I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 389 Observer, You Miao

Observer? Astral repeated the word, his expression very colorful.

Yes, I am the observer. You Miao explained while looking at the astral body.

The Z4 universe was developed from an original card, which is the core source code.

At the beginning of the formation of your universe, I have noticed and appeared to observe and record the history of your universe.

I will not participate or interfere in the events of any life form in the universe. I will only witness and record as an 'observer'. This is our mission.

Including the war between the astral world and the alien world a few years ago, I also recorded the battles between the astral bodies and the alien gods in that war.

In the end, thousands of lords were sealed, but the astral body lost all memory and power and shrank into the Emperor's Key.

After listening to what You Miao said, Astral's expression was very calm, because he said that this matter may not be true.

Astral is not Yuma, he actually has a brain.

Even if you know a lot of things, it doesn't mean that what you say is true.

Since you, as an observer, have greater authority than other beings in the universe, and you also have rules that you need to abide by, why do you appear here now?

Astral questioned loudly.

Assuming that observers really exist, even if one of them obtains the complete source code, the so-called observers will only observe and record history in areas that are out of their reach.

Why meddle with reality now!

The astral body has never heard of the existence of the observer, in short, he does not believe it.

Yeah, are you kidding us? Xiaoniao looked confused. It was hard for her to imagine that the world or even the universe she was in actually originated from .1 card?

The complete source code turns out to be a card?

Because your universe will be destroyed soon. You Miao shocked the astral bodies and moon-watching birds present as soon as she spoke.

As for De Zhisuke?

From the beginning, he was walking on the ground in a daze, not knowing what was going on. He was even more dazed than the crowd.

Destruction? Astral became more and more suspicious. He looked at You Miao, who was wearing a silver building block, and asked, Observing history doesn't mean you can peek into the future. What do you mean by destruction?

According to You Miao's description, as an observer, he does not have the power to peer into the future, otherwise what would he be observing?

To take a step back, since the universe is destroyed, the observer can only watch the entire process lightly, and then write this sentence in the record book: Boom~ The universe is destroyed.

If you can peek into the future, observing history is worthless, and then there can be no observer.

Whether the universe will be destroyed or not has nothing to do with the observer. Why should he interfere with reality?

Why even appear in front of them?

The Astral seized on this vulnerability and quickly fought back.

You Miao shook his head. He looked innocent like a certain naval admiral and began to lie:

This universe of yours, let me call it Z4.

Since the initial 'source code' evolved into this Z4 universe, I have been observing and recording silently. Even if the entire Z4 universe is destroyed, I should not show up.

But this is under the condition that there is no external interference and the Z4 universe naturally comes to an end.

Hearing the last sentence, the astral body was like Conan waking up, and a silver light instantly penetrated his brain.

The astral body seemed to have thought of something, and he asked: External force, you mean there is some force that does not belong to the Z4 universe that interferes with us, no, this world?

The human world combined with alien crystals is surrounded by a strange magic circle barrier.

Brother Dou Zi was released on the moon.

Since this week, the Seven Emperors have completely disappeared.

All the weirdness reveals something unusual.

Is it true that there are observers who record different universes? The astral body was shocked.

Yes, I have observed many universes. Originally, the destruction and operation of these universes had nothing to do with me. When You Miao said this, his expression suddenly became serious: It should have been like this, but after my careful observation, I found that The destruction of these cosmic worlds is controlled by an invisible hand.

As an observer, I call this mastermind a ruined future!

Is the shattered future leading each universe to destruction?

Xiaoniao took a deep breath, she was just an ordinary little girl from Xinyuan City.

Are these topics too heavy for her?

This is more frightening than the Seven Emperors' invasion of Xinyuan City. After all, this hand of destruction seems to be eyeing the world.

Under my observation, your next move should be to start a war in the alien world. It is not clear who will get the source code.

But this foreign force invaded the alien world one step ahead of you and controlled it. Even the god of the aliens was swallowed up by the opponent.

I believe that the other side will launch an offensive soon, and the entire universe will be destroyed quickly.

