I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 175


Chapter 175 The Third Armory

Dink eyebrows slightly frowned, now it's really a thrilling step by step.

First of all, they didn't know whether Lin Yuan could successfully obtain the design drawings or the core structure of the bullet.

Secondly, the coalition forces attacking the arsenal may not be able to safely evacuate the New Black Empire.

In the end, even if the New Black Empire is evacuated, they still have to return from the same road in Danger Land.

No mistakes can be made in every link.

Even Dink, Gu Hun and Zheng Yunfei, who had been in the New Black Ting Empire for a long time, were also ready to pack up and run away with the coalition troops.

Lin Yuan is always impossible to play Mu Fengzheng.

As soon as Mu Fengzheng disappears, following the line to check it will inevitably lead to an incident. When the time comes, it will be too late to run away.

Originally, Lin Yuan wondered if he could just throw Mu Fengzheng's body on any battlefield to create the perfect illusion of being killed.

Later, it was found that Mu Fengzheng was simply impossible to go to the battlefield.

A pure waste.

Through Mu Fengzheng's memory, there is a high probability that Lin Yuan can obtain the structure diagram.

After all, there are also many Artifact Refinement Masters in the core of the arsenal making the core part of this psionic bullet.

Dink thought for a moment, then said:

"This is the only way."

"When the time comes, I will arrange someone to pick you up."


"If nothing else happens, we will start attacking the Second Arsenal in the early morning of the 18th. When the time comes you will find a way."



Lin Yuan and Dink chatted all night about the detailed plan.

After adjusting his state, Lin Yuan walked out of Dink's residence.

"Third Master, where are we going now?"

"Want to go back to see the master?"

"Or go back to the factory?"

Mu Fengzheng's bodyguard is called Li Cheng, a Level 6 Martial Artist.

At this time, he was sitting in the stance of a car, looking at "Mu Fengzheng" in front of him.

Lin Yuan imitated Mu Fengzheng's normal tone and said:

"Go back to the factory, I guess Old Master doesn't want to see me either."

Mu Feng It is this Mu Family waste Third Master, if not born in the Mu Family, he would have been completely wiped out by the environment of the New Black Empire.

It was only when he was over a hundred years old that he reached Level 5 Martial Artist with family resources. It is conceivable how wasteful he is in martial arts.

"Third Master don't say this, Master still cares about you very much."

Li Cheng started the car while talking.

The Old Master of Mu Family is really hate iron for not becoming steel, but because it is biological grandson or for Mu Feng is paving a lot of ways.


Lin Yuan snorted lightly, then turned his eyes to the outside of the car.

Li Cheng was also a little helpless.

Mu Family Third Master does a good job in other aspects except that it is a bit sloppy in martial arts.

It's a pity that this world took martial arts as honor, and the New Black Empire took martial arts as honor even more perverted!


The third arsenal where Mu Fengzheng is located is in the restricted area outside the city of Chengluo in the New Black Ting Empire.

This is not a base on the surface of the Empire.

In terms of production efficiency, it is also the lowest among the five arsenals, and it is precisely because of this that Mu Third Master has been criticized.

Lin Yuan rode the car, constantly swaying and swaying in the curved restricted area.

Any Martial Artist or Spirit Beast is prohibited from flying once inside the restricted area, subject to at least a few checks.

The outer circle area is responsible for the refining of the psionic bullet casings and bomb casings, and then transferred to the inner real core area.

The security of the core area is extremely high, and even the Artifact Refinement Master, who is responsible for the production of psionic bullets and psionic bombs, cannot enter and exit freely.

The term is ten years.

In ten years, these psionic weapons, combined with Penglai's troops, will be enough for the New Black Empire to gain a decisive advantage in the world war.

Even to win.

So ten years later, even if the secrets of the psionic bullet were leaked out, it wouldn't matter to the New Black Empire.

For the Great Empire of the world, the sooner the method of making psionic weapons is obtained, the casualties of millions, or even tens of millions, can be reduced.

At the entrance of the base, the New Black Guards guarding the base stopped Lin Yuan's car.

Li Cheng rolled down the car window and saw that there was no one in the car except the Mu Third Master, the guards signaled to pass!

In this arsenal, the Mu Third Master is not the biggest official, but he is the hardest one in the background.

Even the Chief-In-Charge of the other arsenals had to give him three points.

The car drove all the way into the core area, even in the face of strict interrogation, as long as the deep-sea Ice Flame's Spirit Seed was activated a little, Lin Yuan would also be able to get through it perfectly.

Spirit Seed spiritual power doesn't deceive people, even if they can disguise themselves.

The total spiritual power of Lin Yuan is slightly less than that of Mu Third Master, and the level is slightly lower.

But as long as Lin Yuan doesn't do his best, someone can see it at a glance.

The core area covers a huge area, and many family members of the Artifact Refinement Master are also in it. The internal layout is probably a font.

The production plant in the middle is where many Artifact Refinement Masters produce, work and live.

Ten years is not a long time for a Martial Artist beyond Level 5.

As long as these ten years pass, they will be able to obtain a batch of resources that can change their destiny.

So even if it is a "cage", they are willing to produce psionic bullets for the military.

In fact, the New Black Empire is a "loan", empty gloves White Wolf.

As long as the psionic weapons achieve good results on the world battlefield and destroy Bai Jing, they can provide any kind of resources.

And on the left and right are large residential areas.

The members of the escort team live here. The Transmission Formation is located in the Core Zone of the residential area and is strictly guarded.

It cannot be opened during non-special periods, and even the Mu Third Master cannot be approached.

After entering the core area, Lin Yuan's eyes kept moving towards the core area.

The huge core area, the input of the guard force is much more amazing than the border of the New Black Empire.

After getting out of the car, Lin Yuan stretched his muscles and immediately said to the guards who came:

"Notify all Chief-In-Charge, and have a meeting immediately."

Seeing the serious expression of the Mu Third Master, the guard immediately responded:




The Third Armory has seven Chief-In-Charges, and the Third Master is the main responsible person.

Although he seldom goes inside the core factory, he is mainly responsible for going to the imperial military for a meeting and learning about the orders from his superiors.

The remaining Chief-In-Charge are responsible for production, escort, information, confidentiality, and material delivery and so on.

There are three people who are mainly dealing with Third Master.

One of them is Yan Jingyun, who is in charge of guarding the arsenal, realm Level 7 Peak.

The battle strength is ridiculously strong, capable of level 8 powerhouse.

The two are responsible for production supervision within the factory.

One is called Dong Tiancheng and the other is called Tu Ya.

The former is a member of the Dong Family of the New Black Ting Empire, and is more familiar with the Mu Third Master.

Lin Yuan should stay away from him as much as possible to avoid revealing a weak spot.

Another woman named Tu Ya is a high-level Artifact Refinement Master.

Seeing that the Chief-In-Charge was all in place in the Conference Hall, Lin Yuan threw the document in his hand on the table with a click, saying:

“Within a month. , five million bullets, one thousand shells."

"Old Dong, don't tell me you can't."

"What did I get scolded this time, you should I know."

(end of this chapter)

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