I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 167


Chapter 167 Fusion SteelSeries!

"Can it be copied?"

The best result for the Canglan Independence Army now is that Lin Yuan can perfectly copy this bullet.

So that all countries in the world have the same level of technological weapons.

Otherwise, one side has new technology weapons, and the other side relies on hand-to-hand combat between Martial Artists.

Not to mention the outcome of the war, at least the casualties of the Canglan Independence Army will increase exponentially, which will have a great negative impact on the war situation.

Lin Yuan frowned and said his guess:

"This is the bullet refined by the Artifact Refinement Master."

As soon as this game came out, In all the rooms, all six people, including Zhou Zeyan, were stunned for a moment.

Then the white-haired old man looked thoughtful nodded:

"It makes sense."

This kind of bullet is mass-produced, not a certain The powerhouse is finished.

So there must be a mass-producing factory in New Black Ting.

Lin Yuan has just been thinking about what this kind of bullet is similar to, and finally came up with the answer.

The answer is Spiritual Artifact.

Just like Talisman Master makes talisman, this Spiritual Artifact is just a perfect fit of two spiritual power structures to form a special kind of stability, and finally form this special bullet.

"I can copy this cartridge case."

"But if there is no specific blueprint for the design, only I can copy it."

Lin Yuan looked up at the the top of these doves of peace.

Since he said it, he was not afraid of any danger.

He was able to copy the cartridge case just now with his Tool Sense, but he couldn't make that kind of bullet, because Lin Yuan couldn't know the specific spiritual power structure either.

And even if Lin Yuan can replicate such a bullet, Lin Yuan is not afraid of being caught as a laborer.

After all, he is the only one who can do it on a large scale.

All the smart people present knew what Lin Yuan meant.

In the territory of the New Black Empire, it is very likely that there is a zone that can mass-produce this kind of bullet.

It's just that since the end of the previous time world martial arts tournament, the New Black Ting Empire has completely blocked the border just like Penglai.

Even if there are undercover agents from various Great Empires at the top of the New Black Empire, the news cannot be conveyed at all.

"Lin Yuan."

"I have a mission, I don't know if you are interested."

The white-haired old man smiled and looked towards Lin Yuan.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan didn't panic at all, showing a bright smile and said:

"Wouldn't it be that I would go to the New Black Ting Empire to steal the design?"

"I am the hope of Tianshui Kingdom."

"I don't like to do dangerous things."

All the pigeons that entered the Dove of Peace were ripped off clean.

The growth process of Lin Yuan through childhood was naturally studied by the Peace Dove, and it was confirmed that there was no problem.

Even though he was injured in the world martial arts tournament, Lin Yuan is still one of Tianshui Kingdom's most promising talent Martial Artists to become a Level 8 powerhouse in the future.

In this world, the powerhouse is the foundation of the country.

One of the purposes of the existence of Peace Dove is to cultivate more Level 8 powerhouses through elite resources.

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, the white-haired old man chuckled lightly:

"You are a smart person."

Lin Yuan smiled slightly and pulled away from the room. One of the chairs sat down:

"Just rely on me as a little Level 5 Martial Artist to steal other people's state secrets?"

"It's a bit of a bullshit senior."

The white-haired old man called the head and said:

"Of course it's not just you."

Lin Yuan is indeed very smart.

He knew very well that there must be undercover agents in the upper echelons of the New Black Empire.

When the time comes, both status and follow-up actions can be arranged.

In this world, nothing is safe unless you are an ordinary person.

If it is true, as Lin Yuan said, there is a zone within the New Black Empire for mass production of this special bullet.

Then each Great Empire needs specific information.

So in any case, the Great Empires are ready to send people into the New Black Empire.

Regarding this plan to infiltrate the New Black Empire, Peace Dove has reached a consensus with the top leaders of the two super empires.

It is very suitable for Lin Yuan to accompany the team to the New Heating Empire to get in touch with the undercover agents of the New Hetting Empire.

In addition to being clean and quick-thinking, Lin Yuan's Level 5 Martial Artist status is also relatively easy to arrange.

Secondly, Lin Yuan has Machine Department Spirit Seed and Fire Element Spirit Seed.

Fire Element Spirit Seed is a base requirement for Artifact Refinement Master.

And the refining technique is similar to Lin Yuan's mechanical energy decomposition and condensation.

It's just that one is refining agglomeration and the other is decomposing agglomeration.

They are all made by "refining" Spirit Stone or beast core as raw materials, and then adding some other attributes.

In a way, Lin Yuan is also an Artifact Refinement Master.

It's just that the focus is different. After all, the Machine Department Martial Artist's speed of condensing mechanical energy weapons is much faster, and the formidable power is definitely not as good as the former.

