I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 365 The beaten cow

This has nothing to do with you. You Miao thinks that Izayoi is right. Close observation does not mean interfering with Yu Xing. What if the other party just lies flat like this?

Why doesn't it matter? Qiu Zhen wanted to draw a few turtles on the opponent's face. Now that You Miao has left the team, he wants to start a team of his own.

What will happen?

Afterwards, when Yusei and the others understand what happened, they will definitely think that they have driven away the other party.

Isn’t the villain himself?

Bruno, please say something quickly. Qiu planned to find a helper.

But where is Bruno around? !

The honest and reliable little prince is all fake. He will just run away at the critical moment and will never laugh with you.

Bye, please help me and Yusei and the others by the way.

“Hopefully they’re going to try.”

You Miao is ready to run away, but how can Qiu take the blame?

Bruno ran away at the critical moment, and she alone took the blame.

I can’t stand it!

No, you can't leave. It's great not to let the other side interact. Qiu grabbed You Miao's arm with both hands, preventing him from leaving, and even said something against his will.

Really? You Miao asked suspiciously, That's not what you said just now.

I was just talking nonsense, I'm sorry. Qiu's smile was uglier than crying.

You don't look very sincere, I don't agree with it. You Miao began to tease the other party.

Then what do you want? Qiu's little fist was clenched tightly.

You Miao put her mouth to Qiu's ear and began to whisper. Slowly, the latter's expression gradually became distorted.

The cow's eyes gradually opened. It thought its owner was telling the other party the classic quote from Sakura netizens. Just when it wanted to say a few narrations to enhance its sense of presence.

A fire of angry emotions arose next to A Niu, and it turned out to be Yubel, who was in tears. She was biting her thumb without knowing it, and her eyes were full of twisted hatred: This damn woman .”

Yubel's eyes were full of Izayoi Qiu, and she really wanted to squeeze him to death.

A Niu advises you not to be ignorant of good and evil. Niu Niu originally wanted to use his status as a senior to teach Yubel a lesson and not to block his master's plan.

Unfortunately, Yubel didn't take Aniu seriously at all. She grabbed Aniu's head with one hand and squeezed it hard! !

Moo moo moo moo. A Newton screamed, not to mention how miserable it was.

I don't dare to point my thumbs up, and I don't dare to instigate You Miao. Yubel's power was so strong that Niu Niu couldn't resist at all.

Yubel's eyes were fierce as if she was planning to crush the cow's head. She had always wanted to kill the cow.

At the critical moment, the female imp came out from the side and kicked Yubel in the face.

A Niu is not strong enough, but the female imp is.

Yubel cannot ignore the terror of the mighty flames.

boom! !

The two elven forces collided, and Aniu was able to survive.

What do you mean? Yubel looked coldly at the female imp who was releasing the mighty flames. Her eyes were emitting a green light and seemed to be about to start a fight.

I'm the boss here, you little Karami~ the female imp retorted without hesitation. The Giant Coward Soldier and the Melon-eating Dragon stood behind them, ready to attack, but the melon-eating Dragon's eyes revealed the old Yin Bi. insidious.

Xiao Lan and Ah Hui huddled together from a distance and watched secretly.

Future Dragon King Xiao Lan muttered: Hurry up and start a fight.

There are more and more elves, and I don’t know when, they have begun to divide into several factions.

The magician clan formed by True Silence and Weir.

The four-day dragon faction in the future where Poison Melting Dragon and Crystal Dragon are mixed together.

There is a group of gods headed by the female imp, and the three phantom demons are also members of it.

These are the most powerful factions, of course there are others

For example, Niu Niu carries the banner of the NTR religious sect by himself.

Ah Hui and Xiao Lan are a weak faction.


Hahahaha, are you worthy? Yubel obviously didn't fit in, and she didn't need it.

The female imp was furious and planned to start a big battle with the opponent here!

When the battle was about to break out, Lao Ai's power appeared. It used its strong body to separate the group of elves, making them unable to fight.

No fighting! !

Of course You Miao knew about the conflict between the elves, but he didn't care at all, because with Lao Ai around, there was absolutely no chance of a fight.

I'm dressed. Qiu blushed, and she was forced to put on a weird outfit and walk out.

On Qiu's shoulders, there were two protruding and even sharp unknown objects that were actually higher than her head, comparable to the ultimate hump.

You Miao took out her mobile phone to take pictures: Hurry up.

Qiu took out the microphone and reluctantly began to sing: Xue Xue.

Hahahahaha. You Miao laughed happily while taking this video of the other party.

Qiu kept imagining 100 ways for You Miao to die in her heart to get over this difficult time.

Finally, the minutes were over.

Satisfied, You Miao put away this precious video, and one day he would use it to threaten the other party on a whim.

What you promised has been done, it's your turn. Qiu said through gritted teeth.

Oh, bye. You Miao promised the other party, but Qiu didn't say when. It wouldn't be too late for him to come back after the World Championship.

Looking at You Miao's back running so fast, Qiu's expression gradually became numb, and the thunder in his mind kept ringing.

She was played! ! ?

After realizing it, Qiu gradually accepted this fact. Several veins appeared on his forehead, and the telekinesis in his body exploded out of control! !

Ah ah ah, You Miao, I'm going to kill you. Qiu wanted to tear You Miao's body to pieces and kill him like crazy.

What’s even more hateful is that You Miao still has the photo taken just now.

After the explosion, Qiu sat on the ground with a helpless expression.


Dm, Tong Shi Ye City.

Chicken Sauce’s card shop, no, it’s now a game card shop.

Since Jijiang disappeared, Yugi had only one task every day besides going to school.

That's Where's Grandpa?

During this time, the game continued to explore weird places in the city, trying to find the bastard with black sunglasses.

Only by finding that guy can we find out the whereabouts of the chicken sauce from the other person's mouth.

So, squeezed by his studies and card shop business, Yugi is now so busy that he doesn't even have time to go out for a drink with Jonouchi and the others.


Leopard Girl walked out of the store mysteriously. She had been keeping in touch with You Miao, and she had to do something secretly today.

However, Leopard Girl's actions seemed to have been monitored by someone. When she quietly left her residence, within half a minute, a number of helicopters with the KC logo suddenly appeared in the sky.

Damn, so fast? Leopard Girl was speechless.

These machines surrounded Leopard Girl's movements in an encircling posture, and at the same time, several scorching white lights shot down.

The whereabouts of the Leopard Girl can be said to be exposed, and there is no way to escape.

Hmm hey hey, hahahahahaha.

Familiar laughter appeared from above, and Leopard Girl cursed in her heart: Something happened.

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