I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 141


Chapter 141: War Lord Jin Yu! (below)


Lin Yuan is like a wild beast with a bloodthirsty roar! dark.

The frenzied negative will kept rushing into Lin Yuan's mind.

Standing on the great decisive battle arena, Lin Yuan's will to win has also reached a crazy realm!


At this time, Lin Yuan was covered in black energy, rising like a fire!

The amazing baleful aura is shocking, and endless black glow emerges all over the body.

The magic light emanating from the body shoots straight into the sky, as if connected to Heaven and Earth!

Feeling Lin Yuan's surging Heavenly Might again, even Jun Jinyu frowned at this moment!


The violent dragon pressure directly moved towards Lin Yuan and slammed it down, and the entire arena shattered again at an extreme speed.

As the earth trembled, the entire arena jumped suddenly, and the gravel instantly turned into powder!

But the scary place is not here, but in Lin Yuan rising from the dragon pressure! !


Lin Yuan's roar resounded through the sky!

A black glow shot out from the arena, moved towards Jun Jinyu in the air and rushed over!

Lin Yuan's thoughts moved, and the flames in the overload mode burst out with tsunami-like energy.

With the icy mechanical sound of ka ka ka, the mechanical energy weapon in the flame mecha suddenly opened, and the dragon soul at the foot of Jun Jinyu was bombarded wildly!

bang! bang! bang!

The furious bombardment sounded wave after wave.

Jun Jinyu finally released her strongest battle strength and fought against Lin Yuan with all her strength!



With the release of Jun Jinyu’s dragon-type spiritual skills, one after another’s dragon roar Blast again in the sky!

Next moment, another eight dragon souls rose to the sky, circling around the arena at high speed!

The violent dragon pressure of the nine dragon souls keeps rolling!


Countless viewers widened their eyes, their whole bodies trembling uncontrollably.

The battle didn't really reach its climax until this moment!

"Jun Jinyu is also working hard!"

Mu Xiaoyun looked at the air in disbelief and said.

Jun Jinyu's strength is indeed hidden deep, and it is estimated that the entire Baijing Republic can win him steadily.

But this kind of terrifying strength has been pushed to this point by Lin Yuan!

Both sides have no reservations and will fight with all their strength in the ring!

The expressions of the powerhouses in the entire delegation of the New Black Empire became more gloomy.

Even if Tianshui Kingdom was indeed surprising in the previous few battles, both the executives and the team members of the New Black Empire were extremely confident in their own way to the championship.

But this battle is different.

Lin Yuan's crazy fighting attitude and amazing explosive power have completely exceeded their expectations.

After this battle, even if Jun Jinyu wins, the consuming New Heiting Empire, when faced with the Baijing Republic, which is waiting for work, may have a greatly reduced winning rate!

And the premise is.

It's time to win! !


At this time, Jun Jinyu's face was also gloomy in the sky above the arena. Thoughts move, the spiritual power of the dragon system broke out completely!

The nine dragon souls roared fiercely and suddenly hovered in the air, completely locking Lin Yuan.



Dragon's roar wave after wave, but unfortunately the coercion of the nine dragon souls has no effect on Lin Yuan. Nothing works!

Compared with the rampant demonic energy in the body, what does Nine Dragon's Might count?

The nine dragon souls are located in nine directions of the ring, and the dragon flames in their mouths condense at the same time!

That one after another devastating energy is enough to make ordinary Martial Artist courage entirely to break.

With the release of Jun Jinyu's spiritual skills, nine dragon flames erupted at the same time, moved towards Lin Yuan swept away!

ka ka ka ——

At this moment, the flame mecha on Lin Yuan suddenly pierced four black muzzles!

Under the overload mode, the mechanical energy of Liuding Demon Fire began to be decomposed by Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan has reached his limit in both flesh and spirit.

Under the dark eyes, countless bloodshots filled the air, and the incomparable blood and will seemed to have condensed into the substance, and it was completely integrated with the condensed four Six-Ding Demon Artillery!


"Liu Ding Demon Artillery!"

Luo Lao and Academician were eager to see through their eyes, and looked at the arena with trembling!

This is their super weapon for Lin Yuan!

Lin Yuan couldn't be used at all during cultivation, but in this brief moment, the mechanical energy on these four six Ding magic artillery finally began to condense and interweave!

"Death Storm!!"

Lin Yuan really did his best!

As the four terrifying hums resounded, the four amazing black spiritual power beams continued to spiral and intertwined, moving towards the holy flames of the Nine Dragons in the sky, rushing frantically at a speed that was indistinguishable with naked eyes!

The cannon blaze tore through the sky, as if evaporating everything!


A dead silence.

For a short while, the entire world seemed to be quiet.

The spiritual power shields all around have one after another spider web-like crack.


Next moment, the most terrifying large-scale collision in recent years broke out in the entire martial arts field!


One after another black's rays of light burst out from the sky, and the terrifying ripples instantly formed a circle of black light waves.

The mountains moved towards all directions in four volumes, as if it were a death storm destroying heaven extinguishing earth!

Two rays of light of different colors in the sky are dazzling and constantly colliding!

The huge rumbling sound resounded throughout the city of Niland!

The entire ring was flooded with a shockwave of terrifying spiritual power.

