The leader subconsciously rejected this extremely weird card. At the same time, in order to retain hope for the other party, he planned to take away a strange true red eye fusion.

It's okay if you take away the chestnut ball. You Miao said.

I bet my hope on the new world, no, on you. The leader even entrusted the source code to You Miao. How could he take away the chestnut ball after he had bet everything?

Wouldn't this weaken You Miao's chances of winning?

It really doesn't matter. You Miao said in a strange tone. He thought it would be fine if the other party took away the chestnut ball.

After checking his eyes, Yuma felt that the other party was not bragging at this critical moment.

Yuma took the original version of Coolie Wave.

Da Zi watched the whole process, and his fingers turned white when he squeezed them.

You even took away the coolie wave, You Miao, and you said that the card you drew was not God of Exodia?

The hand exchange is completed!

In this wave, not only did they exchange hand cards, the leader also handed over cards containing the source number code of one-third to You Miao.

After taking away the Miracle Worker, You Miao immediately opened the second cover card.

It is the first ancient version of the tomb robber!

In order to evolve this Grave Robber into the oldest version, You Miao spent a lot of effort. Of course, it was worth it.

The oldest version of Tomb Robber, the effect is extremely domineering and simple.

Steal a card from the opponent's graveyard and use it. If it is a monster card, special summon it to your field. The key is that there is no cost.

Yuma, I want to take away the victory formula from the graveyard. You Miao uses the power of the tomb robber. He wants to take away the magic card that contains the source code of one-third of the astral world.

I know that since Yuma has staked everything, I will stand in his position. With the confirmation of the astral body, the victory formula of the cemetery also fell into Yumiao's hands.

Not only the card, but also the source code recognized You Miao. He truly obtained two-thirds of the source code!

The astral body looked at You Miao with Kazilan's big eyes, and he always felt that something was wrong.

In the red restart wave, was You Miao accidental or intentional?

If Dazibai hadn't earned a trap, Yuma would have won.

But without the red restart, You Miao would not be able to protect the ultimate horror.

The astral body forced itself not to think about this, because Yuma believed in Yu Miao and put his hope in him.

Being one and the same, of course it supports Yuma.

In fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't support it, because Yuma has already given the Miracle Worker to the opponent, and there is no point in Astral holding on to the Victory Formula.

With the source code of the Starlight Realm, You Miao is equivalent to mastering many sequence cards, including the power of the Chaos Sequence.

The leader was so happy that he gave You Miao his extra deck in front of Dazi.

Dazi's stomach suddenly hurt, and he just felt that this scene was disgusting.

But in the eyes of the little bird, she felt that this scene was very warm. Could this be the legendary bond?

After completing the handover, the leader felt relaxed and ended the round.

It’s the turn for the pose round.

You come and beat me! The leader squeezed the chestnut ball and looked at Dazi and mocked.

Veins popped up on Dazi's forehead. He thought the coolie wave had given Yuma Nine-Nine extraordinary courage.

The leader also did it on purpose. It would be best if he could mock Dakun and target him.

In the next round, You Miao will definitely use the power of source to defeat the opponent.


Suddenly, a strange laughter aroused the leader's questions.

Because You Miao was covering his mouth and snickering. Finally, under the eyes of Xiaoniao, he couldn't help but burst out laughing: Hahahahahaha. No, I really can't help it.

You Miao had received professional training and would not laugh under normal circumstances, but he couldn't help it.

What are you laughing at? The leader looked confused.

Because of You Miao, he is a duelist without teammates. At this moment, Dazi looked at the leader with eyes full of pity.

——Baby, you were tricked into losing your pants.

You Miao's gentle Kazilan big eyes disappeared and were replaced by eyes full of sharpness and cruelty. A red thousand-year eye symbol appeared on his forehead.

The whole person releases powerful dark power.

What happened, You Miao, what are you doing? The leader had a terrible suspicion.

Next, the leader of the Dazi Gang confirmed this conjecture.

Lord You Miao, you succeeded. Dazi said, and in the end, the card containing the one-third source code of the alien crystal world was left in his hand.

