I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 139


Chapter 139 Finals War Lord Jin Yu! (Part 1)

The final battle between the New Black Empire and the Tianshui Kingdom.

Before this quarter-final battle started, who would have thought it would reach this level?

At least 90% of the million viewers stood up.

Awaiting the start of the final great decisive battle.

This includes the members of the Baijing delegation.

It is certainly a good thing for them that Tianshui Kingdom has forced the New Black Empire to this point.

Especially Dong Huang, who was just blown away, has cleared a formidable enemy for Bai Jing!

But at this stage, Bai Jing's discussion center is not at all in this unknown contest.

They are discussing the outcome of this battle!

Tian Shui has not lost yet! !

"Xinghuo, do you think Lin Yuan can beat Jun Jinyu?"

Mu Xiaoyun's eyes were full of excitement.

Lin Yuan's atomic bomb just smashed down, it really stunned them!

Even Lin Yuan only has a Level 4 five-star realm.

Even if Jun Jinyu is the super genius of the new black court empire.

But the battle ahead still made them unable to help but imagine.

"I don't know."

Lu Xinghuoshook the head.

From a rational point of view, Jun Jinyu is fundamentally impossible to lose.

But from a rational point of view, Dong Huang, who was also a Level 5 Martial Artist just now, was also impossible to be blown away by an atomic bomb!

Lu Xinghuo knew this trump card, but Lu Xinghuo always felt that Lin Yuan still had a trump card.

This is a hunch.

There are countless audiences who have the same idea as Lu Xinghuo.

They are willing to believe that Lin Yuan has the capital to challenge War Lord Jin Yu!

So they all stood up and witnessed a battle that could go down in history!

Even if Lin Yuan loses, it is enough to go down in history!




Seeing the majestic Jun Jinyu stepping into the ring , Countless audiences couldn't restrain their excitement at all!

"great decisive battle..."

"I'm afraid this decisive battle will end soon!"

"I wonder if Lin Yuan has any cards left. "

"There is no chance for another atomic bomb. Jun Jinyu will not give him a chance to condense."

Some knowledgeable Martial Artists continued to discuss.

Even if the atomic bomb of mechanical energy that Lin Yuan had just condensed did not consume much, the total spiritual power of Lin Yuan was still very different from that of Jun Jinyu.

A war of attrition and a protracted war are hard to come by.

Including Wu Dafu and Jiang Xiu, countless compatriots who came from Tianshui Country all over the country shouted that their heads were about to lack oxygen!

Even if there is only one match today, it is definitely worth the price!


Shi Hongwen did not immediately announce the start of the great decisive battle between the two sides.

Give the two sides some time to communicate, just like the previous battle, to contribute to this great decisive battle.

Everyone still remembers Dong Huang's arrogant words during the last war.

As a result, it was directly blown away by Lin Yuan, and it is estimated that it will be reduced to the talk of world Martial Artist for a year or two.

Jun Jinyu stood in the center of the ring, and the imposing manner naturally exuded made Lin Yuan feel palpitations.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Jun Jinyu had a faint smile on her face, and her words were filled with amazing oppression.

Compared with Lin Yuan's well-proportioned and graceful figure, Jun Jinyu's figure is taller.

Therefore, the gaze towards Lin Yuan was a little downright.

"What do you want to say?"

Lin Yuan smiled casually.

Even if the spiritual power imposing manner is weaker than Jun Jinyu.

However, this imposing manner was unwavering, permeating Lin Yuan's side.

"No matter how long the darkness lasts..."

"The light will come."

Lin Yuan's words were body trembled by countless spectators watching the game .

Then gradually clenched his fists.

"How can there be so much Darkness and Light."

"Good and evil."

"You can't be a savior."

Jun Jinyu was a little snort disdainfully, and shook her head slightly.

In this world talented Martial Artists like Lin Yuan abound.

Every year, a large number of talented Martial Artists emerge with so-called ambitions.

But that's the weak are prey to strong, it's the bloody reality.

"You have to find something."

"Otherwise, wouldn't it be in vain?"

Lin Yuan's eyes looked directly at Jun Jinyu, spiritual power The radiance poured out of the body, and the imposing manner rose up!

Even if the New Black Empire finally unifies the entire world, how will it sing its praises in the history of later generations?

It has nothing to do with Lin Yuan.

From the moment he came to this world, Lin Yuan's creed is to live for himself and be worthy of his conscience.


When the imposing manner of the two of them rose almost simultaneously, Shi Hongwen's voice resounded through the sky.

"The Eighth Battle!"

"The New Black Ting Empire against the Tianshui Kingdom! The decisive battle!"


ka ka ——

As Jun Jinyu's spiritual power suddenly exploded, a burst of dazzling rays of light burst out on his body, just like Heavenly God descended to earth.

Supreme divine might instantly fill the ring.

