I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 190


Chapter 190 Operation Stone City! !

The security inside and outside the stone city is very strict, and countless guards are wandering around all the time.

In the grass on a small hillside, Lin Yuan and Lao Wei cautiously hid in it.

SteelSeries' life spiritual power detection is ongoing.

In front of them, a patrol soldier in the uniform of the Sunset Empire was humming a little song with his back to them, while shooing happily.

"I love to pee~"

"Good skin~"

I didn't notice the danger from my back at all.

The Soul Searching Technique can only be used when the target is alive.

In order to be afraid of beating the grass to scare the snake, Lin Yuan didn't do it himself, and Lao Wei did it himself!

The release of spiritual skills instantly enveloped this low-level Sun-Setting Empire escort.

The guard of the Sunset Empire didn't have time to howl, and the light in his eyes gradually lost, obviously he had fallen into the illusion set up by Lao Wei!

Lin Yuan's speed suddenly exploded, and at the same time that the guard was taken away at an extreme speed, the thousand-faced mask on his face quickly changed into the appearance of this guard!

Seeing Lin Yuan's amazing disguise with his own eyes, Lao Wei couldn't believe it.

But soon he spirit slowly recovers to search for the escort's memory!

Not long after, a deep voice came from a distance:

"Little Li, are you all right? It's time to change shifts!"

Lin Yuan glanced. Shen, immediately responded:

"Alright! Alright!"

"Coming soon!"


for a moment Later.

Lin Yuan, who was perfectly disguised as Xiao Li, appeared in front of another guard.

"Why so long?"

Lin Yuan shook his head and said helplessly: "Tsk, is this something I can control?"

It's time for shift , the two moved towards the stone city side by side.

It's easy to infiltrate the stone city, after all, there are a lot of sunset empire warriors coming and going during the war.

impossible to check everyone's identity perfectly clear.

After Lin Yuan infiltrated into Shicheng, the backup Dawning Corps also began to act.

The core of this time's plan is to "sound the east and strike the west"!

In Stone City, there is the supreme commander of the Sunset Empire.

Sunset Imperial Marshal - "Sazhen".

when the time comes Once the action starts, take Lin Yuan's atomic bomb as its name.

Once bombed in the enemy barracks, all the other nine pigeons team up with Mo Wenhan and an elite force to try to assassinate Sajan!

And Lin Yuan cooperated with other members of the Dawn Corps to attack the psionic ammunition depot.

When pigeons appear on the battlefield, the enemy's eyes must be led away by pigeons.


The entire Stone City is now in a war cycle, and the most crowded place is the medical area.

Under the war, it was not only the Sixteen Nations Alliance that suffered astonishing casualties, but also the Empire of the Sunset.

Lin Yuan kept exploring in the barracks, carefully observing the surrounding clues while walking.

Because the Sunset Empire is eager to break through the Sixteen Nations Alliance within a month, the overwhelming majority troops have already gone to the front line, and the rear is even more empty than Lin Yuan imagined!


At this moment, a huge psionic battleship of the New Black Empire appeared in the sky and slowly landed inside the stone city.

Lin Yuan's gaze turned to that direction. That location was the psionic ammunition depot inside Shicheng. The psionic battleship returned to Shicheng with only one probability, which was to replenish ammunition.

With the existence of SteelSeries, Lin Yuan was able to avoid some guards as much as possible, and probed the guard deployment of the entire Shicheng.

At the same time, the members of the Dawning Soldiers in the rear sneaked into the stone city one after another according to the deployment of Lin Yuan and Lao Wei!

As soon as it was dawn, Lin Yuan saw another psionic battleship landed in the stone city to replenish ammunition.

"It's almost there."

In this raid plan, the longer you drag on in Stone City, the less safe it will be!

Although there are only 800 of them, there are only 100 Martial Artists above Level 6, and they are fully capable of attacking.


Lin Yuan, who was hiding outside the barracks, kept condensing the super atomic bomb in his hand.

The target of the bombing is the old barracks of Shicheng!

This super-large-scale destructive spiritual skill is difficult for even a Level 6 Martial Artist to possess.

The materials for these atomic bombs were all requested from the top leaders of the Peace Dove before going to New Black Ting, and they were all Top Grade materials!

If Lin Yuan is given enough time to condense, the formidable power of this super atomic bomb will probably be unimaginable.

Countless mechanical energy is constantly gathering!

This super atomic bomb, far exceeding Lin Yuan's current battle strength, took half an hour to condense.

When Lin Yuan looked up, he jumped up and rushed towards the sky of Shicheng!


At the moment when Lin Yuan's silhouette appeared high in the sky, countless lines of sight in the center of Shicheng moved towards Lin Yuan!

Before everyone could react, a black dot quickly fell from the sky!

With incomparable power!

At this moment, even Sazhen, the Marshal of the Sunset Empire, had a look of horror on his face, and shouted in horror:

"Enemy attack—"


If Lin Yuan is given enough time to condense, this super atomic bomb is definitely the strongest trump card that Lin Yuan can release at present!

Even scarier than the True Dragon cannon!

The internal fluctuations of the huge atomic bomb are constantly escaping.

