I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 444 Electron flow? Coolie wave?

Can't Meteor Dragon only fight 5 times in a row?

Would it be better to pull other synchronized monsters?

For example, a defensive synchro monster with a bigger butt?

Jack couldn't stand it anymore. He stared at the crow and explained: Stupid, did you forget the other two effects of Meteor Dragon?

First, when a card on your field is destroyed by Take Target, Meteor Dragon can invalidate that activation and destroy it.

Second, it can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack. Remove this card from the field and invalidate that attack.

Prevent it from being destroyed and block an opportunity to attack!

It is a good choice to provoke the snake and bring out the meteor dragon.

The lightning storm took advantage of the situation, and instead became an opportunity for the meteor dragon to appear.

Meteor Dragon can also play a very good protective role. Senior You Miao has suffered a big loss this time.

Yu Xing said slowly, and he also saw that Senior Yu Miao had murderous intentions, and there was no reason why he couldn't feel it.

So after the growth rate was stopped, the other self expected that Senior You Miao would definitely have strong murderous intentions towards him in this round.

The Time Mechanic God is just an insurance policy. The real skill is to bet on someone and bring out the Meteor Dragon as a backing.


Thinking of this, Fudo Yusei has made another contribution to world warming.

What a deep calculation, and even the other person got it right!

The provocation was successfully triggered, and with the protection of Meteor Dragon + Time Mechanical God, Senior You Miao could not kill the opponent this round even if he had murderous intentions.

Humph, that's not necessarily the case. President Kaiba said to himself in the rest area on the other side. He could see that the old man came to Yuxing to stop You Miao, who had murderous intentions.


He knows You Miao very well.

This man can always give you a hard kick in unexpected places, letting you know what pain and hell are.

He has always believed in one thing: there is only one You Miao who can truly stop his murderous intentions.

That's him, Umi, Horse, Se, Man!

I see, it's a matter of pulling grass to pull the meteor dragon. You Miao laughed and said, In this case, my hand is so stuck that I have to change it.

Thunderbird Dragon from the golden cabinet exclusion deck!

Familiar tactics emerged.

You Miao changed the cards and shuffled the remaining 4 cards.

Then, You Miao looked at the vicissitudes of Youxing and Zone who had become the spirit behind it, and said, Although I really want to play for a longer time, let's stop here.

What! ?

The expressions of Changsang Youxing and Zone suddenly changed.

Come out, my old friend!

You Miao showed a monster in his hand. In this era, this monster is also a teaching-level monster card.


Sebadoragon, move out!

[Electronic dragon, 2100 attack power, mechanical type]

Only if there is a monster on the opponent's field, Sebadragon can be Special Summoned from the hand.

Electronic flow? Changsang Youxing looked surprised. Since he cooperated with zone, of course he had heard of various schools in history.

Electronic flow is one such genre.

It is said that this genre is very good at machine clan and fusion, and its explosive power is extremely amazing!

It is said that the tenets of this genre are respect for opponents and fairness!

However, Time Machine God and Meteor Dragon are not afraid of the extremely explosive electronic style.

Changsang Youxing fell into doubt for a while.

What does the other party want to do?

However, he soon found out.

Do you know? I am a fan of coolie waves. You Miao showed his hand card and shouted: Activate the magic card, shine five stars!

Liberate 5-star Sebadoragon,

Special Summon 1 each of Kuriko Tomoe, Kuriko Bi, Kuriko Bu, Kuriko Bei and Kuriko Ball from your hand, deck or graveyard.

The coolie wave specially summoned by this effect cannot be released for higher summoning.

Dong dong dong~

In an instant, You Miao had 5 more chestnut ball monsters on the field.

Among them, Coolie Bo looked proud, and his two claws made a Muay Thai posture, indicating that he was indeed You Miao's most trusted elf.

What on earth do you want to do? The two Youxing people were stunned. They had no idea what You Miao was doing.

Even the president outside the track has a distorted expression. He really doesn't understand You Miao's brain circuit. Can he win with this group of bastards at this time?


However, You Miao waved his arms and shouted: Activating the effect of Lizi Ba, you can release and activate the Lizi Ba on the field and the remaining 4 chestnut balls in your hand and on the field.

Select 1 Chestnut Babylon from your hand, deck, or graveyard to Special Summon.


[Chestnut Babylon, 1500→3000 attack power, demon clan]

Babylon will increase the number of Chestnut Ball monsters on the field or in the graveyard x 300 points.

3000 points of attack power? Not to mention that it couldn't compare to the Meteor Dragon, and no matter how high the attack power was, it was meaningless against the Mechanical God.

Changsang Youxing couldn't understand it, but he always felt something was wrong.

Hehe, let's show the fusion and disintegration of Lizi Ball. After You Miao made Lizi Ball merge, he then used the disintegration effect of Lizi Babylon to refresh and bring back all the five coolie waves in the cemetery.

The coolie wave family is invincibly handsome!

You Miao, what are you playing? The president began to worry. Could it be that You Miao really wanted to show his bond with Coolie Bo and perform at this time?


Suddenly, the president discovered a blind spot.

