Xingzi, you have indeed improved a lot.

You can also see through the chestnut balls hidden in my hands, but

But you forgot about the cemetery.

Through You Miao's reminder, Xingzi remembered that in the first round, You Miao launched a script obliteration!

Could it be that an incredible card entered the graveyard at that time? As soon as Kyoko finished speaking, she saw a huge divine monster appearing on the field that exuded evil.

[Evil God - Source of Fear, 4000 attack power, Evil God Beast Tribe]

Yes, in the first round I sent the Obliterator and the Source of Fear to the cemetery through the obliteration effect of the Codex. You Miao admitted this fact.

When the Obliterator is sent to the graveyard, You Miao can resurrect an evil monster in the graveyard at any time during this duel, including during the opponent's turn.

The source of fear exists on the field, and the attack power and defense power of all monsters other than the evil god are reduced by half.

The evil god's roar resounded throughout the hall, and black magic spread like a tide to the surroundings.


The screams of the two angel knight monsters were heard one after another. They were holding their necks with both hands and struggling in pain.

Unfortunately, they were unable to resist the power of the evil god, and their attack power began to decrease.

[Sky Knight: 2200→1100 attack power]

[Sky Paladin: 3200→1600 attack power]

That's it, Kyoko interrupted anxiously: There is a new monster on your field, and the attack will be rolled back. I chose not to attack.


Kyoko's order was completely useless. Under the source of fear's scarlet eyes, the Sky Paladin seemed to be possessed by a demon and crashed towards the opponent desperately.

Sky Paladin, stop quickly. Kyoko's face turned red.

Unfortunately, the Sky Paladin is no longer able to listen to the duelist's orders.

Sorry, when the Source of Fear is specially summoned, the monsters you can attack must attack it. You Miao's tone was cold and firm.

So. It’s over!

The Sky Paladin committed suicide desperately. Kyoko never thought that the situation that was good one second ago would be reversed in this second.

From heaven to hell, it is nothing more than this.

Evil fist crushes! !

The Sky Paladin was ruthlessly defeated.

Ahhhh. Kyoko was affected, and the impact of the battle damage blew her away.

[Xingzi: 2000LP → 0LP]

Defeating Kyoko will also trigger the experience and crystal prompts obtained by the system, and even the task reward of the Duel Road will drop the exclusive card pack of Kyoko Masaki.

You Miao wasn't as concerned about the exclusive card pack as before, so he opened it without blinking.

[Tip: Trigger the special talent Soul of Pai Lao. 】

[Tip: Congratulations on getting the effect monster Witch Master Glass Witch (UR)*1]

[Tip: Trigger the special talent Inheritance of the Soul.]

This witch monster card that released a faint light appeared in You Miao's hand, and at the same time, he also heard a strange noise behind him.

Click, click, click

It was the sound of chewing potato chips. You Miao turned around and saw this new girl elf munching on a bag of potato chips.

That's right, this is the famous witch craftsman with the nickname Big Butt, the Glass Witch.

For some reason, You Miao felt that the glass witch in front of her was a circle or two fatter than the one on the card.

It feels like she is not a famous craftsman in witchcraft, but a otaku tank in witchcraft.

You are so strange. You exude a variety of powerful scents, mixed and pure. I also smell a familiar and disgusting smell. The Glass Witch raised her head and poured all the potato chips in her hand into her mouth. Walked up to You Miao and sniffed like crazy~

Haha, it's you after all. The Glass Witch suddenly took three steps back like a cat with explosive hair, and assumed an Ultraman beam pose with a very alert expression.

A magic circle appeared next to You Miao, and a familiar slender figure appeared, a true silent magician with a mature and cold appearance.

Wei Er, you guy. True Silence Magic looked at the Glass Witch with eyes full of contempt and disgust.

Weir is the real name of the Glass Witch.

There is a very special magic trading area between the magic cities of Endymion and Lamaison. This place is called the Magic Trading City by many magicians. It probably appeared in a certain Harry Potter novel. It's a place like Diagon Alley.

There is a very famous workshop in this place, where a group of witches live, and they make various magic props to make a living.

Weir is the eldest sister of this group of witches, and the only witch with the title of famous craftsman for her skillful skills.

However, Will ran away one day, and no one knew where the famous craftsman witch had gone.

Uh-huh, please don't call me by my previous name. My name is Fulilian now~ The witch sister corrected the silent magician with a shy look.


The reason why you ran away was actually to live such a depraved life every day?

Zhen Momo looked at the witch sister who had gained a few pounds, and the disgust on her face became more and more serious.

I hate going to work, what's wrong with refusing to get involved? The witch sister said matter-of-factly. Her dream was to be a loser who could sleep all day.

I eat when I wake up, sleep after eating, and read comics when I’m bored.

As long as she is good enough, no one can take advantage of her or take advantage of her.

The witchcraft elder sister was proud of her depravity. As for the witchcraft workshop?

She believes that the costume witch will be able to shoulder the responsibility and help the workshop continue to operate.

Yes, this is the second dream of the witch sister. While she is a waste, others will help her work, and she can feel free to use the money to squander and be lazy.

You are such a sage. Zhen Momo pretended that he was not familiar with this woman, but it was a pity that it was impossible.

The witch sister has become You Miao's elf, and Zhen Shenmen may have to face this guy every day.

It's boring. You Miao thinks that a single Witch's Sorcery is useless, because the Witch's Sorcery deck is very difficult for the system.

If you can't rely on the subordinates of your own system to specially summon the eldest sister, then You Miao will have to use the normal superior summon to summon the eldest sister Weier who has the witch spell.

No, this girl has changed her name now. She calls herself Fulilian.

There is no harm in having one more elf, so You Miao just thinks that the witch sister is a mascot like Xiaolan.

Who is she? Kyoko walked up and asked.

After this period of precipitation, Kyoko can already see different dueling elves.

She heard all the conversation between the witch sister and Zhen Momo just now.

The witch sister looked at Kyoko and said indifferently:

Hmm, this woman has great potential.

I really like her.

Xingzi's lips trembled slightly: That's it. Thank you for your exaggeration.

The witch sister herself is a very cute loli, but after gaining a few pounds, Kyoko felt uncomfortable just looking at her.

She would rather the other party didn't praise her, and Kyoko didn't want to turn into a tank like the witch sister.

Going back. You Miao randomly stuffed the witch sister into the deck, and he and Xingzi were released directly from inside the light block.

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