I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 245 The Wrath of God

Because the Phantom God possesses too much power, after the special summoning round ends, he will definitely be affected by the dust restriction.

I didn't expect that the three evil gods, while enjoying excessive power, did not have to bear the negative influence of the rules.

Wang Yang looked at the two fierce evil gods on the Pegasus Night Parade, and suddenly felt a very unfair depression.

However, when You Miao learned that there was no restriction on the evil god's death, he was only surprised for a few seconds, and then acted as if nothing had happened.

Due to the negative impact of unintentional greed, You Miao cannot draw cards this round.

You can't draw cards. Can you beat me with the two cards in your hand? Tianma Yexing laughed wildly. He didn't believe that You Miao could do it.

What's wrong with Wadokana? Youmiao's graveyard suddenly glowed. He excepted Transaction Rollback to copy a card, and the copied card was unintentional greed! !

[You Miao: 1200LP → 600LP]

Suddenly, You Miao found that his skills were burning again.

There are 3 skills for drawing cards → fictional card drawing! !

Is this the evolution of “skills”?

You Miao was very surprised, because the skill came from the system, but he didn't use any rewards or props.

Why are skills evolving again?

You Miao's original prototype skill is BGM card drawing.

Later, with the integration of AI, this BGM skill evolved into there are three skills for drawing cards.

Could it be that this evolution has something to do with AI? ?

[Fictional card drawing: A special skill generated from the Internet source storm. It can only be used when the health value is below 1000 points. When you draw a card, you will make a fictional judgment. There is a certain probability that after the judgment is successful, you will directly start from If you obtain a fictional card that does not exist outside the game and use it, the description card in the effect text of the fictional card will be directly quoted and matched. If the judgment fails, you will receive a powerful card that transcends the world of the current era. Tip: Each time this skill is used, it will consume 1,000 card dust points. This skill can only be used once in a duel. There are no Fake Card Lover and Pai Lao Soul talents as well as Ignis. or as a prerequisite, this skill cannot be used.】

You Miao paused for a moment. He felt that something was wrong with this skill.

The source of another mutation in skills is indeed Ignis.

Tom AI poked its head out of the dark duel plate, and You Miao discovered that the AI ​​no longer looked like Tom Cat.

This thing turned into a cow?

That's right, it's a cow.

At first, Anai's body has two sharp horns on its head, which makes it look outstanding at first glance.

Lord You Miao, how do you like my look? Niutou AI asked confidently.

The AI ​​has indeed evolved, and based on its simulation and observation of Master You Miao, this shape is definitely the best form to hide deep in the other party's heart.

Go away. You Miao scolded directly. He suspected that the evolution of AI was most likely related to Haima using it to attack other programs.

AI can evolve all the time even if it is placed in the online world, let alone actively let it attack and devour other programs.

The evolution of Ignis is the biggest accomplice to the evolution of You Miao's skills.

You Miao remains optimistic about the evolution of AI, but the new shape of AI is really difficult for him to accept.

a cow?

Grass! !

Soon, You Miao noticed the scary thing about this skill, that is, this skill does not need to be activated in the card drawing phase.

As long as the prerequisites are met, You Miao can even use it passively when drawing cards for effects other than the card drawing stage.

For example, as long as You Miao's health is up to standard, he can use this skill at the same time when he uses the Heavenly Treasure Card.

Then You Miao can draw up to 6 non-existent cards or 6 powerful cards at one time.

You Miao activated Wild Greed from the graveyard through the transaction rollback effect. Now is the best opportunity to test the strength of this skill. It only costs 1,000 dust to be used once, which makes him feel very distressed.

Sir You Miao, the little one is ready. The Niutou AI reached out and touched its horns. It wanted to know that You Miao was going to use a new skill.

Shut up! You Miao still can't accept AI's new look.

If you love someone, you have to accept them for who they are, but You Miao doesn't love AI, so he has the right to refuse.

Out of sight!

A true duelist can even draw cards by himself, and such a duelist is synonymous with miracles!! You Miao roared this line in front of everyone.

Hey, You Miao, do you know what you are talking about? Jonouchi didn't understand, but he was shocked.

That's very well said. It's worthy of You Miao. When An Yuxi heard this, he agreed with it.

Because dark games often create miracles (print cards) in this way.

What nonsense are you talking about? Tianma Yexing couldn't understand, and his expression was ugly.

The light of the void emerged, and You Miao raised his right hand to grab the sky. A miracle happened, he caught this light! !

[Tip: Determination successful! 】

You Miao's eyes were sharp. He put his hand on the deck and swiped hard: Draw a card!!

Two cards wrapped with white Light of the Void were pulled out from the deck, and You Miao placed these two cards in front of him.


These two cards shocked You Miao.

Strong, too strong.

You Miao activated one of the non-existent cards: Ritual Magic Card, Domain of God!!

