I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 429 The President’s Shock


After his resurrection, Loki not only had a fierce aura, he also began to activate subsequent effects.

After Loki is resurrected, you can choose 1 trap card in your graveyard and add it to your hand. Braver added the Typhoon from the graveyard to his hand, in order to avoid Izayoi opening another disgusting permanent trap.

Braver didn't cover the cards, he wanted to save the Typhoon to blow away those smelly stickers!

It's enough to have Loki and Xiabug on the field.

My turn, draw a card! Izayoeaki drew a card from the deck, her eyes flickering as if she was hesitating for something.

Hey, what can I say?

In fact, she already has a solution to Loki.

In the Mounted Duel of the World Championship, after the previous player loses, the cards on the field can be left to the next duelist to use.

The domineering thing about Loki is his immortality. Even if you defeat Braver, this three-pole monster will still be used by the next Ragnarok team member.

We must prevent Loki from returning, so that the Ragnarok team will be missing a corner. After seeing Loki's immortality, Izayoi made up his mind to use this permanent trap card.

Izayoi opened the last sticker covered in the first round.


The weird first-generation music is revealed along with this trap card, which is the permanent trap card Pyramid of Light!

Others didn't know the power of this pyramid of light, but President Kaiba in the audience suddenly lost his composure.

Too raw!

How could this woman have this trap card? The president got excited and squeezed the drinking bottle in his hand to burst. The scene was very exciting.

The Pyramid of Light has the overbearing power to block divine attributes or phantom beasts.

In a certain plot version, the president once used this card to teach Yugi how to behave.

The Pyramid of Light card should have disappeared. The president guessed that You Miao secretly used some method to keep it.

This kind of card was actually used by this woman

You Miao, you have fallen!

Although President Kaiba didn't want to think this way, he found that the relationship between Izayoeaki and You Miao was not simple.

There is quite a sense of a dog man and a woman working together in collusion.

What the hell? At the Ragnarok table, the other two teammates looked confused.

Lines full of divinity began to gather, and then formed an extremely powerful Pyramid of Light!

The power of the seal was transmitted from this pyramid, and Loki, the arrogant and supreme monster, actually felt instinctive fear of this sticker.

You must know that in the anime, the ultimate gods all have noble divine attributes, but the real cards deprive these cards of their noble symbols.

Damn it, luckily I recovered the Typhoon. Braver deliberately did not stamp the card on the field, just to use the Typhoon in his hand to prevent Izayoi's underworld stickers.

I really don’t know who taught this woman how to duel. Every move she makes is full of underworld, making it hard to guard against!


With a typhoon in hand, Braver plans to destroy this permanent trap, the Pyramid of Light.

Hurricane hits the pyramids, after the terrifying storm

Impossible. Braver's pupils dilated instantly!

The Pyramid of Light was not destroyed by the typhoon!

You're so naive. I knew you had Typhoon in your hands, how could I use this killer move without any preparation. Izayoi smiled with a ghostly smile that made people shudder.

In addition to abandoning the power of metaphysics, the Pyramid of Light sticker itself has a resistance, that is, in this duel, this trap card can avoid being destroyed once!

Braver's Typhoon failed to stop Izayoi's pyramid tactics.

Under the ruthless blockade, a vast power caught the three-pole god Loki jumping in the sky.

Loki screamed, and this real clown monster was sealed inside the pyramid and could not move.

at last!

Loki was excluded.

As long as the Pyramid of Light is still there, your poor Loki will not be able to return. Izayoi Akira's tactics were successful.

In the card library that was refreshed every week, Izayoi took a fancy to this trap card at a glance because it could target gods!

The Ragnarok team is no longer calm now. Without Loki, Braver's situation will be very dangerous.

The moment you, Loki, disappeared, I had already won. A monster appeared on Izayoi's field.

[Water Essence Scale-Abyss Gar Soldier, 1600 attack power, fish tribe]

When this card is successfully summoned or special summoned, it can only be activated by discarding 1 water attribute monster from your hand to the graveyard.

