I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 132


Chapter 132 The New Black Empire - Shentu (Subscribe!)

Back to Lin Yuan and After the teammates exchanged a few sentences, they jumped down from the prepared War Zone.

The rest of the team followed and quickly came to Chen Tianyu who was receiving treatment.

Although Chen Tianyu is now weak, his eyes are still bright.

Obviously excited for Tianshui to advance to the quarterfinals.

"How is it?"

Lin Yuan looked at the chief physician Wang Ping and asked.

Chen Tianyu laughed:

"I'm fine!"

"Small injury."

Compared to the optimistic Chen Tianyu , Wang Ping's expression is a little serious:

"The injury is very serious, fortunately, the meridian was not injured."

"Even with all-out treatment, it is impossible to catch up to the quarterfinals after that. Battle."

Everyone in the Tianshui team had expectations for this result.

The Tianshui team will suffer on the realm.

Whether it's Chen Tianyu, Han Yi, Jiang Yining or Wu Di, once they play, they have to risk serious injury and fight to the death.


Without the meridian injury that affects the future of martial arts, this is already the best result.

Once there is a meridian injury, it cannot be cured by Level 6 Martial Artist alone, it must be at least Level 7 or above.

And the recovery period is very long, which is different from the current injury.


Even after the opening game is over, the Beiming and Tianshui teams are off the field.

The cheers at the scene could not subside for a long time, and the voices of discussion continued to sound.

"Tian Shui's strength is definitely stronger than I imagined!"

"That's not it, you see Lin Yuan simply didn't use his full strength, and he directly took Lu Mu with two moves. The little chick has been pressed to death! Damn it!"

"Is the Machine Department so strong?"

Heard the madness around Lin Yuan and Machine Department Talking, Luo Lao and Cangsong Academician are extremely proud and proud.

Their ideals are gradually being realized by Lin Yuan.

It feels wonderful to have that dream come true.

All the people of Tianshui Kingdom are very satisfied. They didn't even dare to think about the results of the quarter-finals before the game, but now it has become a reality.

In the quarter-finals after that, even the military and civilians who just cheered and cheered for Tianshui will not have any unrealistic expectations.

"Oh! It's a pity that the draw is not good."

"Yeah, if we don't play those six teams in the quarterfinals, there may be a great chance."

"It's more than a great opportunity! I even feel that Lin Yuan and Li Han can wear two and five!"

Now Tianshui Kingdom is extremely swollen up and down.

The North Underworld Empire is about 8-10 in strength among the sixteen teams, and all members are Level 4 Peak.

Isn't it still being beaten like a crush by Tianshui Kingdom?

In five battles, Beiming did not win a single one.

Just as everyone was discussing spiritedly, the scene entered a period of halftime.

Give the audience a little bit of excitement and drive sales in the catering industry by the way.

The opener went relatively quickly.

Five games were over in just over an hour.


The second battle of the top sixteen is the duel between [New Black Empire] and [Spring Stone Republic].

This showdown is also known as the showdown with the greatest disparity in strength among the eight showdowns.

Even if you don't know the players' information, [New Black Ting Empire] still ranks 1-2 in the pre-match strength predictions of several media.

【Spring Stone Republic】ranked 14-16.

And the latter is different from Tianshui Kingdom.

In the qualifiers of Tianshui Kingdom, Li Han's outstanding personal battle strength has shown vividly and thoroughly.

In addition to the hidden Lin Yuan, he has at least a dual core with super personal battle strength in the ring battle.

And [Spring Stone Republic] their battle method in the qualifiers completely relied on teamfights.

Twelve people form a battle formation and fight as a whole.

Then rely on Captain Xu Qinghuan's powerful battlefield judgment ability to calculate the remaining battle strength of each team, make the most appropriate battlefield judgment and route movement, and finally Ranked 8th, pressing the line to break through.

It's not a coincidence to say that.

However, the lack of strength is doomed to their weakness in the wheel battle stage.

It happened that he also encountered the New Black Empire, which was crushed by hard power, and there was no chance at all.


Lin Yuan led the Tianshui team down the ring, and the twelve members of the Hequanshi team met in front of the waiting area.

Xu Qinghuan looked at Lin Yuan and said proactively:


The Tianshui Kingdom and the Quanshi Republic were originally friendly countries on the same front.

Lin Yuan has learned about this country. The land area is larger than that of Tianshui Country, but the whole is relatively barren.

It's not like Tianshui Kingdom has at least so many chrysolite mineral resources, as well as some high-quality land resources.

Being able to reach the top sixteen is also a historical achievement for them.

Lin Yuan politely replied:

"Thank you."

"Come on."

Xu Qinghuan chuckled and squinted. Dao:

"Does it make a difference if you add fuel or not?"

"Let's cheer for yourselves."

Xu Qinghuan still compares the strength of his team clearly.

