I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 187


Chapter 187 Luo Lao's Fire of Life!

Lin Yuan's heart was beating wildly, and his voice was trembling:

"Where is Luo Lao now?"

Beicang knew what Luo Lao means to Lin Yuan extraordinary.


"In the military hospital, it should not have been evacuated."

"Lin Yuan, I know you have a hard time accepting this fact."

"But at the moment of the enemy, I hope you can focus on the overall situation."

"There are not many people who can rely on the entire Tianshui Kingdom."

Bei Cang saw Lin Yuan's face pale and a little helpless.

Lin Yuan took a deep breath, and after Sai Rui said a few words in his mind, his face became slightly better, and he said:

"I know."

"I have to see Lao Lao. Without Luo Lao repairing the psionic battleship, I can only do magic cultivator recovery myself."

It would take a critical time for Lin Yuan to repair it by himself.

He will definitely get the chance to raid the Sunset Empire camp. His disguise, including battle strength, will affect the success rate of the entire mission.


“cough cough cough——”

Standing by the window, Luo Lao looked at the people of Tianshui who were evacuating outside the window, naturally he knew what happened.

Lao Luo, who had almost reached his limit, was in extreme grief, and his physical condition continued to deteriorate, and he did not have long to live.

At the last stage of his life, he did not intend to leave this Tianshui Kingdom where he had spent his whole life and die in a foreign country.

"Lao Luo."

Lao Luo, who was standing by the window, didn't notice Lin Yuan's arrival at all.

Hearing this familiar voice, Lao Lao turned his head to look.

The moment he saw Lin Yuan, Lao Lao's tears swirled in his eyes.

He thought he might never see Lin Yuan again in this life.

Fortunately, God has mercy.

In the past two years, he had no news of Lin Yuan at all!

At this time, Lao Lao was already full of white hair, and his face was extremely haggard.

Even if an ordinary person stood in front of Luo Lao, he could feel that Luo Lao's life was not long.



Lin Yuan was less than twenty when he left Tianshui Kingdom.

In the past two years, Lin Yuan has experienced a lot, and now Lin Yuan is more calm and calm.

However, the sharpness in his eyes is indeed getting sharper and sharper. This is what young people should look like.

"Come on, sit down."

Luo Lao is like a grandfather of Lin Yuan, he took Lin Yuan's hand and sat down, rarely said with a slight smile:

"Have these two years been wonderful?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said:

"Very wonderful."

These two For more than a year, Lin Yuan spent half of his time recovering from his injuries.

But Lin Yuan also felt fulfilled during this time.

After joining the Peace Dove Squad, I felt the cruelty of war even more.

"It's good to be wonderful."

Lao Lao smiled, obviously relieved.

Although I still have a lot of regrets, I didn't see the future of Lin Yuan and Tianshui Kingdom.

But he will leave this world with these beautiful thoughts.

"Lao Luo, look at this."

Lin Yuan's expression was more apprehensive than sad.

Under Luo Lao's gaze, Lin Yuan summons out a white Origin Fire fruit in his body.

"This is..."

Luo Lao looked at this drop of white source fire and felt that it was different from the source fire he had seen before.

After the breakthrough Level 5 Martial Artist, Lin Yuan never met Luo Lao.

Naturally, I didn't have the opportunity to share with him what happened in his body after his breakthrough to Level 5 Martial Artist.

There is no need for him to hide everything about Yuan Huo from Lao Lao.

Lin Yuan without omission and in detail told Luo Lao carefully about his own breakthrough process, the Spirit Tree changes after Yuanhuo's breakthrough, and the effects of Yuanhuo's fruit.

Not a single detail was missed.

When Luo Lao heard that the Origin Fire Fruit could bring life to the robot, his expression was shocked.

Then looked at Lin Yuan with shocked eyes.


Life? !

This is something recorded in Ye Shen's mechanical theory, but Luo Lao has never witnessed it with his own eyes.

Lin Yuan swiped on the space ring, although he brought out Zhao Yun who was not seriously injured in the previous battle!

The moment Zhao Yun appeared, Lao Lao's body trembled.

The breath of life!

It really is the breath of life!

"The last general Zhao Zilong, pay respects to Lao Lao!"

Zhao Zilong's smooth and fair face is full of angular coldness.

The dark and deep eyes, with a calm and stable color, are extremely handsome.

It is really recorded as in the Three Kingdoms "eight feet long, strong features, handsome and handsome, white face without beard, eight feet tall, broad face and heavy weight, majestic!"

Lao Lao Luo I don't know how I feel in my heart now.

Ye Shen's mechanical life theory is definitely different from Lin Yuan's mechanical life theory.

But everything in front of me really broke Luo Lao's cognition of mechanical theory.

"Integrated into the Mechanical Spirit system?"


Lin Yuan nods.

Luo Lao just suppressed the shock in his heart, Lin Yuan said:

"Luo Lao, try to swallow the source fire of refining."

"Maybe it can ignite Fire of Life."

Lin Yuan's words were sonorous.

Sairui said that these source fires can even have life on robots, so other life forms are likely to be able to devour refining.

Sometimes the process that does give you hope and leaves you despair is painful.

But Lin Yuan is not willing to give up any hope!

Hearing Lin Yuan's thoughts, Luo Lao, who thought he was relieved, his heartbeat gradually accelerated.

took a deep breath and said:


If this source of fire is very important to Lin Yuan, then Lao Lao would rather die They are unwilling to consume this source fire.

But if it wasn't so precious, if he could continue to live in this world, he would definitely be willing to live!

He still has a lot of things to do, especially in such a fierce world situation.

