I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 129


Chapter 129 I will kill you all! (Please subscribe!!)

“really strong sword dao of water!”

“Great Perfection of sword power, this sword is about to touch the threshold of sword intent.”

"sword intent?"

Li Han's sword made countless sword dao powerhouses stunned.

Even the geniuses of the super empires such as the New Black Ting Empire and the Baijing Republic were slightly surprised.

The Great Perfection of Shuangjianliu's sword potential is very rare.

The sword potential is actually the embodiment of attribute spiritual power, or it is brave and strong, or it is like flowing water.

The meaning is that it is higher than the realm of potential.

When your understanding of the weapon reaches a new realm, it can be called meaning, and it can exert the most original energy of the weapon.


“second battle!”

“Li Hansheng of Tianshui Kingdom!”

With Shi Hongwen’s announcement, the scene Boil again!

Ye Xin stood up dazedly holding his chest, and the cheers of millions of people at the scene continued to pierce his heart like a knife.

One trick.

Just one move!

What consumes Li Han's spiritual power and what represents Beiming's participation in battle, this moment seems to be a joke.

Even if Beiming wins in the end, he has no face to face his fathers and villagers again.


Seeing Li Han's brilliant sword killing his opponent in seconds, all the supporters of Tianshui Kingdom slammed their fists heavily.

The southern border of the Sixteen-Nation Alliance was screaming wildly.

"Have a chance!"

"Really have a chance!"

The top eight, this is something that all the people of Tianshui didn't dare to think about before the game score.

But now everyone's desires are beginning to breed.

One move to defeat the enemy simply didn't consume much spiritual power for Li Han.

Li Han walked slowly to his position, his swords fell naturally, waiting for the start of the next battle.

There were no distracting thoughts in Li Han's mind.

Because he knows very well that even if he falls on the ring, the team still has Lin Yuan!

All he can do is kill all the enemies!


Ye Xin returned to the Northern Underworld Empire to prepare for the War Zone, but none of the team members set their sights on him.

Bai Zixuan, Gukong and Lu Mu were discussing the changes in the situation seriously.

They underestimate their opponents.

"I'm not an opponent."

Lu Mu shook his head helplessly.

The biggest feature of the Machine Department is its explosive power, but the Water Element sword dao is continuous and the defensive power is extremely strong, making it difficult to be defeated.

If he faces Li Han, it will consume the opponent's spiritual power at most, and there is almost no chance of winning.

If one more person loses, the situation of the Northern Underworld Empire will be even more dangerous.

"I'll go."

Lonely stretched, then set foot on the field.


In the Tianshui War Zone, Lin Yuan smiled again.

"Space Department Martial Artist."

Han Yi stood aside, smiling and agreeing:

"He's lost."

The space system is indeed one of the strongest Spirit Seed attributes in martial arts.

It is as rare and powerful as time-related, evil-related attributes, etc.!

But the low-level space system Martial Artist and the high-level space system Martial Artist are two completely different concepts.

Because many powerful space skills, such as [space transfer] [space collapse] [space storm], can only be released until at least Level 6.

The same is true for the time system, which can only be qualitatively changed after being transformed.

Even though it's rare, the Tianshui team knows too much about space Martial Artist.

Because the instructor Hong Min in the stands is a Martial Artist of the Space Department!

In addition, during the preliminaries, due to Lu Mu's unauthorized actions, Gu Kong was forced to fight for points alone in the chaotic battle, exposing a lot of spiritual skills.

Therefore, before this battle, Instructor Hong Min has conducted a detailed analysis of the combat characteristics of Lonely Kong.

The Martial Artist of the speed department really suffers against Lone Sky, after all, the squeeze of multiple space gravity will make them lose their most advantageous speed.

Li Han is facing, just need to defend as offense, 90% of this battle can be won.

The third battle in the ring begins!

As expected by Instructor Hong Min, he stepped out in one step when he came up to Gukong, and flew out at the same time!

A terrifying matchless gravitational pressure suddenly landed on Li Han's body.


If not prepared early, under the gravitational pressure of this surprise attack, the average Martial Artist will crawl directly to the ground and be slaughtered by others.

Looking at the speed of Gu Kong, it was astonishingly fast. He kept tapping in the air, as if there were steps in the air, quickly approaching Li Han!

Under the pressure of this huge gravity, Li Han seemed to be carrying a mountain on his back.

But still with that focused look, the two swords were raised.



Li Han didn't care about the huge impact on speed.

Although his speed is not slow, he is not only relying on speed to be able to fight.

