I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 381 Lifelong Enemy

He's just a clown who uses trap cards. Thousands of Lords couldn't help but get angry.

After all, it was Torrent Burial and Bottomless Purgatory, and now there is this kind of ban permanent trap card. Thousands of Lords have really stepped on one pit after another.

This process was extremely disgusting and angry, and there was nothing he could do about it.

The red pit is one of the ingredients in Yu-Gi-Oh that you can’t help but taste.

Even if there are thousands of lords of the Alien God, he cannot defy this rule.

Cover a card and my turn ends.

The turn fell into the hands of Dazi again, and he drew cards from the deck! !

Reciprocity of courtesy also allows you to experience my strongest power. Dazi's fighting spirit is extremely high, and he has touched this strongest power site.

Oliha just reached the third level of barrier, Tolitos!

There are first and second levels of enchantment, and indeed there is a third level.

It's just that you forgot the lesson of the first round

The expressions of the thousands of masters were not surprising.

Source, start! ! !

The cheating power of Yuanshu Network has begun again, and thousands of masters continue to cheat.

Continue to send the trap card Source Network-Magic Rewrite from the deck to the graveyard to activate the effect. Thousands of masters will make it impossible to open this third layer of enchantment and replace it with other magic cards.

Just when thousands of lords were feeling proud, Dazi was actually assimilated and said:

What's wrong with Wadokana?

I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

When you send the counter-attack trap 'Source Network - Magic Rewrite' to the graveyard and activate it, I will also open the last cover card.


The last card that Dazi covered in his last turn is turned over. It is a counterattack trap card. God's Advice! !

【Dazi: 4000LP→1000LP】

Thousands of Counterattack Trap Cards sent by Lord from the deck to the graveyard through cheating were blocked on the spot, and his expression instantly became very ugly.

What a damn trap again! !

The opponent's power of cheating and rewriting was blocked. Without that miraculous substitution power, Dazi activated his strongest trump card, Oliha Gang's third layer of barrier.


The three-layer barrier directly covered the second layer. Seeing the opponent's field cards unfold again, the thousands of princes felt as sick as if they had eaten shit.

Of course, He didn't eat it, he just imagined it.

Activate the second layer of Oliha Gang's barrier effect to restore the life of the number of monsters * 500. Dazi spread his arms and enjoyed the bath.

【Dazi: 1000LP→2500LP】

Very good, now it's time to deal with that troublesome CNo.1000! Dazi entered the battle stage, and the arm of the strongest spear launched an attack on CNo.1000.

I activate the covered trap cards, and the number of sources will not be broken. Thousands of masters used trap cards for protection.

With the power of this trap card, CNo.1000 will be defeated once in this round.

[Thousands of masters: 4700LP → 4550LP]

We must do everything possible to protect this super monster.

But my attack is not over yet.

The Oliha Gang ban on the field has a second effect. When the opponent's monster is not destroyed in battle, it only allows one monster on the field to gain another attack opportunity.

The target monster that was attacked will be returned to the owner's deck.

Dazi narrowed his eyes. He chose his right arm to get a second chance to attack again, and this time Cno-1000 had no chance of defeating him.


Dazi discovered that the battle had failed because his battle phase was forcibly ended.

At this time, thousands of main players came on the field. In addition to CNo. 1000 with 10,000 attack power, there was also an extra monster inexplicably.

[Wall of origin, 0 defense, demon clan]

You can only activate it when you receive battle damage. This card is specially summoned from your hand, and your battle phase will be ended. Thousands of Lords know this result clearly, it is better to say that He has this hand trap , had already anticipated this scene.

There's no way, he's such a difficult guy. Dazi covered a card, and he chose to end the turn.

It's my turn again, draw a card! Thousands of masters drew cards, and he raised the magic card to activate.

It's a magic card that Dazi found very strange.

Source network black hole! !

Hmph, I forgot to tell you that under the third layer of barrier, my Oriha Gang monster is not affected by magic and trap card effects. Dazi said confidently.

However, thousands of Lords tilted their heads and He said: I have expected it.


This time, Dazi was at a disadvantage.

Source Network Black Hole, when I have a Source monster on my field and I pay half of my health to activate it, I send a continuous, equipment, and field card to the graveyard, and the opponent must send the same type of card from his field to the graveyard.

After this, all monsters on the front side of the field are destroyed.

At this moment, thousands of masters sent the field magic card of Yuanshu Network into the graveyard.

Correspondingly, Dazi also wanted to send a field magic card to the graveyard. He gritted his teeth and sent Oliha Gang's barrier into the graveyard.

This act of sending to the grave is equivalent to burying all three barriers.

In the beginning, the two of them went from relying on field cards to go head-to-head, and now the field area is bare. It can be said that they are traveling lightly.


A twisted whirlpool rolled up, and CNo. 1000, the ancient beast and its two arms were all destroyed!

Humph hahahahahaha, at this moment I will let you see the god who stands at the pinnacle of super power. CNo's destruction did not make the thousands of lords uncomfortable, but he looked excited.


When CNo.1000-Numeronius on your field is destroyed, you can overlap CNo.1000 in the graveyard under this card as XYZ material, and superimpose this card in the extra deck. Quantity call.

This card is the pinnacle of the super level.

My life is eternal, and the dreams that mortals rely on are nothing but illusions.

Great God of Nothingness, use darkness to punish light!

Extinction Chaos Super Transformation, come! CiNo. 1000, the original number of Heavenly Emperor and original number of Heaven and Earth!

