I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 248 Sudden Challenge

The third strengthening effect of the Source of Fear is very similar to that of the Titan Soldier.

The Titan Soldier's Divine Fist Crush uses two monsters as sacrifices, destroying all monsters on the opponent's field and inflicting 4000 combat damage.

Source of Fear's Evil Fist Crush also sacrifices two monsters, but directly excludes the opponent's hand cards and graveyard, and deals 300 effect damage for each monster.

To be honest, this effect is more powerful than Divine Fist Crush.

The first mover removes cards and flushes the toilet (graveyard) on the opposite side.

The only pity is that this Evil Fist Smash can only be used if the source of fear is normally summoned. Without this restriction, it would simply take off.

The last evil god card.

【The Obliterator】

①: The attack power and defense power of this card become the number of cards on the opponent's field x 1000.

②: Can be activated at any stage of your turn. Tribute this card and send it to the graveyard.

③: This card can be activated when it is released by your own effect or destroyed and sent to the graveyard. All cards on the field will be sent to the graveyard.

④: It can be activated when this card is sent to the graveyard. The owner of this card can get one time in this duel to resurrect the Evil God monster in the graveyard regardless of the summoning conditions. This resurrection effect can be used in the opponent's turn. This effect lasts for one time. Can only be used once during a duel.

Hey, so powerful? You Miao was frightened.

The first three effects are actually the real-card version mixed with the original version of the Obliterator. Apart from the highlight that it can send the Obliterator to the grave at any stage of its turn, there is no real change in essence.

What is really powerful is the fourth effect. This effect can be used to stack graves using card effects such as Angel Alms or Stupid Burial. It can be activated without sending graves on the field.

When using the ④ effect, You Miao can resurrect an evil monster in the graveyard anytime and anywhere during this duelist, and can even use it during the opponent's turn.

The Obliterator is actually an opportunity. Just imagine, if there are already Black Preserved Eggs and Salted Fish Origin in the graveyard, You Miao can resurrect these two evil gods during the opponent's turn.

Resurrecting the black preserved egg can block the opponent's monster attacks and effects.

Resurrecting the Source of Fear forces taunting

Don’t forget, evil gods don’t have the restriction of “returning to dust” like illusory gods.

I don't understand. Why do the Three Evil Gods have descriptions of their effects, and these words are the same as ghost-drawing talismans. Kyoko said with a puzzled look on her face.

Obviously these three cards were just a blank slate, which shows what You Miao did to these three cards just now.

Well, it should be related to these three stone slabs. You Miao didn't explain everything clearly, but he didn't lie either.

Without these three stone slabs, the evil god would not be strengthened.

Xingzi kicked her feet. She knew that You Miao had not told everything, but she was not discouraged.

Because, Xingzi opened the duel plate and challenged You Miao here! !

What, you want to challenge me?

You Miao's eyes widened and his pupils were trembling, because he didn't expect Xingzi to be so overestimated.

If it was Yami Yugi who challenged You Miao to a duel, then he would be very happy and take it for granted.

But Xingzi, did you secretly drink a ton of liquor just now?

What are you doing in broad daylight?

I'm serious. A true duelist lets his duel speak for itself.

I was subjected to a complex mix of truth and concealment!

The duel disk made a beep beep sound, which showed that Kyoko was indeed not joking. At the same time, she smiled and made a request: If I can win this duel, then you must promise me one thing unconditionally.

Kyoko knew that she would have a conflict with the organization called Doma next, so she could only deliberately choose this opportunity to be alone to do so.

Why does You Miao feel that the painting style of things is gradually moving towards the direction of the book?

What if you lose? You Miao asked Xingzi.

Hmm, if I lose, then I will unconditionally promise you something? Xingzi asked tentatively.

? ? ?

What is the development direction of this book? You Miao sighed and agreed to the duel.

Xingzi was interested in dueling, so Yu Miao planned to make an exception in this duel. He wanted to test Xingzi's current level.

As for Kyoko winning?

That's impossible, but You Miao doesn't know what this woman can do.

At this time, AI and Oxbridge actually appeared together, and these two guys started to confuse them as if they had agreed.

[Hehehehe, a really stupid woman actually made such a request. Mr. You Miao, you must use your true skills and teach her a lesson by putting her in 360 postures. Secretly, I can collect all the information on the Internet. All kinds of perversions]

[Jie Jie Jie, that’s right, how can you let go of the opportunity to open the door for a big player? 】

[Master, there are only two of you here, win the duel quickly and then use the Ruyi Telescopic Stick to teach you a lesson. 】

Although what AI said was bullish, it was not that exaggerated, but how dare the Ox Swordsman drive so blatantly?

You Miao gave Lao Ai a task a long time ago. As long as the Ox Swordsman comes out and talks nonsense, it will come out and beat it.

The poor Ox Swordsman was afraid of Lao Ai's iron fist before, so it has restrained itself a lot recently.

But this time it couldn't help it anymore and had to come out to give its owner some advice.

Such a good opportunity to open a cow, whether there is a cow or not, is a heinous crime.

Therefore, before Ox Swordsman finished speaking, he was punched away by Lao Ai.

As for the AI ​​with horns, You Miao suspected that this guy had been exposed to bad information while surfing the Internet. He probably had to find a way to target it to prevent the AI ​​from being corrupted by the Ox Swordsman.

Come on, Kyoko.

You Miao opened the duel disk and accepted the duel.

As for what to do with Kyoko?

You Miao has already thought about it!


Kyoko: 4000LP

You Miao: 4000LP

My turn, draw a card. You Miao drew a card from the deck, and he activated the magic card to erase the hand.

Both sides send all the cards in their hands to the graveyard, and then draw identical cards again.

I usually summon the twin spirits.

Liberate this monster, special summon my favorite monster card, the true silent magician!!


The powerful power of silence exploded, and the female magician with the best appearance and figure entered the scene.

[True Silent Magician: 1000 → 2500 attack power, magician type]

Favorite monster card?

Kyoko narrowed her eyes as she landed on the True Silent Magician, her heart rising with vigilance.

End turn.

It's your turn, let me see your current strength.

Although You Miao didn't use all his strength, he came to the duel with the idea of ​​testing Xingzi, so he was looking forward to the opponent's progress.

Hmph, I'm different from before. Draw a card. Kyoko drew a card and activated the magic card in her hand: Fallen Angel's Pursuit!!

[Release of Fallen Angels: Add 1 Fallen Angel card other than Release of Fallen Angels from the deck to your hand. 】

This is a universal retrieval card in the Fallen Angel deck. Unfortunately, You Miao directly used the effect of True Silence Magician.

Well! !

The true silent magician raised his staff and directly invalidated the fallen angel's pursuit.

Hmph, what a nasty female elf. Kyoko's tone gradually became uncomfortable.

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