Luo Lao sat cross-legged, Lin Yuan flicked the fingers.

The source fire of this white moved towards Lao Lao!

Lao Lao turned on his spiritual power and moved towards the white source fire and wrapped it away.

Lin Yuan's eyes were extremely nervous, and so was Luo Lao!


Feeling the pure life energy from the source fire, Luo Lao threw himself into it.

Luo Lao's refining is not fast.

However, at the first moment of refining, Lin Yuan's eyes flashed a pleasant dive glow.


"Really yes!"

Sairui's perception is extremely sharp, he can feel Luo Lao's life force and breath. in a slow increase.

The combat stats are also slowly increasing.

Lin Yuan is clear, Luo Lao naturally knows better.

He could feel the Fire of Life in his body, which had been dimmed to the point of being extinguished. After gradually devouring the energy of this Origin Fire Fruit, it really began to recover gradually!

From about to go out.

to rekindle.

To the roaring fire!

Lin Yuan stood beside Luo Lao, and could clearly feel that the life force in Luo Lao's body was gradually recovering.

There's even an air of recovery back to the prime of life.


The space fluctuated, and three full hours passed.

Lao Luo finally devoured this complete Origin Fire Fruit completely.

When Luo Lao opened his eyes again, both Lin Yuan's and Luo Lao's eyes revealed surprises.


"Lao Luo, how are you?"

Lin Yuan's heart was beating wildly.

It's hard for Luo Lao to describe how he feels now, it's like he walked through Gates of Hell and was forcibly dragged out by Lin Yuan!

Resurrection from the dead, Lao Lao's excitement can be imagined.

As he himself thought, there was much more he could do.

In fact, Luo Lao can feel it without saying Lin Yuan, Fire of Life is burning.

It really turned life and death forcibly!

It's not just Luo Lao's Fire of Life that is rekindling.

Even the Spirit Seed with Luo Lao's whole body seems to have transformed!

"The energy in the body has not been refined, if it is refined..."

"May be able to break through Level 6 Martial Artist..."

Luo Lao's words make Lin Yuan had a look of joy on his face and wanted to laugh out loud!

Exactly as he guessed!

This source fire filled with Life Aura can devour refining as long as the Fire of Life is not completely extinguished.

The energy of this Life Aura is extremely pure and powerful.

If it is completely refining, it can definitely go to a higher level!

For Luo Lao, the ups and downs of life were too sudden, and he himself was not fully prepared.

"This body."

"The degeneration is too serious."

Lao Lao looked at his old, wrinkled arms and whispered.

The Fire of Life burns again, but the naturally degenerated body cannot recover.

Lao Luo is not a fickle, hesitant person.

When you make a plan.

As long as he has spare time, he will turn his body into a mechanical one and start a new life again!

"The secret about this source of fire must not be revealed."

"Unless it is the most trusted person."

Luo Lao looked towards Lin Yuan, said seriously.

He knew the significance of Lin Yuan's source of fire.

Once exposed, I am afraid it will be coveted by others.

Life is always the eternal pursuit of human beings.

"I understand."

Lin Yuan nods.

Because of the small amount of tinder, Lin Yuan did not dare to try experiments casually.

But this time compelled by circumstances, Lin Yuan knew the preciousness of this kind of fire!

Let's solve the current situation first, if the world situation stabilizes again.

Then two people flashed in Lin Yuan's mind, the Origin Fire Fruit must be given.

The first one is Cangsong Academician, another teacher of his own!

When Lin Yuan was in the military academy, Cangsong Academician gave Lin Yuan a fire of six dice, and personally helped Lin Yuan to grow wings!

Academician once gave Lin Yuan a tinder, and Lin Yuan also gave Academician another, which is very reasonable.

The second is Wu Di.

The original Wu enemy pulled Lin Yuan forward as much as possible.

Now when Lin Yuan can pull Wu Enemy, he will naturally pull Wu Enemy!

This is only one brother Lin Yuan can really trust.

After discussing some matters about Yuanhuo and digesting the excitement, Mr. Luo asked:

“What are you going to do now?”

Lin Yuan immediately told Lao Lao of the plan made in the State Lord's Mansion.

Lao Luo's eyes lit up when he heard that Lin Yuan had captured a psionic battleship.

Compared to a few hours ago, it is in high spirits!

"Lao Luo, help me repair these psionic weapons."

"It will be of great use in the defense of Tianshui Kingdom."

heard Lin Yuan's serious words, Luo Lao naturally nodded and said:

"No problem."

"Leave it to me."

Psionic battleship is technology , Refiner, a super weapon made by combining psionic energy.

It's not a big problem if it's just a fix.

And now that he can devote himself to this defensive battle, Lao Lao will definitely do his best.

"This is not the right place."

"Well, let's go."

This is a military hospital, and the psionic battleship is so huge that it will definitely attract people. Attention.

There will be no problem with the King Beicang giving Luo Old An a safe area to repair.

"Here, here's your new mecha design."

"It's barely usable after Level 6 realm."

Before leaving Before, Lao Lao handed over his three years of hard work to Lin Yuan.

But now Lin Yuan doesn't have time to take a closer look, just a cursory glance.

The complexity is far beyond Lin Yuan's imagination.

Consists of over a hundred parts.

It even takes one hundred and eight kinds of fire to be forced to activate.

Power can be imagined.

Only a Machine Department genius like Lin Yuan can condense it.

The master and disciple looked at each other and left the ward quickly.


Seeing Lao Lao's fast-paced back, the doctor on the other side of the corridor stayed where he was.

Three seconds later, the doctor rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what he was seeing.

(end of this chapter)

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