Boom! There was a deafening loud noise, and the entire matte black trembled.

I saw three stars suddenly appearing in the sky.

Each star is several meters high and wide, emitting dazzling light like three twinkling suns.

Hey, what's going on?

Is there really a monster beyond 12 stars?

The people of Vectora were all numb. He moved here with the intention of taking advantage of others, and later found an opportunity to blow thousands of gold coins to his boss.

But considering the current situation, he will be severely harvested by thousands of masters.

[CiNo.1000, the original number of the Emperor of Heaven and the original number of heaven and earth, 100000 attack power, demon clan/R13]

This monster based on the apex of superpower releases terrifying power, and its attack power of up to 100,000 points makes people subconsciously feel desperate.

Super monsters must be stacked and special summoned at the same level. There are monsters in the world that exceed the 12-star corresponding level. Compared with the attack power, this is what makes Dazi scary.

Mortal, I will win. Thousands of Lords issued 2.5 victory declarations.

Just when thousands of Lords were about to attack and end this time, His pupils suddenly dilated, and the area directly in front of Dazi was suddenly filled with black mist and obscured.

There is the awakening of an extremely terrifying power that transcends limits

What is this? Thousands of Lords asked in surprise.

A huge bright red vortex appeared behind Dazi, releasing power that was more extreme than Ci No. 1000, the Original Emperor of Heaven, and the Original Number of Heaven and Earth.

Simple and crude! !

The so-called simplicity is nothing better than this.

My power is indeed not as trendy as you think.

But when it comes to violence, it won't lose to any monster.


Dazi spread his arms and saw a huge python monster emerging from the bright red vortex.

[Snake God Yi, infinite attack power]

When this monster showed its true appearance and power, Vector, who was watching the show next to him, was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground and ate dirt: Isn't it impossible? It's actually an infinite monster card?

Huh hahahahaha. Dazi started to laugh wildly as if he had been infected by the president's virus.

The infinite attack power of our first-generation duelists is truly unique.

This is the most primitive version of Snake God Yi. Apart from the panel, it is really useless.

Even when you attack, you have to throw 10 cards as a price.

The barrier that was supposed to provide magic resistance was also sent to the grave.

But in this situation, the comparison is based on the attack power value. Whoever is greater, who is evil, who is correct!

It really surprised me. It turned out to be an infinite attack power. Thousands of Lords were dumbfounded. After living for so many years, he had finally seen this truly good guy.


The Lord of Thousands has not yet lost, so He slowly explained:

CiNo.1000, the original number of heaven and earth will not be destroyed by the effect, and has the rule victory effect.

As long as this card exists on your field, the opponent must select this card as the target of attack. At the end of the turn without selection, you will lose the duel.

Dazi launched Malik's special skill, forcing the end of thousands of main rounds. He drew cards from the deck and launched an attack.

Discard 10 cards from the deck to the graveyard as a price, so that Snake God Yi can launch an attack.

100,000 attack power is nothing in the face of infinity.

I won!

Dazi ordered the snake god Yi to attack.

The snake god Yi controlled the bloody mouth, and the exaggerated energy cannon was condensed and sprayed out. The target of the attack was naturally Ci No. 1000, which was originally as many as the Emperor of Heaven and the Heaven and Earth.

When Dazi decided that he was going to win the situation, CiNo.1000, the original emperor of heaven and the original number of heaven and earth, actually released an irresistible force.

Thousands of masters have a clear mind:

I will not lose, CiNo.1000, the original emperor of heaven and the original number of heaven and earth activate the last effect.

You can activate it by canceling 1 super material of this card. The attack of 1 opponent's monster is invalid, and you will recover your health equal to that attack power.

Like a dream bubble bursting! !

The terrifying storm intercepted the snake god Yi with infinite attack power.

At the same time, the health points of thousands of lords exceeded the limit.

[Thousands of Lords: 999999? ? ? →Infinite health value]

Next round, you will be ruthlessly defeated by me. Qian Qian said. The infinite attack power is really scary, but the snake god Yi himself is not invincible.

However, Dazi was completely numb.

Thousands of lords thought that the other party was afraid of failure and the upcoming fate, and he wanted to laugh a few words.

But they found that Dazi had not lost his will to fight, but the other party kept saying:

Is all this within You Miao's calculation?

No wonder.

Is it any wonder this is the case?

I alone cannot defeat this guy 100%, and this will still be the case in the end.

Thousands of Lords were unhappy in their hearts, so He said, Are you going crazy?

But who knew that Dazi was uncharacteristically angry and said: Shut up, you bastard.

Dazi wanted to release all this depression and anger on thousands of masters, because he activated the last card covering the field.

Quick attack magic card, double the chance! ! !

Damn it. Dazi was very angry because You Miao forced this card to him before coming here.

You Miao also said that she would definitely use it.

At that time, Dazi still looked disdainful, but now he was slapped hard in the face.

When a monster's attack is invalid, it can only be activated by targeting that monster.

During this battle phase, the monster's attack power is doubled and it can attack once more.


Dazi continued to pile up 10 cards in the deck, and Snake God Yi got a second chance to attack.

Twice as big as infinity! ! !

At this moment, CiNo.1000 - the original number of heavenly emperors and the original number of heavens and earth from thousands of masters can no longer resist the excessive amount of materials.


Impossible, I will lose.

Double the chance, my *********

[Thousands of Lords: 0LP]

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