Double swords moved towards the rushing lone sky and slashed out!

This sword is like rolling waves, as if the waves are coming from the sky, bringing waves of tidal waves!

"How is that possible!"

"Not affected at all?"

Li Han's sword made the entire Beiming delegation exclaim in surprise Voice!

Even Lone Kong didn't expect the situation to change like this at all.

While dodging extremely fast, you find that the space you are in seems to be filled by waves!

Gu Kong, who had been awake all the time, was completely frightened.

at the crucial moment.

Gu Kong forcibly moved a step laterally, and the incomparably powerful fist wind was like a storm and Li Han was forced to collide head-on.

peng sound

Under the collision of powerful forces, Lonely even felt that he had lost control of the space!


Li Han's strength is far beyond the imagination of countless audiences.

Even some Peak powerhouses have given Li Han the name of genius.

"Take every detail and transform Vigor with softness."

"This kid, if he follows the law, I don't know what kind of monster he will become!"

In the Baijing Republic delegation, a Level 7 Water Element mage beat his chest and stomped his feet.

Li Han's sword dao is very strong, but it is not strong enough to be in ten-thousand does not have one.

Swordsmanship Great Perfection, there are several swordsmen of the younger generation of Baijing Republic.

What makes Li Han really different from other swordsmen is his monster-like spiritual power control ability.

Almost all Martial Artists with this characteristic go to the legal system.

But Li Han fell in love with the sword since childhood.


On the battlefield, the solitary fist gang constantly rubbed against the space, and every punch was as heavy as a mountain!

"Gu Kong is going to win."


In the stands, Xu Qinghuan of Quanshi Republic squinted and looked towards Motionless As Li Han of Mountains.

"Look at Li Han."

"Have you ever moved?"

Several members of the Quanshi Republic suffocated instantly.

A horrified emotion spread in the heart.


The battle on the arena seems to be lonesome, but only the lonesome knows his current situation!

Li Han stood there, like the center of vortex.

Drive the surrounding spiritual power, and within a few moves, Lonely can completely lose the initiative.

Gu Kong tried to break Li Han's sword with explosive force.

But no matter how he tried, under Li Han's perfect control, the blasting force was like throwing a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea, quickly swallowed by vortex.

Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Five Elements Spirit Seed all have a different focus.

The most offensive and defensive one is the Water Element.

Li Han's sword power is not invincible.

Lonely can't break open, Lu Mu dare not go, just because their explosive lethality is not enough.

Before going to the world martial arts tournament, Lin Yuan, who was in a state of raging flames, broke through Li Han's endless sword power!

"It's over."

The huge Water Element sword swirled up, and Li Han took a step forward when he raised his head.

With the crossed swords in his hand, one after another ripples emerged again, as if they were connected into rivers in the void!


"Jiang He!"

As Li Han's double swords slashed out, Lone Kong felt that the monstrous river water moved towards him. past.

The space that has been relying on is almost completely isolated, and there is no room for escape.


Compared to the collision between Chen Tianyu and Lei Jiacheng, the collision at this time was far less ferocious.

But it is this continuous river that completely drowns the lonely sky.


Above the ring, layers of waves rolled up.

The dashing double swords cut out, and Li Han turned around calmly.

Take a step back to your original position.

On the other side, Lone Kong, who was hit from the front, was rescued by Shi Hongwen.

But in this way, the result of this battle is also announced!

"The third battle!"

"Tian Shui Kingdom."

"Li Hansheng!"

Shi Hongwen's voice resounded again Chebu Dojo!

The dazed supporters of Tianshui Kingdom shouted when they heard the result of this battle.

Over the field of millions of people, terrifying cheers continued to circle.


"Li Han won again!"

"Hahahahaha! Tianshui is going to win!"

Supporters at home and abroad in Tianshui raised their arms and shouted, and Chen Tianyu, who was seriously injured off the court, also showed a confident smile.

Can't lose.

Originally, the supporters of Tianshui Kingdom in the martial arts field had an advantage in numbers.

Now, countless neutral audiences have turned their backs and cheered for Tianshui.

The imposing manner of the Tianshui team has reached its peak!

“Tian Shui!”


“Tian Shui!”



Listening to the unanimous cry of nearly a million people like mountain cry out and sea howl, the faces of the Northern Underworld Empire have become extremely difficult to see.

They simply never thought of such a picture, nor did they think that Li Han would be so strong!

Even Lonely is not his opponent at all. He is in a passive situation from the beginning to the end of the battle, and he can be clearly touched by his opponent.

