I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 137


Chapter 137 on Level 5! Go to Level 5! (Please subscribe!)

The arena was completely covered by gray smog, and the audience in the stands could not see a trace of the internal battle.

"Damn it!"

"The critical moment made me make up my mind?"

"Daily fuck money back!"


Seeing this scene, many viewers were not happy.

The price of a ticket for the world martial arts tournament is almost skyrocketing.

That's a dozen games in total, and that's one less.

Who suffers from this?

However, the actual combat of Martial Artist is like this, and this situation has not occurred in previous years.


Gong Ming's figure gradually dissipated in the fog of death.

Xiao Lou's eyes sank.

He grabbed it in the air, and the purple thunder that suddenly appeared turned into a long lightning, which he grasped in his hand, and moved towards the surroundings and waved away!

The sharp lightning flashes in the haze without causing substantial damage.

Xiao Lou frowned, and then heard the mourning sound in the fog of death.

The death aura of the fog of death continuously moved towards Xiao Lou and eroded away.

At the same time, the incantation of Gong Ming's movement sounded from the fog of death all around.

As the incantation sounded, these dead auras attached to Xiao Lou's body and began to bite his flesh and blood!


"What the hell!"

Xiao Lou's bodyguard's spiritual power suddenly exploded, shaking away the death energy around him.

But the death air within the fog of death is continuously.

Xiao Lou even felt that he had seen an illusion. His blood-red eyes kept flashing in front of his eyes, causing him to keep shaking his head. The spirit strength was fully gathered!

Countless dead auras, like turning into evil spirits, spun around Xiao Lou rapidly.

The shrill cry is disturbing!



The thunder and lightning in Xiao Lou's hands kept breaking out, and the thunder and lightning of one after another came madly!

However, in the fog of death, Xiao Lou completely lost his sense of direction.

“ka ka—”

Xiao Lou’s eyes revealed a trace of murderous intention, Thunder Element spiritual power burst out and purple thunder gathered.

ka-cha Boom!

Lightning seems to tear the earth, one after another lightning is blazingly dazzling, slamming on the ring!

That one after another Zi Lei contains a vast and unparalleled aura.

The violent aura around Xiao Lou rose up, moved towards the indiscriminate bombardment in the fog of death!


At this time, Gong Ming was already floating in the air, holding a strange book in his hand, constantly sacrificing blood!

While constantly muttering incantation, he cast undead spell.

For a while, the voices of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves were heard in the fog of death, making the baleful intent in Xiao Lou's eyes stronger and stronger.

dong! dong! dong!

The eerie death spirit bell The drums keep beating in the fog of death.

Between his breaths, the gray dead aura had already eroded Xiao Lou's body.

Gong Ming's only remaining life force has been drawn for a large part.

While his face was extremely pale, the special undead curse method was completely released.

"The curse of life!"



Xiao Lou held his head in pain As he howled, the look in his eyes gradually disappeared.

At the end of the disappearance, Shi Hongwen stopped the battle!


Just as all the spectators were frantic to the limit, the spiritual power on the field suddenly dissipated.


"It's over?"

"Look at it!"

"What's going on?"

The world audience suddenly came to the spirit, just anxiously disappeared!

Now they just want to know what the outcome of this battle will be!

The gray fog of death gradually dissipated.

All the spectators' eyes were fixed on the center of the arena.

When they saw Xiao Lou kneeling on the ground with no expression on his face, the world audience was shocked.

An incredible thought came to mind.

The heartbeat keeps accelerating!

Xiao Lou...


Seeing this scene, Jun Jinyu, the Captain of the New Black Ting Empire, complexion sank, his eyes flickered.

Just at this moment, Shi Hongwen's voice resounded through the sky.

"The Fourth Battle!"

"Tian Shui Kingdom, Gong Ming..."





"Tian Shui won?"

If the previous three battles were The results were barely within the acceptable range of the public.

Then the result of this battle, apart from Lin Yuan, it is estimated that no one could have imagined it!

Shocked, surprised, and heart beating wildly.

They understood why the Tianshui team members had such a firm expression.

They didn't come to look up to giants in this battle.

Instead, smash giants! !

Cheers echoed throughout the martial arts field.

The audience is boiling!

The world is boiling!

In Tianshui, all the soldiers and civilians were completely crazy at this moment, roaring hoarsely.

All of them felt a tremor and blood boiling from in the depth of one's soul!

Especially the older generation of Tianshui Army warriors, all wearing old Tianshui Army uniforms, looked excitedly at the screen in front of them.

The soul of my youth seems to be fuse together with the Tianshui team members in the center of the screen, fighting the enemy bravely on the battlefield!

"Kill! Kill! Kill them all!"

"Avenge our dead brother!"

"The New Black Empire! Black Ting Empire!"

"cough cough --"

An old warrior saw Xiao Lou kneeling on the ring on the screen.

