I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 210: Blanching, it’s O (Yuan)

The super-fusion is lifted and the world is separated again.

Judai made his own choice. He was unwilling to become the overlord who controlled this time and space.

But people always have to grow.

Judai is no longer the poor student who wanted to stay before graduation.

Heroes are indeed handsome, but they are also the loneliest.

boom! !

With the powerful power of super-fusion release, the entire space collapsed and decomposed, and Judai also felt that his body was collapsing.

At the last moment, Yubel hugged Judai tightly, while Xin Yuxia hugged Yubel and Judai.

Because I am lonely, I know how to cherish those lost memories.

I really want to eat fried shrimp again. Judai closed his eyes.


The sound of seconds keeps ticking.

You Miao covered his ears with a pillow, and he kept recalling in his mind some of the words Judai said to him before leaving in the afternoon.

Judai became the Overlord. After the twelve worlds merged into one, that era had actually reached an alternative ending of destruction.

This era is controlled by the Overlord and has come to an end. You Miao tentatively calls this world the Overlord Timeline.

Paradox, a man from the future who originally planned to travel to the past to assassinate Bekas, accidentally traveled to the Overlord timeline.

The consequences were gratifying, and Paradox was hit on the head by the Overlord. It even caused the Overlord to take away the opponent's D wheel that could travel through the timeline, thus causing this big crisis.

Tongshi Noichi was almost destroyed by the Overlord.

Assume that the timeline of the paradox is world A, Overlord, the tenth generation, is in parallel world B, and You Miao is in parallel world C.

So, why does the Overlord go from B to C instead of from B to A?

Judai analyzed the information known about himself and Paradox, and he came up with a reason.

It's You Miao!

The development of Judai's world is basically the same as the timeline world in which Paradox lives. The departure of the Duel Palace, the birth of Muto Yugi, the Duel King, in Duel City, the construction of Duel Island, and Judai's entry into Orisis Red.

The timeline development history of A and B is basically consistent, except that branches began to appear from the tenth generation of different worlds.

Judai in World B did not wake up from the power of the Overlord. He was not saved, but truly degenerated into the evil Overlord.

Looking at worlds A and B, there is no such person as You Miao.

Duel King has always been Muto Yugi, not You Miao.

Judai believes that it may not be a coincidence that Paradox came to World B in the Overlord timeline.

And why did the Tenth Generation Overlord, who got the Paradox D wheel, come here?

Because of You Miao!

Overlord did not come to this world by chance, but he had to come to this world to meet You Miao.

The results of the future determine the causes of the past. You Miao recalled the time when he used a drift bottle to perform 5ds. The duelists at that time also said that they wanted to erase themselves.

cause and effect?


You Miao seemed to be targeted by something.

The reason for all this may be that due to You Miao's intervention, the future of this timeline will rush to an unknown ending.

Because the future is unknown, the past cannot be determined?

Isn't this just the exception of the inside?

Assuming that the future is no longer certain, but is in a covered state except for the inside, so the card information cannot be confirmed, and it cannot be determined what card it is.

Thinking of this, You Miao suddenly felt the desire for power and the desire to continue to become stronger.

As long as you are strong enough

When You Miao evolves into full resistance, there is no need to be afraid except for the inside.

Get stronger and start!

You Miao opened the mall, and he wanted to start making the resources accumulated during this period stronger.

Only by spending krypton gold can you become stronger!

Paradox offers several card packs, and Overlord also offers several.

You Miao opened the exclusive card packs of these two duelists.

There was no hope for Paradox. The cards that exploded were all bad cards from the Sin series, and You Miao didn't even look at them.

Who makes Uncle Paradox's Sin series too salty and has no cards at all?

The Overlord’s card pack is the highlight.

[Tip: Congratulations on triggering the talent Soul of Pai Lao! 】

[Congratulations on getting the link monster card Special Hero-Crossman (UR)*1]

[Congratulations on getting the link monster card Special Hero - Scepter Herald (SR)*1]

[Congratulations on getting the normal trap card Hero Blast SR*1]


The short answer is similar, Overlord’s dropped card packs are on the market.

Although the two link monsters are still useful, they are not used at all in the DM era.

The highlight is not the card pack dropped by the character at all, but the rewards of two special tasks!

[Special Mission: Invasion from the Future and Different Dimensions]

[Special Mission: Battle of Overlord]

Both tasks were accomplished perfectly.

Especially in [Battle of Overlords], You Miao not only defeated the opponent, but also accepted the use of hero reinforcement card packs to awaken the tenth generation.

Receive award!

[Tip: Congratulations on getting the special sustainable magic card Evil Heart Scripture.]

[Tip: Congratulations on getting spar*20000 and card dust*5000]

[Tip: Congratulations to the mall for unlocking the new card box.]

[Tip: Congratulations to the mall for unlocking the new build.]

[Tip: Congratulations on getting the Talent volume]

[Tip: Congratulations on getting the Elf Energy Fruit. 】

[Tip: Congratulations on getting Eraser (UR). 】

[Tip: Congratulations on getting the permission to select hero booster packs.]


