I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 147


Chapter 147 Farewell!

Naturally, this team was handed over to Han Yi, who was originally Vice Captain and also has strong command and decision-making ability.

There are naturally impossible opinions within the team.

"Can I say no?"

Han Yi glanced at Lin Yuan and smiled calmly.

Everyone didn't know the news that Lin Yuan was about to join "Peace Dove", and only a few people in Tianshui knew about it.

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Yuan's meridian injury has a great impact.

Originally, Lin Yuan's realm is not high, and he has to take a long time to heal. Even if Marital Arts Path will not be affected, he will definitely be thrown away by Martial Artist of the same age.

"When are you leaving?"

"I will go back to the Southwest Military Academy immediately, and then leave."

"Meaning goodbye now?"

"When are you leaving?"


Lin Yuan nodded, "en."

The atmosphere suddenly became a little heavy and reluctant.

How to say brothers also get along with each other day and night, fighting side by side for so long.

Hua Yao's eyes were full of deep reluctance and loss.

After a while, everyone said:

"Wait for you to come back."

"Wait for you to come back, Lin Yuan."


Lin Yuan smiled slightly, and finally said before leaving:

"Okay, then as the current Tianshui squad Captain, I will give the last order."

"Everyone, don't let me die on the battlefield."

"After ten years, we will surely conquer the Sunset Empire!" Shi cold sweat broke out and swallowed silently.

Lin Yuan's words always make his heart skip a beat...

The Sunset Empire is an enemy country on the southern border of the Sixteen Nations Alliance, and it is also the biggest threat to the southern border!

The Tianshui Army guarding the frontier on the south side is in the setting sun empire. I don't know how many warriors have been killed or injured within a hundred years!

Lin Yuan, this kid, open his mouth to destroy the Sunset Empire within ten years.

Once the Sunset Empire is destroyed, for Tianshui Kingdom, at least the threat to the southern border of the garrison will be greatly reduced!

But Lin Yuan's words are always so magical.

As soon as these words came out, all the other eleven team members shouted in unison:



After formally saying goodbye to the teammates of the Tianshui squad, Lin Yuan pulled Wu Di to one side.

Wu Di was still immersed in sadness and could not extricate himself.

As brothers who grew up together, the two helped each other a lot.

Not a biological brother, but a biological brother.

For Wu Di, the absence of Lin Yuan by his side seems to be missing a reassuring pillar.

To my brother, Lin Yuan was not so polite, pointed at Wu Di's nose and reminded:

"You brat don't let Lao Tzu die on the battlefield."

"Otherwise, I can't explain it to your father."

In this team, no matter how good the relationship between Lin Yuan and other brothers is, they are definitely not as good as Wu Di.

Wu Di wiped away his tears, "Don't worry, I'll run fast."

Lin Yuan felt helpless, and said:



"No matter what the situation is, small life is the most important thing."

"I want to follow me to travel around the world and do big things."

"You should give Lao Tzu a good cultivation. "

Wu Di wiped away his tears again, "Don't worry, Brother Yuan, I did my best."


After saying goodbye to the teammates who got along day and night , Lin Yuan secretly left Dongdu.

Moved towards Southwest Branch with Su Wutian and flew over.

The plane arrives at its destination from noon to evening.

Tianshui Military Academy.

Southwest Campus.

Familiar environment, familiar smell, all buildings are not much changed from before.

Opening the door of the technology room, Lin Yuan did not hear the familiar quarrel.

"You're back?"

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Lao Lao and Academician came out of the office with many documents and moved towards Lin Yuan said with a smile.

Lin Yuan is going to heal his wounds. As teachers, they have to prepare follow-up Machine Department theoretical materials and spiritual skills for Lin Yuan.

At least the time when Lin Yuan was recuperating could not be wasted.

"What does the country say? Where do you go?"

"Dove of Peace."



When they heard the words "Peace Dove", Luo Lao and Academician were stunned for a moment.

Then immediately turned around and looked at Lin Yuan with extremely surprised eyes!

Lin Yuan took out the badge representing the dove of peace from the space ring.

Before he could speak, Cangsong Academician said excitedly:

"Dove of Peace?"

"Dove of Peace invited you?!"

Lin Yuan nominates: "en."

As long as it is the Martial Artist of Gray Billow Star, there is no one who doesn't know about the mysterious organization Peace Dove.

The selection criteria for this mysterious organization are elusive.