The nine dragon souls were instantly evaporated and turned into nothingness!

The black flames are raging, and the storm is raging! !


All the world viewers who are watching this battle don't know what their expressions are now.

In the last battle, the white glow raged.

This battle is full of black waves.

Under the almost crazy shock wave, Lin Yuan burned out his last will, changed the flame Battle Armor into a defensive form, and inserted several black golden bone claws into the ring!

ka ka ka ——

The shock wave slammed on Lin Yuan's mechanical body, and countless mechanical fragments flew out.


The visible ripples of light with naked eyes gradually dissipated, and the entire world seemed to gradually return to peace from the hustle and bustle.

All the audiences in the world turned their attention to the arena, and their hearts were beating wildly at this moment.

"Who won?"





As the spiritual power rays of light gradually dissipated, they only saw a silhouette in the ring.

This silhouette standing proudly on the ring, with silver-gray mechanical rays of light flashing from top to bottom, stood motionless on the ring.

Shi Hongwen stood in the air with an unprecedented shock.

Shi Hongwen is in the sky, Lin Yuan is in the ring, then Jun Jinyu...

Above the arena, the members of the Baijing Republic swallowed a mouthful of saliva, their necks mechanically. Spinning like this, he looked towards Jun Jinyu who fell under the ring, already covered in blood and unconscious.

The entire world in this brief moment seemed to be quiet.

National delegations in the stands.

Luo Lao, Academician, Wu Dafu, Jiang Xiu.

The players from the War Zone on both sides of the ring.

Li Han, Jiang Yining, Gong Ming, Yuxiu.

And the world audience who are watching this game from all countries in the world, the independent army warriors on the borders of each district.

The head of the country, the leader.

In this brief moment, they all stared blankly at the arena.

The entire world is quieter than ever.

Shi Hongwen thought that he had lived for so long and watched tens of thousands of battles, so he would no longer be surprised and touched by a certain battle.

However, what he saw made this old monster unbelievable.

There was about fifteen seconds of silence.

Shi Hongwen's voice resounded in the world.

"The final battle of the top eight!"

"Lin Yuan of Tianshui Kingdom..."


"The top eight Battle."

"Tian Shui Kingdom..."


In an instant, the entire world was boiling!

Countless soldiers and civilians in Tianshui burst out with tears and cried hoarsely. Mountain cry out and sea howl-like shouts and cheers resounded throughout the entire world!

Even if it is the Baijing Republic, a super empire like the Tianchu Federation, countless screams go straight into the sky!


"wū wū wū wū!"

"Lin Yuan! Lin Yuan won! wu wu! Tianshui won!"


"It's really a miracle."

The entire world of the audience watching this showdown, no Who can be indifferent.

Especially the soldiers and civilians of countless war-torn countries, the excitement that had been suppressed for a long time was completely released.

Whether it is the new warriors who are now guarding the border and fighting for peace, or the old warriors who have retired, they are all in tears, holding their fists and waving wildly!




On the border of the Sixteen Nations Alliance, the trumpet of victory is heard in every building Sounds over the city!

The Tianshui army warrior in Tianyun City has boiled completely, and I can't believe that this is a miracle done by Tianshui Kingdom!

Beicang, the lord of Tianshui Kingdom, has collapsed in the lord's mansion.

The voice was hoarse, and there was no longer any strength to shout.

He didn't know what to think or what to do.

He just wanted to enjoy the moment when the miracle came.


The audiences from far away countries have been excited to this level, not to mention the millions of audiences who witnessed the miracle at the scene!

"Oh oh oh oh-"

Under the wave of terrifying cheers, seeing all the members of the Tianshui delegation frantically moved towards the center of the arena, the atmosphere of the scene also changed. Totally crazy.

There was even chaos in order.

The members of the New Black Empire delegation fell down as if they had lost their souls.

I don't know what I'm thinking now.

While the Baijing Republic was shocked by the miracle created by the Tianshui Kingdom, it was also full of confidence in the next championship of the Baijing Republic.

Not only because the strongest opponent, the New Black Ting team, was miraculously eliminated by Tianshui Kingdom.

More because of "consumption".

The four teams in the first half face off against each other, no matter which team breaks through and enters the final.

What we are facing is definitely a Baijing Republic that is waiting for work!

In this battle, Tianshui Kingdom's will to win is completely different from that of the New Black Ting Empire!

The members of the New Black Emperor Empire, including Lu Xiu, did not really put everything together!

They are thinking about the next battle and the "real decisive battle" of the Baijing Republic.

The Tianshui Kingdom is different.

Each of them left everything in the ring.

Several team members were seriously injured!

Not to mention participating in the semi-finals a few days later, it is good news to be able to recover completely within a few months.

This is not the worst record in the history of the New Black Empire, but it is the most humiliating battle.

Because they will serve as background boards and be nailed to the pillar of shame forever!

In the middle of a nearly shattered ring.

Lin Yuan stood upright and the Battle Armor on his body gradually dissipated.

All the members of the Tianshui delegation could not restrain their excitement and rushed to the center of the ring!

"Lin Yuan!!"


When everyone came to Lin Yuan, they found Lin Yuan's eyes tightly closed, Apparently completely lost consciousness.

But even so, his body still stands proudly on the ring!

I never stop chapter.


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(this chapter end)

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