I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 242 Who is the villain?


A rag was stuffed into Keppei's mouth, and he could only show his dissatisfaction by kicking his feet on the ground.

Tenma walked up to Keihei at night. He reached out to take off the rag and gave him a hard slap in the face.

The entire right side of Keihei's face was swollen. Tenma Yakou pinched Keihei's small face with one hand and said in a sinister and terrifying tone:

Just wait, you will see your brother soon, and then I will send you two brothers to hell together.

For what Kaiba did to my adoptive father, you two brothers must pay the most painful price.

Keppei was startled by the craziness of Tenma Yakou, and he felt that the man in front of him was mentally disturbed.

Seeing the vague black energy emanating from Tenma Yakou, Keipei felt as if his soul was about to leave his body. For a moment, he even forgot how to react. This feeling was so terrifying.

Tianma Yexing has completely lost his mind, or in other words, under the influence of the three evil gods, he has gradually separated from human nature. Only the thought of revenge supports his body and moves.

Keihei closed his eyes and his body was shaking. He was afraid of the time bomb on his body.


Why is it another time bomb?

Why does everyone who wants to kidnap themselves have to tie this thing?

Who is it? Tianma Yexing felt an evil aura approaching him. The other party did not conceal his whereabouts at all. He was really arrogant!

The silver pyramid blocks swayed, and the man appeared.

You Miao! After Guiping saw the person coming, he immediately shouted excitedly: Hurry up and save me.

Duel King?

Tenma Yakou looked at this uninvited guest and said, I don't have time to greet you. Where is Seto Kaiba?

He has no ill intentions, he just wants revenge on Seto Kaiba!

If the Duel King wants to get in the way, Pegasus Yakou doesn't mind destroying the opponent!

Because the relationship between the evil god and the phantom god is very delicate, Tianma Yexing, who was indirectly influenced by the evil god, could hardly suppress the desire in his body. He almost rushed forward to tear You Miao into pieces.

In the end, Pegasus Yakou's hatred for Kaiba was overwhelming.

Oh, it seems you are more interested in seahorses.

It seems that you are a heartless guy.

You Miao's tone and smile were strange. A ghostly soul floated out of the light block, and he grabbed it in one fell swoop.

This...is the soul of Becas! !

What, is it father? Tianma Yexing looked quite shocked. He thought Becas was dead.

Oh, Night Walk. Becas was forced out. He originally thought that You Miao was going to hand him over to the other party, and there was a good show of recognition between father and son.

But the next second, Becas let out a painful cry, because You Miao was using his dark energy to torture the father of duel monsters.

Hahahaha, Pegasus Night Walk, Becas was in my hands, weren't you very proud just now? You Miao began to torture Becas in front of the other party.

No, don't, let him go quickly. Tianma Yexing looked at Becas's face twisted in pain, and he wanted to kill You Miao.

Come on, if you dare to move, I will kill Becas. You Miao spoke with a villain's face. He even smiled evilly, and even AI showed a cat smile from the dark duel plate. jpg.

The evil smile of one person and one AI made Becas very frightened. He had no idea why he became a hostage?

Not only Becas, but also Keppei, who was sitting on the ground, felt confused. He found that the situation was completely messed up.

It was supposed to be Pegasus Nightwalk as the villain, using himself as a hostage to threaten Kaiba.

Now it has become You Miao who takes Becas's soul as a hostage to threaten Tianma Yexing.

Is this script wrong?

Damn it, if you dare to touch my father, I will kill this brat. Tianma Yexing tried to use Guiping's life as a threat, but unfortunately You Miao was not afraid at all, and instead increased the output of dark power.

Becas's soul even began to show signs of collapse.

Finally, under the influence of the three evil gods, Tenma Yakou couldn't bear it anymore, and he threw Keppei aside as garbage.

Dark game, start!

Under the dark power of the three evil gods, Tianma Yexing forcibly launched a dark game against You Miao.

How could You Miao be passive?

He also launched the Dark Game together.

Tianma Yexing bet on the three evil gods, and all You Miao had to pay was Becas's soul.

Only then did Bekas realize that You Miao's real goal was never to save Guiping but the Three Evil Gods!

Duel*2! !

You Miao: 4000LP

Tianma Night Walk: 4000LP

My turn, draw a card. You Miao activated the magic card from his hand, Angel's Charity!

Through this magic card, You Miao drew three cards and piled two cards from his hand into the grave.