I don't even have the strength to force out the second person in the New Black Empire, I can only enjoy the battle.


While Lin Yuan and Xu Qinghuan were talking, Wu Di, who was in the back, whispered in Xia Xia's ear:

"You sure his Can you see things with small eyes?"

Xia Tian secretly glanced at Xu Qinghuan, and hummed in a low voice:

"I don't know."

"It should be invisible."


The shock that Tianshui Kingdom brought to the world is still fermenting.

The second battle of the top sixteen finally began, and the two sides appeared one after another.

Even though the New Black Empire was extremely powerful, most of the audience at the scene were supporters of the Canglan Independence Army and pacifism, so the applause for the members of the New Black Empire was not very warm.

And what made the audience even more angry was that the New Black Empire didn't even have a single person, but only nine people.

"Damn it! It's too fucking arrogant."

"No way, the gap in strength is too big, and you can win any battle."

"Hey. ..."

Some viewers sighed helplessly.

Twelve people from the New Black Ting Empire, any one who randomly pulls out a genius is estimated to be above the strength of Bai Zixuan, Li Han, and Lin Yuan.

It was precisely at this time that Lin Yuan, who had just finished the opening match, came to the viewing area of the Tianshui delegation to observe the opponents in the quarter-finals in advance.

After dozens of minutes, the excitement in the hearts of several instructors subsided a lot.

A mixed look on his face.

As the second battle of the top sixteen kicked off, everyone's eyes turned towards the arena.

Hong Min said helplessly on the side:

"The information on the team members of the New Black Ting Empire is not very clear."

"But according to Bai Jing's speculation, The New Black Ting Empire is expected to have 2 to 3 Level 5 Martial Artists."

"The others are also Peak's Level 4 Peak Martial Artists."

One of Hong Min's words some concerns.

The reasons for concern are well known to the members of the Tianshui team.

In this Canglan War of Independence, the Spirit Emperor chose to plunder simply because it was located in the Extreme-Cold Land.

The New Black Empire is different, they are extremely bloodthirsty and brutal.

Largely because of the nation's beliefs - the "New God".

Growing up in an empire that prides itself on killing, how could he not be addicted to killing.

Wu Shi nodded and said with a serious expression:

"Well, you must be careful when you fight with them."

Even if sometimes Hongwen Rewind time to keep players alive.

However, in previous years, there have not been examples of Divine Consciousness being destroyed and becoming a crippled person for life.


"Shen Tu."

When the first player of the New Black Empire came on the field, Lin Yuan whispered him out. name.

He is more than two meters tall, tall and strong, with muscles all over his body, and his appearance is extremely ugly.

He also has a bloody scar on his face.

As soon as they debuted, the audience burst into discussions.

Compared to the huge Shentu, Quanshi's first team member can be described as a chick.

A skinny swordsman, realm Level 4 seven star.

"It's starting."

Han Yi whispered at the moment the battle started.

From the moment Shentu came on stage, he could feel a terrifying oppression.

And after the battle started, not only the world audience, but even the members of the Tianshui team also pupils shrank.


Shen Tu stepped out in one step, and his body shape changed suddenly.

At the same time as the body is rapidly expanding, the cracked top is directly burst!

The original flesh and blood body suddenly became a ten-meter-high giant monster with a violent atmosphere.


"What is this!"

Wu Di widened his eyes and said in horror.

Shentu's sudden change made Lin Yuan frowned.

What shocked him was not Shentu's transformation, but his speed!

"It's too fast."

Shen Tu's eyes were full of fierce light, and he jumped up and slammed his huge fist towards Quan Shi's swordsman!

This swordsman clenched the teeth, and slashed out with a sword while dodging.

However, the terrifying fist style of this fist, even the air was almost torn apart, smashing the opponent's sword with a bang!

shua shua ——

I have to say that the first swordsman of Quanshi Republic is not weak, and he has very rich combat experience.

Under the flexible dodge, moved towards Shentu's weak defense legs!


"What kind of defensive power!"

At the moment when the sword slashed at Shentu's left leg, the face of the Quanshi swordsman sudden change.

He felt like he was hitting a hill and couldn't keep going.

Shentu's left leg was lifted, the swordsman couldn't dodge in time, and his whole body was blasted out!

The violent impact made him spit out a mouthful of blood and fell heavily on the ring!

Shentu originally wanted to follow, but was immediately stopped by the referee Shi Hongwen and declared Shentu the victory!

Snorted snorted by Shen Tu, who felt unhappy for a while.

Immediately back into position, waiting for the next opponent.

Manic, tyrannical, powerful!

“really strong.”

“Strength, impact, and speed are all top tier.”

“defensive power more It's monster level..."

Lin Yuan slightly frowned.

The huge monster even reminded him of the Hulk.


Han Yi is slightly frowned. There is almost no Spirit Seed in the Sixteen Nations Alliance.

There are quite a few in the North.