[Domain of Gods: Remove one card each of Sky Dragon of Osiris, Obelisk's Titan Soldier, and Wings of the Sun God from the graveyard, hand card, deck, and field out of the game. , after three turns, the Wrath of God ritual monster is specially summoned from the graveyard, hand, or deck. The activation and effect of this card will not be negated. 】

No, it's impossible. Tianma Yexing looked horrified, feeling an extremely terrifying force emerging. This feeling is exactly like you personally crashing into the crater of a volcano that is about to erupt.

Three rounds are too long. I'm going to activate this magic card from my hand and jump the round! You Miao pulled out the magic card and activated it.

The turn jump of the anime version of the card allows You Miao to fast forward three turns directly from this turn. This is a card that Xiao Biao later used in the Rite of Duel like the Meng Yin King.

When three rounds passed, the real terror of God's Domain emerged.

Ding ding ding.

The familiar Wrath of God BGM appears, but this time it is the real Wrath of God! !

The three fantasy cards in Youmiao's graveyard were eliminated, and he raised another card activated by the Imaginary Card Drawing skill from his hand:

The elves sing, the eternal power controls all things!

When light and darkness meet, the ritual of summoning the obelisk begins!

When the sky is filled with thunder and chaos, its power can be infinite!

Come out, the wrath of God that destroys the life of all things!!!


Within a quarter of an hour, the earth really shattered, and at the same time, You Miao found that the dark energy and fighting spirit in his body were being drained rapidly, and the passing essence poured into the card in his hand.

The light condenses in nothingness, and the three-color light pillars of red, gold, and blue are constantly changing and entangled. This is the miracle of life and the final chapter of the ending.

Tianma Yexing's expression was beautiful, sweat covered his entire face, and he felt a fear erupting from the inside out.

Not only him, but the three evil gods are afraid! !

What on earth is this! ?

Boom! !

After the light dispersed, a blue ritual monster card was placed in the Youmiao Duel Disk area.

[Wrath of God, ∞ attack power, phantom beast clan/ritual]

This ritual monster of God's Wrath is actually a sky dragon wrapped around the giant god soldier with its body, and its left arm is entangled by the winged dragon that turned into a phoenix.

Isn't this the giant coward using Energy Max?

But let's look at it more seriously. After this God's Wrath entered the scene, huge red flames spread from behind. There was even a giant golden halo.

What kind of monster is this? Tianma Yexing was so flustered that he could not speak coherently, because the trap card he covered could not be used at all.

Stupid, this is not a monster, but a Camida. Kaiba was disgusted with Pegasus Yakou's cowardice, and he immediately started to complain.

You Miao watched Tianma Yexing frantically pressing the duel disk like a fool, and he explained:

It's useless. With the wrath of God in the God's Domain, the summons will not be invalidated.

After the Wrath of God is successfully summoned, the opponent cannot activate or place cards. This is an effect targeting the duelist.

And. God's Wrath will destroy all the cards on the opponent's field!!

After listening, Tianma Yexing's pupils dilated. He kept shaking his head as if to escape reality and said:

Impossible, it's impossible for such a monster to exist. Are you kidding me?

The evil god is not afraid of you, the three illusory gods.

As soon as he finished speaking, God's wrathful expression began to rage!

The wrath of God will kill millions of people!

The source of fear and the obliterator were destroyed on the spot. Even the subsequent effects of the obliterator were suppressed by the wrath of God and could not be activated.

The god Wrath of God actually far surpasses the three evil gods in terms of class, and can actually destroy and suppress the effects of the evil gods. Tianma Yexing began to think to himself.

You Miao has never taken the original Three Evil Gods, but he estimates that the resistance of the Three Evil Gods is roughly the same as that of the Phantom God.

Phantom God does not accept the effects of any opponent's monsters below level 10, nor can it be destroyed, excluded, or overwritten by the effects of cards other than divine attributes.

Wrath of God is 12 stars, and it is of divine attribute and phantom beast type, so it is naturally qualified to destroy other God cards.

However, if Tianma Yexing cares so much about this god-level position, then You Miao also said that the Wrath of God summoned by the elimination ritual of three phantom god cards is obviously of a higher level.

It's a pity that this non-existent card is supported by You Miao's own fighting spirit and dark power.

Although this card is powerful and requires three illusory gods to sacrifice, it is obviously impossible to compare with the Creator God of Light.

Unless one day You Miao's strength can match that of Guangchuang, then this Wrath of God can also rely on You Miao to match the opponent's strength.

There is another problem. You Miao suspects that these two cards will disappear after the duel is over.

Because this is a fictitious card draw created using storm data.

You have already lost. You Miao said lightly.

Wrath of God is present, and Pegasus Night Walk cannot activate card effects or place cards. How do you receive an infinite punch?

The evil gods raised their white flags and surrendered!

Fight! You Miao let God's Wrath attack.

This punch contains overwhelming anger, which is a hundred times more terrifying than a simple smashing blow from the Divine Fist! !

Tianma Yexing knelt on the ground, and the shadow of this God's Wrathful Fist made him accept his fate.

He lost.

0 0, I owe a chapter, I will make it up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

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