However, those who can enter it are all geniuses in the genius Martial Artist!


"Okay! hahahahahaha—"

Luo Lao and Cangsong laughed excitedly when they heard the news!

Being recognized by the Dove of Peace has proved everything.

Lin Yuan's future is limitless as long as he doesn't die prematurely!

And Lin Yuan's injury may not take as long as three years to heal!


After a while, the three teachers and students sat down.

Lin Yuan asked:

“Academician, what kind of organization is the Peace Dove?”

Compared to Luo Lao, Academician has more knowledge Some.

Holding his chin, he recalled:

"I've seen pigeons on the battlefield."


This time, even Lao Lao was interested. Luo Lao has been immersed in mechanical theory research and took a different path from Academician.

The members of [Peace Dove] are called [Pigeons] in the mouths of many Martial Artists.

Academician recalls:

“After breaking through to Level 5 Martial Artist, I left the Sixteen Nations and went to the main battlefield.”

“ Luckily, I entered an elite unit, at first ordinary soldiers."

"Later, because of the rapid accumulation of military exploits in the Machine Department Martial Artist, he soon became a squad Captain."


Luo Lao and Lin Yuan still know about this experience.

It was on the main battlefield that Academician met some comrades.

Including "Fire Cloud" of Baijing Republic, who once provided Lin Yuan with Fire Essence, etc.

"In one encounter, our small group of troops was scattered, and only 70 of the more than 200 people escaped."

"It fell on the Spirit Emperor. Inside the siege of the White Walkers."

"The situation was so chaotic..."

Academician's voice trembled, the last passage he wanted to mention. Memories.

The oppression from death was completely different from the oppression from other battles!

Because all the squad members knew that they were surrounded by hundreds of White Walkers and had no backup, they could not escape at all!

The fear of hopelessness spreads in the heart.

At this time, when one of the opportunities on the battlefield appeared, Academician's hands trembled subconsciously.

The moment he pulled the trigger, his heart suddenly went cold.

The bullet didn't directly kill one of the White Walkers, but directly caused the death of his best brother at the time, Vice Captain of the squad.

"Just when we were desperate."

"A group of pigeons just happened to pass by while supporting the other side of the battlefield."

"Really It just so happened..."

Academician kept recalling.

There were only ten people in that group of pigeons, and everyone wore a snow-white sweater with a white mask on their faces.

With just ten men, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood took out the White Walkers that two hundred of them couldn't.

Leave without even talking to them too much.

The battle strength is exaggerated to the extreme.

Since that battle resulted in the death of his brother due to a mistake, Academician's heart has never been so peaceful.

“so that's how it is.”

The first time I heard details about the Academician battle, Lin Yuan said secretly in one's heart.

Academician continued:

“This is the first and only time I have seen pigeons with my own eyes.”

“Because we are from sixteen countries Alliance, the knowledge is a lot worse."

"Later I heard from other comrades in arms that in the super empires including Baijing, Tianchu Federation, and Rome, a small number of top geniuses disappeared out of thin air, and the nine achievements were Added Dove of Peace."

"It seems that many Martial Artists from neutral countries have joined Dove of Peace."

"That's all for sure."

Academician scratched his hair and said:

"You have to ask who the founder is and whether there is any secret support behind the empire, then I don't know."

"The rest are guesses that are passed down from person to person."

"I even heard that the founder of the Peace Dove may be Martial Artist from another planet, of course, you can take it as a joke."


"It's definitely a good thing for you to be able to enter the Dove of Peace."

"It's the same sentence, strength is the most important thing."

"You can only have strength if you have strength. The right to speak."

Lin Yuan nods:


After chatting for a while, Mr. Luo handed over the Machine Department materials that had been sorted out overnight. In the hands of Lin Yuan.

This includes the most important "everything is a tool" for Level 5 Martial Artist.

There is also a lot of information on the mechanical spirit system, the production method of mechanical life and so on.

Even if Lin Yuan's basic theory is solid, if he wants to master it all, he can't do it in a year or two.

Many of the blueprint designs were made by Luo Lao's lifelong efforts, and all of them were handed over to Lin Yuan.

A generation of inheritance has been completed!

I saw this scene that Luo Lao was explaining to Lin Yuan.

Cangsong Academician stood aside with a relieved smile.

Old Luo still has a lot of theoretical knowledge to teach Lin Yuan, and he can continue to burn for Lin Yuan with the rest of his life.

