I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 235 AI shows its power


Damn it, the cannon fodder swordsman is chasing me.

Don't come here, Axe, don't come here, I don't want to fencing.

The streets of Tongshiye City are very scary, with all kinds of monsters running rampant everywhere.

The duelist who controlled the cards became the target of persecution by the monster cards.

However, if the forest is big, there will be people for all kinds of birds.

There is a small group of perverted duelists who suddenly feel that it is not a bad thing that monster cards can be transformed into real monsters.

Because these duelists have already coveted certain girl monsters, they are eager to take this opportunity to turn the virtual projection of the girl monster into an existence that they can actually touch.


The waist of the dancing warrior is so thin, I feel like I can do it.

Hey, it's the Fragrance Mage. For them, I can turn into a werewolf!!

No, you can't, you idiot, go back quickly.

What a pity, how could these perverted duelists listen?

Therefore, their grave grass is destined to be several meters tall next year.

This group of perverted duelists have proven one thing with their lives, that being transformed into real monsters can indeed harm humans.

Suddenly, the city, no, the whole world began to be in chaos!

Yugi, Jonouchi and others met. Of course, they were the first to know that something like this happened in this city.

Since it is related to the duel plate, it is definitely related to the kc group.

kc building!

Something great must have happened in that place.

Yugi, Jonouchi and others all rushed towards the KC building. On the way, they encountered many duel monsters blocking the way.

Ah, let me, Mr. Jonouchi, teach you a lesson. Handsome Jonouchi drew a red-eyed black dragon from the deck and placed it on the duel plate area.

Since the kc group's duel plate can transform cards into real monsters, then they can too! !


The scorching black flames spread, and the pitch-black dragon appeared.

It is the materialized true red-eyed black dragon.

Wow, Jonouchi, you are so handsome. Honda said excitedly.

It's a pity that the red-eyed black dragon summoned by Jonouchi turned against his controller after being handsome for only three seconds.

Black flame bullet! !


Jonouchi and the others were instantly blown away.

Good guy. Kyoko called him a good guy. Not only did this Jonouchi guy fail to help, he even summoned a red-eyed black dragon to blast them!

Everyone, please don't use monster cards with the first-generation duel disk in your hand. Wang Xiang opened the second-generation duel disk presented by Kaiba. This latest duel disk, which has not yet been released, did not show the flashy operation Jonouchi had just done.

Although the black magician and the black magic girl could be materialized, they did not lose control.

Wang Xiang looked at the first-generation duel disk on Jonouchi's arm. He thought there might be something wrong with the chip of the duel disk.

There are more and more monsters around, and Yugi is a bit unable to resist them alone. He has to be distracted to protect Jonouchi and others.


Kyoko's feet were grabbed by the swamp monster that emerged from the darkness, and she exclaimed: What is this?

Oops, Kyoko. Jonouchi wanted to help, but his duel disk would only do him no harm.

Moreover, the swamp monster was dragged away so fast that when Wang Yang noticed it, he had no time to act.

At this critical moment, the cry of the Winged Dragon appeared in the sky!

The golden winged dragon hovered in the sky, roaring continuously.

The mighty flames began to cover the entire street. At this time, the ground seemed to be scorched and turned into a black charred substance.

This is the terrifying thing about the mighty flames. As long as it is contaminated even a little, it will immediately turn into ashes.

Under the control of You Miao, the powerful flames did not cause any harm to Xingzi and others.

It's You Miao. He used the power of the God Card to help us. Xingzi said excitedly.


When the mighty flames spread, many physical monsters appeared all around.

You Miao stood on the head of the female imp. Through his golden eyes, he noticed a group of duelists hiding in the surrounding dark alleys. They were using duel disks to crazily transform these monsters to cause trouble.

The human wave tactic doesn't work for me.

The light block on You Miao's chest instantly released countless red rays of light at an astonishing speed.

This group of transformed mad monsters were all sealed by You Miao using light blocks, including the duelists who were hiding in the shadows and transforming monsters through duel disks. They were directly stuffed into the light with duel disks. in the city's jail.

Between the female imp's powerful flames and the blockade of the light blocks, no one could stop You Miao.

You Miao just took on a mission and he had to get to the KC building in a hurry.

[Adventure Mission: Attack of the Seahorse]

Details: The comatose Kaiba is trapped in the KC Building, and this landmark building in the former Toshino City is counting down to self-destruction.

Goal: Prevent the building from exploding or rescue Seto Kaiba



Time: 30 minutes

Tip: Forcibly breaking through and destroying the KC building from the outside will directly cause a terrorist explosion.

When You Miao saw this mission, his first instinct was that the KC Group not only had internal and external troubles, but also had traitors.

