics force will be dispatched to enter the battlefield. The wounded were brought back!

Does not require any frontal combat, but is an important logistical task.

This is what Marshal Peng Wuji and Lin Yuan said just now.

Lin Yuan glanced at the complex-looking recruits in front of him, and said:

"You want to fight and kill the enemy."

"Wait for the Tianshui Army on the front line. The warriors are all dead, and there is a chance!"

Lin Yuan's words were true.

If the front line can withstand the onslaught of the enemy forces, it doesn't need this group of young Martial Artists to fight bloody battles.

But if the front line can't stand it, let the enemy advance to the line of life and death.

Then force them to work hard, when the time comes there is a chance to kill the enemy!

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he and Yang Zhengrong looked at each other.

Leaving the rear barracks under the watchful eyes of countless warriors.

Then Yang Zhengrong took over the large group of Martial Artists and quickly began to organize and arrange tasks on the battlefield.


Into the night.

Lin Yuan finally returned to the camp of the Dawn Corps.

“Lin Yuan!”

“Lin Yuan.”

After a few days of rest and recovery, most of the warriors of the Dawning Corps are close to Peak. Except for some seriously injured warriors.

However, these warriors returned quickly after treatment.

Although Lin Yuan is the commander of the Dawning Corps, the warriors of the Dawning Corps are still used to calling him by his first name.

In the past few days, Lin Yuan has been in the technology room with Luo Lao and Academician making mechanical sniper squares, and has not come to the corps station.

However, the Dawn Corps is extremely clear about their mission in this battle.

As a mobile corps, annihilate the enemy's elite battle strength!

On the battlefield, Heiyuan giant beast, psionic battleship, and the enemy's mechanical corps with good battle strength are all targets of the Dawn Corps.


The Dawn Corps station, temporary residence.

Lissi was running spiritual power cross-legged, revealing his snow-white and delicate back.

Behind her, Li Meng tried her best to administer needles and used medical power to help Li Sisi recover from her injuries as much as possible.

Li Sisi was seriously injured in the Battle of Stone City, but Lin Yuan didn't come and pay attention to her injuries.

Instead, he hurried back to the Eastern Capital and handed in the psionic ammunition.

After that, I quickly participated in the production of the mechanical sniper square, and wanted to enhance some battle strength as much as possible before the war!

No time until this time.

Hearing the knock on the door, Li Sisi rolled up his clothes, using their perception ability as Level 6 Martial Artists, so close, he naturally knew who was outside the door.

"Come in."

Li Sisi under the mask showed a slight smile and looked out the door.

Lin Yuan pushed the door and came in, and his temperament was different from that in the Corps.

In the Corps, Lin Yuan is the leader, the regiment commander, and the commander.

But in the Peace Dove, Lin Yuan is only a member of Li Sisi.

"How's the injury?"

Lin Yuan looked at Li Sisi and asked with concern.

Being able to achieve this level is not just a "peace dove mission" that can be brought.

"It's fine."

"I'm used to it."

Lissi slowly put on his inner armor, and then put on the dove representing the pigeon. white coat.

For Martial Artists who have been in war for years, injuries are a common occurrence.

And the war is imminent, even if they can only play 60-70%, they can't retreat before the war.

Lin Yuan and Li Sisi looked at each other, then nodded and said:


"Let's go."

The female Martial Artist who can become the top combat Martial Artist, everyone has a strong fighting will.

Otherwise, it will not grow to this point.

Maybe they are very small women in their normal lives, even arrogant.

But once on the battlefield, the will to fight is even stronger than that of men.


Lin Yuan stood at the forefront of the barracks, and all the warriors of the Dawning Corps had assembled.

"The 1st Squad is assembled!"

"The 2nd Squad is assembled!"


"The Special Sniper Squad The assembly is complete!"

Except for the original Dawn Corps warrior and the pigeon squad.

The last team in the Dawning Corps certainly grabs everyone's attention.

Naturally, it was a special sniper squad led by Shou Shui, with a total of 36 people.

Almost all team members exude ice cold aura.

Everyone around knows that this is a robot made by Lin Yuan.

But I've never fought side by side on the battlefield, so I'm still a little curious.

“Let’s go!”


The team of less than 800 people, led by Lin Yuan, rushed to the front line and waited. Tomorrow morning comes.

It is said that the enemy troops will probably arrive at the Eastern Capital battlefield during this time period!

There are still tall buildings and the seemingly prosperous Eastern Capital will undoubtedly become a ruin after this bloody battle.