The astral body looked surprised, even thousands of Lords?

If this foreign force invaded the alien world, it could indeed explain the weirdness during this period.

By this time, the astral body has already believed that You Miao is the observer.

Mr. Observer, what should we do? Xiaoniao looked worried. This external force is so powerful that even the aliens can control it so easily.

What should they do?

Speaking of which, she just grabbed a few handfuls of Mr. Observer's hair. Shouldn't she find an opportunity to solemnly apologize to him?

I will help you, but unfortunately the foreign force that invaded the Z4 universe was too powerful, and it also swallowed thousands of lords. You Miao looked helpless at this moment.

Isn't there no other way? Xiaoniao's face turned pale.

Not necessarily, the universe represents a story, and the story must have a protagonist. You Miao looked at the astral body and said: The protagonist of this story is Ninety-nine Yuma.

Yuma! ?

Astral's eyes widened.

External forces swallowed up thousands of Lords, and of course the power of the source he held.

There is only one way right now, let Nine-Nine Yuma find the last source code hidden in the human world.

Combining the power of humans and the astral world, plus my help, we should be able to fight this crisis.

You Miao proposed a feasible solution, and Astral thought about it for a while and found that there was no harm in them.

With the power of No controlled by the astral body and the last source code of the human world, Yuma will become extremely powerful by then.

Coupled with the help of observers, it may be possible to fight this crisis.

The astral body nodded in agreement, but

We all know that the last part of the source code is hidden in the human world. The problem is that no one knows where it is. Astral spoke with a helpless expression.

The astral body can't find where the last source code is hidden, and even the thousands of masters don't know.

Thousands of Lords really don’t know where the source code is. If the source code is a goldfish hidden in a knot in the aquarium, then the alien god in the original book will directly move the entire aquarium. Already.

There is no need to know where this goldfish is hidden, and it is a completely heroic style.

It's a pity that in the end, he couldn't match the halo of the protagonist.

I know where the final source code is. You Miao confidently gave this answer.

The astral body took a breath and murmured: Yes, you are an observer. Since everything has been recorded from the beginning of this universe, how can you not know where the source code of the human world is?

At this time, the last doubts in the astral body were completely dissipated, and he was convinced of You Miao's identity as the observer.

Yuma just went to have a lunch lunch, but when he came back, he found that the world had changed so fast.

Observer You Miao?

External force?

The world is destroyed?

Isn't this a bit too magical? Yuma felt that both the astral body and the bird had been deceived.

How could such a thing happen in the world?

Yuma, you have to be respectful. Mr. Observer is here to help us. Xiaotiao angrily lectured the other person.

Compared to Yuma who ran off to nowhere with Yagami Yue at noon, Kotori just vented his dissatisfaction.

After saving herself from falling down the stairs, Xiaoniao has great trust in Mr. Observer, and she believes that he is a good person.

Little Bird? Yuma Ren was dumbfounded. His childhood sweetheart, Little Bird, would actually yell at him for others?

This is not true, no, this question is too difficult.

Hey hey hey haha A Niu was watching excitedly, he wanted to record this scene.

Huh? Just now, the astral body noticed that there seemed to be a mass of twisted air next to You Miao, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Maybe this is some kind of illusion.

Whether it's an observer or a transcender, damn it, I don't believe this guy. Yuma's stubborn temper rose.

People who should believe it don't believe it, and people who shouldn't believe it, Yuma just chooses to believe it.

Then what do you want? You Miao still needs to rely on the leader to find the special objects to collect.

Oh oh oh, look at me flying into the sky. The leader performed a few backflips in front of everyone in the corridor to perform acrobatics.

When it comes to performing acrobatics, the leader's skill is definitely better than that of a tomato that can only make people laugh.


Astral's eyes were flickering, and he was also curious about how good You Miao was in dueling as an observer?

Don't know how to duel?


Even observers must duel.

This is an eternal truth.

Damn it, Yuma, you are so rude. Xiaoniao wanted to teach the leader a lesson, but Yumiao stopped her impulsiveness.