Feeling this terrifying energy fluctuation, the six Martial Artists in the Sunset Empire military camp jumped up, moved towards this super atomic bomb and slammed into it!

The dazzling rays of light are constantly flashing in the sky, and I want to intercept this super atomic bomb in the air!

But next moment, it was instantly submerged in the white glow of the sky.

The moment the super atomic bomb fell on the barracks.

A circle of terrifying spiritual power fluctuations spread wildly!

A huge mushroom cloud rises from the stone city!



The beacon fires are rolling, like mushroom clouds, layer upon layer, tossing up.

Make the whole Shicheng look white!

A deafening explosion resounded through the sky!

The countless Martial Artists in the center of the explosion were submerged under the shockwave of this amazing spiritual power.

Even Sazhen, a Level 7 Martial Artist, was severely injured!


The devastating lethality swept the entire Sunset Empire barracks, and I don’t know how many warriors were instantly wiped out!

Even outside the barracks, the 800 elites who had prepared in advance were shocked.

This is Lin Yuan!

This is the Machine Department Martial Artist!

If Lin Yuan is given enough time to agglomerate, there will be enough metal Spirit Stone beast core raw materials.

Machine Department's explosiveness and lethality must far exceed his actual realm.

Lin Yuan, the almighty Machine Department Martial Artist Lin Yuan, is also proficient in mass destructive spiritual skills!

Even in the distance, countless warriors of the Sunset Empire were spitting blood frantically by this violent shock wave, and the noise of Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! kept ringing in their ears.

I feel that the whole person is in a distorted and illusory state.

Wang Jiayin glanced at Li Sisi, who had long been prepared in the city before their spirit slowly recovers.

In an instant, all the spiritual power rose up and moved towards the center of the barracks!

"Enemy attack—"


"It's a pigeon!"

"Assassination! Protect the marshal!"

Seeing one after another snow-white pigeon silhouette, countless warriors of the Sunset Empire all spirit slowly recovers and exclaimed!

These pigeons are all too familiar!

As long as the warriors who have been to the southern battlefield have seen the tyrannical battle strength of these pigeons.

Make Sunset Empire warrior become terror-stricken at the news .

It's just the sunset empire warrior that died in the hands of that fatty archer, not ten thousand but eight thousand.

This team of pigeons came together and even the Level 7 Martial Artist was able to fight one.

The invading army is aware of the terror of the Peace Dove, and often completes the assassination by virtue of the pigeon's powerful battle strength far exceeding that of the Martial Artist of the same level.

So when the pigeon appeared and rushed straight to the barracks, almost all warriors of the Sunset Empire realized why the pigeon did it!

Apparently the southern border is collapsing and not even the pigeons can turn it around!

In desperation, Pigeon chose to forcibly kill the Marshal of the Sunset Empire to see if he could turn the situation around.

"They have nowhere to go!"

Seeing the many powerhouses rushing towards him, although Sazhen, the Marshal of the Sunset Empire, was severely injured at the center of the explosion It was a minor injury, but still showed a arrogant smile!

As long as the Great Empire in the south of the Sixteen Nations Alliance has any way.

They wouldn't choose such a risky and extremely low-yield way, giving medicine to a dead horse!

What if Sajin dies?

In the face of absolute strength, the Sunset Empire will surely overthrow the Sixteen Nations Alliance!


Outside the psionic ammunition depot, a new Black Ting squad on the psionic fleet also looked towards the center of the barracks, which was constantly bursting with astonishing fluctuations!


"Will you go?"

"Chance to make a fortune!"

With a team member 's proposal, obviously the brothers around were a little excited.

They certainly knew that their team was no match for the pigeons.

But participating in the battle as their new Black Ting Army, once you kill the pigeons and buckle the space rings of the pigeons, you will be rich!

The pigeon of the Dove of Peace is a talented Martial Artist created by the best cultivation resources in the entire world.

Everyone is.

They are just a normal warrior for the new Black Ting.

The battle strength is average, the resources are average, and the wealth is average!

Once you kill a pigeon, maybe the Marital Arts Path is born!

“danger lurks within the riches and honour !”



This new black As soon as the Ting team came together, they moved towards the center of the barracks and rushed over, leaving the psionic battleship outside the arsenal!

With the outbreak of the pigeons, the entire Shicheng instantly boiled.

Even the warriors on the outside participated in the action of encircling and suppressing the pigeons!


"We don't have much time."

"There is no Level 7 Martial Artist in or out of the magazine, we must do it quickly!"

A moment later, Lin Yuan looked at the people behind the Dawning Corps who had gathered as planned!

As an enemy, they can never imagine that the real target of the Dawn Corps is the psionic ammunition depot.

After all, there are no psionic weapons, and psionic bullets alone won't work.

Even if there are not many elite warriors left in Shicheng, Li Sisi, Mo Wenhan and the others cannot delay for too long.

Seeing that the situation is not right, they will break through the encirclement in their direction to complete the convergence, and then flee in the direction of the underpass of the stone mountain!

So hundreds of them must complete the set goals in a short time!

I was tortured by the decoration next door, and made up for the rest of the night.


Thank you for reading and rewarding:

【Very good】【Wu of Chushui Wushan】【Pinxie】100 Book Coins

(end of this chapter)

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