"Tian Shui only got on the second person..."

"It's over, it's over for him."

Feeling the current situation on the field, Even the expressions of the people of the North Underworld Empire, who were extremely arrogant at the beginning, showed despair.

One-sided imposing manner.

Li Han who is still in Peak state.

And Lin Yuan from mysterious.

Scales of Victory have moved towards the direction of Tianshui Kingdom.

"It's no accident that I can get the first place in the preliminaries!"

Countless world audiences couldn't help thinking.

In the qualifiers, when the weak countries with high scores became the focus of the battle, Tianshui Kingdom was still able to get out of the way and win the first place in the qualifiers. This is definitely not something that can be summed up in two words.

It's just that everyone didn't want to believe that a weak national team could suppress Beiming, Rome and Holy Spirit.

But now they all believe it!

"It's okay!"

"There is still hope!"

Even if the situation is so, there are still calm people in Beiming who have a glimmer of hope.

This glimmer of hope is Bai Zixuan.


Beiming prepares the War Zone.

A hint of solemnity appeared on Bai Zixuan's slightly yellowish cheeks.

He has become Beiming's only hope.

As long as he can defeat Li Han, the situation will change again.

Since Li Han was able to defeat Beiming in a row, Bai Zixuan could also defeat Tianshui in a row!


Lu Mu looked towards Bai Zixuan.

"I'll come."

"You're in the lineup."

Bai Zixuan dressed in white clothed, and walked to the ring smartly.

As a swordsman, Bai Zixuan recognizes Li Han's strength and wants to fight Li Han fairly.

But for the victory of the Beiming Empire, Bai Zixuan had no choice.

Life and Death Battle of the Northern Hades.

Seeing Bai Zixuan come on stage, the audience in the entire arena has all stood up, and there are endless discussions.

"Bai Zixuan got up early."

"There's nothing I can do if I can't get up. Lu Mu feels that he can't beat Li Han. This defensive sword is impeccable!"


"Indeed, Beiming will go home if he loses again. The duel between the two strongest Martial Artists!"

"I don't know how much spiritual power Li Han has consumed."


Tianshui Prepared War Zone.

Han Yi stared at Bai Zixuan, who was walking slowly towards the ring, and said lightly:

"Not ordinary."

That genius Martial Artist The unique powerhouse will, only Bai Zixuan has in the entire Beiming Empire.

The crowd around the Squad were already nervous.

Lin Yuan's expression and heart are equally peaceful.

At this stage of the battle, Li Han has already achieved two crucial victories.

He believed that Li Han would win.

However, as Captain, he has to prepare for Li Han's defeat.

Even if they lose, Lin Yuan is not ready to let Jiang Yining and Han Yi come back.

Jiang Yining injury has not recovered, he was forced to enter the main team.

Once Han Yi is on the court, he can only fight as hard as Chen Tianyu when he is at a disadvantage.

Chen Tianyu has been seriously injured and can recover in a short period of time.

If Han Yi is also injured, then Tianshui won't even be able to get together the five main players in the quarterfinals.

It would be nice to have three.


"You are very strong."

Bai Zixuan looked directly at Li Han and praised with a serious expression.

Bai Zixuan is full of respect for a genius swordsman whose sword dao attainments are no less than his.

But unfortunately, he and Li Han are not the same person at all.

In Li Han's sword dao, there is a strong murderous intention.

In the evaluation of Instructor Wu Shi, that is:

"Li Han is not a swordsman, but a soldier!"

Bai Zixuan has cultivated sword dao since childhood, obsessed with sword dao, and has been cultivating in a superior environment until now.

But Li Han is different, he is a warrior from Tianshui Kingdom.

When he saw the seniors who had cared and cared for his comrades died on the battlefield, the bodies were transported to the camp.

Li Han has already made up his mind.

"I will kill all of you."

Facing Bai Zixuan's praise, Li Han's whisper was a little cold.

This sentence also shocked Bai Zixuan.

In Bai Zixuan's Anxin cultivation and pursuit of martial arts, I don't know how many Tianshui warriors died in battle!

They were both Martial Artists with dreams of martial arts.

So no matter how strong Bai Zixuan is, in Li Han's eyes, he will not get the slightest respect.

He will kill all the invaders and avenge the warriors who have guarded the border for generations.

Hate is hate!

Li Han spread out his hands, and the bloody double swords glowed faintly cold light!

Thanks to [Ming King, Ye Fan] for the 100 starting point coins!

(end of this chapter)

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