If there were no traitors, how could this building have a self-destruct explosion program?

It couldn't have been something Kaiba did on a whim before, right?

Wang Xiang and others appeared on the back of the female devil, which caused the female devil to be extremely dissatisfied: This group of trash can be so hot just by running, how can we let them come up together?

Wang Xiang's expression was not right, but he could understand the ancient language of God's Card. He looked at the winged dragon at his feet, his expression extremely distorted at this moment.

Something happened between KC Group and Haima tonight, and Wang Xiang's side wasn't much better, because his God Card was stolen!

You Miao knew that Doma would be eyeing the God Card in Wang Yang's hand, but he didn't expect them to be so fast.

Tianma Yexing took action against the KC Group tonight, and as expected, Doma also played an invisible role behind the scenes.

The God Card was stolen, and I chased after him with the intention of stopping him.

But that guy named Raphael said that Kaiba's life is in danger, and there is such a change in Doushino City, so I can only rush back for the time being.

When Wang Xiang said this, his tone was obviously very unhappy.

The card of the Phantom God was stolen by the other party, and Raphael's tone and demeanor were very calm, as if Wang Yang, Jonouchi and the others were playing tricks on each other.

Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will probably not be in a good mood.


Putting Doma's things aside for now, there are more important things to do now. You Miao relied on the light blocks to sweep all the way, and they successfully reached the bottom of the KC building.

It's just that the KC building is indeed under control. The windows and other locations are all locked with steel plates, making it look airtight.

Rebecca took Oga Ryuuji's place, and she also followed, and she had been tapping on her laptop from just now.

This building has been equipped with at least eight explosion programs. Once detonated, the entire building, no, this place will be affected by a huge explosion.

Rebecca was not one of those idiots from the KC Group. She began to try to invade the inside from the outside.

She plans to seize control of the building, and Rebecca even wants to use alternative means to try to stop the explosion process.

Wang Yang quietly went offline and returned his body to aibo.

Because Rebecca will be full of energy when she sees aibo. At this time, asking aibo to cheer her up will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Come on Rebecca. Xiaobiao cheered for the other party. There was more than just Kaiba inside the KC building. If it really exploded, the consequences would be disastrous.

Hehe, Darling, I am invincible. Rebecca is a computer genius. She can destroy a team of hackers by herself.

About ten minutes later, Rebecca's forehead was covered with sweat because she underestimated the solid procedures for controlling the KC building.

Impossible, how come I can't break in? Rebecca couldn't believe this fact. She was the most outstanding genius girl. How could the KC Group's stupid control program and firewall stop her?

It's not that Rebecca is arrogant, after all, KC Group is famous for its silver gun and wax head, and it uses the most expensive money to exchange for the most vicious beatings.

So Rebecca really didn't take this matter to heart, but the fact was that Rebecca was forced to do so.

It hurts! !

Very shameful.

After all, Rebecca’s order was still there.

Don't waste my time, let me do it! You Miao picked up Rebecca with one hand and threw the foreign girl to Xingzi's side.

Rebecca's eyes were on fire. She looked at You Miao and retorted: Give me another 10 minutes, and I will definitely be able to break in and finish this matter.

Regarding the duel, Rebecca admitted that she was no match for You Miao.

But she didn't think You Miao could be better than herself in this kind of network hacking.

You Miao didn't bother to explain. He had always been a ruthless person and didn't talk much.

AI, it's time to work. You Miao shouted to the black duel plate on his arm.

A round eye appeared, and then a Tom Cat emerged from the Youmiao duel plate.

Rebecca's skills may be very good, but in the online world, is there anyone more awesome than Ignis in Part 6?

Tom Ai patted his chest and signaled You Miao to leave this matter to him.

Under Rebecca's incredible gaze, Tom AI instantly transformed into a predator, and then launched a network intrusion in a weird way.

From the perspective of AI, everything can be viewed as a network storm, including a large number of malicious programs that control KC.

Through the special network transmission world, AI easily invaded the interior of the KC building and found the malicious program in less than 3 minutes.

This malicious program blocked a large number of entrances and exits of kc, and was also linked to a self-destruct program.

If you want to solve this problem, you have to solve this malicious program, and the best way to solve the malicious program is to play cards! !

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, everything is linked to playing cards!

This malicious program sensed the appearance of AI, and it immediately transformed into a red puppet without facial features, with a green magic circle pattern exposed on its forehead.

The duel begins! ! *2

Malicious program: 4000LP

ai: 4000LP

In the first round, the malicious program draws cards and directly places the field magic cards in its hand.

Oriha Gang's barrier! !


In an instant, the terrifying magic circle covered this illusory and real online world.

The AI's expression was very humane, showing some disdain, but it still patiently watched the other person continue to operate.

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