I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 355 The frustrated Yubel

The Duel Ghost-covered trap card opens.

The Machine King's defense wheel.

This trap can only be activated when there is a Machine Emperor monster on the field. It specifies a monster of a race. If a monster of that race exists on the opponent's field, all those race monsters are destroyed and eliminated.

You will also suffer damage equal to the total attack power of the destroyed monsters!

It was the Emperor's exclusive trap card. You Miao had never seen it before, but he said it didn't matter.

The race that Duel Ghost wants to exclude is naturally the mechanical race of armored monsters.


You Miao said, Really, it's the same substitute.

I saw the armor on his left arm releasing a terrifying electric current. This was the power of the Trap Explosion Armor.

The existence of this armor can prevent armor series monsters from being affected by the opponent's trap card effects.


You Miao jumped up from the D wheel, turned into a bullet and shattered the protective shield in front of his eyes, and flew towards Zhi Emperor.

How could this happen? The naughty boy panicked on the spot. He didn't expect that the armored monster could have such an effect.

Even the trap cards are useless.

Go away. Although the Emperor of Intelligence is five in one, each one can still be counted as a separate individual. Placido started to talk nonsense. In short, the Emperor of Intelligence is so stupid.

They want to unite, and they want to take advantage of the individual monsters.


Activate the effect of one of the machine emperor parts.

The effect of the Wisdom Emperor-A5 component can change the opponent's monster's attack target to this card.

Under the control of Placido, the true owner, Emperor Zhi was prevented from being crushed.

You Miao's punch was redirected and moved to Emperor Zhi's right wrist.

[Zhidi-A5, 1200 defense, mechanical type]

The armor monster You Miao uses to attack is Explosive Steel Wire·Armor.

Although the armored monsters all have zero attack power, each of them has a shocking effect, and this piece of exploding steel wire is no exception.

The battle with 'Exploding Steel Wire' will not cause combat damage. The monster attacked by this armored monster will be destroyed after the damage calculation step and inflict 500 health damage to the opponent.

boom! !

You Miao controlled an armored monster with 0 attack power and hit Zhi Emperor's right wrist.


A huge explosion went up.

Emperor Zhi lost his right wrist, and at the same time the Duel Ghost suffered a backlash.

[Duel Ghost: 4000LP → 3500LP]

How can it be repaired!! After realizing it, the naughty child returned to his true nature, and he was angry!

The naughty child once again seized control. He vowed to beat You Miao to the ground and force him to become a thoughtless toy.

He vowed to win!

Draw a card. The duel ghost drew a card. After Xiong Baozhi regained control, his expression suddenly showed a bright expression.

This smile made even Jose feel perverted.


Magic card, system crashes! !

Don't think that you are the only one who breaks the rules. Xiong Haozhi said to You Miao on the screen with a sick look on his face. This was his unique way of searching for enemies in the void.

You Miao dared to violate the rules, so he wouldn't?

Punishment starts!

[Duel Ghost: 3500→1500LP]

Pay 1000 base points. All Machine-type monsters on the opponent's field and in the opponent's graveyard are removed from the game.

I saw an extraordinary storm rolling up in Youmiao Field, a tragic moment for the machine race.

Have you made a mistake? Is it popular to break the rules now? Crow suspected that he was lagging behind. Could it be that everyone would have to use normal magic cards in riding duels in the future?

You Miao raised a middle finger to show respect for the Duel Ghost usage system crash.

He talks so much about martial arts but doesn't even use this kind of card. How dare his opponent do it?

[Duel Ghost: 1500LP→500LP]

I paid a full 3,000 health points just to use this system to crash.

Boom boom boom.

The twisted dimensional tornado struck, and all the armor on You Miao was shattered and eliminated.

The field suddenly went blank.

Afterwards, Duel Ghost added a part monster to Zhidi.

Fight directly!

Zhi Emperor, crush the enemy.

The machine emperor's chest shot out a scorching light. You Miao was not afraid at all. An undead monster card popped up in his graveyard.

Bone pig! !


Immediately, the machine emperor was knocked upside down by the skull pig, and the scorching ray was immediately shot sideways.

Damn, how could this happen? The naughty boy thought he had a chance to win, but the opponent used a surprise card to dodge.

This time, he broke through the defense and controlled the duel ghost to curse:

I've tolerated you for a long time.

I keep using these trash cards to save my life.

Can you do it openly with a synchronized monster?

Jose's eyes flashed slightly, and he discovered that Luciano, this naughty boy, was actually using the provocation method.

The Machine Emperor is the nemesis of Synchro Monsters, but the duelist opposite you doesn't play according to the routine, and he doesn't play Synchro Summons with you at all.

If the opponent uses a synchro monster, then with the power of Emperor Zhi, this one will definitely win.

What's wrong? Don't you dare? The naughty kid was still talking.

But at this time, Yusei and others discovered that the duel ghost had changed from the cold style at the beginning to a naughty child.

Could this thing be a puppet, and the person controlling it is actually a child?

If Jack could see it, how could others not notice it?

Synchronized monster?

It's true that the Machine Emperor can restrain synchronized monsters, but that's all.

It's not that You Miao looks down on the Machine Emperor, but the effect of the Zhi Emperor on absorbing synchro monsters is not second speed.

If Zhi Emperor can absorb synchronized monsters at two speeds, then You Miao would like to call it a unique skill.

