I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 448 Atum’s Choice

You lose, and you are destined to be unable to lift the seal, and can only hide in the underworld. Atum pointed at the player Dark Tapirang, and he said: Disappear and accept the punishment of the ultimate dark game. This consciousness of yours will eventually Leave this world!


The entire game space burst out with light, and An Tapirang knew that he was doomed this time.

The punishment of the ultimate dark game will completely deprive him of this evil god's soul fragment from the Millennium Trouble Wheel.

Without the troublemaker An Tapirang, the underworld will no longer be able to set foot in reality, and the body of the great evil god will not be able to interfere with anything in reality.

Hmph, hahahahaha. An Tapirang accepted the outcome, but his expression gradually became arrogant: Although I lost, the underworld and reality can no longer interfere, but you didn't win either.

Atum, you will definitely open the underworld yourself.

The words ended here, the backlash of the ultimate dark game caused the dark tapir to be instantly annihilated, and the thousand-year troublemaking wheel began to dim.

Since then, the disappearance of Dark Tapirang means that Tablet Tapirang is officially online.

As for Atum, he crossed his arms and thought about the last words of Anbaixiliang.

Chicken Sauce, are you in the underworld? Atum said to himself.

Wow, the waves gradually rise, the golden sun hangs high, and the warm dusk makes people feel comfortable.

On the cruise ship, Yugi stood alone on the deck.

What happens on the chessboard is the world of memory, which is the history that Atum experienced as Pharaoh.

3,000 years ago, the Pharaoh, who had no bonds of friendship, could not defeat the evil god of darkness and had to sacrifice himself to seal Zok back to the underworld.

It’s different now, Atum has a lot of things he cares about, friendship and aibo

Duel is the battlefield, the duel disk is the shield, and the cards are the sharp blades to achieve the goal.

If you want the Pharaoh who has recovered his memory to return to the underworld, you must make him give up his weapons and have no worries anymore.

The weapons referred to here are of course duels!

The above is a statement of high emotional intelligence, and the following is a statement of low emotional intelligence.

If the Pharaoh wants to leave this world, find a duelist to beat him up and make him understand that Yu-Gi-Oh only allows one person to be comfortable.

The other me, we agreed to support me all the time, and you promised me not to leave. Xiao Biao held the thousand-year-old bricks. The two of them had clearly agreed last time.

Since the other self will not leave, there is no need for this duel ceremony.


Atum appeared. Now that he had found his true name, his whole body looked more majestic than before.

But when it comes to aibo, Atum will always be gentle.

Let's duel, aibo. Atum looked at the other person's face and continued: After much thought, I think the underworld is better than reality. After all, I am a king.

But in the real world, I can only be a shadow, the shadow of Muto Yugi.

A lonely ghost wandering around Muto Yugi.

I would rather be a phoenix than a chicken tail.

Xiao Biao's eyes turned red, they had clearly agreed last time.

However, no matter how sad he is, Xiaobiao will always respect Atum's opinion.

Muto Yugi, I hope you can be my opponent. Atum issued an invitation with a warrior's tone and expression.

I'm fine. Xiaobiao felt very sad.

I used to call people aibo, but now I call myself Muto Yugi.

The final result of the two people's discussion was: fight!

Jonouchi and others had nothing to say, and they also respected the thoughts of the person involved.

But the president who came with You Miao later had something to say.

No, I don't agree! The president did not witness the scene of his previous life getting along with Qisha like in the original work, and he didn't need to.

Because of the magical glasses that You Miao gave him, he could see Qisha every day, and he could also learn what he wanted to know from her.

Haima, who firmly believed in science, still didn't take Seth seriously in his previous life.

One day, science will be able to explain it all.

The president only cares about one thing, and that is Yami Yugi's opponent!

Hmph, let me bury the game with my own hands. The president wants to be one of the candidates for the Duel Ceremony.

No, Kaiba-kun, I will not give you the position this time no matter what. Xiaobiao showed his weak attitude and looked at the other party with firm eyes to retort.

Kaiba was surprised that he actually saw the duelist's soul in Xiaobiao's eyes.

Hmph, this is a game you'll regret!


Kaiba left with a cold expression and closed the door.

Seeing Kaiba taking a step back, Xiaobiao held the Millennium Brick and murmured: I am the other person I really want to fight against.

Jonouchi originally wanted to fight for it, but Xiaobiao was very determined, so he had no choice but to give up.


He knows how to play cards very well.


After You Miao appeared, her eyes never left him!

Xingzi always felt that the perfume belonging to Isis on You Miao seemed to be particularly strong.

Did something strange happen?

Of course, the duel between the two games was indeed shocking, but she couldn't control a duel of this level.

Yi Xi, let me talk to Atum. You Miao stretched out his hand, and Xiaobiao handed the thousand-year brick to the former.

When no one was around, You Miao looked at the golden thousand-year building blocks and asked:

What do you really think?

In this duel, you were going to lose to Muto Yugi from the beginning. No, you had to lose to him?

The great evil god's claws are gone, and he who is imprisoned in the underworld can no longer set foot on or influence the present world.

Atum can stay in this world with peace of mind, and it will not have any impact

What's more, Atum had already decided to stay in this world, so why did he have to hold a duel ceremony now?

It was obvious that the drunkard was not interested in drinking.

Unfortunately, only You Miao could see this.

I must open the door back to the underworld. This duel ceremony is a good opportunity. Atum looked at You Miao and expressed his true thoughts.

The reason why Atum did this was not because he had to kill the evil god Zouk.

I suspect Jijiang is now trapped in the underworld by the Great Evil God. I must go to the underworld through this duel ceremony. Atum hoped to do this by himself.

The underworld is not a place that people in this world can set foot on, let alone the headquarters of the evil god.

The dark evil god in the underworld will only be more powerful than imagined.

I can’t tell aibo about this either.

Otherwise, he must follow him.

You and Yu Yu truly love each other. You Miao had a complicated expression.

An AI emerged from the duel disk, with tears streaming down its face, as if it was touched by the relationship between Yugi and Atum.

Atum, who has mastered the Creator God of Light, should not have much trouble heading to the underworld.

The place in question is the territory of the Great Evil God, so it is difficult not to make sure that there are no accidents.

In fact, the problem of the Great Evil God is not the most serious.

There is another more realistic problem!

The underworld is a place where people in this world cannot stay for a long time, and once Atum chooses to enter the gate of the underworld to face the evil god, he will never be able to look back!

No matter what the final outcome is, Atum can only exist in the underworld and cannot enter the real world!

Atum knew this very well, so he was so determined to have a duel with Xiao Biao.

There should be no better ending than letting the person you love most send you away.

You Miao touched An Ai's dog's head. He stared at Atum's determined look, and the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up: The underworld is interesting.

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