I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 431 This familiar speed of grabbing monsters


A red card appeared in the Izayoi Autumn Cemetery. It turned out to be You Miao's most iconic card. The matter was rolled back!

Now, it was the president's turn to sit in the lounge and he was not calm again!

Everyone will have iconic cards.

Yugi is the black magician, the yellow-haired mortal bones are the dice, and of course Kaiba herself is the beautiful and holy she.

As for You Miao

In Kaiba's eyes, the opponent's most representative character is not necessarily the monster, but this trap card that can be activated from the graveyard and is hard to guard against!

Forget the Pyramid of Light, why did you give this trap card to this woman? Kaiba felt a little uncomfortable, although he didn't know why.

At this moment, on the duel field.

Izayoi Akira chose to pay half of his life to remove them from the graveyard and activate this transaction rollback. Dragan instantly realized that he had helped the opponent explode these trap cards into the graveyard.

【Autumn: 1450LP】

I didn't expect this to be a card activated from the graveyard. Dragan exclaimed, while also giving Izayoi Akira a high look.

In such a crisis moment, it can still be done to this extent.

The World Championships are really full of experts and should not be underestimated!

The excluded transaction is rolled back and the effect of another trap in the graveyard is copied.

I activate the trap card, Whale Flow of the River of Time!


A strange trap card appeared next to Izayoeaki, and the power of the countercurrent was fluctuating. She began to explain the effect of this trap card:

When the opponent's monster declares a direct attack, it can only be activated by discarding a monster card from the extra deck.

The monster's attack is invalidated and destroyed. Both sides will each suffer 1000 points of damage.

The power of the countercurrent was accompanied by the sound of whales. The attack of Thor, the god of thunder, was resisted and at the same time completely destroyed by strange fluctuations.

Both sides suffered 1000 combat damage.

I still have 1450 health points left, but your health points are already less than 1000.

Izayoi Qiu clenched her fists, she won! ! !


The flowing power of the sea began to swallow up Izayoi Akira and Dragan.

How could this happen? Dragan roared.

Against all odds, he never expected that he would be taken away by a wave of trap cards that Izayoi activated from the cemetery.

Excessive power comes with huge risks. Dragan used the Summon of the Gods to take huge risks, but he also lost because of his health!

If this was a normal duel, Izayoi Qiu would have completed a double kill.


This is the World Championships, a relay duel.

It's true that Dragan lost, but the cards on his field will still remain to be settled or left to the next player.

Dragan lost, but not this duel!

At the end of the round, the ultimate god Loki who was eliminated by the pyramid returned to the field, along with a monster that Izayoi didn't expect.


Impossible, it turns out that the immortal monster is not a unique effect of the Supreme God Loki? Izayoi Qiu looked shocked. She originally thought that Loki was the only one who crazily swindled corpses from the cemetery.

It turns out that day care also has this effect.

Could it be that each of the three pole gods can lie on their back and jump?

Hahaha, it seems you have finally discovered it. Dragan's D wheel was on fire, but he still explained at the last moment: Every Extreme God has the effect of immortal resurrection, so the special competition system of the World Championship is for all The most advantageous rule for the Divine Dusk Team.”

Since every Kyokushin is immortal, it doesn't matter if they lose, the Kyokushin will always be resurrected and left on the field for the next duelist to use.


The effects of child care don’t stop there.

Izayoi Qiu, I admit that you have extraordinary strength at your age. I didn't expect that even I would be defeated by you.


For the sake of future victory, you should also retreat here!

After entering the arena through the resurrection effect, the Supreme Servant will inflict 800 points of damage to the opponent's base points.

Dragan shouted at the top of his lungs.


Izayoi Qiu realized something was bad, because the resurrected Tool on the field was condensing lightning.

After taking 1,000 points of damage, Qiu's health points were only 450 points. This Thunder Hammer!

It's over.

With the final blow from Ji Shen Tuoer, both players Qiu and Dragan overturned!

Both duelists were eliminated, the first time this happened at this World Championship.


Dragan used his outstanding overturning skills to roll on the ground to unload his force, thus avoiding secondary collision damage.

On the other hand, things are different here in Izayoi Qiu.

Qiu's dueling ability is passable, but she is still not very proficient in riding dueling, especially what kind of posture should you use to protect yourself after you roll over.

Regarding this point, Jack is very professional. He usually rolls over a lot.

As the saying goes, a long-term illness makes a good doctor. You have overturned your car many times, so you also know what posture you should take to protect your body.

Just because Jack understands the wonderful mysteries, doesn't mean Izayoi Akira also understands them.

After Qiu overturned, she was still holding on to wheel D, but the powerful kinetic energy threw her completely into the air.

If you fall from this height, you will definitely be seriously injured. If you land on your face, the consequences will be disastrous.

After realizing this, Izayoi Qiu was so panicked that she planned to call her family members to protect her.

Something went wrong and the family didn't show up.

The Jewelmon didn't respond to Izayoi's call!

Ahhhhh Qiu in mid-air shouted while looking at the ground.

The president didn't care at all what happened to Izayoi Qiu after his accident. He only knew one thing!

Hmm hey hey hahahahaha.

It's time for me to play.

The president's poker addiction has long been unbearable, and he is looking forward to the scene of him facing off against the three ultimate gods.


At this time, an unusual sound came from the audience, and the president instinctively felt that something was wrong, until he saw golden flames that seemed to tear the sky apart.

Someone fell from the sky riding a female imp's D-wheel.

boom! !

Golden flames spread across the track, and the D wheel driven by You Miao was incredibly fast. He swallowed up time and distance at an incredible speed and caught Izayoi Akira!

Riding on the customized D wheel and preparing to take over Dragan's Ragnarok captain, Harald looked solemn.

He is the most mysterious captain of Team Coke Girl.

You actually showed up at this time?

Harald woke up and drove the D wheel onto the duel track.

The last duelist of the Ragnarok team entered the scene, and the key round of the duel began.

The president clenched his fists. This amazing speed of grabbing monsters was definitely You Miao's fault! ! !

He used to often steal wild monsters in games, but he didn't expect that the victim now would be himself.

Hmph, that's fine. The president murmured and sat down again, since You Miao had snatched his opponent.

Then You Miao will become his opponent!

The president has found the perfect reason to challenge You Miao, and the other party cannot refuse or refuse.

Hmm hey hey hahahahahahaha. The president smiled more and more happily.

On the competitive track, after Izayoi survived, she hugged You Miao tightly and refused to let go.

Maybe it was intentional, maybe it was accidental, but she just didn't want to let go.

But one thing is for sure!

It's not that the gem beasts didn't come out on purpose, but they were blocked by an evil minotaur, so they couldn't respond to Izayoi Akira's order.

At this time, Lao Niu looked at the Baoyu Beasts with a smile on his face. He was as happy as a child.

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