I saw the hot holy light condensed in Jun Jinyu's hands.

"Holy Spirit."

"It's on!"

The great decisive battle finally kicked off, and all the audiences who are familiar with the New Black Empire are all Low exhale.

Jun Jinyu's family is Holy Spirit, which is not a secret in the whole continent.

Level 5 Martial Artist, also known as "Shedding Mortality Realm", is a realm transformed from a mortal.

There will be five chains around the Spirit Tree transformed by the Spirit Seed in the body, locking the mortal body.

Every time you smash a chain, you can raise your control over your body and the explosion of your potential to a new level!

You can slough off your mortal body by cutting off five chains.

Donghuang who just fought against Lin Yuan is just an ordinary Level 5 Martial Artist.

And Jun Jinyu has broken a chain.


The rays of light hiding the sky and covering the earth burst out, moved towards Lin Yuan swept away.

The rolling holy light almost drowned Lin Yuan completely!

At this moment, Si Si fire star lingered around Lin Yuan.

In the face of an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, Lin Yuan did not dare to be careless.

At the same time when the flames are condensed, the full power mode is suddenly turned on!


"Full Power Mode!"


The monstrous flames rose, and the The temperature rose sharply again.

The flame mecha on Lin Yuan's body erupted in the second stage, and a coercion that was no weaker than the opponent came crashing down!

Lin Yuan is surrounded by flames, his hands are formed into a calyx shape, and he puts the calyx hands around his waist!

Suddenly, the two gun barrels spirally intertwined in the two flaming mechanical hands.

A vast spiritual power is gathering crazily!

As the flame mechanical energy skyrocketed, he suddenly pushed his hands out!


The dazzling fire was like a long dragon-like circling moved towards Jun Jinyu's light attack and blasted away!


"really strong!"

"This kid is still in stock!"

Feeling Lin Yuan burst out At the moment of the tyrannical battle strength, the entire martial arts field was boiling!

Flame, this is a set of Battle Armor tailored for Lin Yuan alone.

Only Lao Lao and Cangsong Academician know how terrifying the potential of this Battle Armor is!


"Go, child!"

Luo Lao and Cangsong Academician frantically looked towards the arena, tears in their eyes flashing.

The blood they once lost was rekindled because of Lin Yuan!

Because of this, they did their best to support Lin Yuan and let him step onto a higher stage!



Two amazing energies collided, and the deafening rumbling sound resounded!

Sparks and holy light keep flying.

Due to the huge gap between realm, even if Lin Yuan turned on the full power mode of the flame, he still suffered a big loss.

Three swords of holy light crashed down from the sky!

Lin Yuan's figure flashed out at an extreme speed, and the fire wheel under his feet exploded with extreme speed to be able to avoid these three holy light swords!

"Is that the only way?"

Jun Jinyu looked at the young man burning in the center of the arena and whispered in the center of the arena.

If Lin Yuan only has this kind of strength, then he is a bit disappointing.

The holy sword in Jun Jinyu's hand exudes faint rays of light.

He took a step forward, and where he landed, the hard ring actually spread out several cracks from the center of his feet!

A ripple rippled in the air, and it came to Lin Yuan in the blink of an eye.

The distance of half the ring is swiped, and the speed is extremely fast.

At the same time, behind Jun Jinyu, a little light appeared, and then a Holy Spirit light curtain emerged!

Jun Jinyu holds the sword of Holy Spirit, and the majestic Holy Spirit bursts out.

As soon as a vast coercion was released, countless audiences couldn't help but want to kneel!


The two collided in the air!

The spiritual power on the ring fluctuated, and a vast magical power rose up.

"What's the situation?"

Feeling this vast flood, the galloping magic power, the eyes of countless audiences moved towards Lin Yuan in the center of the ring!

“Liu Ding Demon Fire?”

“Second Spirit Seed?”

Some martial artists familiar with Fire Element Spirit Seed exclaimed.

They felt the aura of Liuding Demonic Fire on Lin Yuan's body?


At this moment, Wu Di was the most embarrassed.

When will Lin Yuan still have the Spirit Seed of Liuding Demon Fire?

Among all Tianshui squad members, only Li Han knew about the existence of Lin Yuan's "Second Spirit Seed".

Li Han fought against Lin Yuan before going to the Blue Star Empire to compete.

If it's just the flames in full power mode, Li Han can still compete with Lin Yuan by virtue of his advantages in realm.

However, once the Six Ding Demon Fire breaks out, Lin Yuan's strength will reach a terrifying level!



Feeling Lin Yuan's surging majestic power, Jun Jinyu's eyes gradually sank!


At this time, Lin Yuan finally activated the six Ding Demon Fire hidden in his body, and black glow flashed above his mechanical eyes!

Behind him, there seems to be a Demon Soul phantom as well!

The Demon Soul rages, its fangs crack!

(end of this chapter)

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