But he had nothing to teach Lin Yuan.

For two years, he taught Lin Yuan all his practical experience in the Machine Department.

The Lin Yuan Machine Department's basic combat skills are extremely solid.

The resources that can help Lin Yuan get are also handed over to Lin Yuan to the best of his ability!

"That's all I can do."

"The rest is up to you."

Cangsong Academician smiled slightly , thought in the heart.


Lao Lao also showed a kind smile and said:

"Ask me on the Internet at any time if you don't understand anything."

Hearing Lao Lao's advice, Lin Yuan kept nodding:


Luo Lao looked at Lin Yuan like he was looking at his own child The same:

"When you reach Level 6 Martial Artist, I will definitely build a set of unprecedented mechanical Battle Armor for you."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan was heartbroken. shock.

Luo Lao's health was not good, and he came to the end of his life.

Researching Battle Armor is even more exhausting work, Lin Yuan said quickly:

"Lao Luo..."


Lao Luo extended the hand to interrupt Lin Yuan's words and said softly:

"Everyone has their own way of living and how to make themselves happy."

"For me, studying machinery and studying Battle Armor can make me happier than doing nothing."

"The only thing I hope for now is that you can grow up safely, The country can be stable and stable."

While Lin Yuan was silent, Academician put a warm hand on Lin Yuan's shoulder, said with a smile:

"You don't need to persuade It's over."

"This old crab is very stubborn."

"There's only so much we can do for you."

At this point At this moment, both teachers looked at Lin Yuan with kind, proud and expectant eyes.

Being able to witness the growth of Lin Yuan is already exciting enough for them.

"Thank you two teachers."

Lin Yuan got up, moved towards the two teachers with a serious look and bowed from the heart!

He was lucky.

innate talent No matter how good a talented Martial Artist is, without a good teacher, I am afraid that his achievements in martial arts will be limited.

Lin Yuan has grown to this point, and the dedication of the two teachers is extremely important!

It can be said that without these two teachers, there would be no Lin Yuan.

The two teachers did not stop this bow, but nodded with a smile and looked at Lin Yuan with satisfaction.

One day later.

On the occasion of parting.

"Aiya, two years, I'm finally going home!"

"I don't know how many times I've been scolded by that woman in my family."

Cangsong Academician While stretching the muscles and bones, said with a smile.

Since he came to Tianshui Kingdom and became Lin Yuan's teacher, he put all his thoughts on Lin Yuan.

I didn't even go home twice.

Finally when Lin Yuan shines on the world martial arts tournament and Tianjinguo advertises that Lin Yuan's master is Cangsong, the woman in his family finally shut up.

"Two teachers, then I'm leaving."

"You pay more attention to your body."

"Then just wait for my news."

Standing at the door of the technology room, Lin Yuan confidently said with a smile.

Even though Meridian is injured, he still has the confidence to become the next generation tool king after Luo Lao.

Become the pillar of Tianshui Kingdom and even the Sixteen Nations Alliance!

Cangsong Academician and Lin Yuan finally embraced, their eyes full of pride:

“As a Martial Artist, you can’t lose your spirit.”

“But We must guard against arrogance, and stick to the Heart of Martial Arts."

Lin Yuan nodded, "I understand."

Lao Luo then hugged and said goodbye with tender eyes:

"Be careful with everything and be safe." Lin Yuanp nods, "en."

"Then I'm leaving."

<> "Okay, let's go."


Under the watchful eyes of the two teachers, Lin Yuan embarked on a new path.

It wasn't until Lin Yuan's silhouette disappeared to the end that Luo Lao was sighed with a sense of loss.

After Lin Yuan's departure, the technology room will return to its former serenity.

It's just that for the current Lao Lao, he is not used to that kind of tranquility.

Academician's mind also suddenly recalled the scene when he first met Lin Yuan, and saw Lin Yuan's amazing battle in the ring.

Although I don't know why Lin Yuan has been reluctant to call him ***, but this kind of trivial matter is fine.

"I'm leaving too."

"Come to my place if you have time, I'll stay here alone, I'll be sick even if I'm not sick."

"Live two more years~"

Cangsong said leisurely.

Lao Luo didn't give him another chance and left slowly.

Beside Luo Lao, only the mechanical girl Luo Ling was left.

Thinking of everything in the past two years, Luo Lao chuckled, slightly shocked the head, and then stepped into the technology room again.

The door of the technology room slowly closed.

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(end of this chapter)

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