I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 357 The Strongest Smallest Unit

Ah ah ah, stop it. Placido can't control that much anymore. Maybe as the building block man said, his building blocks can pull in the souls of the dead and seal them.

It turns out that the metaphysical power of the Millennium Artifact is real.

Unfortunately, Placido couldn't resist at all. All he could do in this place was stand obediently.

Despair of losing the one you love.

Hope for the loved one to reappear.

Once again the pain of watching the one you love being tortured.

Placido, isn't the power of the Millennium Artifact great?

You Miao appeared next to Placido in an instant. He looked at one of the three emperors lying on the ground with cruel eyes, and his mocking smile made him look cruel.

If you have emotions, you will have weaknesses.

In the Taiyi organization, everyone seems to be heartless, but in fact they are the ones with the most emotions.

Needless to say, Paradox and Zone, one was so crazy that he transformed himself into Fudo Yusei in an attempt to save the future, and the other planned to modify the future timeline and was brutally beaten.

The same is true for Apolysia, the despair of the person who loved him when he was young has passed away, the despair of the person he loved when he was young has passed away, and the despair of being unable to express love when he is old.

He spent his whole life in despair, but he still fought until the last moment of his life.

Therefore, it is normal for Placido, who is divided into one third by Apolia, to lose his mind once he sees the hope of the person he originally loved appearing.

Let her go, let the swallow go. Placido looked desperate. Is there nothing he can do?

The cow beside You Miao has already appeared, and this scene should make it excited and excited.

However, Niu Niu looked bored and didn't even bother to type out the narration.

When Yan Zi was killed by Emperor Ji, he could do nothing.

Now that Yanzi is almost tortured to death, is he still unable to do anything?

No, Yanzi, how can I live without you? Placido's eyes turned red, parts of his body began to smoke, and electricity surged. He seemed to be planning to save his lover regardless of his body.

——Has it gone too far?

You Miao stopped torturing the guy locked inside. He comforted her and said, Okay, let her go if you agree to my conditions.

Placido agreed immediately, without any of the arrogance of saying no just now.

In fact, You Miao's condition is very simple. Placido can easily find a reason to do it by using the power of the Taiyi Organization. After all, the three of them have even airborne to become the boss of the Public Security Bureau.

Having rejected You Miao just now, Placido just wanted to test him.

But he didn't expect that You Miao was extremely cruel. He would raise the blocks when he disagreed, and he would hit his weak points and punch him several times.

The most terrifying thing is that this building block man knows the Taiyi Organization and even his own identity very clearly. In his eyes, he seems to have no secrets.

In this era of 5ds, does such a person actually exist?

Why is there no trace of the existence of this brick villain recorded in the history they are familiar with?

Hey, Placido, I still like your unruly look just now. You Miao nodded with satisfaction. He waved his hand, and the swallows trapped inside disappeared immediately.

Where did she go? Placido still wanted to talk to Yanzi.

The City of Light is a prison. It will only close those powerful sinners, leaving her to be tortured until her soul dissipates sooner or later.

I just sent her back.

You Miao found an excuse to explain.

Swallow. Swallow. Placido sat on the ground, his eyes blank, as if he had been spoiled.

Do you know the power of metaphysics? You Miao kicked Placido.

I know. Placido's stubbornness has been broken. He doesn't want to see the so-called artifacts again.

The agreement is over. You Miao kicked Placido out. When the other party returned to reality, except for the smashed duel ghost in front of him, the terrifying brick man had disappeared.

There were also rapid footsteps coming from behind. Placido slapped his right cheek hard, and when he came to his senses, he quickly left the place.

About ten seconds later, Fudo Yusei, Jack and others found the place where the Duel Ghost crashed.

According to their judgment, this so-called duel ghost is a robot puppet.

The real mastermind has yet to show up.

At this moment, inside the City of Light.

You Miao looked at Swallow who reappeared in the prison and said, That's enough, stop pretending.

The image of deceiving Placido and pretending to be the so-called lover in the other person's memory gradually disappeared, and was replaced by a guy with heterochromatic eyes.

Dazi! !

This person is not Yanzi at all, but is pretended by Dazi, so Niuniu is bored, everything is fake.

What on earth do you want to do? Since losing to You Miao, Dazi has been locked up in this dark prison, tortured every day, and has to go out for labor camps from time to time.

The flowers and grass outside the City of Light and the clean environment are absolutely inseparable from Dazi's efforts.

Give me a pleasure! Dazi gritted his teeth. If he just wanted to get the power of Oliha Gang, You Miao could do it at any time, but he trapped himself in this place and tortured him every day.

This kind of thing almost drove Dazi crazy. Now it's even more outrageous. She actually wants him to cooperate in acting?

Now Dazi is like a pack of braised beef instant noodles held in the palm of You Miao's hand. The other party can soak it up, eat it and absorb it at any time.

No, you don’t even need to soak it, they can just tear open the package and eat everything.

In this case, why not give him a happy ending and announce the fact that he is dead?

Although this situation is indeed no different from death, if given the choice, Dazi would rather die than be treated inhumanely.

On a whim? You Miao gave an answer.

After the incident was over, You Miao discovered that this guy was not annihilated together with the God of Oliha Gang, so he conveniently treated this guy as a piece of garbage and locked it up in the building blocks.

Just willful? Da Zi couldn't accept this answer. He would rather hear that You Miao was afraid of him or wanted to get something from him.

At least Dazi didn't want to admit that she was a worthless thing.

It's just willfulness! You Miao confirmed again and again and said righteously.

The scene was silent for a few minutes, and Dazi gritted his teeth: The winner is the king, you win.

He admitted it!

You Miao raised her index finger and thumb and explained:

Someone has said that the smallest unit of strength is to carry out one's own will.

I put you here on a whim, not to fear you or to gain anything.

But I thought about it at that time, so I did it willfully.

Because...you can't make any waves anymore.

Until You Miao left this place, the words just now echoed in the ears of Dazi who was imprisoned.

You can no longer overcome any storm.

He was too lazy to be furious, but he lay on the ground, looked at the ceiling, and muttered: Follow your will.

So when Dazi looks back on her life, has she ever tried to carry out her own willfulness?

So in the end, he's not actually that strong?

The destruction of the Atlas Empire was caused by the power of Oriha, who killed his wife and father with his own hands.

Everything that happened, Dazi found, was not what he wanted, but he still became a parricide and destroyed his own country.

He was not following his own will, but surrendering to his inner fear.

You win. The words Dazi said to himself echoed in the prison.

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