In Lin Yuan's communicator, news of the deployment in the city kept coming:

"One district is in place!"

"Thirty-three districts In place!"

"The nineteenth district is in place!"

There are only two communicators for contacting the regions and headquarters.

One is in the hands of Lin Yuan, and the other is in the hands of Mo Wenhan.

The communicators of the other squids are connected between the squids and with the logistical forces.

As soon as there is a wounded in the Squad, the logistics force will be contacted to pick up the wounded.


On the eve of the war, night fell.

A bright moon is above the sky.

There is a firm belief in the entire Eastern Capital.

All the warriors of Tianjin Kingdom and Tianshui Kingdom are distributed in the entire Eastern Capital, pulling the front lines completely open to welcome the coming of war!

Li Sisi glanced at Lin Yuan's resolute profile, then turned his head slowly.

A group of elites of the Dawning Corps crouched on the building, Lin Yuan said solemnly:

"When the war starts and we appear on the battlefield, the enemy will definitely send elite troops to strangle. We, brothers, have to be mentally prepared!"

Many players nodded.

The enemy is not a fool. It is impossible to watch the elite troops of the Dawning Corps produce results, and they will definitely take action.

Lin Yuan continued:

"We use the pigeons as the core to carry out high-speed sweeps!"

"Once encountering an unstoppable enemy siege, immediately After breaking through and retreating, the warriors in each area will cooperate with us to cover and retreat!"



The Dawn Corps are all Experienced warrior, needless to say about execution.

Now there is Lin Yuan as the head and Mo Wenhan as the deputy head.

It is also difficult to have major problems in the entire battlefield decision.

"Uncle Mo, the flank battlefield will be handed over to you."

"en. ”

Mo Wenhan nodded, after his broken arm, his battle strength is great discount.

But a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse , mainly responsible for flanking.

The whole East is in a state of preparation.

Lin Yuan's communicator kept reporting the enemy's position.

When the sun rises from the east, the rumbling sound also sounds in the south of the eastern capital!


Lin Yuan felt the rumbling sound and raised his head.

The fighting intent of all warriors in the entire Eastern Capital was completely condensed in this brief moment, as if it turned into substance and shot into the sky!


“Ammo Reload!”

“Range Martial Artist Prep!”

“Psionic Fighter Troop Prep Ready!"



A cry rang throughout the east, and all warriors looked towards the front firmly.


The terrifying rumbling sound resounded through Heaven and Earth. When the enemy approached the Eastern Capital, the warriors in the Eastern Capital felt the whole ground tremble. !

Some experienced warriors clenched their weapons.

Not far away, thousands of densely packed devil beasts are moving towards the camp at a frantic pace.

In addition to the heavy footsteps, there was an amazing roar!



In addition to the devil beast army, there are also a large number of sunset empire troops, which erupted in spiritual power, following behind this group of devil beasts, wants to rush into the Eastern Capital in one fell swoop!


At the command of the commander on the north side of the eastern capital, countless artillery fire and the magical skills of the Martial Artist of the French system were able to hide the sky and cover the earth. moved towards The enemy suddenly blasted away!

When a cannonball landed, there was a terrifying sound.

The Eastern Capital Guard Battle, which will surely go down in history, officially kicked off!

"Psionic Technology Corps!"

"Take off!"


Among the Eastern Capital, Cangsong Academician himself flew the only psionic battleship into the air.

In an instant, the main guns of the psionic battleship began to vibrate.

A surprising amount of energy is concentrated in the muzzle.

one after another beam of destruction emanated and landed in the enemy's line!




"Sure enough."

Behind the Sunset Empire, See the psionic battleship and fighter regiment repaired by Tianshui Science and Technology Department during this time.

Marshal Sazhen's eyes twinkled, secretly said in one's heart.

If there is not enough profit, this group of elites of the Dawn Corps will not choose to raid Stone City.


The multi-colored rays of light shine in the sky, and the first wave of blocking from the Eastern Capital is crazy and short-lived.

When the Great Wall was defended, the entire southern defense line had suffered a big loss.

How could it be possible to repeat the same mistakes this time and defend the outer zone?


After several consecutive rounds of spiritual skills and achieved good results, the outermost long-range attack troops waved their hands and quickly retreated according to the pre-war policy. Into the city!

There are large chapters in the evening, or two chapters.

PS: Being drilled by an electric drill next door is worse than death...

(end of this chapter)

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