Okay, as an observer, I am also a security personnel invited by your school. You Miao planned to teach the leader a lesson.

Xiaoniao looked embarrassed, because her wrist was grabbed by Mr. Observer, and she was completely speechless.

There is an inexplicable excitement.

Damn it, let go of the little bird's hand. The leader was very angry.

Oh, sorry, I forgot. You Miao let go of Xiaoniao's wrist.

Then, the two went to the empty rooftop and started a duel.

duel! !

You Miao: 4000LP

Leader: 4000LP

The first strike is mine. You Miao was very surprised, but he didn't care.

Come on, let me expose your true colors as a liar. The leader looked confident.

Astral said nothing as he floated quietly behind Yuma.

No matter what, he will be Yuma's strongest support!

Different enthusiasm and same heart!

Just in time, let me show you. You Miao raised the monster card in his hand to normal summon!


A force of the zodiac was released, and a beast warrior appeared with two ears on his head.

[Twelve beasts-rat, 0 attack power, beast warrior clan]

This card can only be activated when summoned successfully. Send 1 Twelve Beasts card from the deck to the graveyard. You Miao relied on the power of Shu Shu to pile Yang Chong among the twelve beasts into the cemetery.

What happens next surprises Astral and Yuma.

Roar, unknown resonance! The bond that links the twelve beasts from the sealed abyss.

Single target super summon, come out, Twelve Beasts-Dog Girl!!


Using the mouse as a super summon, a new super monster with a heavy weapon was displayed in its place.

[Twelve beasts-dog ring, 0 attack power, beast warrior clan/R4]

So simply a super summon? The astral body was shocked.

Tch, a level 4 overload with 0 attack power, what's so scary about this? The leader was still very confident.

Humph, of course things are not that simple. You Miao looked at the confident leader and said, This has just begun, don't blink.


The dog girl's whole body glowed, and the power of the dog represented in the Chinese zodiac began to activate.

Remove 1 Xyz Material from this card, target 1 Twelve Beasts monster in your graveyard, and Special Summon it. You Miao removed the rat from the dog girl and sent her to the cemetery, and then resurrected Yang Chong, who was sent to the cemetery as super material.


The Astrals realize that as Observers they intend to increase the monsters' stats on the field, and it might be bad if not stopped, since they know nothing about the power of the Observers.

I know. Yuma did a backflip at this time and yelled, Oh oh oh, look at my card.


It was DD Crow, Yuma activated the Crow from his hand!

Send the crow to the cemetery, and Yuma will eliminate the Twelve Beasts-Yang Chong in Yumiao Cemetery!

In this case, the dog girl will not be able to revive this monster card.

Just when the leader looked proud, he heard it.

That's it, Wadokana. You Miao activated the quick-attack magic card from his hand to obliterate the named one!


The good brother who killed the apostles appeared, and a Crow appeared floating in You Miao's deck.


The brother who killed the apostle cut them off together!

It can only be activated by declaring 1 card name.

Declare that card to be removed from my deck. Until the end of the turn, the effects of the card removed by this effect and the original card with the same name as that card will be invalidated.

You Miao began to explain, so the crows within the qualifying round were neutralized by the effect.

How could it be? Yuma was dumbfounded, he could have prevented this!

I am the champion escort. You Miao continued to operate, and he asked the dog girl to pull out the sheep from the cemetery.

Then, something happened again that stunned the leader.

When the dormant flames and the power of steel intertwine, new light of life will burst out and dragon flames bloom.

Overlap Hyper Summon, come out, Twelve Beasts-Dragon Spear!!


The dog girl has become a super material, and a single card is stacked on top of this card to form a new super monster.

[Twelve Beasts-Dragon Spear, 0 Defense, Beast Warrior/R4]

Something big happened, Yuma. Astral's vision was farther than Yuma's. He discovered that these monsters all had something in common, which was the Twelve Beasts.

If you guessed it correctly, these lower-level monsters and super monsters of the Twelve Beasts all have one feature, and that is that they can be stacked with a single card to form other super monsters.

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