I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 411 Ruthless Crush

With so much monster material, at least two R4 super monsters can be produced.

Vector was also aware of this kind of thing, and he roared: No, I will open the covered trap card, warning!

This Trap Card can only be activated when a monster is Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned.

This turn, those front-facing monsters cannot attack, their effects are invalidated, and they cannot be used as materials for Fusion, Synchro, Hyper, and Link Summons.

However, since there is no excess and coherence in this era, Vector's Warning Points description only contains restrictions on fusion and excess.

Five 4-star monster cards are really scary.

How can I make you succeed?

Vector had a smile on his face, and he realized that his chances of winning were already very high.

However, unexpectedly, a red power came directly to his face, and the warning point card was actually suppressed.

I saw You Miao holding up a trap card:


Then I take out this red restart, how will you respond?

[You Miao: 4000LP → 2000LP]

Vector screamed: Are you kidding me, activating a counter trap card from your hand during your turn!?


Vector found that the You Miao in front of him was beyond his imagination.

Covered warning points, can this be prevented?


Red restart can invalidate the activation of your trap card, and then put that card again. Until the end of my turn, you cannot activate the trap card.

But as a price, you can put a trap card from your deck onto the field.

This is an effect aimed at the duelist. Although the opponent earns a card for free, the opponent cannot use the trap this turn.

But, so what if I overpower you? Vector immediately picked a Good Guy from the deck and covered it on the field.

Since the warning points are invalidated, You Miao can use these monsters to supercharge or fuse normally.

This monster card was sent into the tomb with full armor gravity just now. You Miao showed it.

He was the executioner of the first generation of banned cards.

With the effect of the Executioner, You Miao can use trap cards during his turn.


Forget about the red restart, you actually want to use the trap card in your own turn.

Is there something wrong with you?

Vector's expression was distorted. He realized that things seemed to be getting more and more abnormal. Can the two Medusas on the field really block the opponent's attack?

I activate the permanent trap card from my hand, DNA modification surgery!

As long as this card remains on the field, all face-up monsters on the field will become the declared race.

I declare that I am a warrior clan!

You Miao smiled cruelly. As he finished his declaration, several well-dressed doctors ran out and moved around on the five armored monsters.

Finally, these 5 armored monsters were labeled as Warrior Type.

Damn it, no wonder you said you were lucky.

It turns out that you are executing the executioner to stack the grave, and then activate the trap card to change the monster's type during this round.

Vector realized the truth, but he had no choice. Medusa could negate the effects of monsters on the field, but it could not target the executioner in the cemetery.


So far, You Miao has not activated the effect of the armored monster on the field. Vector can only watch the opponent super summon and do nothing.

——Don’t panic, Medusa can also heal the opponent’s super monsters, just wait for the opponent’s terminal to come out.

Vector wiped the sweat from his forehead. Under the combination of Executioner + DNA modification, he was sweating unknowingly.

What's going on? Why am I sweating?

Vector couldn't understand it, maybe it was the fear of the unknown.

Haha, I'm about to perform a Xyz Summon. I hope you can open your eyes and see clearly. After saying that, You Miao stacked five 4-star monsters on the field as Xyz materials.

Summoning conditions: 2 or more 4-star warrior-type monsters (maximum 5)!

The location of the duel disk, An Ai's hidden eyes gradually explored the duel field.

it's thinking about something

Master You Miao's cards are getting more and more beyond his imagination.

Sure enough, it is impossible for me to find an opportunity to betray him, so I should just be my little brother.

After thinking about it, An Ai hid her sinister expression, and immediately turned into a dog-licking look, acting like a cheerleader and yelling:

So strong, so strong, Lord You Miao.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuori, I've been so shocked by your great aura that I'm watering with soy milk.

You Miao really couldn't bear to listen to An AI's allure of being a dog licker. He simply flicked the disgusting AI out of the duel board: Stop your petty thoughts and stop being like A Niu and disgusting me.

After dealing with the dark AI episode, You Miao continued to operate the super summon.

The glory of the warrior clan, ignite the glorious horn in the decaying world, and break through the world with infinite power that lies dormant!

Be honest and proud, and show your endless power to the world.

Come out, super summon.

No.86, Heroic Champion-Destroy the Gun King!!!

In the brilliant light, the red 86 symbol flashed, and a super monster wearing silver-white armor and holding a golden gun stood in the world.

[No.86 Heroic Champion-Destroy the Gun King, 1500→3000 attack power, Warrior/R4]

Impossible, sequence card? Vector was shocked.

Except for the Seven Emperors of the Alien Crystals, all the current sequence cards below 100 should be in the hands of the Astral Body.

Why does the other party have an excess card with serial number 86?

Moreover, Vector has never heard of serial number 86, a super monster that can defeat the Gun King.

Wait? Vector discovered the blind spot and shouted quickly: Although it is Sequence 86, this monster has no sequence rules. It is not a true Sequence Ultra Monster!

Be bold!

How dare you use a fake sequence card? Vector took a breath.

Haha, fake?

Just think it's fake.

However, its power is stronger than the real sequence card.

You Miao did not refute Vectora's statement, because none of the real sequence monsters have sequence rules (non-No monsters cannot be defeated).

Moreover, the Killing of the Gun King has not appeared in the animation. It is impossible to say that Sequence 86 in this world may not necessarily be the Killing of the Gun King.

Destroying the Gun King will have different effects based on the excess materials.

When there are more than 5 super materials, once per turn, you can destroy all cards on the opponent's field.

You Miao activated the effect of killing the gun king. He wanted to clear the table. The two Medusas on the field of Vector Tower were too annoying.

Hahahaha, stupid, activate the Medusa effect.

Remove an excess material and choose your Killer Gun King to change its attack power to 0 and invalidate its effect.


Medusa ate the excess material, and then used Petrified Eyes on the Killer Gun King!

However, what happened next made Vector despair.

Because not only was the killing effect not negated by the killing of the Spear King, but the attack power did not change at all.

What a pity. With more than 3 super materials, the card that kills the Gun King is not affected by effects other than this card. You Miao explained coldly.

Kill the Gun King is one of the fully resistant monsters!

If you don't take out the trap cards like Dharma Cannon, you can't even think about getting rid of them.

The glory of the gun king! !

The King of Killing Guns waved his weapon, and under the infinite explosive energy, the two Medusas on the field of Vector were instantly destroyed.

Seeing the two R3 monsters being destroyed, Vector knelt on the ground, his expression numb.

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