Under the excitement, bang, he threw a wine bottle beside him, his face full of excitement and fun!

Yes, that's right, they are small countries!

Faced with huge monsters like the New Black Empire, until now they can only have monstrous hatred!

But my descendants of Tianshui Kingdom can make you, the so-called super genius of the New Black Ting Empire, kneel and prostrate!

"Son! Bring me two more bottles of wine for Lao Tzu!"

"Come on!"

"Damn! Come on Tianshui! Fuck this! Help the dog!"


The border of the Sixteen Nations Alliance.

The cheers like mountain cry out and sea howl, even the warriors from other friendly countries have some tears.

Hook each other's shoulders and hug each other excitedly.

At this time, in the sixteen-nation alliance, several of the country's palaces had already "exploded".

There are even two countries that passed the Military Academy Elite Program without parliamentary discussion.

A complete reproduction of the cultivation method of Tianshui Kingdom!

Although the 16-nation alliance is small, it is located in a superior environment and rich in mineral resources.

Some small, barren countries may not have such terrifying resources to pile up a few geniuses.

But most of the sixteen nations can do it!

The country gathers resources to cultivate talents, and it is not difficult for the whole country to find ten excellent innate talents.

After reaching Level 5 Martial Artist, you said that the top resources are scarce and the growth rate is slow.

Now, with the strength of the whole country, how many Level 4 super geniuses can't be smashed?

Only in terms of innate talent, a small country genius must be as bad as your super empire genius innate talent.

If the environment and resources are the same, it is uncertain who is stronger than the other!


Neland City.

The cheers in the dojo shot into the sky.

Under the leadership of the people of Tianshui Kingdom, the audience began to frantically shout in unison at the New Black Ting Empire's War Zone:

"Go to Level 5!"

"Up to Level 5!"

"Up to Level 5!"

Heard the jeers like mountain cry out and sea howl from the audience.

The members of the delegation of the Independent Army and Friends of the Baijing Republic, the Tianchu Federation, the Roman Empire, and the Quanshi Republic all laughed silly!

Mu Xiaoyun laughed wildly without any image, and patted Lu Xinghuo's thigh frantically!

"It hurts! Sister! Ah!"

"Look at Xinghuo!"

"Look at Jun Jinyu's goose expression, hahahaha laughing Kill me!"

Although Lu Xinghuo is the Captain of Baijing Republic, he is also a genius of Baijing Highest.

But the status in the team is not particularly high.

On the contrary, Mu Xiaoyun has the imposing manner of a big sister.

The members of the Baijing Republic laughed together.

At this time, in the new Black Court Equipment War Zone, Jun Jinyu's face has completely gloomy!

The new Black Ting Empire attacked Tianshui Kingdom.

The opponent does not have a Level 5 Martial Artist.

To force them to become Level 5 Martial Artist?

This in itself is something that the nations of the world will laugh at.

But this is the end, they can't change this ending.

It must be a shame to be a Level 5 Martial Artist.

Can't get on?

Absolutely impossible!

In the Tianshui National Team, the last player in the lineup must be that mysterious Machine Department Martial Artist Lin Yuan!

And it is not difficult to see from the expressions of the Tianshui team members that almost every team member has a strong confidence in Lin Yuan.

Except for the slaughter, the other Level 4 Peak players, no matter who they are against Lin Yuan, may not be able to win.

Even in Jun Jinyu's strong premonition, she will definitely lose.

If the New Black Ting Empire was really forced to be the last person by Tianshui Kingdom, then it would be a real shame to throw it to grandma's house!

Machine Department Martial Artist is known for its explosive power.

Jun Jinyu couldn't estimate Lin Yuan's strength.

There is no guarantee that Lin Yuan has no means to deal with Level 5 Martial Artist!

Could it be that when the time comes he has to play in person to defeat the Tianshui team?

The tenacious of the Tianshui team is beyond Jun Jinyu's imagination.

In this battle, except for His Royal Highness Kamiko, all the team members who can participate in the competition are here.

Even the New Black Empire could not find the reason to "underestimate the enemy".

"Go to Level 5!"

"Go to Level 5!"

Millions of viewers don't know how many Level 5 Martial Artists are in the New Black Empire , anyway, the sarcasm is over!

In the tidal wave of unison, Jun Jinyu looked towards Dong Huang who was beside him.

Dong Huang was stunned for a moment, then saw the seriousness in Jun Jinyu's eyes.

Accidents are absolutely not allowed in this battle!


Donghuang nodded, and then slowly set foot on the field!

In the eyes of all viewers, Tianshui Kingdom has succeeded in pushing the New Black Empire to this point!




Donghuang just set foot on On the field, there was an earth-shattering cheer!

It's just that the cheers were not for him, but for Lin Yuan.

Because it was on the other side of the ring, Lin Yuan walked out of the prepared war zone and stepped onto the arena slowly.

(end of this chapter)

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