When You Miao officially took over the two cards from Yuma Ninety-nine, the source codes had already been collected.

Because the source code owned by Dazi will always be handed over to You Miao in the end.

Why would this villain call him Mr. Observer? Sir? Xiaoniao couldn't help but think of the cruel and cold-blooded expression on You Miao's face in the cave after he asked the Gun King to stab Vector to death.

Yuma, my good friend.

It's not difficult to understand, because Dazi is my subordinate.

The so-called observer is also true, but this external force has always been an observer. That is, me alone.

You Miao shook the silver brick on his chest, his cruel smile explaining this fact.

The source codes have their own consciousness, and they choose representatives who belong to the human world and the astral world. If Yuma and the astral body are not allowed to hand over this power to him personally.

You Miao didn't need to go around in circles to get these two cards.

As for the alien world?

Dazi has devoured thousands of masters, and all he needs is his permission, and the final source code will be complete.

Ahhhhhhh, this is not true. The leader's expression was extremely distorted. Was he deceived again?

After being deceived by Vector twice in a row, he was actually deceived again, and at this time?

It hurts. The leader covered his heart. With a strong sense of betrayal, he and the astral body disintegrated.

The leader just feels that the wound in his heart will never heal!

On this point, the former Dark Malik strongly agrees.

It's a pity that Dark Malik is dead and he can't discuss with the leader how he felt after being betrayed.

Why is it happening like that?

Observer You Miao is the external force. It was a scam from beginning to end. I personally gave the source code to the external force?

what will you do?

No, what will the observer do? No, what will You Miao use the source code to make the world look like?

The priest shed tears, and there seemed to be very little blood in the crystal clear liquid.

Sister, Shark, Tetsuo, Amyrlin, Haruto

These people who died for this war

It's all my fault. The leader cried.

Unlike Tomato who cries constantly, the leader is crying out of despair for the future and regrets that he believed in others and the Holy Mother so easily.

The astral body was floating in mid-air, and its body was becoming more and more transparent. He raised his head and looked above, gradually becoming sluggish.

Things should have ended here.

However, Dazi said: My turn is to draw cards.

Yuma looked at Dazi with a strange expression and asked, The source code is already in Yu Miao's hands. All that is missing is your source network. Why are you still dueling?

Regarding this point, You Miao gave the answer: You want to challenge me now?

Da Zi squinted his eyes, and he followed his heart and answered:

Excluding all identities, I am a duelist.

This duel is not over yet, this is my turn!

Da Zi did not betray, he would always give the final source code to You Miao.

But this duel is not over yet!

As a duelist, you must complete this duel successfully!

As for selfishness, Dazi does have it.

He really wants to win against You Miao once!

In You Miao's eyes, when including Duel City, he won twice in total.

But it was different here in Dazi. In the state of accelerated time, he observed that he had lost many times in different directions in the future.

Just once.

I must win.

Dazi's eyes were full of fighting intent. At this moment, he had eliminated the ninety-nine Yuma, and the only opponent he could see was You Miao.

You are a qualified duelist, so I agree to your challenge. You Miao raised the duel disk again and said, Come, let me see what you are capable of.

Now that You Miao has mastered two-thirds of the source code, the rewriting power of Dazi's source network has no effect on him. It is not even certain whether he can rewrite his own card.

Da Zi felt You Miao's seriousness, and a huge pressure enveloped him.

Feeling the excitement in his body, Dazi clenched his fists and shouted: I know that the invincible God of Exodia is in your hands, so you were not taken away by Ninety-nine Yuma in the Coolie Wave.

That terrifying God of Exodia has the terrifying power to reverse victory or defeat.

Da Zi asked herself whether she could win such a card.


The moment you drew the God of Exodia, I thought about how to win.

The Magic Sanctuary also created opportunities for me.

With the addition of the Magic Sanctuary, You Miao got the cards in his hand and exchanged them for the Yin Leader. The Leader took the resurrection of the dead and resurrected Hope, while Dazi targeted the God of Exodia and retrieved a magic card.

Prohibition order! Dazi used this very ancient sustainable magic card.