Among them, the card sent to the graveyard is the Dandelion White Lion. When this card is sent to the graveyard from the hand or the field, three furry white tokens will be born.

[White wool derivative, 0 defense, plant type]

What, three derivatives? Pegasus Yexing's eyes exuded a terrifying black mist, and he had transferred his hatred for Seto Kaiba to You Miao.

Love will not disappear for no reason, it will only transfer.

In the same way, the same goes for hatred.

Let's meet the real gods. You Miao summoned three white wool tokens as sacrifices.


At this moment, thunder and lightning flashed, terrifying energy spread, and a huge figure slowly descended

[The Sky Dragon of Osiris,? Attack power, phantom beast clan]

The attack power of Sky Dragon depends on the number of cards in my hand. You Miao raised the four cards in his hand.

[Osiris Sky Dragon:? →4000 attack power]

God's Card! The moment Tianma Yexing saw the god appear, he almost couldn't suppress the restlessness in his body, because it was the anger of the evil god. He roared: So what, don't think you can win by summoning the God's Card in one turn. deal.

Really? You Miao showed a strange smile. He showed three identical magic cards in his hand and said, You are lucky, let me have a healthy hand.

[Forcibly induced soldiers: Confirm the cards in the opponent's hand, and return 1 card from them to the deck. 】

Banned card 3-hit combo! !

If the Twin Demons are a mindless random cut of 1 and 2, then this banned card is fine cut! !

In Yu-Gi-Oh, the benefits of fine cutting are much higher than that of blind cutting, and forced soldiers are a noble return to the deck, far more powerful than sending twin demons to the graveyard.

Damn it, you still put three of these cards? Tianma Yexing was shocked by You Miao's shamelessness.

You Miao looked indifferent. As long as he could win, wouldn't releasing banned cards be a child's play?

In this world without Coca-Cola girls, there are such strong ban cards, why don’t you let them go?

Tianma Yexing showed the cards in his hand reluctantly, and You Miao took a good look.

Lightning strike, evil god-the annihilator, the resurrection of the dead, and the summary of the military god.

You Miao chose to bounce all three cards, namely Lightning Strike, Destroyer, and Resurrection of the Dead, back into Pegasus Night Walk's deck.

Tianma Yexing watched helplessly as the evil god was sent back to the deck, and he was so angry that he couldn't do anything about it.

Cover the last card in hand. You Miao ended the round like this.

Due to using up all the cards in his hand, the attack power of the Sky Dragon on Youmiao dropped from 4000 to zero, as if it had withered.

[Sky Dragon: 4000→0 attack power]

What a fool, summoning the God Card only to have its attack power drop to 0! Pegasus Yexing angrily drew cards from the deck. He would not be defeated by such a despicable tactic.

You Miao's eyes flickered. He was not covering trap cards like Down, otherwise Pegasus Night Travel would lose the joy of playing Yu-Gi-Oh!

Sky Dragon has the effect of summoning thunder bullets, so it is impossible for a monster with less than 2000 attack power to defeat Sky Dragon with 0 attack power.

Hahahaha, luck is indeed on my side. Father, I will be able to rescue you soon. Tianma Yexing raised a card in his hand.

You Miao had never seen this card before. He estimated that it was an unknown anime card belonging to the other party.

The resonance of the evil god!

Discard a 5-star or above monster in your hand to the graveyard, randomly send an evil monster from the deck to the graveyard, and then I draw a card from the top of the deck. Tianma Yexing discarded the military god Guanbu to the graveyard, and the card The group randomly piled up a monster card of Evil God.

Next, is the fateful draw! !

Evil draw card. Tianma Yexing forcefully drew a card from the deck.

This card is. The dead come to life!

When You Miao saw the Pegasus Night God bringing the dead back to life, he only thought it was classic, because this feeling was familiar to him.

Sometimes when you are playing cards, you have a great sense of déjà vu by shuffling those scraps back into your deck and drawing them again!

You are so unlucky, hahahaha. The dark energy released from Tianma Yexing's body continued to rise, and he indeed felt that he was very lucky.

Magic card, the dead come to life!

Pegasus travels at night to resurrect the evil god in the cemetery.

Hahaha, this is not a monster, but a Kami!

Come out, evil god - the annihilator.

A terrifying black mist erupted from Pegasus Yexing, and a huge black light belt slowly rolled out behind him, and within the light belt, a long black dragon slowly crawled out.

This is the evil god who opposes the sky dragon.

