
You Miao recalled the experience just now. He always felt that there was a 90% chance that this guy who was pretending to be a ghost was a crab.

That mark on the lower left corner that cannot be rubbed is so outstanding.

No matter the shape or position, it is 100% identical to the crab.

This criminal mark seems to have become Yusei's representative feature. Even the guy from Zone has to imitate it when he has plastic surgery. If you don't want to be trendy, you don't have to spend money, so hurry up and get plastic surgery!

Here’s the problem. Assuming that the guy just now was Fudo Yusei, then he didn’t use all his strength in the duel just now.

Fudo Yusei doesn't play Hai Er but instead plays Mahjong Dragon?

This is unreasonable.

Moreover, the other party's style seems to be secretly observing the direction of the new child Sanoichi. If it weren't for Bruno, a gay friend, or he would not choose to show up in person.

The Rubik's Cube and the previous Overlord invasion proved the existence of multiple world lines, so what exactly is this crab?

You Miao thought about the guy with the six-winged beast who claimed to be the future destroyer. That thing had previously guided the paradox to bring the Overlord into his own world, which almost caused a catastrophe.

Could this crab of unknown origin be guided by the other party to appear from another timeline?

What are you thinking? Peacock Wu walked up. Not everyone can go deep into the black hole's magnetic field, so she didn't know what You Miao had just experienced, let alone the second suspected immobile star.

Nothing. You Miao has always believed that as long as you are strong enough, you don't need to be afraid of any conspiracy. After all, this is the world of card playing.

Just keep winning.

Therefore, You Miao has put the matter out of his mind and focused on the interior of the mall.

A new card box has been refreshed, but unfortunately this time there is no most cost-effective build.

You Miao clicked on the mall and pulled the interface to the top. A card box that emitted a particularly outstanding colorful light caught everyone's attention.

The name of the card box this time is

[The Roar of the Twelve Beasts! 】

Hey, it's the Twelve Beasts. You Miao couldn't help but feel itchy. The Twelve Beasts were once a super-mainstream monster series, and many people often recalled its original glory.

The Twelve Beasts are the main theme of the super-power series.

This series includes super monsters and is a deck based on the twelve zodiac signs.

The Xiangjian series called Grandma Sword is derived from famous Chinese swords, so the twelve beasts are the twelve zodiac animals.

Although the Twelve Beasts are incomparable to some current series, plug-ins can also achieve good results.

The characteristics of the Twelve Beasts are very obvious. Several characteristics of this deck are that it can be deployed with a single card, it has a certain ability to clear the field, and more importantly, it is compatible with various hand traps.

Needless to say, the power of hand pits

As for the feature of single card expansion, it has gradually become a standard for commenting on the excellence of a system.

All in all, Twelve Beasts is basically a beat deck.

All lower-level zodiac monsters have a common effect, which is to super-summon a single card!

The Xyz Monsters of the Twelve Beasts also have a general effect. They can be super summoned by overlapping the Twelve Beasts monsters on your field other than the card with the same name.

As we all know, fusion and synchro monsters cannot be made by one monster, but Xyz monsters can.

You Miao remembered that he had already obtained the Gundam before, and he even obtained a forbidden card of the Twelve Beasts. This would really be unjustifiable if he did not violently explode the twelve beasts in the card box.

In addition to the twelve beasts in this card box, You Miao also noticed some general hand pits and other super monsters, among which there is no shortage of other high-quality cards.

It is indeed a card box of Twelve Beasts, and the quality is better than You Miao imagined.

Is this a super year? You Miao started to draw directly!

Without the suppression of the rich Egyptian woman, You Miao's own luck would have been pretty good.

A good guy came out on the first shot! !

[Congratulations on getting the effect monster Marshmallow (R)*1]

[Congratulations on getting the magic card Big Cold Wave (R)*1]

[Congratulations on getting the effect monster Flying G (UR)*1]

[Congratulations on getting the effect monster G (UR)*1]


You Miao suspected that he had poked a cockroach nest, and he already had evidence.

Among the G series cards, the most famous one is definitely the value-added G. This card has single-handedly exploded the entire duel world, and its gold content needs no introduction.

In addition to the value-added G, the other G series monsters are also good, but not as damnable as the former.

For example, this kind of flying G, the card picture and the name are simpler and cruder, a big southern cockroach is flying around in the kitchen

As for the effect, it is simple and crude!

When the opponent successfully summons or special summons a monster, this card can be Special Summoned from the hand to the opponent's side of the field for defense.

As long as the Flying D monster is face-up on the field, the controller of this card cannot XYZ (Super) Summon it.

Yes, this thing is used to restrain super summons.

As long as the flying G is shot, the opponent will be stunned instantly if he is playing a super-capacity deck.

The flying G in this era of 5ds is destined to be unable to shine, but it would be great if this thing was taken from the zexal in the fourth part.

On the other hand, the other G that responded to the challenge was very interesting.

The meaning of this card should be that the cockroach's eyes are glowing and it is ready to fly over and beat you.

Southern cockroaches are so scary.

The G effect of the challenge is quite special. As long as the opponent special summons a monster with a magic card, the cockroach can jump out. Then, as long as the monster exists in the area, it will maintain the effect of a Big Space Man.

That is, cards sent to the graveyard are excluded without going to the graveyard.

Sometimes this card can really crush the opponent at the beginning.

Of course, the G that accepts the challenge has a last word effect. For example, if it is sent to the graveyard from the field, other Gs can be retrieved!

Keep pumping! !

This time, I finally got the big card about the Twelve Beasts.


Colorful lights surged.

[Congratulations on getting the effect monster Twelve Beasts-Rat Rider (SR)*1]

[Congratulations on getting the magic card Big Cold Wave (R)*1]

[Congratulations on getting the field magic card Twelve Formations·Signature (R)*1]

[Congratulations on getting the super monster Twelve Beasts-Dragon Spear*1 (UR)*1]


Needless to say about Shushu, as for the venue card, it’s a bit meaningless. I can only say that the era of the Twelve Beasts was wrong.

Most of the field cards in the current series are getting stronger and stronger.

What You Miao cares about is this super monster dragon gun. This super monster is the terminal monster of the Twelve Beasts series, and it is still a banned card on a certain table.

The effect is also relatively simple, that is, removing an excess material and destroying a front-facing card on the field. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn.

Generally, when the cards in your hand are not good, you basically shoot a lower level of the Twelve Beasts and then turn it into super, and then continue to turn into a dragon gun.

You Miao planned to fill the card box vigorously. After firing a few rounds, he also touched the Twelve Beasts-Pig Bow.

Pig Bow is a very important Xyz monster. It has a hidden effect, that is, when this card has 12 Xyz materials and causes combat damage to the opponent, all the cards in the opponent's hand and on the field will be sent away. tomb!

However, You Miao values ​​another ability of Zhu Gong more, which is that this super monster can directly attack the opponent! !

Haha, a super monster that can attack directly is so beautiful.

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