I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 408 I don’t eat beef

Huh hahahaha. Seeing Yuma's expression of pain due to betrayal again, Vector took a deep breath with a look of joy on his face.

He originally didn't want to get close to Yuma and play with his feelings.

Mainly because Vector felt that Kujiu Yuma had already been fooled once, so how could he do it a second time?

Normal people always take precautions, right?

But Vector was wrong, he underestimated Kujiu Yuma.

Because the other party was really fooled again, which was the happiest reason for his laughter.

Why did you betray me again? Yuma was in pain. Is he really that holy?

It's obvious that I've already crashed in this place once!

Vector scratched his head. He seemed to be really thinking about the reason.

The next second, the alien showed a cruel smile and answered seriously: Because I don't eat beef!

After saying that, Vector held the magic card he deceived from Yuma. This card is the embodiment of the power of the source of the astral world.

It's a pity that the source code escaped just now. Vector gritted his teeth.

Otherwise, the alien crystal people have already gathered the most complete source power.

The power of the source number in the alien crystal world is already in the hands of Lord Dakun, and the power of the source number in the starlight realm was deceived by him, if it weren't for the damn source code that went to Ninety-nine Yuma.

In this battle, the aliens will win!

Hurry up and return that card to me. After Yuma was selected by the source code, he regained a certain amount of strength in his body, and he even ran to Vector to settle the score with him.

Go away, Kujiu Yuma. Vector drew out a field card and roared: I already have the strongest power.

Oliha just released a powerful force from the barrier, and Yuma was knocked several meters away by this strange force.

This familiar collision force is Yuma felt very familiar. He instantly remembered that when they went to the alien world, they were sunk by that strange magic barrier.

The power then was almost exactly the same as it is now! !

Did you control the alien world?

What happened to the shark?

At this critical moment, Yuma still didn't forget his good friend.

Shark, oh, you mean Nasu? Vector's eyes were unkind, and he further provoked Yuma: Hehehe, he is like a dog now, and he will never dare to go westward if I tell him to.

Son of a bitch. Yuma, in an extremely angry mood, relied on the power of the source code to break through the Oriha Gang barrier, and he jumped up in a flying into the sky posture.

He punched Vector in the air.

This punch contained Yuma's extremely powerful anger!

Being betrayed twice, the plot against Xiaoniao just now, and the shame and regret derived from his heart


Vector lost several of his teeth, and his whole body was blown away by the force.

After he spat out a few teeth from the ground, he shouted in disbelief: Impossible, how could you break through the defense of Oliha's barrier and run wild in front of me?

Oliha just made a barrier, so this power is called this name. Yuma said, clenching his fists. In fact, he didn't know what was going on, but it should be the power of the source code.

Damn it, is it the power of the source code? Vector gritted his teeth: There are also labor and management, Kujiu Yuma, I felt you were annoying from the first time I saw you.

Yes, Vector hates Yuma, he hates his innocence and kindness.

The more the other party believes in truth, goodness and beauty, the more Vector wants him to feel the true darkness and make the other party fall.

Kujiu Yuma, I want you to also like the feeling of not eating beef. Vector's expression was fierce. The other party could use the source code to teach him a lesson, why couldn't he?

Don't forget, that magic card is in his hand.

Go to hell. Vector held up this Victory Equation and planned to use the power of the source to teach the opponent a lesson.

However, more than ten seconds passed.

Nothing happened.

Vector was confused. He looked at the Victory Formula in his hand and roared: Impossible, why can't I use the power of this card full of the power of the source number.

The clown is actually himself?

Of course you can't use it. The astral voice appeared, and he waved his arms to operate it.


I felt a strong suction force suck the card from Vector's hand, and this Victory Equation fell into the hands of the Astral Body again.

Damn it, how could it be possible? Vector's fingers trembled. Wasn't he in vain now?

The source code is divided into three parts, and I am the one who holds the astral part.

Do you think you can use this card?

Looking at the data flowing on Yuma's right wrist, Astral's tone was more complicated, and things were going more and more like what he simulated.

A war will eventually break out between the alien world, the human world, and the astral world, and only one world will be allowed to survive in the end.

Starlight represents the astral world, so the representative of the human world at this moment is Yuma.

Vector, you're done. Yuma didn't want to let him leave.

Vector took a few steps back, then showed a mocking smile: Is it really okay for you to waste your time with me here?

What! ?

The astral body senses what the other person is implying.

If you don't tell secrets, Mingren, the alien power has invaded your city again at this time. Are you sure you still want to waste time with me here? Vector said confidently.

Although he still failed to obtain the source code in the end, the alien crystal people would never fail.

Kujiu Yuma, everything you cherish will be destroyed one after another. Vector showed his facial expressions and licked his lips in confusion: Hey, I wonder if something happened to your sister and grandma?

You bastard. This was the first time Yuma hated someone so much. He didn't feel this way the last time he was deceived by Vector.

Between his family and revenge, Kujiu Yuma chose his family. He would rather have something happen to himself than see his sister and grandma get hurt.

You Miao, please send me back. Yuma knew he was wrong. He should not trust Yagami Yue and doubt the other party's identity.

I know. You Miao took out the magic props made by the witch sister, and he planned to send Yuma back to Xinyuan City.

However, at this time, Vector changed his mind!

Hahahaha, I changed my mind, and suddenly I don't want you to go back. Vector held up the Oriha Gang barrier and unfolded it: After the barrier is unfolded, a duel must take place, and only the winner can leave this place.

The more anxious Kujiu Yuma becomes, the more Vector wants to play with him.

Yuma was surprised to find that Vector wanted to use this barrier to bind him so that he could not return to Shinon City!

If he were on the edge of the cliff at this time, Yuma was sure that he would kick Vector off.

At this critical moment, Yuma's butt made a loud noise, and he was kicked out of Oliha Gang's barrier by Yu Miao and had a mouthful of mud.

Not only was Yuma not angry, but he was also very grateful to Yu Miao.

The other party must take his place in the duel trapped in this barrier, and only then can he escape and return to Xinyuan City.

You are my true partner. Yuma shouted excitedly.

Niu Niu, who was hiding behind the rock, couldn't help but nodded.

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