Originally this duel was for other purposes, but you seem to have a mysterious confidence in the Emperor.

There's no other way, I'll just use the Synchro Monster to play with you.

You think so? Yubel?

After saying that, You Miao looked up into the dark sky and saw a demon monster following him in mid-air.

It is difficult for ordinary people to detect the existence and actions of Yubel.

The rebellious Yubel discovered You Miao's intentions, and an ugly look suddenly appeared on her face.

Yubel's true card is still in Youmiao's hand, no matter where she goes.

Once You Miao enters the duel, she will sense it and cannot resist the rules. She must come and peep.

If You Miao forced her to use the card that hosted her, Yubel thought about it all night, and she found that she had no way to resist.

I hope you will keep your word, cover 1 card, and end the turn. The duel ghost ended under the operation of the naughty child.

Draw a card! You Miao drew a card and summoned the monster.

Come out, fallen warrior of the undead.


[Fallen warrior, 1700 attack power, undead]

This card can only be activated when summoned successfully.

Send 1 Undead monster from the deck to the graveyard.

A card popped up from Yu Miao's deck, and he sent Shiranui-Hermit to the graveyard.

At this moment, the cemetery released a force of the underworld! !


Six stars representing the souls of the dead emerged from Youmiao Cemetery.

It’s a 2-star adjusted monster card, Shiranui-Yōtō!

This monster has long been piled into the cemetery by You Miao.

Synchrony of the underworld, come out, the resurrected demon king Hadis!!

The Hermit and the Demon Sword are excluded from the graveyard.

Synchronicity in the cemetery?

Yusei and others found it very strange. This was the first time they saw the synchronization method.


[Resurrected Demon King Ha Dis, 2450 attack power, undead/synchronized]

The naughty kid who controlled the Duel Ghost suddenly smiled sinisterly, and the opponent fell into the trap and used Synchro Summon.

Although it is true that synchronization in the underworld is rare, the Emperor of Machine is the father of your synchronization.

In the next round, he will use the Machine Emperor to defeat this thing.

However, things are not that simple.

If the Hermit who synchronizes with the demon sword in the underworld is removed, another Shiranui monster from the exclusion zone will return to the field.

Come back, Demon Sword!!


The two-star adjusted monster Yaodao is resurrected.

The real show begins. I use the 2-star demon sword and the fallen warrior to synchronize the summons!!

Come out, behemoth from the deep sea, crush everything with the power of the lake.

Blah blah blah

The power of a water waterfall emerged, leaving everyone confused.

The style of painting of the undead suddenly changed.

From the underworld to the sea?

2+4=6! !

[Dragon of Coral, 2400 attack power, dragon/synchronization/adjustment]

Impossible, how could this happen? the naughty boy said in shock.

Yusei and others also discovered the blind spot. This synchro monster is actually an adjustment?

Activate the effect of Dragon of Coral, discard a card in your hand, and destroy a card on the field. You Miao sent the card to the graveyard, and he designated the defensive parts that Duel Ghost had just relocated on the field to explode.

As long as the defensive part of the machine emperor in the defensive state exists, You Miao's attacks will be ridiculed crazily.

Explode first as a tribute!


The tornado struck, and the Emperor's strongest shield was immediately destroyed.

Damn it. His childish tongue almost cramped.

But don't panic too much, the card he covers is still the Machine King's Defense Wheel.

As long as there is this cover card, even if Zhi Emperor loses his shield, it will not be destroyed by the opponent this round.

What's more, the attack power of the Coral Dragon and Hades is not as good as that of the Wisdom Emperor.

Until the following scene occurred, the Three Emperors and others were dumbfounded.

The Dragon of Coral transformed into 6 stars to drive the evolution of Hades.

These 12 stars quickly connected into a straight line.

It's actually a 12-star Synchro Monster? Yusei's heart suddenly tightened. Could it be Stardust Dragon's vest again?

Have you been asked for a cow again?

Blow the storm, gain the will of steel and the speed of light.

A raptor warrior wielding a mythical sword.

Synchronized summons, strong attack on Kuroba-Kamitachi's Onimaru Todori!!


[Assault on Black Feather-Kamiru no Onimaru Totori, 3000 attack power, bird beast family/synchronization]

Until the moment this 'Kamiru no Onimaru Totori' appeared, Yusei's heart suddenly felt at ease, and instead he looked at the crow beside him with pity.

Crow, the person involved, looked confused and said to himself:


Why exactly?

As soon as the 12-star Black Feather brother appeared, You Miao directly ordered an attack.

When this card is Synchro Summoned using only Synchrony Monsters as materials, when it attacks, the attack power of this card increases by 3000 during the damage step.

This is the big brother with 6000 attack power!

No matter how much your attack power is, I am still superior. Duel Ghost opened the covered card, the Machine King's defense wheel.

However, this power has no effect at all on Onimaru Totori, the God of Tate.

Kamitachi's Onimaru Totori, this synchronized monster will not be destroyed by the effect. You Miao said calmly.

I saw Kamitachi's Onimaru Totori violently throwing the weapon in his hand, and the force of the wind in his body reached the extreme, and the attack power of 3000 turned into 6000.

One blow exploded Zhi Emperor's head! !


The duel ghost was instantly swallowed up by the fire.

The duel is over.

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