The Coolie Wave pulled out through the Shining 5 Stars cannot be used as a sacrifice to liberate high-level monsters, but these 5 are just pulled out from the graveyard by the merged Chestnut Babylon.

Could it be that? Haima's pupils trembled for a moment, then calmed down, and said with a raised corner of his mouth: You Miao, as expected, you still understand that miscellaneous fish cannot allow you to win, and only 'Kami' is the only option.

Kaiba was not the only one, but Suangsang Yusei and Fudo Yusei also guessed this.

It's God! Changsang Youxing's tone was quite exciting, because You Miao had not yet been summoned normally this round.

What if the advanced summoned the ultimate weapon with such terrifying destructive power, Obelisk's Titan Weapon!

Then the remaining two chestnut balls can be used as sacrifices to be crushed by the divine fist!

It is true that the God of Time will not be destroyed, but the 4000 points of damage caused by the smashing of the divine fist will instantly determine the winner.

Strong, such a strong opponent.

Vicissitudes of Life has figured out You Miao's tactics.

It's a pity that the opponent must have underestimated the protective power of the Time Machine God!

The anime's description of the God of Time is: You can change the combat damage caused by this card in face-up attack position to 0 to the player.

You must know that the Titan Soldier's Divine Fist crushing will involve the Time Machine God, and the 4000 damage of the Divine Fist is also combat damage, so the Time Machine God can defend it.

However, when the vicissitudes of life were waiting for the arrival of the gods, they discovered that You Miao's duel disk was emitting a vast source of power.

There are 5 1-star monsters!

Lord You Miao, we are about to go.

An Ai immediately found an opportunity to refresh his sense of presence and would never allow him to be snatched away by Chestnut Ball.

Shut up and stop pretending to be astral. You Miao chose to stack five 1-star coolie waves!

The vicissitudes of life is so confusing that he unexpectedly failed to calculate that the opponent would also over-summon.

5 monsters with one star stacked on top of each other, what is that! ?

Lyric singing will become an echoing arrow that pierces all enemies, and the gathering of nightingales will open the door to a new world.

A twisted super vortex rolled up, and 5 coolie waves were seen pouring into the super vortex.


[Lyric Songbird - Gathering Nightingales, 0→1000 Attack Power, R1/Bird Beast Tribe]

The songbird will increase the attack power of the super material * 200. You Miao explained simply.

An attack power of 1,000? Changsang Youxing stopped talking. It would be difficult to hit a Minotaur with this attack power.

However, You Miao entered the fighting stage.

At this moment, Changsang Youxing discovered the blind spot, and he shouted: Could it be the effect of a monster that can directly attack?

Yes, he guessed correctly.

I saw Utopia surpassing the invincible Time Machine God and Meteor Dragon, and after making faces at the two big monsters, he kicked the Suangsang Yousei in the chest.

This kick took a full 5 years of work.

Direct attack, what does it have to do with you, the Mechanic God?

So direct combat damage occurred!

[Yusei/Zone: 4000LP → 3000LP]

Yusei, it's not over yet. Zone reminded loudly.

Because Lyric Bird didn't leave at all, after kicking Yusei again, she kicked her again!

Ahhhhhhhhhh Vicissitudes Youxing immediately exploded the gold coins crazily.

[Yusei/Zone: 3000LP → 2000LP]

It’s not over yet, Song Yuan kicks me again!

[Yusei/Zone: 2000LP→1000LP]

I didn't expect it to be a monster that can attack continuously. Changsang Yuxing thought to himself: Kicking three times in a row is enough, right?

However, it's not over yet, the fourth kick is coming.

Activate the effect of Meteor Dragon, and the effect will exclude itself, making this attack ineffective. Vicissitudes of Life can't stand it, this super monster is so mean and despicable.

Don't destroy your cards, don't play games with the God of Time, just stare at your duelist and kick you like crazy.

Who can withstand this?

If the meteor dragon hadn't blocked the knife, he would have died from this kick.

4 feet, why should we stop?

Hmph hahahahaha, from the moment the electronic dragon appeared, you should know the most famous stunt of this genre? You Miao said suddenly.


Vicissitudes of Life asked back: Do you mean fusion or attack?

No, no, no, it's a fatal five-hit combo! You Miao said. Song Yuan can attack as many times as there are super materials on her body.

5 materials, naturally a fatal 5-hit combo!

As soon as he finished speaking, Utopia turned 360 degrees in the air and kicked Yusei!

Uh-huh. The vicissitudes of Yuxing was immediately kicked several meters away, and his health dropped to 0.

He never thought that he would lose to such a direct attack that could hit five times in a row.

In the original imagination of the vicissitudes of life, he would most likely lose, but he should have suffered a glorious defeat after summoning the invincible Cosmic Transformer Dragon!

But You Miao didn't give this chance at all. A piece of ashes sealed the opportunity for the incrementer.

After the compromise, under the protection of the Time Machine God + Meteor Dragon, it is no problem to last for one round.

But I didn't expect that it would turn out like this in the end.

Dueling monsters is amazing. The outcome is not necessarily determined by the collision between soul-level monsters.

A 1-star coolie wave can also win with the power of unity.

You Miao pulled You Xing up, who had already exploded all the gold coins, and said with a smile.

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