General Giant Martial Artist will lose a certain speed after transforming.

However, this monster Shentu not only has no, but also has no obvious defects in all aspects.

"Apart from Lin Yuan..."

"It is difficult for others to be opponents."

Li Han's voice resounded throughout the Tianshui delegation.

Having known each other for so long, this was the first time everyone heard Li Han say such a thing.

Gao Shan said solemnly beside Li Han:

"Can't even you?"

Li Han shook the head:

"It's hard."

"Not enough explosiveness?"


Everyone is a Martial Artist, so they naturally know what Li Han means .

The defensive power displayed by this monster Shentu is terrifying.

Unless Li Han comprehends the sword intent, everything is in vain when there is no way to break the defense.

This is the case with Shentu on the field now, it doesn't matter if he stands and chops his opponent, because he can't chop at all!

Lin Yuan is the only one in the entire Tianshui team who has this kind of terrifying explosive power.


Lin Yuan stared at Shen Tu, who had lost three straight in the ring, and kept his mouth shut.

The atmosphere of the Tianshui delegation was suddenly silent.

is it possible that the first player of the New Black Empire must have Lin Yuan to play?

Seeing this, Li Han took a deep breath and took the initiative to say:

"Let me come."

Li Han has already reached the Great Perfection of Sword Power, After the battle with Bai Zixuan, I vaguely touched the threshold of sword intent.

It's not like there's no chance.

At this moment, Lin Yuan, who had been staring at the arena, showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Hua Yao, who had been secretly looking at Lin Yuan's profile, asked subconsciously:


"What are you laughing at? ”

Everyone moved towards Lin Yuan and looked over.

Lin Yuan replied with a smile:

"His defensive power is weak."


Hearing this Then, everyone looked around.

As expected, after the consumption of several battles, the spiritual power dropped.

Shentu no longer has the Absolute Defense of the First World War.

Even though they lost four games in a row, Xu Qinghuan, who was standing in the Prepared War Zone, still had a calm smile on his face.

From the second battle, Xu Qinghuan's team was all speed-type players, and wanted to use speed to consume Shentu.

But the actual effect is very poor.

Because Shentu's oppression is very strong, and in the ring, the speed cannot be fully displayed.

"Xu Qinghuan is too persistent, it's useless for a speed-type Martial Artist to fight Shentu!"

"But there's nothing you can do. If you can't fight with hard power, it's useless to send anyone."



The audience discussed spiritedly.

The Thunder Element girl Mu Xiaoyun in Bai Jing's team lightly said with a smile:

"It's just not fast enough!"


The Tianshui delegation watched the War Zone.


Wu Di pointed at himself and asked in disbelief.

Wu Di's injury is not a big problem, and there are still four or five days of recovery time, which is enough.

But Wu Di didn't expect that such a arduous task as the first battle would be handed over to him, and he was suddenly a little nervous.

Lin Yuan nodded with a smile, "Well, use your speed to drain him."

"Avoid head-on combat."

hear here , Wu Shi on the side finally couldn't help asking:

"Are you so sure that the Shentu quarterfinals will be the first to play?"

"What if there is a substitution? ”

“en. ”


“Do you see any desire to fight?”

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, the instructors looked towards the War Zone of the New Black Empire.

Sure enough, the members of the New Black Empire lacked interest when facing opponents with disparate strengths, and had no desire to fight at all.

This is the case with most Martial Artists. If you ask Tianshui team members to play Level 3 Martial Artist, they probably have no interest.

In the entire New Black Empire, only Shentu was boiling with a fighting intent.

Killed five people in a row in the arena, and completed the feat of the single-player Miequan Stone representative team.

Roaring in the ring with fists up!

Seeing that the New Black Ting Empire advanced to the quarter-finals without any suspense, countless audience members stood up and discussed spiritedly:

"Let's go."

"It's over. ."

"Damn, today's game is too fast!"

Some viewers were a little depressed.

Theoretically the minimum number of battles, a main match, a maximum of nine, and a minimum of five.

A total of ten games were played in these two rounds, and they were all resolved in five games.

"No way, tomorrow's game in Baijing is expected to be crushed."

"Fortunately, Tianshui's fight against Beiming is exciting enough, otherwise I will feel blood loss!"


The supporters of Tianshui Kingdom would not have any complaints, but exhibit one's feelings in one's speech with excited expressions.


The round of 16 will be played for three days.

In addition, there is still a day of rest in the middle, which means that the top four War General of [New Black Ting Empire] and [Tian Shui Kingdom] will start in four days, and there is still enough time for rest. of.

"Let's go too."

Lin Yuan got up calmly and looked at his teammates.

At this time, several team members, including all the instructors, were in a sluggish state.

Because they heard a word from Lin Yuan in the exchange just after the game.

"We will lose without a doubt?"

"Not necessarily."

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(end of this chapter)

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