The white-haired old man looked at Lin Yuan's expression and continued:

"As long as you can find a way to replicate this kind of bullet."

"It will definitely save you Countless countries and Martial Artists at war."

"Or whatever you need, feel free to mention."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan's expression changed slightly.

After pondering for a while, he looked up and said:

"There is a Dawn Corps in Tianshui."

"I hope they have enough cultivation resources."

"As for myself, I'll talk about it when I finish the task."

Lin Yuan tone barely fell , the white-haired old man nodded and replied:

"No The problem."

No matter which empire's blessing is, it is actually not as real as the increase in the strength of your own country.

In addition, this mission is likely to be in an extremely dangerous situation.

It makes perfect sense for Lin Yuan to seek some resources for his country's elite Martial Artists.

As for Lin Yuan himself, when he truly completes his task, he will be a great hero of the entire Canglan Independence Army!

Isn't that what you want?

simply doesn't need to be mentioned.


After a full night.


Lin Yuan walked out of the castle and let out a light breath.

Lin Yuan spent the whole night discussing the details of the mission with several mysterious bosses.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that there are indeed the shadows of several super empires behind the Peace Dove.

As for whether it is a cooperation or an organization established by several super empires, Lin Yuan is unknown.

Lin Yuan accepted this assignment for a number of reasons.

This is an opportunity for both Lin Yuan and Tianshui Kingdom.

For Lin Yuan, this is an opportunity to enter the field of vision of the top powerhouse.

Once completed, the future of both resources and Lin Yuan's own martial arts looks bright.

The entire Tianshui Kingdom will reach a new height.

When the time comes, even if Lin Yuan applied to destroy the Sunset Empire, the biggest threat in the southern part of Tianshui Kingdom, would it not be impossible?

Entering the territory of the New Black Empire does sound extremely dangerous.

But more than himself, the Dove of Peace and the Great Empire hope that Lin Yuan will return alive.

Only if Lin Yuan is alive can they get what they want.

And if there is really no chance in the New Black Empire, Lin Yuan will not take the initiative to die.

"Maybe it's a turning point."

Lin Yuan glanced at the brand new space ring, then muttered silently.


Peace Island.

After half a month, Lin Yuan's residence.

The breath of Lin Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged in the courtyard, was twice as strong as it was half a month ago.

The second chain in the body was cut off by Lin Yuan in just half a month.

Under normal circumstances, the progress of cultivation is simply incomprehensible!

However, in order to reach 50,000 spirits, the cultivation tool spirit assists the system, and the pigeon of peace also provides three Supreme Treasures including "Bingxin Spirit Fruit" for Lin Yuan to absorb and devour.

"Fusing hosts, 10%."

"Fusing hosts, 20%."


"Making Fusion host, 100%."

"The fusion is successful, and the Tool Spirit is activated."

After a long time, Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and finally opened his eyes.

At the same time, the machine spirit fused in Lin Yuan's body made a mechanical youthful voice:

"Hello, master."

Lin Yuan With a smile, he said:

"Hello, let's call you SteelSeries."

SteelSeries is also made from a drop of Origin Fire fruit, and has self-emotion .

Located in Lin Yuan's body, it can analyze various situations at any time, and can improve Lin Yuan's information collection and survival rate in various environments.

Sairui's voice sounded immediately:

"Okay, master."

For all the secrets, abilities, status, and data on himself.

The whole world is estimated that only SteelSeries knows it clearly.

With the existence of SteelSeries, the previous mechanical eye Lin Yuan can also be abandoned.

And compared to the latter, SteelSeries is in Lin Yuan's body and will not be discovered by others at all.

"Try it."

Lin Yuan secretly said in one's heart.

Then summon came out of Mechanic Zhang Fei and let Mechanic Zhang Fei move towards his own attack with all his strength!

Lin Yuan condensed the flame mecha and fought with the mechanical Zhang Fei in the courtyard!

"Damn! Amazing!"

As the battle started, Lin Yuan didn't even have to look at a certain place, everything around his body seemed to be in his mind. , even with closed eyes!

Mechanical Zhang Fei's data battle strength, including movement analysis, seems to have slowed down, and every move is in Lin Yuan's mind.

Because it is a robot, there are fewer loopholes in combat.

However, it still gave Lin Yuan a lot of attacking opportunities.

SteelSeries' data analysis instantly emerged:

"The winning rate using the flame overload mode is 100%."

"The winning rate using the flame full power mode is 61.45%. ”


Including Lin Yuan’s winning percentage data using various hole cards, it is all in SteelSeries’ analysis!

(end of this chapter)

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