[Evil God-The Destroyer,? Attack power, evil beast clan]

Hahaha, the attack power of the Obliterator is the number of cards on the opponent's field * 1000 points. After Tianma Yexing finished speaking, the energy permeating the sky dragon began to be absorbed by the Obliterator.

[The Obliterator:? →2000 attack power]

Stupid, the moment your evil god enters the scene, your ability to summon thunder bullets is activated. You Miao pointed at the evil god, the Destroyer, and shouted: Take 2,000 points of damage for me.

The sky dragon opened its mouth, and he fiercely sprayed out a golden ball of light.

However, something unexpected happened.

Tianma Yexing yelled with a arrogant look on his face: Hahahahaha, the evil god has the same resistance as the phantom god, and his class is above the phantom god, so the obliterator is not affected by the effect of the sky dragon, and the attack of summoning thunder bullets will be ineffective. !”


A black shield stretched out in front of the Obliterator, absorbing the sky dragon's thunder bullets.

You Miao was confused. He remembered that the god class should be a setting of anime and comics. If it were in K language, it should be the occasion where the evil gods entered the scene and would not be affected by any effects.

Attack. Tianma Yexing roared.

The Obliterators launched a fierce attack on the Sky Dragon.

If the Obliterator is affected by the Thunder Summoning Bullet, then 2000 attack power is not a big deal, but the Evil God does not take advantage of the Thunder Summoning Bullet.

I was fooled. I opened the overridden trap card, with no intention of greed. You Miao activated the trap card.

[Wild Greed: Draw 2 cards from the deck, and then skip the card drawing phase twice. 】

You Miao quickly drew two cards from the deck, and at the same time added two more cards to his hand. Sky Dragon's attack began to increase.

[Sky Dragon: 0→2000 attack power]

[Evil God: 2000→1000 attack power]

This way the attack power will surpass that of the Evil God. You Miao said loudly.

boom! !

The Obliterator was sprayed back by the Sky Dragon!

Terrifying thunder cannons annihilated the Obliterators.

【Night Walk: 4000LP→3000LP】

Uh ah ah, damn it, it turns out there is a trap card that can increase the number of cards in the hand. Pegasus Ye Xing's whole body flashed with red lightning, which was the punishment brought by the dark game.


When the Obliterator is sent to the graveyard, the evil god's most terrifying destructive effect is also activated.

That's stupid. When this card of Destroyer is sent to the graveyard, all cards on the field must be sent to the graveyard together with Destroyer. Even God is no exception. Pegasus Yakou roared.

Sky Dragon cannot be destroyed or excluded by cards other than divine attributes.

But the Obliterator itself is of divine nature, and the Obliterator's tomb-sending power can erase even gods together.

Although it sounds like a lot of bad words, this is the strongest point of the Obliterator.

An irresistible force of erasure passed through the monster area. The sky dragon let out a mournful cry and was carried into the cemetery by the powerful force of erasure.

In this contest, Tianma Yexing seemed to have found no advantage, but his round was not over yet.

Activate the Evil God Resonance effect in the Graveyard. When this card is activated during the turn when an Evil God monster on my field is sent to the Graveyard, I can draw two cards from the deck.

Pegasus Night Walk adds 2 cards to your hand from the deck.

I cover the two cards and end the turn. Tianma Yexing handed the turn to You Miao. He wanted to see what the opponent could do with only two cards in his hand since he couldn't draw cards in the next two turns.

I can't draw cards during my turn.

You Miao looked at the two cards in his hand, and he activated the stupid burial without hesitation.

I want to send this monster from the deck to the graveyard.

Tomai discards an Executioner to the graveyard. When this monster is sent to the graveyard, You Miao can activate a trap card from his hand this round.

The resurrected sky god! !

Select 1 Sky Dragon of Osiris from your graveyard to Special Summon.

After that, each side draws cards from the deck until the number of cards in their hand reaches 6.

Ding ding ding.

The Wrath of God BGM appeared, and it turned out that Tom AI was holding a small speaker to create the atmosphere.

The melon-eating dragon was resurrected from the graveyard, and his anger at being taken away by the Obliterator had nowhere to vent.

[Sky Dragon: 0→6000 attack power]

How could this happen? Kami was resurrected at this time!? Tianma Yexing was startled by You Miao, the resurrected sky god.

Not only can the God Card resurrect the graveyard, it can also allow both parties to replenish their hand cards.

There are too few cards of the Three Evil Gods, whether they are real cards or comics.

So there are one or two original 0 0s, but they are also in line with their daily card printing characteristics.

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