Hiss. You Miao took a breath. He knew that the rewards for this big crisis mission would be very rich, but he didn't expect that so many prompts would pop up to receive the rewards for two missions at once.

These beautiful notification sounds really make You Miao feel happy.

He finally understood why those infinite flow protagonists in novels had to pile up mission rewards and wait to open them all at once.

When you see so many rewards and items, this feeling is really overwhelming.

You Miao first focused on the last card of the Evil Heart Doctrine.

The Scripture of Evil Mind!

This card is different from the other Evil Heart Doctrine cards. You Miao feels that this card really has something to it.

[Evil Heart Scripture (Sustainable Magic Card): The Evil Heart Scripture: Anger, Hatred, Bitterness, Sorrow, and Doubt. These five magic cards can only be activated by removing them from the field and the graveyard. The opponent will pay 800 life points each round. If the life points are not paid, the controller of this card can unconditionally special summon 1 monster from the extra deck to the field. If this card is destroyed, the specially summoned monster will also be destroyed. 】

As we all know, as long as the card effect involves the phrase ignore summoning conditions, it means that this card is extraordinary.

The anger, hatred, bitterness, sorrow, and doubt are indeed incredible, but this evil heart manual is outrageous.

Ignore the summoning conditions and pull out 1 monster from the extra deck.

Strong, too strong.

What, you said you need 5 magic cards of the Evil Heart Doctrine?

Are the activation conditions too harsh?

You Miao must take out the bitter choice to tell you what is the real bitterness.

Although the card pack dropped by Overlord has been withdrawn, the evil heart scripture that is rewarded by this mission can be said to be the ultimate killer weapon even stronger than sudden mutation.

Ignoring the hard currency jams and crystals, You Miao began to pay attention to the new card boxes and new presets with a look of satisfaction.

The new pre-group is actually related to the black magician.

You Miao took a rough look at the components of the pre-assembled cards. He found that many cards were useless, but there were a few that stood out.

eternal soul

Magical array.

Harmony Magic

The big brother who rides a horse (Super Magical Cavalry).

Boy, this pre-group is actually pretty good!

You Miao bought three boxes directly, and he could do whatever he wanted with the crystals.

As for the new card boxes in the mall, the ingredients are too outrageous and complicated.

【Future Dragon King! 】

The name of this card box is a bit outrageous. You Miao thought that this card box actually involved a certain super monster card called Future Dragon King.

But he was too young after all.

The future Dragon King does not refer to No0-Future Dragon King-Hope but the half-dragon maid and laundry dragon girl.

You may not believe it, but this washerwoman's nickname in the duel community is Little Blue.

Little Blue has the same effect as Merlot.

That is, it can only be activated when this card is successfully summoned or special summoned, sending 3 cards from the top of the deck to the graveyard.

Why does Xiao Lan have the title of Future Dragon Emperor?

You Miao didn't remember it very clearly. He only knew that there were several versions of the legend.

The first version: Xiaolan is from the dragon clan, and he is very weak but has a promising future, so he is nicknamed the Future Dragon King in the duel world.

The second version: There was a bug in a certain update of ygo, and the name displayed on the small blue card was the future Dragon King.

The third version: A certain card player forgot to bring the Future Dragon King when he was playing offline. He simply took out the little blue and put a note on it, writing the words Future Dragon King on it.

No matter which version it is, You Miao has no way of knowing, and Xiao Lan’s nickname as the future Dragon Emperor has become a household name.

You Miao rolled the card box several times, and he found that the card box contained Xiaolan's Dragon Maid.

Is it really just the name of the main card box that is deceiving?

This card box is very weird. There are basically not enough two sets of small system hanging scrolls in the R~N cards that can be played.

However, among the cards with UR and SR rarities, some cards are of very good quality, and this card box has its highlights.

[Quick Attack Magic Card, Double Chance (UR)]

Good guy, You Miao saw that there was a chance of doubling the leader's special magic card on the left side of Xiao Lan, and the card on the right was not simple either.

[Synchronized Monster Card, Stardust Dragon (UR)]

That's right, it's Fudo Yusei's ace monster Stardust Dragon! !

It's just that the one on the card box is a different painting.

You Miao has the Black Rose Dragon that he harvested from Izayoe Qiu. Wouldn't it be great if he could get the Stardust Dragon again?

Looking at the Stardust Dragon placed on the card box, You Miao remembered that Paradox seemed to have the original Stardust Dragon that he snatched from Yu Xing.

You Miao had indeed set his mind on the Stardust Dragon in Paradox's hands, but he didn't need it now.

This row of cards with SR rarity is also very good.

[Fusion Monster Card, Five-Array Magician (SR)]

[Fusion Monster Card, Summoned Beast-Thunder (SR)]


Until You Miao pulled the card box to the far right, he saw a dragon monster card of SR rarity and said in disbelief:

I blanch, it turns out to be an abyss beast!?

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