Add 1 3-level water attribute monster from the deck to your hand.

Izayoi Akira starts by accurately retrieving Poseidon's Heavy Troops from the deck.


Waves appear in the monster area.

You can activate this by discarding 2 water monsters from your hand to the graveyard. This card is Special Summoned from your hand. Izayoi Akira showed off his trump card for killing.


[Water Essence Scale - Megalodon Abyssal Shark, 2400 attack power, Sea Dragon Clan]

When the Megalodon is specially summoned by this effect, add 1 Abyss magic/trap card from your deck to your hand.

In addition to earning a card for nothing, Izayoi chose to retrieve a trap due to the special nature of high-speed duel.

The Poseidon's heavy armored troops will be sent to the cemetery as a price to activate special powers.

Target and destroy the cloud-spraying insects on your field.

The Wrath of the Poseidon! ! !

Braver looked ugly, his last line of defense gone.

But my health points are 4,500 points, and your two monsters can only cause 4,000 damage. Braver seemed to be buffing himself. He believed that he would be able to destroy the Pyramid of Light in his next turn and destroy the three poles. God Loki is back!

What about Wadokana? Izayoi Akira retorted. She asked the Megalodon Shark to activate the third effect: Use the Megalodon Shark effect to liberate the 'Abyss Gar Soldier'. This monster is in this You can attack twice in the same battle phase.


By liberating its own kind, the Megalodon releases a red mist of blood from its weapons.

Fighting. Izayoi Akira entered the attack stage.

First hit!

The Megalodon bit into Braver's body.


[Braver: 4500LP → 2100LP]

Second strike! Izayoi Qiu ordered.

The blow from the Megalodon Shark completely destroyed Braver's hopes.


【Braver: 0LP】

Boom. Boom boom boom.

Braver's D-wheel began to lose speed, and his driving skills could not control the out-of-control D-wheel.

He overturned! ! !

First round winner: Izayoi Akira.

Even because of a misjudgment by Braver, he didn't even leave a card on the field for the second teammate who took over.

The immortal Loki could do it, but he was directly eliminated by the Pyramid of Light.

Braver, let me do it. The second duelist of the Ragnarok team started the relay. He is Dragan!

The legendary duelist with the Triple God-Tor!

At this moment, the audience burst into warm applause, including cheers for Dragan's entrance, but more applause was given to Izayoi Akira.

Because she became the first duelist to eliminate a member of the Ragnarok team in this world championship.

A more important reason is that Izayoi Qiu has outstanding appearance and carries a weight that should not be borne at such a young age!

This endears them to many duelists who take objects.

Instead of falling in love with Braver, a rough man, it would be better to focus on Izayoe Akira.

Ahhh, Izayoi Akira, my goddess.

Yakami, she is the Yagami who defeated the Ragnarok team.

Unknowingly, the atmosphere on the scene began to slowly change, and Izayoi Akira seemed to have stolen a large portion of Ragnarok team traffic.

Regarding this situation, the other Izayoi Qiu frowned. She thought this situation was very bad.

What should I say? It seems that she has the illusion that her cheers have been stolen. She is obviously the right person in this world!

Izayoi from Yu Miao's team is truly amazing. Yu Xing sighed, his eyes full of appreciation.

He was actually able to instantly kill a general from the Ragnarok team.

When the other party was studying Izayoi, he didn't expect that Izayoi would also set up a card like a pyramid to kill the three-pole god.

Oh, how amazing is that? The real Izayoiaki began to look unkind, and she stared at Yusei with cannibalistic eyes.

Jack, who was always quick to talk to others, didn't pay attention to the other person's little emotions at all. He said:

It's obviously Izayoi Qiu, why is this young one so good?

Hey, Yusei, wouldn't it be better if we let her come into the 5ds?

Jack, who had just finished saying this, did not realize that the danger had arrived.


For a moment, Jack, bruised and swollen, once again strengthened his faith.

On the way to becoming a king, women are really in the way!

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