I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 224 City of Light

Hey, the plan to counter the three phantom gods? Isis took a breath. She didn't expect Becas to do these things secretly.

Don't bully her for not reading DC comics. Usually these anti-xxx plans will eventually lead to their own consequences.

Becas's tone gradually became weird, and it seemed that Isis really hit the mark.

Fearing the power of the Phantom God, Bekas angrily denounced the plan to rebel against the Phantom God, which was built with huge funds and progressed at a rapid pace.

Relying on the revelations and images in the dream, Bekas seemed to have divine help and quickly created three evil gods that could restrain the effects of the Phantom God cards! !

These are the Three Evil Gods!

The birth of these three cards surprised Becas, because he always felt that there was something wrong with the word evil god.

However, the evil god does have the terrifying power to restrain the phantom god. Bekas thinks this plan is very successful.

At this moment, something terrible happened.

These three evil god cards are not just ordinary cards. The researchers involved in this anti-god plan began to encounter nightmares.

Except for Becas, these people all died violent deaths, and the death conditions were all the same!

His face was as dry as tree bark, his eyeballs were bulging, and his whole body seemed to have been drained of energy by some terrifying monster. He looked very scary.

At that time, Becas realized that he had done something very stupid.

It is true that the evil god can restrain the illusory god, but the evil god is too evil and terrifying. Bekas immediately found a place to seal these three cards and all the research materials from that year.

The Evil God Card was successfully born, but this was a failed plan.

Bekas learned his lesson, and he started the second round of the anti-phantom god plan, and then he had the blue-eyed dragon that was said to be invincible and resistant.

Youmiao boy, I know you are interested in the three evil gods, but the evil gods have been sealed by me, and these cards will never appear again. Bekas said categorically.

I told you Wadokana. You Miao replied to Bekas with this sentence.

Sometimes, the most deadly thing is for a son to cheat on his father, and adoptive fathers and adopted children are no exception.

Okay, Becas, you go in first. You Miao shook the building blocks of light, and the scarlet light instantly shattered the glass balls in the air, and stuffed Becas's soul into the weird world inside the building blocks.

The mind labyrinth inside the Millennium Brick is a good place to store the soul. In theory, the inner world of the Light Brick can also store the soul.

That guy Anubis has explained this perfectly.

After sending Becas away, You Miao invited Isis to re-enter the mysterious world inside the Light Brick.


You Miao entered the spiritual world inside the building blocks of light, and the dark clouds in the sky were once again pierced by sharp silver horns.

This time, You Miao took Isis into the dilapidated city below that was full of history.

Becas was lying on the uneven ground with rolling yellow sand. You Miao kicked the guy, waking him up immediately.

Oh, what kind of place is this? The Bekas man was dumbfounded. His soul was trapped by the beads. That place was narrow and uncomfortable, which was completely opposite to this place.

Until I find your body, you can move around freely in this place. As the owner of the Building Blocks of Light, You Miao has the highest authority over this land.

If Bekas doesn't want to go back to reality and seal the other party in this inhospitable place, it's not impossible to become a security chief.

As the director of the Archaeological Bureau, Isis has been immersed in the nearby investigation alone. From time to time, she will exclaim some surprises and frown. Maybe this descendant of the tomb guard family has discovered some information.

The spiritual world inside the Building Blocks of Light is an endless desert world except for this dilapidated city.

Therefore, this dilapidated city must be the center of gravity. You Miao temporarily calls this backward and dilapidated city the City of Light.

The City of Light can not only store human souls, but also duel elves can be placed here.

So You Miao released the duel elves such as Lao Ai, Zhen Silu, Hot Girl and Hungry Poison Dragon all at once.

Suddenly, the City of Light was filled with demons dancing wildly, especially Lao Ai's huge body standing here like a mountain giant, giving people an extremely heavy sense of oppression.

Becas looked at so many elves, especially Exodia, who was filled with a sense of terror and oppression. He was really speechless.

——If I had so many powerful duel elves, would I still be humiliated by that guy An Zhiliang?

The City of Light is divided into two areas, the outer domain and the inner domain.

Outland, after Isis's inspection, these places should be the residences of the people, and these architectural styles are more distant than those of ancient Egypt 3,000 years ago.

If one had to determine a timeline, Isis could not give an accurate answer.

Oh, this is really fantastic. Could it be that this is the ancient Egyptian civilization from a more ancient era? Bekas is also very interested in this period of history. It was because of archeology that he found the stone slab of the Three Illusions Gods. Create monster cards of three phantom gods.

It seems that there is no information outside. The focus is on the huge building in the inner domain. Isis pointed to the distance. It was a huge palace that stood in the entire city, like an ancient god.

Above the palace, there is a giant sphere suspended, and on top of the sphere, there is a sharp tower stacked twice.

Isis looked at the giant ball with a solemn look in her eyes: What exactly is this place?

Prison. You Miao shook the light block on his chest. He looked at Isis and asked, Can you just ask me? This place belongs to me.

Although You Miao knows nothing about this place, he has the highest authority.

In just a second, Becas and Isis noticed that the surrounding images were flashing rapidly.

After returning to normal, You Miao had already used his authority to move their position inside the sharp tower suspended above the huge palace.

As You Miao said, the interior of this sharp tower with a ball tray at the bottom and suspended in mid-air is actually a prison.

boom! !

A mummy with a shriveled body was knocking on the door made of unknown material, and it was yelling: Let me out, damn it, you can't trap me here.

Yes, this guy is Anubis who has been clamoring to take back the Building Blocks of Light. You Miao sealed this guy into the prison inside the tower through the Building Blocks of Light.

Shut up. You Miao used his authority, and Anubis in the prison was suddenly hit by several red lightning bolts.

The piercing screams made Becas feel pain when he heard them.

In the prison next to Anubis, there is a severed arm exuding black mist. Yes, this is the unicorn arm of the Great Rabbit.

You Miao did not transform this thing for the time being. After all, the soul fragments of the evil god still had to be treated with caution, so he treated it coldly.

Garfield said that if you hit someone on the right cheek, you should also hit that person on the left cheek.

For the sake of fairness, since he tortured Anubis, he also tortured the remaining unicorn arm of the Rabbit Demon King.

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