Under the power of the prohibition order, Dazi declared the name God of Exodia, and You Miao was unable to use the card that declared this card name.

Although the method was very old and simple, it was the best way that Dazi came up with, which was to prevent You Miao from using the invincible trap of The God of Exodia.

I finally beat you once. Dazi roared. After activating the prohibition order, he entered the battle stage and ordered the fully resistant Snake God Yi to attack the ultimate fear.

The chestnut ball was taken away by Ninety-nine Yuma, and the prohibition order blocked the God of Exodia. Datsu believed that this attack would win! ! !

What's wrong with Wadokana?

You Miao's line instantly made Dazi's hair stand on end.

Prohibition order, although the method is ancient, it is very common to beat the teacher to death with random punches. This card can indeed block the God of Exodia.


Who told you that I have the God of Exodia?

You Miao suddenly showed the card that caused the leader to explode after taking one more look.

Under the control of You Miao, the strange aura of this card dispersed instantly.

The patron saint of Exodia!? Dazi exclaimed.

Buzz! ! !

Under the vast power, the five Lao Ai parts in You Miao's deck began to be eliminated one by one.

This card can only be Special Summoned by excluding all 5 parts of the deck. It can also be Special Summoned during the opponent's turn!

While this card is in your hand or on the field, control cannot be transferred.

The true power of this card is hidden and can only be seen by the true wielder.

This is also the biggest reason why the leader cannot see this card clearly. The reason why it explodes after one more glance is also because of the special nature of this card.

Lines tearing apart dimensions appeared, gradually forming a five-pointed star symbol.

Lao Ai was born from this torn dimensional array, and at the same time, a shadow that looked like Yami Yugi appeared in front of Lao Ai, and slowly transformed into You Miao under a twisting force.

[The patron saint of Exodia,? →5000 attack power, magician clan]

The attack and defense of this card increase the value of each excepted component by 1000. You Miao explained simply.

Dazi and the leader were shocked by this terrifying monster that appeared out of nowhere.

The attack power of 5000 is infinite compared to that. It's simply not possible. At this point, as long as he is not the God of Exodia, Dazi will not panic.

The snake god Yi continues to attack!

The patron saint of Exodia exists in the monster area, and any damage I receive is 0, You Miao explained.

So use this card as a chestnut ball? Dazi said through gritted teeth.

You know nothing about Exodia's power. You Miao grinned. How could a one-time fake card created through fictitious card drawing only have this kind of power?

This is to underestimate the fake cards of the Exodia series.

Boom! !

With the patron saint of Exodia present, You Miao will never lose.

Dazi could only let the snake god Yi destroy the monster.

It was destroyed so easily. This Exodia is not as powerful as I thought. Dazi was surprised. He thought this monster had other effects, but he didn't expect it to be sprayed to death by the snake god Yi.


Things went beyond everyone's expectations.

After the patron saint of Exodia was destroyed by the snake god Yi.

From inside the magic circle in the torn space, 5 cards appeared floating directly.

It is the sealed head, hands, and feet.

Impossible, how could the excluded part card come back? Dazi said as if he had seen a ghost.

Don't be too surprised. When Exodia's Patron Saint is destroyed, the excluded sealed cards will come back to my hand. At this moment, these five sealed component cards fell into You Miao's hands again. He showed it and said, You lose.

Dong Dong Dong Dong

The golden scorching magic circle directly replaced the torn magic circle, and a pair of strong golden arms extended from it, followed by the sealed head of Exodia!

The scorching energy cannon condensed in Lao Ai's hands.


Demonic Flame Cannon! !

No matter how powerful Snake God Yi is, he is as fragile as paper in front of Lao Ai who has 5 parts.

It wasn't just Dazi, Lao Ai's Demon Fire Cannon move didn't even let go of the leader who was crying and watching the show next to him.

When all 5 parts are collected, all living beings are equal!

All the power returned to nothing under Lao Ai's destruction.

[Winner: You Miao! 】

Afterwards, Dazi was lying on the ground with a dusty face. He looked at the sky and said to himself sadly: Exodia is so annoying.

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